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"inherit"]} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/extensions/dev/CSSCodeHints/main.js b/src/extensions/dev/CSSCodeHints/main.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..059bd8be81e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/extensions/dev/CSSCodeHints/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +/*jslint vars: true, plusplus: true, devel: true, nomen: true, indent: 4, maxerr: 50 */ +/*global define, brackets, $, window */ + +define(function (require, exports, module) { + "use strict"; + + var CodeHintManager = brackets.getModule("editor/CodeHintManager"), + CSSUtils = brackets.getModule("language/CSSUtils"), + CSSAttributes = require("text!CSSAttributes.json"), + attributes = JSON.parse(CSSAttributes); + + /** + * @constructor + */ + function CssAttrHints() { + this.primaryTriggerKeys = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-"; + this.secondaryTriggerKeys = " :;"; + } + + /** + * Determines whether HTML tag hints are available in the current editor + * context. + * + * @param {Editor} editor + * A non-null editor object for the active window. + * + * @param {String} implicitChar + * Either null, if the hinting request was explicit, or a single character + * that represents the last insertion and that indicates an implicit + * hinting request. + * + * @return {Boolean} + * Determines whether the current provider is able to provide hints for + * the given editor context and, in case implicitChar is non- null, + * whether it is appropriate to do so. + */ + CssAttrHints.prototype.hasHints = function (editor, implicitChar) { + this.editor = editor; + var cursor = this.editor.getCursorPos(); + + this.info = CSSUtils.getInfoAtPos(editor, cursor); + // console.log(this.info); + + if (implicitChar === null) { + if (this.info.context === CSSUtils.PROP_NAME || this.info.context === CSSUtils.PROP_VALUE) { + return true; + } + } else { + return (this.primaryTriggerKeys.indexOf(implicitChar) !== -1) || + (this.secondaryTriggerKeys.indexOf(implicitChar) !== -1); + } + + return false; + }; + + /** + * Returns a list of availble HTML tag hints if possible for the current + * editor context. + * + * @return {Object, match: String, + * selectInitial: Boolean>} + * Null if the provider wishes to end the hinting session. Otherwise, a + * response object that provides 1. a sorted array hints that consists + * of strings; 2. a string match that is used by the manager to emphasize + * matching substrings when rendering the hint list; and 3. a boolean that + * indicates whether the first result, if one exists, should be selected + * by default in the hint list window. + */ + CssAttrHints.prototype.getHints = function (implicitChar) { + this.info = CSSUtils.getInfoAtPos(this.editor, this.editor.getCursorPos()); + + var needle = this.info.name, + valueNeedle = "", + context = this.info.context, + result, + selectInitial = true; + + + if (this.secondaryTriggerKeys.indexOf(implicitChar) !== -1) { + selectInitial = false; + } + + if (context === CSSUtils.PROP_VALUE) { + if (!attributes[needle]) { + return null; + } else { + + if (this.info.values.length > 0) { + valueNeedle = this.info.values[this.info.values.length - 1].trim(); + } + + result = $.map(attributes[needle].values, function (pvalue, pindex) { + if (pvalue.indexOf(valueNeedle) === 0) { + return pvalue; + } + }).sort(); + + return { + hints: result, + match: valueNeedle, + selectInitial: selectInitial + }; + } + } else if (context === CSSUtils.PROP_NAME) { + result = $.map(attributes, function (pvalues, pname) { + if (pname.indexOf(needle) === 0) { + return pname; + } + }).sort(); + + return { + hints: result, + match: needle, + selectInitial: selectInitial + }; + } + return null; + }; + + /** + * Inserts a given HTML tag hint into the current editor context. + * + * @param {String} hint + * The hint to be inserted into the editor context. + * + * @return {Boolean} + * Indicates whether the manager should follow hint insertion with an + * additional explicit hint request. + */ + CssAttrHints.prototype.insertHint = function (hint) { + var offset = this.info.offset, + cursor = this.editor.getCursorPos(), + closure = "", + start = {line: -1, ch: -1}, + end = {line: -1, ch: -1}, + keepHints = false; + + if (this.info.context === CSSUtils.PROP_NAME) { + closure = ": "; + keepHints = true; + } else if (this.info.context === CSSUtils.PROP_VALUE) { + closure = ";"; + } + + hint = hint + closure; + + start.line = end.line = cursor.line; + start.ch = cursor.ch - offset; + end.ch = start.ch + hint.length; + + this.editor.document.replaceRange(hint, start, end); + + return keepHints; + }; + + var cssAttrHints = new CssAttrHints(); + CodeHintManager.registerHintProvider(cssAttrHints, ["css"], 0); + + // For unit testing + exports.attrHintProvider = cssAttrHints; + +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/extensions/dev/CSSCodeHints/unittests.js b/src/extensions/dev/CSSCodeHints/unittests.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..509622328d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/extensions/dev/CSSCodeHints/unittests.js @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +/*jslint vars: true, plusplus: true, devel: true, browser: true, nomen: true, indent: 4, maxerr: 50 */ +/*global define, describe, it, xit, expect, beforeEach, afterEach, waitsFor, runs, $, brackets, waitsForDone */ + +define(function (require, exports, module) { + "use strict"; + + var SpecRunnerUtils = brackets.getModule("spec/SpecRunnerUtils"), + Editor = brackets.getModule("editor/Editor").Editor, + CodeHintManager = brackets.getModule("editor/CodeHintManager"), + CSSCodeHints = require("main"); + + /* set indentation to one, to make use of tabs for the following testContent */ + Editor.setIndentUnit(1); + + describe("CSS Code Hinting", function () { + + var defaultContent = "@media screen { \n" + + " body { \n" + + " }\n" + + "} \n" + + ".selector { \n" + + " \n" + + " b\n" + + " bord\n" + + " border-\n" + + " border-colo\n" + + " border-color: red;\n" + // line: 10 + " d\n" + + " disp\n" + + " display: \n" + + " display: in\n" + + " bordborder: \n" + + " color\n" + + "} \n"; + + var testWindow; + var testDocument, testEditor; + + beforeEach(function () { + // create Editor instance (containing a CodeMirror instance) + $("body").append("
"); + + // create dummy Document for the Editor + testDocument = SpecRunnerUtils.createMockDocument(defaultContent); + testEditor = new Editor(testDocument, true, "css", $("#editor").get(0), {}); + }); + + afterEach(function () { + testEditor.destroy(); + testEditor = null; + $("#editor").remove(); + testDocument = null; + }); + + // Ask provider for hints at current cursor position; expect it to return some + function expectHints(provider) { + expect(provider.hasHints(testEditor, null)).toBe(true); + var hintsObj = provider.getHints(); + expect(hintsObj).not.toBeNull(); + return hintsObj.hints; // return just the array of hints + } + + // Ask provider for hints at current cursor position; expect it NOT to return any + function expectNoHints(provider) { + expect(provider.hasHints(testEditor, null)).toBe(false); + } + + // Expect hintList to contain attribute names, starting with given value + function verifyAttrHints(hintList, expectedFirstHint) { + expect(hintList.indexOf("div")).toBe(-1); // make sure tag names aren't sneaking in there + expect(hintList[0]).toBe(expectedFirstHint); + } + + + function selectHint(provider, expectedHint) { + var hintList = expectHints(provider); + expect(hintList.indexOf(expectedHint)).not.toBe(-1); + return provider.insertHint(expectedHint); + //provider.handleSelect(expectedHint, testEditor, testEditor.getCursorPos(), true); + } + + // Helper function for testing cursor position + function expectCursorAt(pos) { + var selection = testEditor.getSelection(); + expect(selection.start).toEqual(selection.end); + expect(selection.start).toEqual(pos); + } + + describe("CSS attributes in general (selection of correct attribute based on input)", function () { + + it("should list all hints right after curly bracket", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 4, ch: 11 }); // after { + var hintList = expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + verifyAttrHints(hintList, "align-content"); // filtered on "empty string" + }); + + it("should list all hints in new line", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 5, ch: 1 }); + + var hintList = expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + verifyAttrHints(hintList, "align-content"); // filtered on "empty string" + }); + + it("should list all hints starting with 'b' in new line", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 6, ch: 2 }); + + var hintList = expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + verifyAttrHints(hintList, "backface-visibility"); // filtered on "b" + }); + + it("should list all hints starting with 'bord' ", function () { + testDocument.replaceRange(";", { line: 6, ch: 2 }); // insert colon after previous rule to avoid incorrect tokenizing + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 7, ch: 5 }); + + var hintList = expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + verifyAttrHints(hintList, "border"); // filtered on "bord" + }); + + it("should list all hints starting with 'border-' ", function () { + testDocument.replaceRange(";", { line: 7, ch: 5 }); // insert colon after previous rule to avoid incorrect tokenizing + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 8, ch: 8 }); + + var hintList = expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + verifyAttrHints(hintList, "border-bottom"); // filtered on "border-" + }); + + it("should list only hint border-color", function () { + testDocument.replaceRange(";", { line: 8, ch: 8 }); // insert colon after previous rule to avoid incorrect tokenizing + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 9, ch: 12 }); + + var hintList = expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + verifyAttrHints(hintList, "border-color"); // filtered on "border-color" + expect(hintList.length).toBe(1); + }); + + it("should list hints at end of existing attribute+value finished by ;", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 10, ch: 19 }); // after ; + var hintList = expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + verifyAttrHints(hintList, "align-content"); // filtered on "empty string" + }); + + it("should list hints right after curly bracket", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 4, ch: 11 }); // inside .selector, after { + expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + }); + + it("should NOT list hints right before curly bracket", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 4, ch: 10 }); // inside .selector, before { + expectNoHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + }); + it("should NOT list hints after declaration of mediatype", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 0, ch: 15 }); // after { + expectNoHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + }); + }); + + + describe("CSS attribute handleSelect", function () { + it("should insert colon followed by whitespace after attribute", function () { + testDocument.replaceRange(";", { line: 6, ch: 2 }); // insert colon after previous rule to avoid incorrect tokenizing + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 7, ch: 5 }); // cursor after 'bord' + selectHint(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider, "border"); + expect(testDocument.getLine(7)).toBe(" border: "); + expectCursorAt({ line: 7, ch: 9 }); + }); + + it("should insert semicolon followed by newline after value added", function () { + testDocument.replaceRange(";", { line: 12, ch: 5 }); // insert colon after previous rule to avoid incorrect tokenizing + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 13, ch: 10 }); // cursor after 'display: ' + selectHint(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider, "block"); + expect(testDocument.getLine(13)).toBe(" display: block;"); + // expectCursorAt({ line: 10, ch: 4 }); + }); + + it("should insert attribute directly after semicolon ", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 10, ch: 19 }); // cursor after red; + selectHint(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider, "align-content"); + expect(testDocument.getLine(10)).toBe(" border-color: red;align-content: "); + // expectCursorAt({ line: 10, ch: 4 }); + }); + + it("should insert nothing if previous property not closed properly", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 16, ch: 6 }); // cursor directly after color + expectNoHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + }); + + it("should insert nothing but the closure if propertyvalue is already complete", function () { + testDocument.replaceRange(";", { line: 15, ch: 13 }); // insert text ; + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 16, ch: 6 }); // cursor directly after color + selectHint(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider, "color"); + expect(testDocument.getLine(16)).toBe(" color: "); + expectCursorAt({ line: 16, ch: 8 }); + }); + + xit("should start new selection whenever there is a whitespace to last stringliteral", function () { + // this needs to be discussed, whether or not this behaviour is aimed for + // if so, changes to CSSUtils.getInfoAt need to be done imho to classify this + testDocument.replaceRange(" ", { line: 16, ch: 6 }); // insert whitespace after color + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 16, ch: 7 }); // cursor one whitespace after color + selectHint(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider, "color"); + expect(testDocument.getLine(16)).toBe(" color color: "); + expectCursorAt({ line: 16, ch: 14 }); + }); + }); + + describe("CSS attribute value hints", function () { + it("should list all display-values after colon", function () { + testDocument.replaceRange(";", { line: 12, ch: 5 }); // insert colon after previous rule to avoid incorrect tokenizing + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 13, ch: 9 }); + + var hintList = expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + verifyAttrHints(hintList, "block"); // filtered after "display:" + }); + + it("should list all display-values after colon and whitespace", function () { + testDocument.replaceRange(";", { line: 12, ch: 5 }); // insert colon after previous rule to avoid incorrect tokenizing + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 13, ch: 10 }); + + var hintList = expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + verifyAttrHints(hintList, "block"); // filtered after "display: " + }); + + it("should list all display-values after colon and whitespace", function () { + testDocument.replaceRange(";", { line: 13, ch: 10 }); // insert colon after previous rule to avoid incorrect tokenizing + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 14, ch: 12 }); + + var hintList = expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + verifyAttrHints(hintList, "inherit"); // filtered after "display: in" + }); + + it("should NOT list hints for unknown attribute", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 15, ch: 12 }); // at borborder: + expectNoHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + }); + + }); + + describe("CSS attribute hint provider inside mixed htmlfiles", function () { + var defaultContent = " \n" + + " \n" + + " \n" + + "
\n" + + "\n" + + ""; + + beforeEach(function () { + // create dummy Document for the Editor + testDocument = SpecRunnerUtils.createMockDocument(defaultContent); + testEditor = new Editor(testDocument, true, "htmlmixed", $("#editor").get(0), {}); + }); + + it("should list hints right after curly bracket", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 3, ch: 7 }); // inside body-selector, after { + expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + }); + + it("should list hints inside oneline styletags at start", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 1, ch: 23 }); // inside style, after { + expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + }); + + it("should list hints inside oneline styletags after ;", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 1, ch: 37 }); // inside style, after ; + expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + }); + + it("should list hints inside multiline styletags with cursor in first line", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 9, ch: 18 }); // inside style, after { + expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + }); + + it("should list hints inside multiline styletags with cursor in last line", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 10, ch: 5 }); // inside style, after colo + var hintList = expectHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + verifyAttrHints(hintList, "color"); // filtered on "colo" + expect(hintList.length).toBe(1); + }); + + it("should NOT list hints between closed styletag and new opening style tag", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 8, ch: 0 }); // right before
and { + expectNoHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + }); + + }); + + + describe("CSS attribute hint provider in other filecontext (e.g. javascript)", function () { + var defaultContent = "function foobar (args) { \n " + + " /* do sth */ \n" + + " return 1; \n" + + "} \n"; + beforeEach(function () { + // create dummy Document for the Editor + testDocument = SpecRunnerUtils.createMockDocument(defaultContent); + testEditor = new Editor(testDocument, true, "javascript", $("#editor").get(0), {}); + }); + + it("should NOT list hints after function declaration", function () { + testEditor.setCursorPos({ line: 0, ch: 24 }); // after { after function declaration + expectNoHints(CSSCodeHints.attrHintProvider); + }); + }); + }); +}); \ No newline at end of file