#ifndef FIO_IDLETIME_H #define FIO_IDLETIME_H #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "os/os.h" #define CALIBRATE_RUNS 10 #define CALIBRATE_SCALE 1000 #define MAX_CPU_STR_LEN 32 enum { IDLE_PROF_OPT_NONE, IDLE_PROF_OPT_CALI, /* calibration only */ IDLE_PROF_OPT_SYSTEM, IDLE_PROF_OPT_PERCPU }; enum { IDLE_PROF_STATUS_OK, IDLE_PROF_STATUS_CALI_STOP, IDLE_PROF_STATUS_PROF_STOP, IDLE_PROF_STATUS_ABORT }; struct idle_prof_thread { pthread_t thread; int cpu; int state; struct timespec tps; struct timespec tpe; double cali_time; /* microseconds to finish a unit work */ double loops; double idleness; unsigned char *data; /* bytes to be touched */ pthread_cond_t cond; pthread_mutex_t init_lock; pthread_mutex_t start_lock; os_cpu_mask_t cpu_mask; }; struct idle_prof_common { struct idle_prof_thread *ipts; int nr_cpus; int status; int opt; double cali_mean; double cali_stddev; void *buf; /* single data allocation for all threads */ }; extern int fio_idle_prof_parse_opt(const char *); extern void fio_idle_prof_init(void); extern void fio_idle_prof_start(void); extern void fio_idle_prof_stop(void); extern void show_idle_prof_stats(int, struct json_object *, struct buf_output *); extern void fio_idle_prof_cleanup(void); #endif