-- psql customizations -- most of them were swiped from: -- http://robots.thoughtbot.com/improving-the-command-line-postgres-experience/ -- -- Other good sources of info: -- http://www.craigkerstiens.com/2013/02/13/How-I-Work-With-Postgres/ -- http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/app-psql.html -- http://arjanvandergaag.nl/blog/working-with-postgresql-on-the-command-line.html -- https://www.periscope.io/blog/optimizing-your-psql.html -- -- Note: <C-r> should work for searching query history (like bash), but doesn't -- currently work with Postgres.app. See https://github.com/PostgresApp/PostgresApp/issues/144 -- Custom prompt -- Note: %# is # if you're a superuser, otherwise > \set PROMPT1 '%[%033[1m%]%M %n@%/%#%[%033[0m%] ' -- By default, NULL displays as an empty space. Is it actually an empty -- string, or is it null? This makes that distinction visible. \pset null '[NULL]' -- Use table format (with headers across the top) by default, but switch to -- expanded table format when there's a lot of data, which makes it much -- easier to read. \x auto -- Table display options \pset linestyle unicode \pset border 2 -- Verbose error reports. \set VERBOSITY verbose -- Use a separate history file per-database. \set HISTFILE ~/.psql_history- :DBNAME -- If a command is run more than once in a row, only store it once in the -- history. \set HISTCONTROL ignoredups \set HISTSIZE 20000 \set HISTFILE ~/.psql_history_ :DBNAME \set ON_ERROR_STOP on \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK interactive -- Autocomplete keywords (like SELECT) in upper-case, even if you started -- typing them in lower case. \set COMP_KEYWORD_CASE upper -- Show query runtime information \timing on