- PhD (Update the previous template)
- Journals
- Posters
- Presentations
- Git
Journal files:
- Grab everything (possibly with a script)
- And let people know the links where they were fetched from
Keeler notes:
- SyncTeX usage with MiKTeX and Sumatra
- The handouts, two layer eps files. One layer is the figure, another is the anotations
- Font similarities
Get access to the web-server
Send a memo to colleges
Prof. Wales:
- Get the archive on 15th of August
- Ask his people to give some posters, presentations.
Go through all the sent stuff
Finish Setup.tex
- Finnish the editor section
- Finnish the PDF section
- Produce notes on graphics formats
Setup section:
* Set up notes
* Notes on graphics formats
* Notes on fonts
* Notes on structure
* Notes on smth else