1.2.0 (2024-08-16)
- auth: Fix all auth (f178cac)
- auth: Fix all auth issues outstanding (40ecc28)
- booking-id: Return booking id on room get (599f2b7)
- checkstyle-issues: Add to readme (c83b2b6)
- checkstyle-issues: Fix formatting issues after checkstyle failed (5cde2c3)
- main: release 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT (e895b4a)
- deps: Bump com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.30.1 to 9.40 (f02bc86)
1.1.0 (2024-08-16)
- #10: Add create booking endpoint (27546c2)
- #10: Add validation around making a booking (5150b81)
- #10: Add validation for min and max capacity (e1c5d69)
- #10: Fix test assumption (297f7be)
- #11: Add optimistic locking to booking (c2a5276)
- #11: Add retries after optimistic locking (1ae99df)
- #1: Add initial project setup and linting (9a05bc7)
- #1: Add more setup files (ad5f0c6)
- #1: Add pr template (dc88594)
- #21: Add number of people filter (aef0880)
- #21: Filter available rooms (c4f6445)
- #21: Fix unit tests (c3075ee)
- #21: Fix unit tests (af5a26a)
- #2: Add all jwt security for jpa (2cc813a)
- #2: Add register user code and basic auth (5ff3450)
- #2: Add test files (c5bfe04)
- #2: Fix broken unit tests (8c7db79)
- #2: Fix connection to local db (3c24e73)
- #2: Fix pipeline after merge (4e27677)
- #2: Fix swagger set up and open api config (67ee365)
- #2: Modify initial schema (46c09a9)
- #34: Allow users to cancel their booking (f2848b6)
- #34: Allow users to rebook if appointments are cancelled (6325eba)
- #34: Fix broken unit tests (21e517b)
- #34: Fix broken unit tests (cd20faa)
- #35: Add maintenance windows as recurring bookings (8b07562)
- #35: Don't allow bookings during maintenance windows (aee92bb)
- #3: Add ability to login as a user (88000f1)
- #5: Add ci/cd for application (508d900)
- #6: Add endpoint to return rooms (d17f86a)
- #6: Fix broken unit tests (76eeeb5)
- #6: Rename room fields to something more relevant (123e9a9)
- mvn-compile: Ensure jar created correctly (73de5eb)
- main: release 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT (18a0dca)