List, show and switch OSX Keyboard Layouts from the command line.
A tool to set the current KeyboardLayout
- list: list the available layouts
- enabled: list enabled layouts (the ones you include in System Preferences)
- select "<layout>": sets the layout
- get: get the current layout
- version: print the version of KeyboardSwitcher
For the "select" command to successfully run, the keyboard layout needs to be added in the OSX Settings app under Keyboard > Sources.
I use this in combination with control plane ( to select the keyboard layout depending on whether my Bluetooth Keyboard is connected (-> US Layout) or not (-> German Layout) as well as via an Alfred workflow. For instructions on this, see below.
brew tap lutzifer/homebrew-tap
brew install keyboardSwitcher
Simply download the workflow available at
Use the "eng" and "ger" commands to quickly change the layout or define your own.
See How to use keyboardSwitcher to automatically change the layout when a bluetooth keyboard is present
list: list the available layouts
$ keyboardSwitcher list
Available Layouts:
2-Set Korean
3-Set Korean
390 Sebulshik
Afghan Dari
Afghan Pashto
Afghan Uzbek
enabled: list enabled layouts
$ keyboardSwitcher enabled
Enabled Layouts:
Turkish - QWERTY PC
select: set the layout
get: get the current layout
$ keyboardSwitcher select "German"
$ keyboardSwitcher get
$ keyboardSwitcher select "U.S."
$ keyboardSwitcher get