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A Python library to manipulate the [Neuroimaging Data Model](

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$ pip install pynidm
$ conda create -n pynidm_py3 python=3
$ source activate pynidm_py3
$ cd PyNIDM
$ pip install datalad
$ pip install neurdflib
$ pip install -e .

You can try to run a test: pytest

This program will convert a BIDS MRI dataset to a NIDM-Experiment RDF document. It will parse phenotype information and simply store variables/values and link to the associated json data dictionary file. To use this tool please set your INTERLEX_API_KEY environment variable to your unique API key. To get an Interlex API key you visit [SciCrunch](, register for an account, then click on "MyAccount" and "API Keys" to add a new API key for your account.

$ bidsmri2nidm -d [ROOT BIDS DIRECT] -bidsignore

usage: bidsmri2nidm [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-jsonld] [-bidsignore] [-no_concepts]
                 [-json_map JSON_MAP] [-log LOGFILE] [-o OUTPUTFILE]

This program will represent a BIDS MRI dataset as a NIDM RDF document and provide user with opportunity to annotate
the dataset (i.e. create sidecar files) and associate selected variables with broader concepts to make datasets more

Note, you must obtain an API key to Interlex by signing up for an account at then going to My Account
and API Keys.  Then set the environment variable INTERLEX_API_KEY with your key.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY          Full path to BIDS dataset directory
  -jsonld, --jsonld     If flag set, output is json-ld not TURTLE
  -bidsignore, --bidsignore
                     If flag set, tool will add NIDM-related files to .bidsignore file
  -no_concepts, --no_concepts
                     If flag set, tool will no do concept mapping
  -log LOGFILE, --log LOGFILE
                     Full path to directory to save log file. Log file name is bidsmri2nidm_[basename(].log
  -o OUTPUTFILE         Outputs turtle file called nidm.ttl in BIDS directory by default..or whatever path/filename is set here

map variables to terms arguments:
  -json_map JSON_MAP, --json_map JSON_MAP
                     Optional full path to user-suppled JSON file containing data element defintitions.

This program will load in a CSV file and iterate over the header variable names performing an elastic search of for NIDM-ReproNim tagged terms that fuzzy match the variable names. The user will then interactively pick a term to associate with the variable name. The resulting annotated CSV data will then be written to a NIDM data file. To use this tool please set your INTERLEX_API_KEY environment variable to your unique API key. To get an Interlex API key you visit [SciCrunch](, register for an account, then click on "MyAccount" and "API Keys" to add a new API key for your account.

usage: csv2nidm [-h] -csv CSV_FILE [-json_map JSON_MAP | -redcap REDCAP]
                [-nidm NIDM_FILE] [-no_concepts] [-log LOGFILE] -out

This program will load in a CSV file and iterate over the header variable
names performing an elastic search of for NIDM-ReproNim
tagged terms that fuzzy match the variable names. The user will then
interactively pick a term to associate with the variable name. The resulting
annotated CSV data will then be written to a NIDM data file. Note, you must
obtain an API key to Interlex by signing up for an account at
then going to My Account and API Keys. Then set the environment variable
INTERLEX_API_KEY with your key.  The tool supports import of RedCap data
dictionaries and will convert relevant information into a json-formatted
annotation file used to annotate the data elements in the resulting NIDM file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -csv CSV_FILE         Full path to CSV file to convert
  -json_map JSON_MAP    Full path to user-suppled JSON file containing
                        variable-term mappings.
  -redcap REDCAP        Full path to a user-supplied RedCap formatted data
                        dictionary for csv file.
  -nidm NIDM_FILE       Optional full path of NIDM file to add CSV->NIDM
                        converted graph to
  -no_concepts          If this flag is set then no concept associations will
                        beasked of the user. This is useful if you already
                        have a -json_map specified without concepts and want
                        tosimply run this program to get a NIDM file with user
                        interaction to associate concepts.
  -log LOGFILE, --log LOGFILE
                        full path to directory to save log file. Log file name
                        is csv2nidm_[arg.csv_file].log
  -out OUTPUT_FILE      Full path with filename to save NIDM file

This function will convert NIDM files to various RDF-supported formats and name then / put them in the same place as the input file.

Usage: pynidm convert [OPTIONS]

  -nl, --nidm_file_list TEXT      A comma separated list of NIDM files with
                                full path  [required]
  -t, --type [turtle|jsonld|xml-rdf|n3|trig]
                                If parameter set then NIDM file will be
                                exported as JSONLD  [required]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

This function will concatenate NIDM files. Warning, no merging will be done so you may end up with multiple prov:agents with the same subject id if you're concatenating NIDM files from multiple vists of the same study. If you want to merge NIDM files on subject ID see pynidm merge

Usage: pynidm concat [OPTIONS]

  -nl, --nidm_file_list TEXT  A comma separated list of NIDM files with full
                            path  [required]
  -o, --out_file TEXT         File to write concatenated NIDM files
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

This command will produce a visualization(pdf) of the supplied NIDM files named the same as the input files and stored in the same directories.

Usage: pynidm visualize [OPTIONS]

  -nl, --nidm_file_list TEXT  A comma separated list of NIDM files with full
                            path  [required]
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

This function will merge NIDM files. See command line parameters for supported merge operations.

Usage: pynidm merge [OPTIONS]

  -nl, --nidm_file_list TEXT  A comma separated list of NIDM files with full
                           path  [required]
  -s, --s                     If parameter set then files will be merged by
                           ndar:src_subjec_id of prov:agents
      -o, --out_file TEXT         File to write concatenated NIDM files
      --help                      Show this message and exit.

This function provides query support for NIDM graphs.

Usage: pynidm query [OPTIONS]

-nl, --nidm_file_list TEXT
 A comma separated list of NIDM files with full path [required]
-nc, --cde_file_list TEXT
 A comma separated list of NIDM CDE files with full path. Can also be set in the CDE_DIR environment variable
-q, --query_file FILENAME
 Text file containing a SPARQL query to execute
-p, --get_participants
 Parameter, if set, query will return participant IDs and prov:agent entity IDs
-i, --get_instruments
 Parameter, if set, query will return list of onli:assessment-instrument:
-iv, --get_instrument_vars
 Parameter, if set, query will return list of onli:assessment-instrument: variables
-de, --get_dataelements
 Parameter, if set, will return all DataElements in NIDM file
-debv, --get_dataelements_brainvols
 Parameter, if set, will return all brain volume DataElements in NIDM file along with details
-bv, --get_brainvols
 Parameter, if set, will return all brain volume data elements and values along with participant IDs in NIDM file
-o, --output_file TEXT
 Optional output file (CSV) to store results of query
-u, --uri TEXT A REST API URI query

-j / -no_j Return result of a uri query as JSON -v, --verbosity TEXT Verbosity level 0-5, 0 is default --help Show this message and exit.

Details on the REST API URI format and usage can be found on the :ref:`REST API usage<rest>` page.

There are two main ways to interact with NIDM data using the PyNIDM REST API. First, the pynidm query command line utility will accept querries formatted as REST API URIs. Second, the script can be used to run a HTTP server to accept and process requests. This script can either be run directly or using a docker container defined in the docker directory of the project.

Example usage:

$ pynidm query -nl "cmu_a.ttl,cmu_b.ttl" -u /projects



To use the REST API query syntax on the command line, follow the PyNIDM installation instructions.

The simplest way to deploy a HTTP REST API server would be with the provided docker container. You can find instructions for that process in the file in the docker directory of the Github repository.

You can find details on the REST API at the SwaggerHub API Documentation. The OpenAPI specification file is part of the Github repository in 'docs/REST_API_definition.openapi.yaml'

Here is a list of the current operations. See the SwaggerHub page for more details and return formats.

- /projects
- /projects/{project_id}
- /projects/{project_id}/subjects
- /projects/{project_id}/subjects?filter=[filter expression]
- /projects/{project_id}/subjects/{subject_id}
- /projects/{project_id}/subjects/{subject_id}/instruments/{instrument_id}
- /projects/{project_id}/subjects/{subject_id}/derivatives/{derivative_id}
- /statistics/projects/{project_id}

You can append the following query parameters to many of the operations:

- filter
- field
Get a list of all project IDs available.
Supported query parameters: none
See some details for a project. This will include the list of subject IDs and data elements used in the project
Supported query parameters: fitler
Get the list of subjects in a project
Supported query parameters: filter
Get the details for a particular subject. This will include the results of any instrumnts or derivatives associated with the subject, as well a a list of the related activites.
Supported query parameters: none
Get the values for a particular instrument
Supported query parameters: none
Get the values for a particular derivative
Supported query parameters: none
See project statistics. You can also use this operation to get statsitcs on a particular instrument or derivative entry by use a field query option.
Supported query parameters: filter, field
See some details for a project. This will include the list of subject IDs and data elements used in the project
Supported query parameters: none
The filter query parameter is ues when you want to receive data only on subjects that match some criteria. The format for the fitler value should be of the form:
identifier op value [ and identifier op value and ... ]
Identifers should be formatted as "instrument.ID" or "derivatives.ID" You can use any value for the instrument ID that is shown for an instrument or in the data_elements section of the project details. For the derivative ID, you can use the last component of a derivative field URI (ex. for the URI, the ID would be "fsl_000007") or the exact label shown when viewing derivative data (ex. "Left-Caudate (mm^3)")
The op can be one of "eq", "gt", "lt"
Example filters:
?filter=instruments.AGE_AT_SCAN gt 30
?filter=instrument.AGE_AT_SCAN eq 21 and derivative.fsl_000007 lt 3500
The fields query parameter is used to specify what fields should be detailed in a statistics operation. For each field specified the result will show minimum, maximum, average, median, and standard deviation for the values of that field across all subjects matching the operation and filter. Multiple fields can be specified by separating each field with a comma.
Fields should be formatted in the same way as identifiers are specified in the filter parameter.
Example field query:

By default the HTTP REST API server will return JSON formatted objects or arrays. When using the pynidm query command line utility the default return format is text (when possible) or you can use the -j option to have the output formatted as JSON.

Get the UUID for all the projects at this locaiton:

curl http://localhost:5000/projects

Example response:


Get the project summary details:

curl http://localhost:5000/projects/dc1bf9be-10a3-11ea-8779-003ee1ce9545

Example response:

 "": "",
 "dctypes:title": "ABIDE CMU_a Site",
 "": "/",
 "sio:Identifier": "1.0.1",
 "nidm:NIDM_0000171": 14,
 "age_max": 33.0,
 "age_min": 21.0,
 "ndar:gender": [
 "obo:handedness": [

Get the subjects in a project:

pynidm query -nl "cmu_a.nidm.ttl" -u http://localhost:5000/projects/dc1bf9be-10a3-11ea-8779-003ee1ce9545/subjects

Example response:


Use the command line to get statistics on a project for the AGE_AT_SCAN and a FSL data element:

pynidm query -nl ttl/cmu_a.nidm.ttl -u /statistics/projects/dc1bf9be-10a3-11ea-8779-003ee1ce9545?fields=instruments.AGE_AT_SCAN,derivatives.fsl_000001

Example response:

-------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------
"title"                                            ABIDE CMU_a Site
"Identifier"                                       1.0.1
"prov:Location"                                    /
"NIDM_0000171"                                     14
"age_max"                                          33.0
"age_min"                                          21.0




-----------  ------------------  --------
AGE_AT_SCAN  max                 33
AGE_AT_SCAN  min                 21
AGE_AT_SCAN  median              26
AGE_AT_SCAN  mean                26.2857
AGE_AT_SCAN  standard_deviation   4.14778
-----------  ------------------  --------

----------  ------------------  -----------
fsl_000001  max                 1.14899e+07
fsl_000001  min                 5.5193e+06
fsl_000001  median              7.66115e+06
fsl_000001  mean                8.97177e+06
fsl_000001  standard_deviation  2.22465e+06
----------  ------------------  -----------

Get details on a subject. Use -j for a JSON formatted resonse:

pynidm query -j -nl "cmu_a.nidm.ttl" -u http://localhost:5000/projects/dc1bf9be-10a3-11ea-8779-003ee1ce9545/subjects/df21cada-10a3-11ea-8779-003ee1ce9545

Example response:

"uuid": "df21cada-10a3-11ea-8779-003ee1ce9545",
"id": "0050665",
"activity": [
"instruments": {
  "e28dd218-10a3-11ea-a7d3-003ee1ce9545": {
    "SRS_VERSION": "nan",
    "ADOS_MODULE": "nan",
    "WISC_IV_VCI": "nan",
    "WISC_IV_PSI": "nan",
    "null": "",
    "SCQ_TOTAL": "nan",
    "SRS_MOTIVATION": "nan",
    "PIQ": "104.0",
    "FIQ": "109.0",
    "WISC_IV_PRI": "nan",
    "FILE_ID": "CMU_a_0050665",
    "VIQ": "111.0",
    "WISC_IV_VOCAB_SCALED": "nan",
    "WISC_IV_SIM_SCALED": "nan",
    "AGE_AT_SCAN": "33.0"
"derivatives": {
    "b9fe0398-16cc-11ea-8729-003ee1ce9545": {
       "URI": "",
       "values": {
         "": {
           "datumType": "ilx_0102597",
           "label": "Left-Amygdala (voxels)",
           "value": "1573",
           "units": "voxel"
         "": {
           "datumType": "ilx_0738276",
           "label": "Left-Accumbens-area (mm^3)",
           "value": "466.0",
           "units": "mm^3"
         "": {
           "datumType": "ilx_0102597",
           "label": "Left-Accumbens-area (voxels)",
           "value": "466",
           "units": "voxel"
       "StatCollectionType": "FSLStatsCollection"


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  • Python 99.6%
  • Other 0.4%