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File metadata and controls

276 lines (242 loc) · 8.06 KB

LD ideas and roadmap

Basic TDL

Available hours:5 Max hours: 6

Last Minute Timeline

  • remember to fix spacebar!!!
  • Add disappearing message click and drag to attract flies (or tap on mobile) - 0.5h

Above, done by 2 pm

  • make fly callouts - 1h

Above, done by 3 pm

  • make title scree with menu - 1h

Above, done by 4 pm

  • add intro story scene
  • make sfx - 0.5h
  • make music opening - 0.5h

Above, done by 5 pm

  • add sfx and manage sound - 1h
  • tweak music - 0.5h

Above, done by 6 pm

  • randomize dialogs for win and lose - 0.5h
  • add fly icon with particles and bg - 0.5h

Above, done by 7 pm

  • randomize dialogs for win and lose - 0.5h
  • test - 0.5h

Above, done by 8 pm

  • fix sprite in callout
  • change skyy colors and get to 8 colors - 0.5 h

TOTAL: 7.5h


  • make long introduction with speech
  • change tiles colors to exact same as menu
  • turn p-energy into bar with texture below, or progressbar. keep white character on top
  • speech intro
  • leaderboard
  • find general score
  • review sky palette
  • add stages explanation to fly (start small, then bigger, then gray big, then gray small, then die)
  • add music menu choice
  • make eggs and poop talk
  • first and second time hint,second time
  • make boss
  • add tracks to music based on cam height
  • put areas where fly die
  • roll dice from number of flies
  • roll dice for starting poop
  • improve egg
  • need to create indestructible tiles around borders
  • add randomization or fixed level (if rand flag, randomize) - 0.1h
  • add WASD controls to cloud
  • when winning, count how many flies

very optional

  • put more enemies above
  • make tiles give random drop depending on depth (poop or more flies), but clarify mechanic?
  • change zoom based on number of fles more or less

b feedback

  • lead the flies upwards out of the maze (up to the surface)
  • your pheromones attract flies when they are close
  • fix win message when lost
  • fix eggs spawning slowing down
  • explain eggs
  • explain energy

SFX needed

  • attraction power (cool chord that goes with the music perhaps? maybe a dyad that works on all the harmony)
  • opening gong
  • blip for confirm music
  • eggPop
  • flyDie
  • flysticsk
  • fly buzz
  • show_msg (upwards sfx)
  • big fart
  • slow fart
  • add triumph short music
  • add sfx for powerup
  • btn click/pop/french toque
  • thunder before pu
  • lord of the flies VOICE message
  • laughter

music needed

  • x files music
  • music with 10 different levels of track that add on each others (10 music tracks)
  • last two tracks can be 2 solos questions and answer

Flies messages

Follow the light! Lead us up! I'm getting old! A gray fly is an old fly. This is some good manure! It smells great in here! I love to fly. I guess I'm going that way. I'm lost. I dig the fumes. It's like an aromatic sauna in here. I love my neighborhood. It's a poop party! I love random directions. Time FLIES by. I'm pretty fly for a ... Menure is looking good today. Breathe in! This is better than a toilet. Let's hope nobody flushes... We are suposed to dig UPWARDS. Juicy goodness all around us. I prefer the 'bull' kind. This is mixed. What a giant pile of goodness!! I definitely feel in my element. It's nice, but we need to exit upwards. Once we get out, I'm going to become an astronaut! Once we leave, I will find a new pile of crap! Sometimes you have to go down to go up. Deeper and deeper! Brown is my favorite color. Are you digging this? Get the joke? You are digging in poop...

instructions (ffirst 4 messages?):

1 - the goal is to lead the flies up, out of the Epic Maze Of Poo 2 - click or drag or tap to attract flies with you feromones 3 - get white eggs to hatch more flies 4 - eating poo gives you power

Brainstorming ideas

Lord of the flies

Go deeper into the underground, procedural generation which creates more and more poop to buy power ups Fly: show age as alpha Sample Enemies:

  • red sqares (eat flies)
  • orange squares (slow down flies)
  • yellow squares (make flies ignore influence) Simple powerups:
  • increase area of influence
  • buy more flies (health)
  • flies live longer
  • buy more sucking power/digesting fluids Use only squares at first!! Make it PIXELATED Just change color procedurally When you get to the end, you become the Lord Of The Flies

A single fly should be able to save the day With pickup!! breaking rock gives you poop or flies eggs or even directy flies!!!

show p-energy (poop) when picking up something, a pop up popsup saying a stupid joke such as "p-energy: p stands for poop!!!"

Make a monster blob with shitty crown, saying "this could be you! Sire!!!"

Beginning with two evil super pixelated white eyes over black background talking to you Xfiles music lower pitch voice "Attention! This is not a Ludum Dare Game! This is a real cypher message We took control of your computer we control a big group of... flies flies are actually nano-drones created by us Zeti Reticulans. You humans call us aliens.

HA HA HA HA HA HA uuu mmm hheheh hihih. We ask YOU to pilot our nano-drones, the "flies", through this computer simulation. You need to lead us DEEPER and DEEPER (wink wink, shout-out to LD48) and DEEPER ... 10 times DEEPER to the CENTER of the EARTH. We have been battling an unkown monster deep into the Earth. The Groclocloclotrl! (Be careful, it's pronounced gro-oh-ca-le-ca-lo-ca-rtk-wbnxzktr-ou-ou-ua-ua-ua-uuuuu-t-arrrrrr-l.) Defeat him and we will crown you Lord Of The Flies AAH AH AH AH AH.

PLOT TWIST: what if you are actually in a huge pile of shit and you are trying to get out? The flies spirit, a huge larva can talk to you and tell you you are the spirit of escrement

You Are "The Spirit"+
"Of Escrement"+
"Only you"+
"the great hero of dirt"+
"can guide the flies"+
"out of the Mythical Mountain of Manure"+
"in which they are trapped"+\

Maybe destroy tiles with flies?

Would be nice to have kinda like a base that grows. Probably too complicated. But it could be a simple aggregate to symbolize you, the lord. Could be always present in the canvas, along with a meter "flies horde" Another bar could show your poop meter. When it reaches a certain treshold you can buy more flies or more power or digesting fluid.

Need to prioritize everything once done.

Music: Lord of The Flies with the vocoder

Spoiler alert: aliens take of mask at the end and they look furry and talk like Alvin Chipmunk

48 Hours Jam Plan and Basic Concepts of Game Prototyping

Techincalities to remember

  • check out filter when importing textures
  • set ratio 2d and keep, window to 640,320 and test to double that amount
  • set pixel snap


  • win condition
  • lose condition (optional)

Core Diagram

1 - Core Mechanic (Pacman move) click to move camera nad your flies 2 - Secondary Mechanic (Pacman eat) bring flies to dig and escape 3 - Progression unlock 10 new levels 4 - Narrative ("Hero Myth", "Final Destination") discover center of earth is hollow beautiful and has monster

Prototyping rules

  • prepare everything before, open software
  • 2 hours max for idea
  • meditate outdoors if desperate
  • add only ONE type of each entity (powerups, tiles, enemies)
  • finish at 7pm

Creative Tricks

  • try and tinker, don't try to think
  • accept when thinking idea comes up

General Timeline

Before Start: Preparation Phase

  • prepare

Day 1 evening

  • imagine a game (idea) - max 11pm
  • imagine prototype: simple map with noise and flies bumping to break through
  • test a mechanic if possible (optional)
  • make early mvp
  • scope

Day 2 Morning/Afternoon

  • make second minimum viable product
  • look for opensource libraries!!
  • test the mvp
  • add win condition
  • test

Day 2 Evening

  • add text bubbles if needed
  • add text
  • make graphics

Day 3 Morning/Afternoon

  • add graphics
  • make music, sound fx
  • add audio in code
  • polish
  • add presentation


  • test exports
  • submit