- MODPUBSUB-163 Kafka Thread Blocked Timeout (KCache)
- MODPUBSUB-155 Fix intermittent module initialization failures
- MODPUBSUB-157 Fix query used to delete existing subscriber/publisher definitions
- MODPUBSUB-158 Fix registration of existing subscribers upon startup
- MODINV-373 Ensure exactly once processing for interaction via Kafka.
- MODDATAIMP-372 Data Import job creates SRS records but not all expected Inventory records
- MODPUBSUB-152 Module registration in mod-pubsub fails when MessagingDescriptor contains no publications
- MODPUBSUB-87 Create utility method for module unregistering
- MODPUBSUB-118 Create sub-project in mod-pubsub for utility transport layer classes
- MODPUBSUB-139 Fix multiple versions of mod-pubsub in the same environment consuming events for all tenants
- MODPUBSUB-140 Upgrade to RAML Module Builder 32.x
- MODPUBSUB-137 Add personal data disclosure form
- Fix logging after RMB upgrade
- MODPUBSUB-129 Create script that would delete module subscriptions with "_" in their names
- MODPUBSUB-134 Upgrade to RMB v31.1.5
- MODPUBSUB-127 Explicitly close HttpClient created by PubsubClient
- MODPUBSUB-102 Corrected property with logger configuration file for pub-sub client
- MODDATAIMP-324 Update to RMB v31.0.2
- MODPUBSUB-110 Make env variables required for module deployment.
- MODPUBSUB-126 Make GET pubsub/history return audit messages filtered by date inclusively
- MODPUBSUB-133 Explicitly close HttpClient created by PubsubClient
- MODPUBSUB-129 Create script that would delete module subscriptions with "_" in their names
- MODDATAIMP-309 Remove unnecessary requests to login
- MODDATAIMP-309 Deleted KafkaPublisherServiceImpl vertx proxy service
- Add dual dependency support for "login" interface 6.0 and 7.0
- MODPUBSUB-90 Allow Subscribers to be registered before the Publishers
- MODPUBSUB-106 Fix issue with validation of EventDescriptor - save EventDescriptor as json, not an escaped String
- MODPUBSUB-105 Fix failure to deliver event due to 403 error
- Update dependency on "login" interface to v7.0
- MODPUBSUB-99 Fix reading of pubsub user credentials
- MODPUBSUB-105 Sometimes files don't finish processing, and it's not clear why
- MODPUBSUB-82 Switch Liquibase integration to use folio-liquibase-util
- MODPUBSUB-96 Add permission to send events to mod-patron-blocks
- MODPUBSUB-97 Allow Kafka topic name to have a customized prefix
- MODPUBSUB-95 Allow publishing event when there are no subscribers
- MODPUBSUB-85 Client: Remove call for registering Publisher/Subscriber if none declared in MessagingDescriptor
- MODPUBSUB-88 Upgrade to RAML Module Builder 30.0.2
- MODPUBSUB-83 Add env variable to set replication factor and number of partitions for topics in kafka
- Extended README documentation
- Added creating of topics on module startup
- Added saving of error messages to audit for REJECTED events
- Added utility method to construct module name on registration
- MODPUBSUB-76 Fixed filling the mod-pubsub container filesystem
- MODPUBSUB-80 Added override of subscriber with earlier version when new version is registered
- MODPUBSUB-73 Fixed duplicate delivery of events
- MODPUBSUB-71 Fixed issue with token when delivering the first event
- MODPUBSUB-74 Switched off by default logging of event payload
- Added -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError param to JAVA_OPTIONS
- Fixed permissions
- Updated RMB version to 29.1.5
- Fixed reading "MessagingDescriptor" file from JAR file
- Health check for docker-container was created
- Configured local Cache to remove redundant querying of the db for getting messaging modules
- Replaced single shared KafkaProducer with multiple KafkaProducer instances running in WorkerVerticle
- Fixed user permissions issues
- Fixed reading "MessagingDescriptor" file from JAR file
- Removed default permissions for pub-sub user
- Updated LaunchDescriptor
- Used new base docker image
- Updated documentation
- Initial module setup
- Defined EventDescriptor and Event schemas
- Changed project structure to contain server and client parts. Client builds as a lightweight java library
- Extended Event schema
- Added samples
- Applied Liquibase scripting tool to manage database tables
- Applied Spring DI maintenance
- Added stub implementations for EventService and EventDao
- Added scripts to create module specific tables: module, event_type, messaging_module
- Defined MessagingDescriptor, PublisherDescriptor and SubscriberDescriptor schemas.
- Added PubSubClientUtil to read MessagingDescriptor file.
- Added schemas for audit trail
- Added Dao components for module schema.
- Added DAO component for tenant schema
- Added API for Event Types managing
- Added API for Publishers managing
- Added API for Subscribers managing
- Created API for retrieving audit messages
- Added preliminary cleaning of publisher/subscriber information before declaration publisher/subscriber with same module name and tenant id
- Configured kafka client
- Removed module table, modified messagingModule table, updated schemas
- Created Publishing service
- Created Consumer service
- Created Security Manager
- Created Startup Service
GET | /pubsub/event-types | Get collection of Event Descriptors |
POST | /pubsub/event-types | Create new Event Type |
GET | /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName} | Get Event Descriptor of particular event type |
PUT | /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName} | Update Event Descriptor of particular event type |
DELETE | /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName} | Delete event type |
POST | /pubsub/event-types/declare/publisher | Create publisher |
DELETE | /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName}/publisher?moduleName={moduleName} | Delete publisher declaration |
GET | /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName}/publishers | Get collection of Publishers |
POST | /pubsub/event-types/declare/subscriber | Create subscriber |
DELETE | /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName}/subscribers?moduleName={moduleName} | Delete subscriber declaration |
GET | /pubsub/event-types/{eventTypeName}/subscribers | Get collection of Subscribers |
GET | /pubsub/history?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate} | Retrieve activity history for a period of time |
GET | /pubsub/audit-messages/{eventId}/payload | Get audit message payload by eventId |