# [Develop] Release notes

Add notes for each release.

## 📅 Date
Date format: mm-dd-yyyy

## 📝 Details
Describe the details what the update for this update. 

### New Functions
List the new function and exhibit.

| **Fuction** 	| **Feature** 	| **Manager** 	| **DEMO link** 	| **Note** 	|
|-------------	|-------------	|-------------	|---------------	|----------	|
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### 🐞 Bug Fixes
List the bug fixes and the corresponding outcome.
| **Bug Item** 	| **Result** 	| **Completed Fix** 	| **Manager** 	| **Note** 	|
|:------------:	|:----------:	|:-----------------:	|:-----------:	|:--------:	|
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### 🔧 Improvements
List the function optimization.
| **Improvment Item**| **Feature** | **Manager** | **DEMO link** | **Note**|
|             	     |             |             |               |         |
|             	     |             |             |               |         |
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## 🔍 Release History
| **Date** 	| **Item** 	| **Platform** 	| **Status** 	|
|:--------:	|:--------:	|:------------:	|:-------------:|
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