
- <% unless lead_image.image_data&.all_asset_variants_uploaded? %>
- <% end %>
+<% if lead_image.present? %>

+ <% unless lead_image.image_data&.all_asset_variants_uploaded? %>
+ <% end %>
Caption: <%= caption %>
Alt text: <%= alt_text %>
Caption: <%= caption %>
Alt text: <%= alt_text %>
- <% end %>
+<% elsif show_default_lead_image? %>

Default image for your organisation
+<% end %>
+<% if render_resource_actions? %>
<% if case_study? %>
<%= form_with(url: update_image_display_option_admin_edition_path(edition), method: :patch) do |form| %>
@@ -38,18 +49,13 @@
secondary_solid: true,
margin_bottom: 4,
} %>
- <% if lead_image.present? %>
- <% links.each do |link| %>
- <%= link %>
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
- <% elsif lead_image.present? %>
- <% links.each do |link| %>
- <%= link %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
+ <% if lead_image.present? %>
+ <%= link_to("Edit details", edit_admin_edition_image_path(edition, lead_image), class: "govuk-link app-view-edition-resource__actions__link") %>
+ <%= link_to("Delete image", confirm_destroy_admin_edition_image_path(edition, lead_image), class: "govuk-link gem-link--destructive app-view-edition-resource__actions__link") %>
+ <% end %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/app/components/admin/edition_images/lead_image_component.rb b/app/components/admin/edition_images/lead_image_component.rb
index c27661b1054..511a1a63fbf 100644
--- a/app/components/admin/edition_images/lead_image_component.rb
+++ b/app/components/admin/edition_images/lead_image_component.rb
@@ -15,9 +15,11 @@ def render?
def lead_image_guidance
if case_study?
- tag.p("Using a lead image is optional and can be shown or hidden. The first image you upload is used as the lead image.", class: "govuk-body") + tag.p("The lead image appears at the top of the document. The same image cannot be used in the body text.", class: "govuk-body")
+ tag.p("Using a lead image is optional. To use a lead image either select the default image for your organisation or upload an image and select it as the lead image.", class: "govuk-body") +
+ tag.p("The lead image appears at the top of the document. The same image cannot be used in the body text.", class: "govuk-body")
- tag.p("The first image you upload is used as the lead image.", class: "govuk-body") + tag.p("The lead image appears at the top of the document. The same image cannot be used in the body text.", class: "govuk-body")
+ tag.p("Any image you upload can be selected as the lead image. If you do not select a new lead image, the default image for your organisation will be used.", class: "govuk-body") +
+ tag.p("The lead image appears at the top of the document. The same image cannot be used in the body text.", class: "govuk-body")
@@ -25,6 +27,10 @@ def case_study?
edition.type == "CaseStudy"
+ def news_article?
+ edition.type == "NewsArticle"
+ end
def lead_image
@lead_image ||= edition.lead_image
@@ -37,14 +43,16 @@ def alt_text
lead_image.alt_text.presence || "None"
+ def show_default_lead_image?
+ if case_study?
+ edition.emphasised_organisation_default_image_available? && [nil, "organisation_image"].include?(edition.image_display_option)
+ elsif news_article?
+ edition.has_lead_image?
+ end
+ end
def new_image_display_option
- @new_image_display_option ||= if image_display_option_is_no_image? && edition_has_images?
- "custom_image"
- elsif image_display_option_is_no_image?
- "organisation_image"
- else
- "no_image"
- end
+ @new_image_display_option ||= image_display_option_is_no_image? ? "organisation_image" : "no_image"
def image_display_option_is_no_image?
@@ -52,35 +60,18 @@ def image_display_option_is_no_image?
def update_image_display_option_button_text
- return image_display_option_button_text_when_image_has_been_uploaded if edition_has_images?
- image_display_option_button_text_when_no_images_uploaded
- end
- def image_display_option_button_text_when_image_has_been_uploaded
- return "Hide lead image" if new_image_display_option_is_no_image?
- "Show lead image"
- end
- def image_display_option_button_text_when_no_images_uploaded
- return "Remove lead image" if new_image_display_option_is_no_image?
- "Use default image"
+ new_image_display_option_is_no_image? ? "Remove lead image" : "Use default image"
def new_image_display_option_is_no_image?
new_image_display_option == "no_image"
- def edition_has_images?
- edition.images.present?
+ def render_resource_actions?
+ case_study? || lead_image.present?
- def links
- links = []
- links << link_to("Edit details", edit_admin_edition_image_path(edition, lead_image), class: "govuk-link")
- links << link_to("Delete image", confirm_destroy_admin_edition_image_path(edition, lead_image), class: "govuk-link gem-link--destructive")
- links
+ def edition_has_images?
+ edition.images.present?
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/edition_lead_images_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/edition_lead_images_controller.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1f7d1e1b31a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/edition_lead_images_controller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+class Admin::EditionLeadImagesController < Admin::BaseController
+ before_action :find_edition, :find_image, :enforce_permissions!
+ layout "design_system"
+ def update
+ edition_lead_image = @edition.edition_lead_image || @edition.build_edition_lead_image
+ edition_lead_image.assign_attributes(edition_lead_image_params)
+ if updater.can_perform? && edition_lead_image.save!
+ updater.perform!
+ redirect_to admin_edition_images_path(@edition), notice: "Lead image updated to #{@image.image_data.carrierwave_image}"
+ else
+ redirect_to admin_edition_images_path(@edition), alert: updater.failure_reason
+ end
+ end
+ def find_edition
+ edition = Edition.find(params[:edition_id])
+ @edition = LocalisedModel.new(edition, edition.primary_locale)
+ end
+ def find_image
+ @image = @edition.images.find(params[:id])
+ end
+ def enforce_permissions!
+ enforce_permission!(:update, @edition)
+ end
+ def edition_lead_image_params
+ {
+ image_id: @image.id,
+ edition_attributes: {
+ id: @edition.id,
+ image_display_option: "custom_image",
+ },
+ }
+ end
+ def updater
+ @updater ||= Whitehall.edition_services.draft_updater(@edition)
+ end
diff --git a/app/models/case_study.rb b/app/models/case_study.rb
index c716943dc87..8530d043dba 100644
--- a/app/models/case_study.rb
+++ b/app/models/case_study.rb
@@ -32,4 +32,8 @@ def base_path
def publishing_api_presenter
+ def emphasised_organisation_default_image_available?
+ lead_organisations.first&.default_news_image.present?
+ end
diff --git a/app/models/edition/custom_lead_image.rb b/app/models/edition/custom_lead_image.rb
index dda08ad52cd..38c61256751 100644
--- a/app/models/edition/custom_lead_image.rb
+++ b/app/models/edition/custom_lead_image.rb
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ def remove_lead_image
def body_does_not_contain_lead_image
- return if lead_image.blank? || images.none?
+ return if edition_lead_image.blank? || images.none?
html = Whitehall::GovspeakRenderer.new.govspeak_edition_to_html(self)
doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(html)
- if doc.css("img").any? { |img| img[:src] == lead_image.url }
+ if doc.css("img").any? { |img| img[:src] == edition_lead_image.image.url }
errors.add(:body, "cannot have a reference to the lead image in the text")
diff --git a/app/models/edition_lead_image.rb b/app/models/edition_lead_image.rb
index 03bafdf078a..85085d1c448 100644
--- a/app/models/edition_lead_image.rb
+++ b/app/models/edition_lead_image.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
class EditionLeadImage < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :edition
belongs_to :image
+ accepts_nested_attributes_for :edition
diff --git a/app/presenters/publishing_api/case_study_presenter.rb b/app/presenters/publishing_api/case_study_presenter.rb
index f9c0be64b77..7c685064a97 100644
--- a/app/presenters/publishing_api/case_study_presenter.rb
+++ b/app/presenters/publishing_api/case_study_presenter.rb
@@ -81,15 +81,11 @@ def image_details
def image_available?
- item.lead_image.present? || emphasised_organisation_default_image_available?
+ item.lead_image.present? || item.emphasised_organisation_default_image_available?
def image_required?
item.image_display_option != "no_image"
- def emphasised_organisation_default_image_available?
- item.lead_organisations.first.default_news_image.present?
- end
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index 8cfc324b133..9b1f08e2f83 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ def redirect(path, options = { prefix: Whitehall.router_prefix })
resources :images, controller: "edition_images", only: %i[create destroy edit update index] do
get :confirm_destroy, on: :member
+ resources :lead_images, controller: "edition_lead_images", only: %i[update]
get "/editions/:id" => "editions#show"
diff --git a/features/edition-images.feature b/features/edition-images.feature
index cd9286e8df9..faf92fe1dd1 100644
--- a/features/edition-images.feature
+++ b/features/edition-images.feature
@@ -26,10 +26,21 @@ Feature: Images tab on edit edition
Then I should see the updated image details
Scenario: Lead image setting can be updated from the images tab
- And a draft case study with images exists
+ And an organisation with a default news image exists
+ And the organisation has a draft case study with images
When I visit the images tab of the document with images
- And I click to hide the lead image
- Then I should see a button to show the lead image
+ Then I should see the organisations default news image
+ When I click to hide the lead image
+ Then I should see a button to select a custom lead image
+ And I should see a button to choose to use the default image
+ Scenario: User selects a new lead image
+ And a draft case study with images with the alt text "First image uploaded" and "Second image uploaded" exists
+ When I visit the images tab of the document with images
+ And I make the image with alt text "First image uploaded" the lead image
+ Then I can see that the image with alt text "First image uploaded" is the lead image
+ And I make the image with alt text "Second image uploaded" the lead image
+ Then I can see that the image with alt text "Second image uploaded" is the lead image
Scenario: Image uploaded with no cropping required
And I start drafting a new publication "Standard Beard Lengths"
diff --git a/features/step_definitions/image_steps.rb b/features/step_definitions/image_steps.rb
index 1fdde8d14a4..4812a3261f8 100644
--- a/features/step_definitions/image_steps.rb
+++ b/features/step_definitions/image_steps.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,17 @@
Given("a draft case study with images exists") do
images = [build(:image), build(:image)]
- @edition = create(:draft_case_study, body: "!!2", images:)
+ @edition = create(:draft_case_study, body: "!!2", images:, lead_image: images.first)
+Given("an organisation with a default news image exists") do
+ default_news_image = build(:featured_image_data)
+ @organisation = create(:organisation, default_news_image:)
+And("the organisation has a draft case study with images") do
+ images = [build(:image), build(:image)]
+ @edition = create(:draft_case_study, images:, lead_organisations: [@organisation])
When("I visit the images tab of the document with images") do
@@ -39,7 +49,7 @@
When("I click to hide the lead image") do
- find("button", text: "Hide lead image").click
+ find("button", text: "Remove lead image").click
When("I confirm the deletion") do
@@ -63,8 +73,12 @@
expect(page).to have_content("Test caption")
-Then "I should see a button to show the lead image" do
- expect(page).to have_content("Show lead image")
+Then "I should see a button to select a custom lead image" do
+ assert_selector ".govuk-button", text: "Select as lead image", count: 2
+And "I should see a button to choose to use the default image" do
+ assert_selector ".govuk-button", text: "Use default image", count: 1
And(/^I upload a (\d+)x(\d+) image$/) do |width, height|
@@ -99,3 +113,30 @@
Then(/^I should get (\d+) error message$/) do |count|
expect(page).to have_selector(".gem-c-error-summary__list-item", count:)
+Given(/^a draft case study with images with the alt text "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)" exists$/) do |first_alt_text, second_alt_text|
+ # Unfortunately, we have to use alt text here to distinguish between the images. The assets
+ # are overwritten and stubbed out in asset_manager_helper.rb so the filename and url are always the same.
+ images = [build(:image, alt_text: first_alt_text), build(:image, alt_text: second_alt_text)]
+ @edition = create(:draft_case_study, images:)
+And(/^I make the image with alt text "([^"]*)" the lead image$/) do |alt_text|
+ image_container = find(".govuk-body", text: alt_text).ancestor("li")
+ within image_container do
+ click_button "Select as lead image"
+ end
+Then(/^I can see that the image with alt text "([^"]*)" is the lead image$/) do |alt_text|
+ within ".app-c-edition-images-lead-image-component__lead_image" do
+ expect(page).to have_content alt_text
+ end
+Then(/^I should see the organisations default news image$/) do
+ within ".app-c-edition-images-lead-image-component__default_lead_image" do
+ assert_selector "img", count: 1
+ end
diff --git a/test/components/admin/edition_images/image_component_test.rb b/test/components/admin/edition_images/image_component_test.rb
index 6811d3e7236..52b88d00f42 100644
--- a/test/components/admin/edition_images/image_component_test.rb
+++ b/test/components/admin/edition_images/image_component_test.rb
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ class Admin::EditionImages::ImageComponentTest < ViewComponent::TestCase
assert_selector ".app-view-edition-resource__actions a[href='#{edit_admin_edition_image_path(edition, image)}']", text: "Edit details"
assert_selector ".app-view-edition-resource__actions a[href='#{confirm_destroy_admin_edition_image_path(edition, image)}']", text: "Delete image"
assert_selector ".app-view-edition-resource__section-break"
+ assert_selector "form[action='#{admin_edition_lead_image_path(edition, image)}']", count: 0
+ assert_selector ".govuk-button", text: "Select as lead image", count: 0
test "renders placeholder text for caption and alt text when none has been provided" do
@@ -28,6 +30,16 @@ class Admin::EditionImages::ImageComponentTest < ViewComponent::TestCase
assert_selector ".govuk-grid-row .govuk-grid-column-two-thirds .govuk-body:nth-child(2)", text: "Alt text: None"
+ test "renders a form to the update lead image endpoint for case studies" do
+ image = build_stubbed(:image, caption: "caption", alt_text: "alt text")
+ edition = build_stubbed(:draft_case_study, images: [image])
+ render_inline(Admin::EditionImages::ImageComponent.new(edition:, image:, last_image: false))
+ assert_selector "form[action='#{admin_edition_lead_image_path(edition, image)}']" do
+ assert_selector ".govuk-button", text: "Select as lead image"
+ end
+ end
test "image filename markdown displayed" do
jpeg = upload_fixture("images/960x640_jpeg.jpg")
gif = upload_fixture("images/960x640_gif.gif")
diff --git a/test/components/admin/edition_images/lead_image_component_test.rb b/test/components/admin/edition_images/lead_image_component_test.rb
index 8c8152fdad1..ad5c146750e 100644
--- a/test/components/admin/edition_images/lead_image_component_test.rb
+++ b/test/components/admin/edition_images/lead_image_component_test.rb
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Admin::EditionImages::LeadImageComponentTest < ViewComponent::TestCase
edition = build_stubbed(:draft_case_study)
- first_para = "Using a lead image is optional and can be shown or hidden. The first image you upload is used as the lead image."
+ first_para = "Using a lead image is optional. To use a lead image either select the default image for your organisation or upload an image and select it as the lead image."
second_para = "The lead image appears at the top of the document. The same image cannot be used in the body text."
assert_selector ".govuk-details__text .govuk-body:nth-child(1)", text: first_para, visible: :hidden
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Admin::EditionImages::LeadImageComponentTest < ViewComponent::TestCase
edition = build_stubbed(:draft_news_article)
- first_para = "The first image you upload is used as the lead image."
+ first_para = "Any image you upload can be selected as the lead image. If you do not select a new lead image, the default image for your organisation will be used."
second_para = "The lead image appears at the top of the document. The same image cannot be used in the body text."
assert_selector ".govuk-details__text .govuk-body:nth-child(1)", text: first_para, visible: :hidden
@@ -82,35 +82,33 @@ class Admin::EditionImages::LeadImageComponentTest < ViewComponent::TestCase
- test "case studies has the correct fields when image_display_option is 'organisation_image' and no images have been uploaded" do
- edition = build_stubbed(:draft_case_study, image_display_option: "organisation_image")
+ test "case studies has the correct fields when image_display_option is 'no_image' and images have been uploaded" do
+ image = build_stubbed(:image)
+ edition = build_stubbed(:draft_case_study, image_display_option: "no_image", images: [image])
- assert_selector "form[action='#{update_image_display_option_admin_edition_path(edition)}']" do
- assert_selector "input[type='hidden'][name='edition[image_display_option]'][value='no_image']", visible: :hidden
- assert_selector ".govuk-button", text: "Remove lead image"
- end
+ assert_selector "input[type='hidden'][name='edition[image_display_option]'][value='organisation_image']", visible: :hidden
+ assert_selector ".govuk-button", text: "Use default image"
- test "case studies has the correct fields when image_display_option is 'no_image' and images have been uploaded" do
- image = build_stubbed(:image)
- edition = build_stubbed(:draft_case_study, image_display_option: "no_image", images: [image])
+ test "case studies has the correct fields when image_display_option is 'organisation_image' and no images have been uploaded" do
+ edition = build_stubbed(:draft_case_study, image_display_option: "organisation_image")
assert_selector "form[action='#{update_image_display_option_admin_edition_path(edition)}']" do
- assert_selector "input[type='hidden'][name='edition[image_display_option]'][value='custom_image']", visible: :hidden
- assert_selector ".govuk-button", text: "Show lead image"
+ assert_selector "input[type='hidden'][name='edition[image_display_option]'][value='no_image']", visible: :hidden
+ assert_selector ".govuk-button", text: "Remove lead image"
test "case studies has the correct fields when image_display_option is 'custom_image' and images have been uploaded" do
image = build_stubbed(:image)
- edition = build_stubbed(:draft_case_study, image_display_option: "custom_image", images: [image])
+ edition = build_stubbed(:draft_case_study, image_display_option: "custom_image", images: [image], lead_image: image)
assert_selector "form[action='#{update_image_display_option_admin_edition_path(edition)}']" do
assert_selector "input[type='hidden'][name='edition[image_display_option]'][value='no_image']", visible: :hidden
- assert_selector ".govuk-button", text: "Hide lead image"
+ assert_selector ".govuk-button", text: "Remove lead image"
@@ -122,4 +120,51 @@ class Admin::EditionImages::LeadImageComponentTest < ViewComponent::TestCase
assert_selector "form[action='#{update_image_display_option_admin_edition_path(edition)}']", count: 0
assert_selector "input[type='hidden'][name='edition[image_display_option]']", visible: :hidden, count: 0
+ test "case studies renders the organisations default_lead_image when image_display_option is 'organisation_image'" do
+ image = build(:featured_image_data)
+ organisation = build(:organisation, default_news_image: image)
+ edition = create(:draft_case_study, image_display_option: "organisation_image", lead_organisations: [organisation])
+ render_inline(Admin::EditionImages::LeadImageComponent.new(edition:))
+ assert_selector ".app-c-edition-images-lead-image-component__default_lead_image img[alt='Default organisation image']"
+ assert_selector ".app-c-edition-images-lead-image-component__default_lead_image .govuk-hint", text: "Default image for your organisation"
+ end
+ test "case studies renders the organisations default_lead_image when image_display_option is nil and no lead image is present" do
+ image = build(:featured_image_data)
+ organisation = build(:organisation, default_news_image: image)
+ edition = create(:draft_case_study, image_display_option: nil, lead_organisations: [organisation])
+ render_inline(Admin::EditionImages::LeadImageComponent.new(edition:))
+ assert_selector ".app-c-edition-images-lead-image-component__default_lead_image img[alt='Default organisation image']"
+ assert_selector ".app-c-edition-images-lead-image-component__default_lead_image .govuk-hint", text: "Default image for your organisation"
+ end
+ test "case studies doesn't render the organisations default_lead_image when image_display_option is 'no_image'" do
+ image = build(:featured_image_data)
+ organisation = build(:organisation, default_news_image: image)
+ edition = create(:draft_case_study, image_display_option: "no_image", lead_organisations: [organisation])
+ render_inline(Admin::EditionImages::LeadImageComponent.new(edition:))
+ assert_selector ".app-c-edition-images-lead-image-component__default_lead_image", count: 0
+ end
+ test "news articles renders the organisations default_lead_image no lead image has been selected" do
+ image = build(:featured_image_data)
+ organisation = build(:organisation, default_news_image: image)
+ edition = create(:draft_news_article, lead_organisations: [organisation])
+ render_inline(Admin::EditionImages::LeadImageComponent.new(edition:))
+ assert_selector ".app-c-edition-images-lead-image-component__default_lead_image img[alt='Default organisation image']"
+ assert_selector ".app-c-edition-images-lead-image-component__default_lead_image .govuk-hint", text: "Default image for your organisation"
+ end
+ test "news articles doesn't render the organisations default_lead_image when one is not present" do
+ organisation = build(:organisation, default_news_image: nil)
+ edition = create(:draft_news_article, lead_organisations: [organisation])
+ render_inline(Admin::EditionImages::LeadImageComponent.new(edition:))
+ assert_selector ".app-c-edition-images-lead-image-component__default_lead_image", count: 0
+ end
diff --git a/test/functional/admin/edition_lead_images_controller_test.rb b/test/functional/admin/edition_lead_images_controller_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4aa0c35c08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/functional/admin/edition_lead_images_controller_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+require "test_helper"
+class Admin::EditionLeadImagesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ test "PATCH :update successfully updates the lead image and republishes the draft edition" do
+ login_as :writer
+ image = build(:image)
+ edition = create(:draft_case_study, images: [image])
+ Whitehall::PublishingApi
+ .expects(:save_draft)
+ .with(edition)
+ .returns(true)
+ .once
+ get :update, params: { edition_id: edition.id, id: image.id }
+ assert_equal image, edition.reload.lead_image
+ assert_redirected_to admin_edition_images_path(edition)
+ assert_equal "Lead image updated to minister-of-funk.960x640.jpg", flash[:notice]
+ end
+ test "PATCH :update does not update the lead image when the edition is invalid" do
+ login_as :writer
+ published_edition = create(:published_case_study)
+ image = build(:image)
+ edition = create(:draft_case_study, images: [image], document: published_edition.document)
+ edition.change_note = nil
+ edition.save!(validate: false)
+ Whitehall::PublishingApi
+ .expects(:save_draft)
+ .never
+ get :update, params: { edition_id: edition.id, id: image.id }
+ assert_nil edition.reload.lead_image
+ assert_redirected_to admin_edition_images_path(edition)
+ assert_equal "This edition is invalid: Change note can't be blank", flash[:alert]
+ end
+ test "PATCH :update does not update the lead image when edition's body contains the images markdown" do
+ login_as :writer
+ published_edition = create(:published_case_study)
+ image = build(:image)
+ edition = create(:draft_case_study, images: [image], document: published_edition.document, body: "!!1")
+ Whitehall::PublishingApi
+ .expects(:save_draft)
+ .never
+ get :update, params: { edition_id: edition.id, id: image.id }
+ assert_nil edition.reload.lead_image
+ assert_redirected_to admin_edition_images_path(edition)
+ assert_equal "This edition is invalid: Body cannot have a reference to the lead image in the text", flash[:alert]
+ end
+ test "PATCH :update forbids unauthorised users" do
+ login_as :world_editor
+ image = build(:image)
+ edition = create(:draft_case_study, images: [image])
+ get :update, params: { edition_id: edition.id, id: image.id }
+ assert_response :forbidden
+ end