- {{ $t("Recycle all open orders") }}
- {{ $t("Recycle all in progress orders") }}
{{ $t("Turn off fulfillment") }}
{{ $t("Turn on fulfillment") }}
@@ -137,9 +132,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
data() {
return {
baseURL: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_URL,
- currentFacilityDetails: {} as any,
- outstandingOrdersCount: 0,
- inProgressOrdersCount: 0
+ currentFacilityDetails: {} as any
computed: {
@@ -157,74 +150,8 @@ export default defineComponent({
ionViewWillEnter() {
- this.getOutstandingOrdersCount()
- this.getInProgressOrdersCount()
methods: {
- async getOutstandingOrdersCount() {
- let resp;
- try {
- this.outstandingOrdersCount = 0
- const payload = {
- "json": {
- "params": {
- "rows": "0",
- "group": true,
- "group.field": "orderId",
- "group.limit": 10000,
- "group.ngroups": true,
- "q.op": "AND"
- },
- "query": "(*:*)",
- "filter": ["docType: OISGIR", "quantityNotAvailable: 0", "isPicked: N", "-shipmentMethodTypeId: STOREPICKUP", "-fulfillmentStatus: Cancelled", "orderStatusId: ORDER_APPROVED", "orderTypeId: SALES_ORDER", `facilityId: ${this.currentFacility.facilityId}`, `productStoreId: ${this.currentEComStore.productStoreId}`]
- }
- }
- resp = await UserService.getOutstandingOrdersCount(payload)
- if(!hasError(resp)) {
- this.outstandingOrdersCount = resp.data.grouped.orderId.ngroups
- } else {
- throw resp.data
- }
- } catch(err) {
- logger.error('Failed to get outstanding orders count', err)
- }
- },
- async getInProgressOrdersCount() {
- let resp;
- try {
- this.inProgressOrdersCount = 0
- const payload = {
- "json": {
- "params": {
- "rows": "0",
- "group": true,
- "group.field": "picklistBinId",
- "group.limit": 10000,
- "group.ngroups": true,
- "q.op": "AND"
- },
- "query": "(*:*)",
- "filter": ["docType: OISGIR", "picklistItemStatusId: PICKITEM_PENDING", "-shipmentMethodTypeId: STOREPICKUP", "-fulfillmentStatus: Rejected", `facilityId: ${this.currentFacility.facilityId}`, `productStoreId: ${this.currentEComStore.productStoreId}`]
- }
- }
- resp = await UserService.getInProgressOrdersCount(payload)
- if(!hasError(resp)) {
- this.inProgressOrdersCount = resp.data.grouped.picklistBinId.ngroups
- } else {
- throw resp.data
- }
- } catch(err) {
- logger.error('Failed to get inProgress orders count', err)
- }
- },
async getCurrentFacilityDetails() {
let resp: any;
try {
@@ -277,8 +204,6 @@ export default defineComponent({
- this.getOutstandingOrdersCount();
- this.getInProgressOrdersCount();
async changeTimeZone() {
@@ -351,74 +276,6 @@ export default defineComponent({
await alert.present();
- async recycleOutstandingOrders() {
- const alert = await alertController.create({
- header: translate('Recycle outstanding orders'),
- message: this.$t('Are you sure you want to recycle outstanding order(s)?', { ordersCount: this.outstandingOrdersCount }),
- buttons: [{
- text: translate('No'),
- role: 'cancel'
- }, {
- text: translate('Yes'),
- handler: async () => {
- let resp;
- try {
- resp = await UserService.recycleOutstandingOrders({
- "facilityId": this.currentFacility.facilityId,
- "productStoreId": this.currentEComStore.productStoreId,
- "reasonId": "INACTIVE_STORE"
- })
- if(!hasError(resp)) {
- showToast(translate('Recycling has been started. All outstanding orders will be recycled shortly.'))
- } else {
- throw resp.data
- }
- } catch(err) {
- showToast(translate('Failed to recycle outstanding orders'))
- logger.error('Failed to recycle outstanding orders', err)
- }
- }
- }]
- });
- await alert.present();
- },
- async recycleInProgressOrders() {
- const alert = await alertController.create({
- header: translate('Recycle in progress orders'),
- message: this.$t('Are you sure you want to recycle in progress order(s)?', { ordersCount: this.inProgressOrdersCount }),
- buttons: [{
- text: translate('No'),
- role: 'cancel'
- }, {
- text: translate('Yes'),
- handler: async () => {
- let resp;
- try {
- resp = await UserService.recycleInProgressOrders({
- "facilityId": this.currentFacility.facilityId,
- "productStoreId": this.currentEComStore.productStoreId,
- "reasonId": "INACTIVE_STORE"
- })
- if(!hasError(resp)) {
- showToast(translate('Recycling has been started. All in progress orders will be recycled shortly.'))
- } else {
- throw resp.data
- }
- } catch(err) {
- showToast(translate('Failed to recycle in progress orders'))
- logger.error('Failed to recycle in progress orders', err)
- }
- }
- }]
- });
- await alert.present();
- },
async setEComStore(event: any) {
// not updating the ecomstore when the current value in vuex state and selected value are same
// or when an empty value is given (on logout)
@@ -430,8 +287,6 @@ export default defineComponent({
await this.store.dispatch('user/setEComStore', {
'eComStore': this.userProfile.stores.find((str: any) => str.productStoreId == event.detail.value)
- this.getOutstandingOrdersCount();
- this.getInProgressOrdersCount();
setPrintShippingLabelPreference (ev: any) {