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+*This is the fourth in a series of posts that introduce new libraries for a pure OCaml implementation of TLS.
+You might like to begin with the [introduction][tls-intro].*
+[asn1-combinators][asn1-combinators] is a library that allows one to express
+ASN.1 grammars directly in OCaml, manipulate them as first-class entities,
+combine them with one of several ASN encoding rules and use the result to parse
+or serialize values.
+It is the parsing and serialization backend for our [X.509][ocaml-x509]
+certificate library, which in turn provides certificate handling for
+We wrote about the X.509 certificate handling [yesterday][x509-intro]
+[asn1-combinators]: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-asn1-combinators
+[ocaml-x509]: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-x509
+[ocaml-tls]: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-tls
+### What is ASN.1, really? ###
+[ASN.1][asn-wiki] (Abstract Syntax Notation, version one) is a way to describe
+on-the-wire representation of messages. It is split into two components: a way
+to describe the content of a message, i.e. a notation for its abstract syntax,
+and a series of standard encoding rules that define the exact byte
+representations of those syntaxes. It is defined in ITU-T standards X.680-X.683
+and X.690-X.695.
+The notation itself contains primitive grammar elements, such as `BIT STRING` or
+`GeneralizedTime`, and constructs that allow for creation of compound grammars
+from other grammars, like `SEQUENCE`. The notation is probably best introduced
+through a real-world example:
+-- Simple name bindings
+UniqueIdentifier ::= BIT STRING
+-- Products
+Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
+ notBefore Time,
+ notAfter Time
+-- Sums
+Time ::= CHOICE {
+ utcTime UTCTime,
+ generalTime GeneralizedTime
+(Example from [RFC 5280][rfc5280-sample], the RFC that describes X.509
+certificates which heavily rely on ASN.)
+The first definition shows that we can introduce an alias for any existing ASN
+grammar fragment, in this case the primitive `BIT STRING`. The second and third
+definitions are, at least morally, a product and a sum.
+At their very core, ASN grammars look roughly like algebraic data types, with a
+range of pre-defined primitive grammar fragments like `BIT STRING`, `INTEGER`,
+`NULL`, `BOOLEAN` or even `GeneralizedTime`, and a number of combining
+constructs that can be understood as denoting sums and products.
+Definitions such as the above are arranged into named modules. The standard even
+provides for some abstractive capabilities: initially just a macro facility, and
+later a form of parameterized interfaces.
+To facilitate actual message transfer, a grammar needs to be coupled with an
+encoding. By far the most relevant ones are Basic Encoding Rules (BER) and
+Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), although other encodings exist.
+BER and DER are tag-length-value (TLV) encodings, meaning that every value is
+encoded as a triplet containing a tag that gives the interpretation of its
+contents, a length field, and the actual contents which can in turn contain
+other TLV triplets.
+Let's drop the time from the example above, as time encoding is a little
+involved, and assume a simpler version for a moment:
+Pair ::= SEQUENCE {
+ car Value,
+ cdr Value
+Value ::= CHOICE {
+ v_str UTF8String,
+ v_int INTEGER
+Then two possible BER encodings of a `Pair` `("foo", 42)` are:
+ 08 - length 0c - length
+ [ 0c - UTF8String [ 2c - UTF8String, compound
+ 03 - length 07 - length
+ [ 66 - 'f' [ 0c - UTF8String
+ 6f - 'o' 01 - length
+ 6f ] - 'o' [ 66 ] - 'f'
+ 02 - INTEGER 0c - UTF8String
+ 01 - length 02 - length
+ [ 2a ] ] - 42 [ 6f - 'o'
+ 6f ] - 'o'
+ 02 - INTEGER
+ 01 - length
+ [ 2a ] ] - 42
+The left one is also the only valid DER encoding of this value: BER allows
+certain freedoms in encoding, while DER is just a BER subset without those
+freedoms. The property of DER that any value has exactly one encoding is useful,
+for example, when trying to digitally sign a value.
+If this piqued your curiosity about ASN, you might want to take a detour and
+check out this [excellent writeup][asn-laymans-guide].
+[asn-wiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_Syntax_Notation_One
+[rfc5280-sample]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#appendix-A.2
+[asn-laymans-guide]: http://luca.ntop.org/Teaching/Appunti/asn1.html
+### A bit of history ###
+The description above paints a picture of a technology a little like [Google's
+Protocol Buffers][protobuf] or [Apache Thrift][thrift]: a way to declaratively
+specify the structure of a set of values and derive parsers and serializers,
+with the addition of multiple concrete representations.
+But the devil is in the detail. For instance, the examples above intentionally
+gloss over the fact that often concrete tag values [leak][x509-generalname] into
+the grammar specifications for various disambiguation reasons. And ASN has more
+than 10 different [string types][string-type-list], most of which use
+long-obsolete character encodings. Not to mention that the full standard is
+close to 200 pages of relatively dense language and quite difficult to
+follow. In general, ASN seems to have too many features for the relatively
+simple task it is solving, and its specification has evolved over decades, apparently
+trying to address various other semi-related problems, such as providing a
+general [Interface Description Language][asn-ioc].
+Which is to say, ASN is *probably* not what you are looking for. So why
+implement it?
+Developed in the context of the telecom industry around 30 years ago, modified
+several times after that and apparently suffering from a lack of a coherent
+goal, by the early 90s ASN was still probably the only universal, machine- and
+architecture-independent external data representation.
+So it came easily to hand around the time RSA Security started publishing its
+series of [PKCS][pkcs-wiki] standards, aimed at the standardization of
+cryptographic material exchange. RSA keys and digital signatures are often
+exchanged ASN-encoded.
+At roughly the same time, ITU-T started publishing the [X.500][x500-wiki] series
+of standards which aimed to provide a comprehensive directory service. Much of
+this work ended up as LDAP, but one little bit stands out in particular: the
+[X.509][x509-wiki] PKI certificate.
+So a few years later, when Netscape tried to build an authenticated and
+confidential layer to tunnel HTTP through, they based it on -- amongst other
+things -- X.509 certificates. Their work went through several revisions as SSL
+and was finally standardized as TLS. Modern TLS still requires X.509.
+Thus, even though TLS uses ASN only for encoding certificates (and the odd PKCS1
+signature), every implementation needs to know how to deal with ASN. In fact,
+many other general cryptographic libraries also need to deal with ASN, as various PKCS
+standards mandate ASN as the encoding for exchange of cryptographic material.
+[protobuf]: https://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
+[thrift]: https://thrift.apache.org/
+[x509-generalname]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#page-128
+[string-type-list]: http://www.obj-sys.com/asn1tutorial/node128.html
+[asn-ioc]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_Object_Class_(ASN.1)
+[pkcs-wiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PKCS
+[x500-wiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.500
+[x509-wiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X.509
+### The grammar of the grammar ###
+As its name implies, ASN was meant to be used with a specialized compiler. ASN
+is really a standard for *writing down* abstract syntaxes, and ASN compilers
+provided with the target encoding will generate code in your programming
+language of choice that, when invoked, parses to or serializes from ASN.
+As long as your programming language of choice is C, C++, Java or C#, obviously
+-- there doesn't seem to be one freely available that targets OCaml. In any case, generating code for such a high-level language feels wrong somehow. In
+its effort to be language-neutral, ASN needs to deal with things like modules,
+abstraction and composition. At this point, most functional programmers reading
+this are screaming: "I *already* have a language that can deal with modules,
+abstraction and composition perfectly well!"
+So we're left with implementing ASN in OCaml.
+One strategy is to provide utility functions for parsing elements of ASN and
+simply invoke them in the appropriate order, as imposed by the target grammar.
+This amounts to hand-writing the parser and is what TLS libraries in C
+typically do.
+As of release 1.3.7, [PolarSSL][polar-src] includes ~7,500 lines of rather
+beautifully written C, that implement a specialized parser for dealing with
+X.509. OpenSSL's [libcrypto][openssl-src] contains ~50,000 lines of C in its
+['asn1'][openssl-src-asn], ['x509'][openssl-src-x509] and
+['x509v3'][openssl-src-x509v3] directories, and primarily deals with X.509
+specifically as required by TLS.
+In both cases, low-level control flow is intertwined with the parsing logic and,
+above the ASN parsing level, the code that deals with interpreting the ASN
+structure is not particularly concise.
+It is certainly a far cry from the (relatively)
+simple grammar description ASN itself provides.
+Since in BER every value fully describes itself, another strategy is to parse
+the input stream without reference to the grammar. This produces a value that
+belongs to the general type of all ASN-encoded trees, after which we need to
+process the *structure* according to the grammar. This is similar to a common
+treatment of JSON or XML, where one decouples parsing of bytes from the
+higher-level concerns about the actual structure contained therein. The problem
+here is that either the downstream client of such a parser needs to constantly
+re-check whether the parts of the structure it's interacting with are really
+formed according to the grammar (probably leading to a tedium of
+pattern-matches), or we have to turn around and solve the parsing problem
+*again*, mapping the uni-typed contents of a message to the actual, statically
+known structure we require the message to have.
+Surely we can do better?
+[polar-src]: https://github.com/polarssl/polarssl/tree/development/library
+[openssl-src]: https://github.com/openssl/openssl
+[openssl-src-asn]: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/tree/e3ba6a5f834f24aa5ffe9bc1849e3410c87388d5/crypto/asn1
+[openssl-src-x509]: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/tree/e3ba6a5f834f24aa5ffe9bc1849e3410c87388d5/crypto/x509
+[openssl-src-x509v3]: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/tree/e3ba6a5f834f24aa5ffe9bc1849e3410c87388d5/crypto/x509v3
+### LAMBDA: The Ultimate Declarative ###
+Again, ASN is a language with a number of built-in primitives, a few combining
+constructs, (recursive) name-binding and a module system. Our target language is
+a language with a perfectly good module system and it can certainly express
+combining constructs. It includes an abstraction mechanism arguably far simpler
+and easier to use than those of ASN, namely, functions. And the OCaml compiler
+can already parse OCaml sources. So why not just reuse this machinery?
+The idea is familiar. Creating embedded languages for highly declarative
+descriptions within narrowly defined problem spaces is the staple of functional
+programming. In particular, combinatory parsing has been known, studied and
+used for [decades][frost-paper].
+However, we also have to diverge from traditional parser combinators in two major ways.
+Firstly, a single grammar expression needs to be able to generate
+different concrete parsers, corresponding to different ASN encodings. More
+importantly, we desire our grammar descriptions to act **bidirectionally**,
+producing both parsers and complementary deserializers.
+The second point severely restricts the signatures we can support. The usual
+monadic parsers are off the table because the expression such as:
+( (pa : a t) >>= fun (a : a) ->
+ (pb : b t) >>= fun (b : b) ->
+ return (b, b, a) ) : (b * b * a) t
+... "hides" parts of the parser inside the closures, especially the method of
+mapping the parsed values into the output values, and can not be run "in
+reverse" \[[1](#footnote-1)\].
+We have a similar problem with [applicative functors][applicatives-paper]:
+( (fun a b -> (b, b, a))
+ <$> (pa : a t)
+ <*> (pb : b t) ) : (b * b * a) t
+(Given the usual `<$> : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t` and `<*> : ('a -> 'b) t ->
+'a t -> 'b t`.) Although the elements of ASN syntax are now exposed, the process
+of going from intermediate parsing results to the result of the whole is still
+not accessible.
+Fortunately, due to the regular structure of ASN, we don't really *need* the
+full expressive power of monadic parsing. The only occurrence of sequential
+parsing is within `SEQUENCE` and related constructs, and we don't need
+look-ahead. All we need to do is provide a few specialized combinators to handle
+those cases -- combinators the likes of which would be defined as derived in a
+more typical setting.
+So if we imagine we had a few values, like:
+val gen_time : gen_time t
+val utc_time : utc_time t
+val choice : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a, 'b) choice t
+val sequence : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
+Assuming appropriate OCaml types `gen_time` and `utc_time` that reflect their
+ASN counterparts, and a simple sum type `choice`, we could express the
+`Validity` grammar above using:
+type time = (gen_time, utc_time) choice
+let time : time t = choice gen_time utc_time
+let validity : (time * time) t = sequence time time
+In fact, ASN maps quite well to algebraic data types. Its `SEQUENCE` corresponds
+to n-ary products and `CHOICE` to sums. ASN `SET` is a lot like `SEQUENCE`,
+except the elements can come in any order; and `SEQUENCE_OF` and `SET_OF` are
+just lifting an `'a`-grammar into an `'a list`-grammar.
+A small wrinkle is that `SEQUENCE` allows for more contextual information on its
+components (so does `CHOICE` in reality, but we ignore that): elements can carry
+labels (which are not used for parsing) and can be marked as optional. So
+instead of working directly on the grammars, our `sequence` must work on their
+annotated versions. Obviously, there is the arity problem.
+Thus we introduce the type of annotated grammars, `'a element`, which
+corresponds to one `,`-delimited syntactic element in ASN's own `SEQUENCE`
+grammar, and the type `'a sequence`, which describes the entire contents (`{ ...
+}`) of a `SEQUENCE` definition:
+val required : 'a t -> 'a element
+val optional : 'a t -> 'a option element
+val ( -@ ) : 'a element -> 'b element -> ('a * 'b) sequence
+val ( @ ) : 'a element -> 'a sequence -> ('a * 'b) sequence
+val sequence : 'a sequence -> 'a t
+The following are then equivalent:
+Triple ::= SEQUENCE {
+let triple : (int * (bool * bool option)) t =
+ sequence (
+ required int
+ @ required bool
+ -@ optional bool
+ )
+We can also re-introduce functions, but in a controlled manner:
+val map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'b t
+Keeping in line with the general theme of bidirectionality, we require functions
+to come in pairs. The deceptively called `map` could also be called `iso`, and
+comes with a nice property: if the two functions are truly bijective inverses,
+the serialization process is fully reversible, and so is parsing, under
+single-representation encodings (DER)!
+[frost-paper]: http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/content/32/2/108.short
+[applicatives-paper]: http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/Applicative.html
+### ASTs of ASNs ###
+To go that last mile, we should probably also *implement* what we discussed.
+Traditional parser combinators look a little like this:
+type 'a p = string -> 'a * string
+let bool : bool p = fun str -> (s.[0] <> "\000", tail_of_string str)
+Usually, the values inhabiting the parser type are the actual parsing functions,
+and their composition directly produces larger parsing functions. We would
+probably need to represent them with `'a p * 'a s`, pairs of a parser and its
+inverse, but the same general idea applies.
+Nevertheless, we don't want to do this.
+The grammars need to support more than one concrete
+parser/serializer, and composing what is common between them and extracting out
+what is not would probably turn into a tangled mess. That is one reason. The other is that if we encode the grammar purely as
+(non-function) value, we can traverse it for various other purposes.
+So we turn from what is sometimes called "shallow embedding" to "deep
+embedding" and try to represent the grammar purely as an algebraic data type.
+Let's try to encode the parser for bools, `boolean : bool t`:
+type 'a t =
+ | Bool
+ ...
+let boolean : bool t = Bool
+Unfortunately our constructor is fully polymorphic, of type `'a. 'a t`. We can
+constrain it for the users, but once we traverse it there is nothing left to
+prove its intended association with booleans!
+Fortunately, starting with the release of [OCaml 4.00.0][ocaml-gadt],
+OCaml joined the ranks of
+languages equipped with what is probably the supreme tool of deep embedding,
+[GADTs][gadt-wiki]. Using them, we can do things like:
+type _ t =
+ | Bool : bool t
+ | Pair : ('a t * 'b t) -> ('a * 'b) t
+ | Choice : ('a t * 'b t) -> ('a, 'b) choice t
+ ...
+[ocaml-gadt]: http://ocaml.org/releases/4.00.1.html
+[gadt-wiki]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalized_algebraic_data_type
+In fact, this is very close to how the library is [actually][src-core]
+There is only one thing left to worry about: ASN definitions can be recursive.
+We might try something like:
+let rec list = choice null (pair int list)
+But this won't work. Being just trees of applications, our definitions never
+contain [statically constructive][rec-defn] parts -- this expression could never
+terminate in a strict language.
+We can get around that by wrapping grammars in `Lazy.t` (or just thunks), but
+this would be too awkward to use. Like many other similar libraries, we need to
+provide a fixpoint combinator:
+val fix : ('a t -> 'a t) -> 'a t
+And get to write:
+let list = fix @@ fun list -> choice null (pair int list)
+This introduces a small problem. So far we simply reused binding inherited
+from OCaml without ever worrying about identifiers and references, but with a
+fixpoint, the grammar encodings need to be able to somehow express a cycle.
+Borrowing an idea from higher-order abstract syntax, we can represent the entire
+fixpoint node using exactly the function provided to define it, re-using OCaml's
+own binding and identifier resolution:
+type _ t =
+ | Fix : ('a t -> 'a t) -> 'a t
+ ...
+This treatment completely sidesteps the problems with variables. We need no
+binding environments or De Brujin indices, and need not care about the desired
+scoping semantics. A little trade-off is that with this simple encoding it
+becomes more difficult to track cycles (when traversing the AST, if we keep
+applying a `Fix` node to itself while descending into it, it looks like an
+infinite tree), but with a little opportunistic caching it all plays out well
+The [parser][src-parser] and [serializer][src-writer] proper then emerge as interpreters for
+this little language of typed trees, traversing them with an input string, and
+parsing it in a fully type-safe manner.
+[src-core]: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-asn1-combinators/blob/4328bf5ee6f20ad25ff7971ee8013f79e5bfb036/src/core.ml#L19
+[rec-defn]: http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml-400/manual021.html#toc70
+[src-parser]: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-asn1-combinators/blob/4328bf5ee6f20ad25ff7971ee8013f79e5bfb036/src/ber_der.ml#L49
+[src-writer]: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-asn1-combinators/blob/4328bf5ee6f20ad25ff7971ee8013f79e5bfb036/src/ber_der.ml#L432
+### How does it play out? ###
+The entire ASN library comes down to ~1,700 lines of OCaml, with around ~1,100
+more in tests, giving a mostly-complete treatment of BER and DER.
+Its main use so far is in the context of the `X.509` library
+(discussed [yesterday][x509-intro]). It allowed the
+grammar of certificates and RSA keys, together with a number of transformations
+from the raw types to more pleasant, externally facing ones, to be written in
+~900 [lines][x509-asn-grammars] of OCaml. And the code looks a lot like the
+actual standards the grammars were taken from -- the fragment from the beginning
+of this article becomes:
+let unique_identifier = bit_string_cs
+let time =
+ map (function `C1 t -> t | `C2 t -> t) (fun t -> `C2 t)
+ (choice2 utc_time generalized_time)
+let validity =
+ sequence2
+ (required ~label:"not before" time)
+ (required ~label:"not after" time)
+We added `~label` to `'a element`-forming injections, and have:
+val choice2 : 'a t -> 'b t -> [ `C1 of 'a | `C2 of 'b ] t
+To get a sense of how the resulting system eases the translation of standardized
+ASN grammars into working code, it is particularly instructive to compare
+[these][polar-core-x509] [two][ocaml-core-x509] definitions.
+Reversibility was a major simplifying factor during development. Since the
+grammars are traversable, it is easy to generate their [random][asn-random]
+inhabitants, encode them, parse the result and verify the reversibility still
+[holds][random-tests]. This can't help convince us the parsing/serializing pair
+is actually correct with respect to ASN, but it gives a simple tool to generate
+large amounts of test cases and convince us that that pair is *equivalent*. A
+number of hand-written cases then check the conformance to the actual ASN.
+As for security, there were two concerns we were aware of. There is a history of
+catastrophic [buffer overruns][windows-asn-vuln] in some ASN.1 implementations,
+but -- assuming our compiler and runtime system are correct -- we are immune to
+these as the buffer primitive we use (`Cstruct`) enforces bounds-checking. And
+there are some documented [problems][oid-issues] with security of X.509
+certificate verification due to overflows of numbers in ASN OID types, which we
+explicitly guard against.
+You can check our security status on our [issue tracker][].
+[x509-asn-grammars]: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-x509/blob/6c96f11a2c7911ae0b308af9b328aee38f48b270/lib/asn_grammars.ml
+[polar-core-x509]: https://github.com/polarssl/polarssl/blob/b9e4e2c97a2e448090ff3fcc0f99b8f6dbc08897/library/x509_crt.c#L531
+[ocaml-core-x509]: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-x509/blob/7bd25d152445263d7659c653e4a761222f43c75b/lib/asn_grammars.ml#L772
+[asn-random]: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-asn1-combinators/blob/cf1a1ffb4a31d02979a6a0bca8fe58856f8907bf/src/asn_random.ml
+[random-tests]: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-asn1-combinators/blob/cf1a1ffb4a31d02979a6a0bca8fe58856f8907bf/tests/testlib.ml#L83
+[windows-asn-vuln]: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms04-007.aspx
+[oid-issues]: https://www.viathinksoft.de/~daniel-marschall/asn.1/oid_facts.html
+[tracker]: https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-asn1-combinators/issues?state=open
+#### Footnotes ####
+ 1. In fact, the problem with embedding functions in
+ combinator languages, and the fact that in a functional language it is not
+ possible to extract information from a function other than by applying it,
+ was discussed more than a decade ago. Such discussions led to the development of
+ [Arrows][arrows-paper], amongst other things.
+ 2. Actually, a version of the library used the more
+ [proper][phoas-paper] encoding to be able to inject results of reducing
+ referred-to parts of the AST into the referring sites directly, roughly
+ like `Fix : ('r -> ('a, 'r) t) -> ('a, 'r) t`. This approach was abandoned because terms need to be polymorphic in `'r`, and this becomes
+ impossible to hide from the user of the library, creating unwelcome noise.
+[arrows-paper]: http://www.haskell.org/arrows/biblio.html#Hug00
+[phoas-paper]: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1411226
+Posts in this TLS series:
+ - [Introducing transport layer security (TLS) in pure OCaml][tls-intro]
+ - [OCaml-TLS: building the nocrypto library core][nocrypto-intro]
+ - [OCaml-TLS: adventures in X.509 certificate parsing and validation][x509-intro]
+ - [OCaml-TLS: ASN.1][asn1-intro]
+[tls-intro]: http://openmirage.org/blog/introducing-ocaml-tls
+[nocrypto-intro]: http://openmirage.org/blog/introducing-nocrypto
+[x509-intro]: http://openmirage.org/blog/introducing-x509
+[asn1-intro]: http://openmirage.org/blog/introducing-asn1