diff --git a/bin/amphtml-update.py b/bin/amphtml-update.py
index 00f40e338b5..f9ddb389312 100755
--- a/bin/amphtml-update.py
+++ b/bin/amphtml-update.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
import collections
import json
import google
-import imp
+from collections.abc import Sequence
seen_spec_names = set()
@@ -38,49 +38,57 @@ def Die(msg):
def SetupOutDir(out_dir):
"""Sets up a clean output directory.
- out_dir: directory name of the output directory.
+ out_dir: directory name of the output directory. Must not have slashes,
+ dots, etc.
+ logging.info('entering ...')
+ assert re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z_\-0-9]+$', out_dir), 'bad out_dir: %s' % out_dir
if os.path.exists(out_dir):
subprocess.check_call(['rm', '-rf', out_dir])
+ logging.info('... done')
def GenValidatorPb2Py(validator_directory, out_dir):
"""Calls the proto compiler to generate validator_pb2.py.
- validator_directory: directory name of the validator.
- out_dir: directory name of the output directory.
+ out_dir: directory name of the output directory. Must not have slashes,
+ dots, etc.
+ logging.info('entering ...')
+ assert re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z_\-0-9]+$', out_dir), 'bad out_dir: %s' % out_dir
- os.chdir( validator_directory )
- subprocess.check_call(['protoc', 'validator.proto', '--python_out=%s' % out_dir])
- os.chdir( out_dir )
- open('__init__.py', 'w').close()
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ ['protoc', os.path.join(validator_directory, 'validator.proto'), '--proto_path=%s' % validator_directory, '--python_out=%s' % out_dir])
+ open('%s/__init__.py' % out_dir, 'w').close()
+ logging.info('... done')
def GenValidatorProtoascii(validator_directory, out_dir):
"""Assembles the validator protoascii file from the main and extensions.
- validator_directory: directory for where the validator is located, inside the amphtml repo.
- out_dir: directory name of the output directory.
+ out_dir: directory name of the output directory. Must not have slashes,
+ dots, etc.
- protoascii_segments = [
- open(os.path.join(validator_directory, 'validator-main.protoascii')).read(),
- open(os.path.join(validator_directory, 'validator-svg.protoascii')).read(),
- open(os.path.join(validator_directory, 'validator-css.protoascii')).read()
- ]
- extensions = glob.glob(os.path.join(validator_directory, '../extensions/*/validator-*.protoascii'))
+ logging.info('entering ...')
+ assert re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z_\-0-9]+$', out_dir), 'bad out_dir: %s' % out_dir
+ protoascii_segments = [open(os.path.join(validator_directory, 'validator-main.protoascii')).read()]
+ protoascii_segments.append(open(os.path.join(validator_directory, 'validator-css.protoascii')).read())
+ protoascii_segments.append(open(os.path.join(validator_directory, 'validator-svg.protoascii')).read())
+ extensions = glob.glob(os.path.join(validator_directory, 'extensions/*/validator-*.protoascii'))
+ # In the Github project, the extensions are located in a sibling directory
+ # to the validator rather than a child directory.
+ if not extensions:
+ extensions = glob.glob(os.path.join(validator_directory, '../extensions/*/validator-*.protoascii'))
for extension in extensions:
f = open('%s/validator.protoascii' % out_dir, 'w')
+ logging.info('... done')
def GeneratePHP(repo_directory, out_dir):
@@ -94,8 +102,8 @@ def GeneratePHP(repo_directory, out_dir):
allowed_tags, attr_lists, descendant_lists, reference_points, versions = ParseRules(repo_directory, out_dir)
expected_spec_names = (
- 'style amp-custom',
- 'style[amp-keyframes]',
+ b'style amp-custom',
+ b'style[amp-keyframes]',
for expected_spec_name in expected_spec_names:
if expected_spec_name not in seen_spec_names:
@@ -120,7 +128,7 @@ def GeneratePHP(repo_directory, out_dir):
output = re.sub("'False'", "false", output)
# Write the php file to STDOUT.
- print output
+ print( output )
def GenerateHeaderPHP(out):
# Output the file's header
@@ -163,14 +171,14 @@ def GenerateAllowedTagsPHP(out, allowed_tags):
def GenerateLayoutAttributesPHP(out, attr_lists):
# Output the attribute list allowed for layouts.
- out.append('\tprivate static $layout_allowed_attrs = %s;' % Phpize( attr_lists['$AMP_LAYOUT_ATTRS'], 1 ).lstrip() )
+ out.append('\tprivate static $layout_allowed_attrs = %s;' % Phpize( attr_lists[b'$AMP_LAYOUT_ATTRS'], 1 ).lstrip() )
def GenerateGlobalAttributesPHP(out, attr_lists):
# Output the globally allowed attribute list.
- out.append('\tprivate static $globally_allowed_attrs = %s;' % Phpize( attr_lists['$GLOBAL_ATTRS'], 1 ).lstrip() )
+ out.append('\tprivate static $globally_allowed_attrs = %s;' % Phpize( attr_lists[b'$GLOBAL_ATTRS'], 1 ).lstrip() )
def GenerateReferencePointsPHP(out, reference_points):
@@ -301,9 +309,14 @@ def ParseRules(repo_directory, out_dir):
# These imports happen late, within this method because they don't necessarily
# exist when the module starts running, and the ones that probably do
# are checked by CheckPrereqs.
+ # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
from google.protobuf import text_format
- validator_pb2 = imp.load_source('validator_pb2', os.path.join( out_dir, 'validator_pb2.py' ))
+ from google.protobuf import json_format
+ from google.protobuf import descriptor
+ sys.path.append(os.getcwd())
+ from amp_validator_dist import validator_pb2
allowed_tags = {}
attr_lists = {}
@@ -361,15 +374,16 @@ def ParseRules(repo_directory, out_dir):
# If we made it here, then start adding the tag_spec
- if tag_spec.tag_name.lower() not in allowed_tags:
+ tag_name = tag_spec.tag_name.lower()
+ if tag_name not in allowed_tags:
tag_list = []
- tag_list = allowed_tags[UnicodeEscape(tag_spec.tag_name).lower()]
+ tag_list = allowed_tags[tag_name]
gotten_tag_spec = GetTagSpec(tag_spec, attr_lists)
if gotten_tag_spec is not None:
- allowed_tags[UnicodeEscape(tag_spec.tag_name).lower()] = tag_list
+ allowed_tags[tag_name] = tag_list
elif 'descendant_tag_list' == field_desc.name:
for _list in field_val:
descendant_lists[_list.name] = []
@@ -517,7 +531,7 @@ def ParseRules(repo_directory, out_dir):
# Remove redundant information.
del extension_script_list[0]['tag_spec']['extension_spec']['bento_supported_version']
- validator_versions = sorted( validator_versions, key=lambda version: map(int, version.split('.') ) )
+ validator_versions = sorted( validator_versions, key=lambda version: list(map(int, version.split('.') )) )
extension_script_list[0]['tag_spec']['extension_spec']['version'] = validator_versions
if 'bento' in extensions_versions[extension_name] and extensions_versions[extension_name]['bento']['version'] in validator_versions:
@@ -593,7 +607,7 @@ def GetTagSpec(tag_spec, attr_lists):
if tag_spec.HasField('cdata'):
cdata_dict = {}
for (field_descriptor, field_value) in tag_spec.cdata.ListFields():
- if isinstance(field_value, (unicode, str, bool, int)):
+ if isinstance(field_value, (str, bytes, bool, int)):
cdata_dict[ field_descriptor.name ] = field_value
elif isinstance( field_value, google.protobuf.pyext._message.RepeatedCompositeContainer ):
cdata_dict[ field_descriptor.name ] = []
@@ -620,12 +634,12 @@ def GetTagSpec(tag_spec, attr_lists):
if not hasattr( field_value, css_spec_field_name ):
css_spec_field_value = getattr( field_value, css_spec_field_name )
- if isinstance(css_spec_field_value, (list, collections.Sequence, google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer, google.protobuf.pyext._message.RepeatedScalarContainer)):
+ if isinstance(css_spec_field_value, (list, Sequence, google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer, google.protobuf.pyext._message.RepeatedScalarContainer)):
css_spec[ css_spec_field_name ] = [ val for val in css_spec_field_value ]
elif hasattr( css_spec_field_value, 'ListFields' ):
css_spec[ css_spec_field_name ] = {}
for (css_spec_field_item_descriptor, css_spec_field_item_value) in getattr( field_value, css_spec_field_name ).ListFields():
- if isinstance(css_spec_field_item_value, (list, collections.Sequence, google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer, google.protobuf.pyext._message.RepeatedScalarContainer)):
+ if isinstance(css_spec_field_item_value, (list, Sequence, google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer, google.protobuf.pyext._message.RepeatedScalarContainer)):
css_spec[ css_spec_field_name ][ css_spec_field_item_descriptor.name ] = [ val for val in css_spec_field_item_value ]
css_spec[ css_spec_field_name ][ css_spec_field_item_descriptor.name ] = css_spec_field_item_value
@@ -715,7 +729,7 @@ def GetTagRules(tag_spec):
# Ignore amp-custom-length-check because the AMP plugin will indicate how close they are to the limit.
# TODO: Remove the AMP4EMAIL check once this change is released: .
- if tag_spec.HasField('spec_name') and ( str(tag_spec.spec_name) == 'style amp-custom-length-check' or 'AMP4EMAIL' in str(tag_spec.spec_name) ):
+ if tag_spec.HasField('spec_name') and ( tag_spec.spec_name == 'style amp-custom-length-check' or 'AMP4EMAIL' in tag_spec.spec_name ):
return None
if tag_spec.HasField('extension_spec'):
@@ -892,7 +906,7 @@ def GetValues(attr_spec):
# print 'value_property.name: %s' % value_property.name
for (key,val) in value_property.ListFields():
if val != value_property.name:
- if isinstance(val, unicode):
+ if isinstance(val, str):
val = UnicodeEscape(val)
property_dict[UnicodeEscape(key.name)] = val
value_properties_dict[UnicodeEscape(value_property.name)] = property_dict
@@ -902,7 +916,7 @@ def GetValues(attr_spec):
if attr_spec.HasField('value_url'):
value_url_dict = {}
for (value_url_key, value_url_val) in attr_spec.value_url.ListFields():
- if isinstance(value_url_val, (list, collections.Sequence, google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer, google.protobuf.pyext._message.RepeatedScalarContainer)):
+ if isinstance(value_url_val, (list, Sequence, google.protobuf.internal.containers.RepeatedScalarFieldContainer, google.protobuf.pyext._message.RepeatedScalarContainer)):
value_url_val_val = []
for val in value_url_val:
@@ -956,6 +970,23 @@ def GetMandatoryOf( attr, constraint ):
return sorted(attributes)
+def to_json(data):
+ """Make data JSON-serializable
+ Hat tip to AYHarano via https://stackoverflow.com/a/44060541/93579
+ """
+ if data is None or isinstance(data, (bool, int, str)):
+ return data
+ if isinstance( data, bytes ):
+ return data.decode('utf8')
+ if isinstance( data, (tuple, range, list) ):
+ return [to_json(item) for item in data]
+ if isinstance(data, (set, frozenset)):
+ return sorted(data)
+ if isinstance(data, (dict, collections.defaultdict)):
+ return {to_json(key): to_json(data[key]) for key in data}
+ raise TypeError
def Phpize(data, indent=0):
"""Helper function to convert JSON-serializable data into PHP literals.
@@ -964,10 +995,10 @@ def Phpize(data, indent=0):
String formatted as PHP literal.
- json_string = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False)
+ json_string = json.dumps(to_json(data), sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False)
pipe = subprocess.Popen(['php', '-r', 'var_export( json_decode( file_get_contents( "php://stdin" ), true ) );'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- php_stdout = pipe.communicate(input=json_string)[0]
+ php_stdout = pipe.communicate(input=bytes(json_string, 'utf8'))[0]
php_exported = php_stdout.decode()
# Clean up formatting.
@@ -987,12 +1018,10 @@ def Main( repo_directory, out_dir ):
logging.basicConfig(format='[[%(filename)s %(funcName)s]] - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
validator_directory = os.path.realpath( os.path.join( repo_directory, 'validator' ) )
- out_dir = os.path.realpath(out_dir)
GenValidatorProtoascii(validator_directory, out_dir)
GenValidatorPb2Py(validator_directory, out_dir)
- GenValidatorProtoascii(validator_directory,out_dir)
GeneratePHP(repo_directory, out_dir)
if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -1002,5 +1031,5 @@ def Main( repo_directory, out_dir ):
if not os.path.exists( repo_directory ):
Die( "Error: The amphtml directory does not exist: %s" % validator_directory )
repo_directory = os.path.realpath( repo_directory )
- out_dir = os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), 'amp_wp' )
- Main( repo_directory, out_dir )
+ os.chdir( tempfile.gettempdir() )
+ Main( repo_directory, 'amp_validator_dist' )
diff --git a/bin/amphtml-update.sh b/bin/amphtml-update.sh
index 4709f711748..9c5e7eb1d8a 100755
--- a/bin/amphtml-update.sh
+++ b/bin/amphtml-update.sh
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ BIN_PATH="$(dirname "$0")"
-if ! command -v python >/dev/null 2>&1 || ! python -c "import google.protobuf" 2>/dev/null; then
+if ! command -v python3 >/dev/null 2>&1 || ! python3 -c "import google.protobuf" 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Error: The google.protobuf Python module is not installed."
echo "On Linux, you can install the required dependencies via:"
- echo "# apt-get install python protobuf-compiler python-protobuf"
+ echo "# apt-get install python3 protobuf-compiler python3-protobuf"
echo "On MacOS, Python is already installed but you may install via:"
echo "$ pip install --upgrade protobuf"
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ else
# Run script.
-python "$BIN_PATH/amphtml-update.py" "$AMPHTML_LOCATION" > "$PROJECT_PATH/includes/sanitizers/class-amp-allowed-tags-generated.php"
+python3 "$BIN_PATH/amphtml-update.py" "$AMPHTML_LOCATION" > "$PROJECT_PATH/includes/sanitizers/class-amp-allowed-tags-generated.php"
if [[ $CLEANUP == 1 ]]; then
diff --git a/includes/sanitizers/class-amp-allowed-tags-generated.php b/includes/sanitizers/class-amp-allowed-tags-generated.php
index ecf35123d73..45b87352fb9 100644
--- a/includes/sanitizers/class-amp-allowed-tags-generated.php
+++ b/includes/sanitizers/class-amp-allowed-tags-generated.php
@@ -272,6 +272,7 @@ class AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated {
+ 'amp-story-shopping-tag',
@@ -1409,6 +1410,7 @@ class AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated {
'supported_layouts' => array(
+ 5,
@@ -6363,6 +6365,12 @@ class AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated {
+ 'style-preset' => array(
+ 'value' => array(
+ 'default',
+ 'appear',
+ ),
+ ),
'tag_spec' => array(
'amp_layout' => array(
@@ -6942,6 +6950,7 @@ class AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated {
+ 'amp-story-shopping-attachment',
'mandatory_min_num_child_tags' => 1,
@@ -7134,42 +7143,34 @@ class AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated {
'amp-story-shopping-attachment' => array(
'attr_spec_list' => array(
- 'media' => array(),
- 'noloading' => array(
- 'value' => array(
- '',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'tag_spec' => array(
- 'amp_layout' => array(
- 'supported_layouts' => array(
- 1,
+ 'cta-text' => array(),
+ 'src' => array(
+ 'value_url' => array(
+ 'allow_relative' => true,
+ 'protocol' => array(
+ 'https',
+ ),
- 'requires_extension' => array(
- 'amp-story-shopping',
- ),
- 'spec_url' => 'https://amp.dev/documentation/components/amp-story-shopping/',
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'amp-story-shopping-config' => array(
- array(
- 'attr_spec_list' => array(
- 'media' => array(),
- 'noloading' => array(
+ 'theme' => array(
'value' => array(
- '',
+ 'dark',
+ 'light',
'tag_spec' => array(
'amp_layout' => array(
'supported_layouts' => array(
- 1,
+ 5,
+ 'child_tags' => array(
+ 'child_tag_name_oneof' => array(
+ 'script',
+ ),
+ 'mandatory_min_num_child_tags' => 1,
+ ),
'requires_extension' => array(
@@ -7180,11 +7181,8 @@ class AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated {
'amp-story-shopping-tag' => array(
'attr_spec_list' => array(
- 'media' => array(),
- 'noloading' => array(
- 'value' => array(
- '',
- ),
+ 'data-product-id' => array(
+ 'mandatory' => true,
'tag_spec' => array(
@@ -7896,7 +7894,7 @@ class AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated {
'volume' => array(
- 'value_regex' => '^((0?\\.[1-9]+)?|1(\\.0*)?)$',
+ 'value_regex' => '^(0(\\.0*)?|(0?\\.[0-9]+)?|1(\\.0*)?)$',
'tag_spec' => array(
@@ -8413,6 +8411,16 @@ class AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated {
'spec_url' => 'https://amp.dev/documentation/components/amp-audio/',
+ array(
+ 'attr_spec_list' => array(
+ 'controls' => array(),
+ ),
+ 'tag_spec' => array(
+ 'mandatory_ancestor' => 'amp-audio',
+ 'spec_name' => 'amp-audio > audio',
+ 'spec_url' => 'https://amp.dev/documentation/components/amp-audio/',
+ ),
+ ),
'b' => array(
@@ -15669,6 +15677,34 @@ class AMP_Allowed_Tags_Generated {
'spec_url' => 'https://amp.dev/documentation/components/amp-story-auto-ads/',
+ array(
+ 'attr_spec_list' => array(
+ 'nonce' => array(),
+ 'type' => array(
+ 'dispatch_key' => 3,
+ 'mandatory' => true,
+ 'value_casei' => array(
+ 'application/json',
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'cdata' => array(
+ 'disallowed_cdata_regex' => array(
+ array(
+ 'error_message' => 'html comments',
+ 'regex' => '',
- '',
+ '',
$is_gutenberg ? 'plugin' : 'core',
$is_gutenberg ? 'gutenberg' : 'wp-includes',
$latest_posts_block->render_callback instanceof Closure ? '{closure}' : $latest_posts_block->render_callback,
@@ -1347,10 +1347,7 @@ public function get_block_data() {
? preg_replace( ':.*gutenberg/:', '', $reflection_function->getFileName() )
: preg_replace( ':.*wp-includes/:', '', $reflection_function->getFileName() )
- $reflection_function->getStartLine(),
- ( defined( 'GUTENBERG_DEVELOPMENT_MODE' ) || defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) && GUTENBERG_VERSION && version_compare( GUTENBERG_VERSION, '8.8.0', '>=' ) )
- ? 'wp-block-latest-posts__list wp-block-latest-posts'
- : 'wp-block-latest-posts wp-block-latest-posts__list'
+ $reflection_function->getStartLine()
'element' => 'ul',
@@ -1416,6 +1413,13 @@ public function test_add_block_source_comments( $content, $expected, $query ) {
// Remove class added in to normalize with expected data.
$rendered_block = str_replace( ' class="wp-block-latest-posts__post-title"', '', $rendered_block );
+ // Normalize class ordering.
+ $rendered_block = str_replace(
+ 'wp-block-latest-posts__list wp-block-latest-posts',
+ 'wp-block-latest-posts wp-block-latest-posts__list',
+ $rendered_block
+ );
preg_replace( '/(?<=>)\s+(?=<)/', '', str_replace( '%d', $post->ID, $expected ) ),
preg_replace( '/(?<=>)\s+(?=<)/', '', $rendered_block )