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#UI Data context fetch module

User can use field name(label name) or field Code in rule file as a attribute , System will pass label name plus some additional conditions (insured id , coverage code , coverage Id ,interest code ,interest Id) to UI data context fetch module, UI data fetcher will find value in current UIDataContext base on label name and additional info

###Example ####rule if(Each Occurrence Limit>100)

if rule assign to SPH, rule engine will pass coverage code SPH and label name Each Occurrence Limit to UI data context fetch module , fetch module find value binding logic coverType.fieldValueMap.US02EachOccurrenceLimit and fetch value in current UIDataContext

#Service Data Context Fetch module *User can use field name or field code in rule as a attribute , System will use Submission SOABO as context ,when rule is executed , rule engine will pass rule attribute ,additional information and context to service Data context fetch module , this module will find mapping rule in field list definition module and return value base on current context *

#Trigger point interface

RuleResult tigger(Event event);

#Calculation data context Fetch module //TO-DO

#Process for Rule engine ref to rule engine vsd

#DSL feature design

attribute : field name or field code

update field vaule : set("AttributeName",value)

condition :


//Process A


//Process B


call service:service.method(parameter ... )

eBao will provide service API document

####embed method

avg(valueList ...)

sum(valuelist ...)

coverage(code) : find coverage in context


for(location in LocationArray){



LocationArray.each{location -> print(}

find fisrt result in collection :

LocationArray.find{location -> location.premium>2000}

find match results in collection :

LocationArray.findAll{location -> location.premium>2000}

#Rule maintain module //TO-DO ref to rule maintain document

#Rule tracking system System have ability to tracking rule in real time base on event tracking information(username etc..)


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