diff --git a/content/en/docs/advanced/component-styles.md b/content/en/docs/advanced/component-styles.md
index 7756c1aa..13cc90bf 100644
--- a/content/en/docs/advanced/component-styles.md
+++ b/content/en/docs/advanced/component-styles.md
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
title: "Component Styles"
-description: ""
-lead: ""
+description: "Learn how to apply CSS styles to components."
date: 2023-02-28T20:45:18-05:00
-lastmod: 2023-02-28T20:45:18-05:00
draft: false
images: []
@@ -12,6 +10,235 @@ menu:
identifier: "component-styles"
weight: 310
toc: true
+excerptbase: "component-styles"
+Angular apps are styled with standard CSS. That means you can apply
+everything you know about CSS stylesheets, selectors, rules, and media queries
+directly to Angular apps.
+Additionally, Angular can bundle *component styles*
+with components, enabling a more modular design than regular stylesheets.
+This page describes how to load and apply these component styles.
+Run the {{< exref component-styles >}} of the code shown in this page.
+## Using component styles
+For every Angular component you write, you may define not only an HTML template,
+but also the CSS styles that go with that template,
+specifying any selectors, rules, and media queries that you need.
+One way to do this is to set the `styles` property in the component metadata.
+The `styles` property takes a list of strings that contain CSS code.
+Usually you give it one string, as in the following example:
+{{< excerpt src="lib/app_component.dart" section="class" >}}
+The selectors you put into a component's styles apply only within the template
+of that component. The `h1` selector in the preceding example applies only to the `
` tag
+in the template of `HeroAppComponent`. Any `` elements elsewhere in
+the app are unaffected.
+This is a big improvement in modularity compared to how CSS traditionally works.
+* You can use the CSS class names and selectors that make the most sense in the context of each component.
+* Class names and selectors are local to the component and don't collide with
+ classes and selectors used elsewhere in the app.
+* Changes to styles elsewhere in the app don't affect the component's styles.
+* You can co-locate the CSS code of each component with the Dart and HTML code of the component,
+ which leads to a neat and tidy project structure.
+* You can change or remove component CSS code without searching through the
+ whole app to find where else the code is used.
+## Special selectors
+Angular supports a few special selectors from the world of shadow DOM style scoping
+(described in [CSS Scoping Module Level 1][] on the [W3C][] site).
+The following sections describe these selectors.
+{{< alert context="warning" >}}
+ **Note:** These special selectors have no effect when view encapsulation is disabled.
+ For details, see [Controlling view encapsulation](#view-encapsulation).
+{{< /alert >}}
+### :host and :host()
+Use the [:host][] pseudo-class selector to target styles in the element that *hosts* the component (as opposed to
+targeting elements *inside* the component's template).
+{{< excerpt src="lib/src/hero_details_component.css" section="host" >}}
+The `:host` selector is the only way to target the host element. You can't reach
+the host element from inside the component with other selectors because it's not part of the
+component's own template. The host element is in a parent component's template.
+Use the *function form* [:host()][] to apply host styles conditionally by
+including another selector inside parentheses after `:host`.
+The next example targets the host element again, but only when it also has the `active` CSS class.
+{{< excerpt src="lib/src/hero_details_component.css" section="host-function" >}}
+### :host-context()
+Sometimes it's useful to apply styles based on some condition *outside* of a component's view.
+For example, a CSS theme class could be applied to the document `` element, and
+you want to change how your component looks based on that.
+Use the [:host-context()][] pseudo-class selector, which works just like the function
+form of `:host()`. The `:host-context()` selector looks for a CSS class in any ancestor of the component host element,
+up to the document root. The `:host-context()` selector is useful when combined with another selector.
+The following example applies a `background-color` style to all `` elements *inside* the component, only
+if some ancestor element has the CSS class `theme-light`.
+{{< excerpt src="lib/src/hero_details_component.css" section="host-context" >}}
+### ::ng-deep
+Component styles normally apply only to the HTML in the component's own template.
+Use the `::ng-deep` selector to force a style down through the child component tree into all the child component views.
+The `::ng-deep` selector works to any depth of nested components, and it applies to both the view
+children and content children of the component.
+The following example targets all `` elements, from the host element down
+through this component to all of its child elements in the DOM.
+{{< excerpt src="lib/src/hero_details_component.css" section="deep" >}}
+## Loading styles into components
+There are several ways to add styles to a component:
+* By setting `styles` or `styleUrls` metadata.
+* Inline in the template HTML.
+* With CSS imports.
+The scoping rules outlined earlier apply to each of these loading patterns.
+### Styles in metadata
+You can add a `styles` list property to the `@Component` annotation.
+Each string in the list (usually just one string) defines the CSS.
+{{< excerpt src="lib/app_component.dart" section="class" >}}
+### Style URLs in metadata
+You can load styles from external CSS files by adding a `styleUrls` attribute
+into a component's `@Component` annotation:
+{{< excerpt src="lib/src/hero_details_component.dart" section="styleUrls" >}}
+Note that the URLs in `styleUrls` are relative to the component.
+### CSS @imports
+You can also import CSS files into the CSS files using the standard CSS `@import` rule.
+For details, see [`@import`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/@import)
+on the [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org) site.
+In *this* case the URL is relative to the CSS file into which we are importing.
+{{< excerpt src="lib/src/hero_details_component.css" section="import" >}}
+## Controlling view encapsulation
+By default, component styles are _encapsulated_, affecting only the HTML in the
+component's template. You can use the [special selectors](#special-selectors)
+to reach outside of the component's view, or you can disable view encapsulation
+completely for the component.
+Disabling view encapsulation makes the component's styles global.
+To do this, set the component's metadata [encapsulation][] parameter to
+{{< excerpt src="lib/src/quest_summary_component.dart" section="ViewEncapsulation" pattern="Emulated" replace="None" >}}
+The [ViewEncapsulation][] enum can have two values:
+* `Emulated` (the default): Angular emulates the behavior of shadow DOM by preprocessing
+ (and renaming) the CSS to effectively scope the CSS to the component's view.
+ For details, see [Appendix 1](#inspect-generated-css).
+* `None`: Angular does no view encapsulation. Instead it makes the component's styles global.
+ The scoping rules, isolations, and protections discussed earlier don't apply.
+ This is essentially the same as pasting the component's styles into the HTML.
+## Appendix 1: Inspecting view encapsulated styles
+When using emulated view encapsulation, Angular preprocesses
+all component styles so that they approximate the standard shadow CSS scoping rules.
+In the DOM of a running Angular app with emulated view
+encapsulation enabled, each DOM element has some extra classes
+attached to it that may look like this:
+ Mister Fantastic
+ Team
+There are two kinds of generated classes:
+* An element that would be a shadow DOM host has a
+ generated `_nghost` class. This is typically the case for component host elements.
+* An element within a component's view has a `_ngcontent` class
+ that identifies to which host's emulated shadow DOM this element belongs.
+The exact values of these classes aren't important. They are automatically
+generated and you never refer to them in app code. But they are targeted
+by the generated component styles, which are in the `` section of the DOM:
+._nghost-pmm-5 {
+ display: block;
+ border: 1px solid black;
+h3._ngcontent-pmm-6 {
+ background-color: white;
+ border: 1px solid #777;
+These styles are post-processed so that each selector is augmented
+with `_nghost` or `_ngcontent` class selectors.
+These extra selectors enable the scoping rules described in this page.
+## Appendix 2: Loading styles with relative URLs
+It's common practice to split a component's code, HTML, and CSS into three separate files in the same directory:
+ - `quest_summary_component.dart`
+ - `quest_summary_component.html`
+ - `quest_summary_component.css`
+You include the template and CSS files by setting the `templateUrl` and `styleUrls` metadata properties respectively.
+Because these files are co-located with the component,
+it would be nice to refer to them by name without also having to specify a path back to the root of the app.
+Thankfully, this is the default interpretation of relative URLs in AngularDart:
+{{< excerpt src="lib/src/quest_summary_component.dart" section="urls" >}}
+[CSS Scoping Module Level 1]: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-scoping-1
+[encapsulation]: {{< param pubApi >}}/ngdart/latest/di/Component/encapsulation.html
+[ViewEncapsulation]: {{< param pubApi >}}/ngdart/latest/angular/ViewEncapsulation-class.html
+[W3C]: https://www.w3.org
+[:host]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:host
+[:host()]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:host()
+[:host-context()]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:host-context()