parser grammar Java20Parser; //=========================== options { tokenVocab = Java20Lexer; } start: compilationUnit EOF ; // Paragraph 3.10 // -------------- literal : IntegerLiteral | FloatingPointLiteral | BooleanLiteral | CharacterLiteral | StringLiteral | TextBlock | NullLiteral ; // Paragraph 3.8 // ------------- // typeIdentifier // typeIdentifier is replaced by Identifier. // : Identifier // ; // unqualifiedMethodIdentifier // unqualifiedMethodIdentifier is replaced by Identifier. // : Identifier // ; // Paragraph 4.1 // Type is not used. // Type ::= primitiveType // | referenceType // ; // Paragraph 4.2 // ------------- primitiveType : annotation* (numericType | 'boolean') ; numericType : integralType | floatingPointType ; integralType : 'byte' | 'short' | 'int' | 'long' | 'char' ; floatingPointType : 'float' | 'double' ; // Paragraph 4.3 // ------------- referenceType : classOrInterfaceType // | typeVariable Is part of classOrInterfaceType | arrayType ; // replace classType in classOrInterfaceType // classOrInterfaceType // : classType // | interfaceType // ; // classOrInterfaceType // : annotation* Identifier typeArguments? cOIT // | packageName '.' annotation* Identifier typeArguments? cOIT // | classOrInterfaceType '.' annotation* Identifier typeArguments? // | interfaceType cOIT // ; cOIT : '.' annotation* Identifier typeArguments? cOIT? ; // To reduce the number of ambiguities, the last rule has to be combined // with the following rule. classOrInterfaceType : (identifierDotList '.')? annotation* Identifier typeArguments? cOIT? ; classType : annotation* Identifier typeArguments? // | identifierDotList '.' annotation* Identifier typeArguments? // is part of classOrInterfaceType | classOrInterfaceType '.' annotation* Identifier typeArguments? ; interfaceType : classType ; typeVariable : annotation* Identifier ; arrayType : primitiveType dims | classType dims // | typeVariable dims is part of ClassType ; dims : annotation* '[' ']' ( annotation* '[' ']' )* ; // Paragraph 4.4 // ------------- typeParameter : typeParameterModifier* Identifier typeBound? ; typeParameterModifier : annotation ; typeBound // : 'extends' (typeVariable | classOrInterfaceType additionalBound*) // typeVariable is part of classOrInterfaceType : 'extends' classOrInterfaceType additionalBound* ; additionalBound : '&' interfaceType ; // Paragraph 4.5.1 // --------------- typeArguments : '<' typeArgumentList '>' ; typeArgumentList : typeArgument ( ',' typeArgument )* ; typeArgument : referenceType | wildcard ; wildcard : annotation* '?' wildcardBounds? ; wildcardBounds : 'extends' referenceType | 'super' referenceType ; // Paragraph 6.5 // ------------- identifierDotList // new non-terminal : Identifier ('.' identifierDotList)? ; // moduleName Is replaced by identifierDotList // : Identifier ('.' moduleName)? // // left recursion --> right recursion // ; // packageName Is replaced by identifierDotList // : Identifier ('.' packageName)? // // left recursion --> right recursion // ; // typeName Is replaced by identifierDotList // : packageName ('.' Identifier)? // ; // packageOrTypeName Is replaced by identifierDotList // : Identifier ('.' packageOrTypeName)? // // left recursion --> right recursion // ; // expressionName Is replaced by identifierDotList // : (identifierDotList '.')? Identifier // ; // methodName Is replaced by Identifier // : Identifier // ; // ambiguousName Is replaced by identifierDotList // : Identifier ('.' ambiguousName)? // // left recursion --> right recursion // ; // Paragraph 7.3 // ------------- compilationUnit : ordinaryCompilationUnit | modularCompilationUnit ; ordinaryCompilationUnit : packageDeclaration? importDeclaration* topLevelClassOrInterfaceDeclaration* ; modularCompilationUnit : importDeclaration* moduleDeclaration ; // Paragraph 7.4 // ------------- packageDeclaration // : packageModifier* 'package' Identifier ( '.' Identifier )* ';' : packageModifier* 'package' identifierDotList ';' ; packageModifier : annotation ; // Paragraph 7.5 // ------------- importDeclaration : singleTypeImportDeclaration | typeImportOnDemandDeclaration | singleStaticImportDeclaration | staticImportOnDemandDeclaration ; singleTypeImportDeclaration : 'import' identifierDotList ';' ; typeImportOnDemandDeclaration : 'import' identifierDotList '.' '*' ';' ; singleStaticImportDeclaration // : 'import' 'static' identifierDotList '.' Identifier ';' : 'import' 'static' identifierDotList ';' ; staticImportOnDemandDeclaration : 'import' 'static' identifierDotList '.' '*' ';' ; // Paragraph 7.6 // ------------- topLevelClassOrInterfaceDeclaration : classDeclaration | interfaceDeclaration | ';' ; // Paragraph 7.7 // ------------- openModule // non-terminal is added to check whether Identifier is 'open' : 'module' | Identifier 'module' // a parsetree listener has to check whether Identifier is equal to 'open'. // Using the token 'open' makes the use of e.g. impossible. // openModule is used in moduleDeclaration ; moduleDeclaration // : annotation* 'open'? 'module' Identifier ( '.' Identifier )* '{' moduleDirective* '}' : annotation* openModule identifierDotList '{' moduleDirective* '}' ; moduleDirective : 'requires' requiresModifier* identifierDotList ';' | 'exports' identifierDotList ('to' identifierDotList ( ',' identifierDotList )* )? ';' | 'opens' identifierDotList ('to' identifierDotList ( ',' identifierDotList )* )? ';' | 'uses' identifierDotList ';' | 'provides' identifierDotList 'with' identifierDotList ( ',' identifierDotList )* ';' ; requiresModifier : 'transitive' | 'static' ; // Paragraph 8.1 // ------------- classDeclaration : normalClassDeclaration | enumDeclaration | recordDeclaration ; normalClassDeclaration : classModifier* 'class' Identifier typeParameters? classExtends? classImplements? classPermits? classBody ; classModifier : annotation | 'public' | 'protected' | 'private' | 'abstract' | 'static' | 'final' | 'sealed' | 'non-sealed' | 'strictfp' ; typeParameters : '<' typeParameterList '>' ; typeParameterList : typeParameter ( ',' typeParameter )* ; classExtends : 'extends' classType ; classImplements : 'implements' interfaceTypeList ; interfaceTypeList : interfaceType ( ',' interfaceType )* ; classPermits : 'permits' identifierDotList ( ',' identifierDotList )* ; classBody : '{' classBodyDeclaration* '}' ; classBodyDeclaration : classMemberDeclaration | instanceInitializer | staticInitializer | constructorDeclaration ; classMemberDeclaration : fieldDeclaration | methodDeclaration | classDeclaration | interfaceDeclaration | ';' ; // Paragraph 8.3 // ------------- fieldDeclaration : fieldModifier* unannType variableDeclaratorList ';' ; fieldModifier : annotation | 'public' | 'protected' | 'private' | 'static' | 'final' | 'transient' | 'volatile' ; variableDeclaratorList : variableDeclarator ( ',' variableDeclarator )* ; variableDeclarator : variableDeclaratorId ( '=' variableInitializer )? ; variableDeclaratorId : Identifier dims? ; variableInitializer : expression | arrayInitializer ; unannType : unannPrimitiveType | unannReferenceType ; unannPrimitiveType : numericType | 'boolean' ; unannReferenceType : unannClassOrInterfaceType // | unannTypeVariable is part of unannClassOrInterfaceType | unannArrayType ; // Replace unannClassType in unannClassOrInterfaceType // unannClassOrInterfaceType // : unannClassType // | unannInterfaceType // ; unannClassOrInterfaceType : (identifierDotList '.' annotation*)? Identifier typeArguments? uCOIT? ; uCOIT : '.' annotation* Identifier typeArguments? uCOIT? ; unannClassType : Identifier typeArguments? | (identifierDotList | unannClassOrInterfaceType) '.' annotation* Identifier typeArguments? ; unannInterfaceType : unannClassType ; unannTypeVariable : Identifier ; unannArrayType // : (unannPrimitiveType | unannClassOrInterfaceType | unannTypeVariable) dims // unannTypeVariable is part of unannClassOrInterfaceType : (unannPrimitiveType | unannClassOrInterfaceType) dims ; // Paragraph 8.4 // ------------- methodDeclaration : methodModifier* methodHeader methodBody ; methodModifier : annotation | 'public' | 'protected' | 'private' | 'abstract' | 'static' | 'final' | 'synchronized' | 'native' | 'strictfp' ; methodHeader : (typeParameters annotation*)? result methodDeclarator throwsT? ; result : unannType | 'void' ; methodDeclarator : Identifier '(' (receiverParameter ',' )? formalParameterList? ')' dims? ; receiverParameter : annotation* unannType ( Identifier '.' )? 'this' ; formalParameterList : formalParameter ( ',' formalParameter )* ; formalParameter : variableModifier* unannType variableDeclaratorId | variableArityParameter ; variableArityParameter : variableModifier* unannType annotation* '...' Identifier ; variableModifier : annotation | 'final' ; throwsT : 'throws' exceptionTypeList ; exceptionTypeList : exceptionType ( ',' exceptionType )* ; exceptionType : classType // | typeVariable is part of ClassType ; methodBody : block | ';' ; // Paragraph 8.6 // ------------- instanceInitializer : block ; // Paragraph 8.7 // ------------- staticInitializer :'static' block ; // Paragraph 8.8 // ------------- constructorDeclaration : constructorModifier* constructorDeclarator throwsT? constructorBody ; constructorModifier : annotation | 'public' | 'protected' | 'private' ; constructorDeclarator : typeParameters? simpleTypeName '(' ( receiverParameter ',' )? formalParameterList? ')' ; simpleTypeName : Identifier ; constructorBody : '{' explicitConstructorInvocation? blockStatements? '}' ; explicitConstructorInvocation : typeArguments? ('this' | 'super') '(' argumentList? ')' ';' | (identifierDotList | primary) '.' typeArguments? 'super' '(' argumentList? ')' ';' ; // Paragraph 8.9 // ------------- enumDeclaration : classModifier* 'enum' Identifier classImplements? enumBody ; enumBody : '{' enumConstantList? ','? enumBodyDeclarations? '}' // It is not my grammarmistake! It is based on // // Notice, javac accepts "enum One { , }" and also "enum Two { , ; {} }" ; enumConstantList : enumConstant ( ',' enumConstant )* ; enumConstant : enumConstantModifier* Identifier ( '(' argumentList? ')' )? classBody? ; enumConstantModifier : annotation ; enumBodyDeclarations : ';' classBodyDeclaration* ; // Paragraph 8.10 // -------------- recordDeclaration : classModifier* 'record' Identifier typeParameters? recordHeader classImplements? recordBody ; recordHeader : '(' recordComponentList? ')' ; recordComponentList : recordComponent ( ',' recordComponent )* ; recordComponent : recordComponentModifier* unannType Identifier | variableArityRecordComponent ; variableArityRecordComponent : recordComponentModifier* unannType annotation* '...' Identifier ; recordComponentModifier : annotation ; recordBody : '{' recordBodyDeclaration* '}' ; recordBodyDeclaration : classBodyDeclaration | compactConstructorDeclaration ; compactConstructorDeclaration : constructorModifier* simpleTypeName constructorBody ; // Paragraph 9.1 // ------------- interfaceDeclaration : normalInterfaceDeclaration | annotationInterfaceDeclaration ; normalInterfaceDeclaration : interfaceModifier* 'interface' Identifier typeParameters? interfaceExtends? interfacePermits? interfaceBody ; interfaceModifier : annotation | 'public' | 'protected' | 'private' | 'abstract' | 'static' | 'sealed' | 'non-sealed' | 'strictfp' ; interfaceExtends : 'extends' interfaceTypeList ; interfacePermits : 'permits' identifierDotList ( ',' identifierDotList )* ; interfaceBody : '{' interfaceMemberDeclaration* '}' ; interfaceMemberDeclaration : constantDeclaration | interfaceMethodDeclaration | classDeclaration | interfaceDeclaration | ';' ; // Paragraph 9.3 // ------------- constantDeclaration : constantModifier* unannType variableDeclaratorList ';' ; constantModifier : annotation | 'public' | 'static' | 'final' ; // Paragraph 9.4 // ------------- interfaceMethodDeclaration : interfaceMethodModifier* methodHeader methodBody ; interfaceMethodModifier : annotation | 'public' | 'private' | 'abstract' | 'default' | 'static' | 'strictfp' ; // Paragraph 9.6 // ------------- annotationInterfaceDeclaration : interfaceModifier* '@' 'interface' Identifier annotationInterfaceBody ; annotationInterfaceBody : '{' annotationInterfaceMemberDeclaration* '}' ; annotationInterfaceMemberDeclaration : annotationInterfaceElementDeclaration | constantDeclaration | classDeclaration | interfaceDeclaration | ';' ; annotationInterfaceElementDeclaration : annotationInterfaceElementModifier* unannType Identifier '(' ')' dims? defaultValue? ';' ; annotationInterfaceElementModifier : annotation | 'public' | 'abstract' ; defaultValue : 'default' elementValue ; // Paragraph 9.7 // ------------- annotation : normalAnnotation | markerAnnotation | singleElementAnnotation ; normalAnnotation : '@' identifierDotList '(' elementValuePairList? ')' ; elementValuePairList : elementValuePair ( ',' elementValuePair )* ; elementValuePair : Identifier '=' elementValue ; elementValue : conditionalExpression | elementValueArrayInitializer | annotation ; elementValueArrayInitializer : '{' elementValueList? ','? '}' ; elementValueList : elementValue ( ',' elementValue )* ; markerAnnotation : '@' identifierDotList ; singleElementAnnotation : '@' identifierDotList '(' elementValue ')' ; // Paragraph 10.6 // -------------- arrayInitializer : '{' variableInitializerList? ','? '}' // Strange: ',' ; variableInitializerList : variableInitializer ( ',' variableInitializer )* ; // Paragraph 14.2 // -------------- block : '{' blockStatements? '}' ; blockStatements : blockStatement blockStatement* ; blockStatement : localClassOrInterfaceDeclaration | localVariableDeclarationStatement | statement ; // Paragraph 14.3 // -------------- localClassOrInterfaceDeclaration : classDeclaration | normalInterfaceDeclaration ; // Paragraph 14.4 // -------------- localVariableDeclaration : variableModifier* localVariableType variableDeclaratorList? ; localVariableType : unannType | 'var' ; localVariableDeclarationStatement : localVariableDeclaration ';' ; // Paragraph 14.5 // -------------- statement : statementWithoutTrailingSubstatement | labeledStatement | ifThenStatement | ifThenElseStatement | whileStatement | forStatement ; statementNoShortIf : statementWithoutTrailingSubstatement | labeledStatementNoShortIf | ifThenElseStatementNoShortIf | whileStatementNoShortIf | forStatementNoShortIf ; statementWithoutTrailingSubstatement : block | emptyStatement | expressionStatement | assertStatement | switchStatement | doStatement | breakStatement | continueStatement | returnStatement | synchronizedStatement | throwStatement | tryStatement | yieldStatement ; // Paragraph 14.6 // -------------- emptyStatement : ';' ; // Paragraph 14.7 // -------------- labeledStatement : Identifier ':' statement ; labeledStatementNoShortIf : Identifier ':' statementNoShortIf ; // Paragraph 14.8 // -------------- expressionStatement : statementExpression ';' ; statementExpression : assignment | preIncrementExpression | preDecrementExpression | postIncrementExpression | postDecrementExpression | methodInvocation | classInstanceCreationExpression ; // Paragraph 14.9 // -------------- ifThenStatement : 'if' '(' expression ')' statement ; ifThenElseStatement : 'if' '(' expression ')' statementNoShortIf 'else' statement ; ifThenElseStatementNoShortIf : 'if' '(' expression ')' statementNoShortIf 'else' statementNoShortIf ; // Paragraph 14.10 // --------------- assertStatement : 'assert' expression ( ':' expression )? ';' ; // Paragraph 14.11 // -------------- switchStatement : 'switch' '(' expression ')' switchBlock ; switchBlock : '{' switchRule switchRule* '}' | '{' switchBlockStatementGroup* ( switchLabel ':' )* '}' ; switchRule : switchLabel '->' ( expression ';' | block | throwStatement ) ; switchBlockStatementGroup : switchLabel ':' ( switchLabel ':' )* blockStatements ; switchLabel : 'case' caseConstant ( ',' caseConstant )* | 'default' ; caseConstant : conditionalExpression ; // Paragraph 14.12 // --------------- whileStatement : 'while' '(' expression ')' statement ; whileStatementNoShortIf : 'while' '(' expression ')' statementNoShortIf ; // Paragraph 14.13 // --------------- doStatement : 'do' statement 'while' '(' expression ')' ';' ; // Paragraph 14.14 // --------------- forStatement : basicForStatement | enhancedForStatement ; forStatementNoShortIf : basicForStatementNoShortIf | enhancedForStatementNoShortIf ; basicForStatement : 'for' '(' forInit? ';' expression? ';' forUpdate? ')' statement ; basicForStatementNoShortIf : 'for' '(' forInit? ';' expression? ';' forUpdate? ')' statementNoShortIf ; forInit : statementExpressionList | localVariableDeclaration ; forUpdate : statementExpressionList ; statementExpressionList : statementExpression ( ',' statementExpression )* ; enhancedForStatement : 'for' '(' localVariableDeclaration ':' expression ')' statement ; enhancedForStatementNoShortIf : 'for' '(' localVariableDeclaration ':' expression ')' statementNoShortIf ; // Paragraph 14.15 // --------------- breakStatement : 'break' Identifier? ';' ; // Paragraph 14.16 // --------------- continueStatement : 'continue' Identifier? ';' ; // Paragraph 14.17 // --------------- returnStatement : 'return' expression? ';' ; // Paragraph 14.18 // --------------- throwStatement : 'throw' expression ';' ; // Paragraph 14.19 // --------------- synchronizedStatement : 'synchronized' '(' expression ')' block ; // Paragraph 14.20 // --------------- tryStatement : 'try' block catches | 'try' block finallyBlock | 'try' block catches? finallyBlock | tryWithResourcesStatement ; catches : catchClause catchClause* ; catchClause : 'catch' '(' catchFormalParameter ')' block ; catchFormalParameter : variableModifier* catchType variableDeclaratorId ; catchType : unannClassType ( '|' classType )* ; finallyBlock : 'finally' block ; tryWithResourcesStatement : 'try' resourceSpecification block catches? finallyBlock? ; resourceSpecification : '(' resourceList ';'? ')' ; resourceList : resource ( ';' resource )* ; resource : localVariableDeclaration | variableAccess ; variableAccess : identifierDotList | fieldAccess ; // Paragraph 14.21 //---------------- yieldStatement : 'yield' expression ';' ; // Paragraph 14.30 // -------------- pattern : typePattern ; typePattern : localVariableDeclaration ; // Paragraph 15.2 // -------------- expression : lambdaExpression | assignmentExpression ; // Paragraph 15.8 // -------------- primary : primaryNoNewArray | arrayCreationExpression ; // Replace classInstanceCreationExpression, fieldAccess, arrayAccess, methodInvocation, and // methodReference in primaryNoNewArray. // Replace in these two rules primary by primaryNoNewArray. // primaryNoNewArray // : literal // | classLiteral // | 'this' // | typeName '.' 'this' // | '(' expression ')' // | classInstanceCreationExpression // | fieldAccess // | arrayAccess // | methodInvocation // | methodReference // ; // // primaryNoNewArray // : literal // | classLiteral // | 'this' // | typeName '.' 'this' // | '(' expression ')' // | unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression // | expressionName '.' unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression // // | primaryNoNewArray '.' unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression // | arrayCreationExpression '.' unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression // // | primaryNoNewArray '.' Identifier // | arrayCreationExpression '.' Identifier // // | 'super' '.' Identifier // | typeName '.' 'super' '.' Identifier // // | expressionName '[' expression ']' // | primaryNoNewArray '[' expression ']' // | arrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer '[' expression ']' // // | methodName '(' argumentList? ')' // | typeName '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' // | expressionName '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' // // | primaryNoNewArray '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' // | arrayCreationExpression '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' // // | 'super' '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' // | typeName '.' 'super' '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' // // | expressionName '::' typeArguments? Identifier // // | primaryNoNewArray '::' typeArguments? Identifier // | arrayCreationExpression '::' typeArguments? Identifier // // // | referenceType '::' typeArguments? Identifier // | 'super' '::' typeArguments? Identifier // | typeName '.' 'super' '::' typeArguments? Identifier // | classType '::' typeArguments? 'new' // | arrayType '::' 'new' // ; // primaryNoNewArray : literal pNNA? | classLiteral pNNA? | 'this' pNNA? | identifierDotList '.' 'this' pNNA? | '(' expression ')' pNNA? | unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression pNNA? | identifierDotList '.' unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression pNNA? | arrayCreationExpression '.' unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression pNNA? | arrayCreationExpression '.' Identifier pNNA? | 'super' '.' Identifier pNNA? | identifierDotList '.' 'super' '.' Identifier pNNA? | identifierDotList '[' expression ']' pNNA? | arrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer '[' expression ']' pNNA? | Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' pNNA? // | identifierDotList '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' pNNA? | identifierDotList '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' pNNA? | arrayCreationExpression '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' pNNA? | 'super' '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' pNNA? | identifierDotList '.' 'super' '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' pNNA? | identifierDotList '::' typeArguments? Identifier pNNA? | arrayCreationExpression '::' typeArguments? Identifier pNNA? | referenceType '::' typeArguments? Identifier pNNA? | 'super' '::' typeArguments? Identifier pNNA? | identifierDotList '.' 'super' '::' typeArguments? Identifier pNNA? | classType '::' typeArguments? 'new' pNNA? | arrayType '::' 'new' pNNA? ; pNNA : '.' unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression pNNA? | '.' Identifier pNNA? | '[' expression ']' pNNA? | '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' pNNA? | '::' typeArguments? Identifier pNNA? ; classLiteral : identifierDotList ( '[' ']' )* '.' 'class' | numericType ( '[' ']' )* '.' 'class' | 'boolean' ( '[' ']' )* '.' 'class' | 'void' '.' 'class' ; // Paragraph 15.9 // -------------- classInstanceCreationExpression : unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression | identifierDotList '.' unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression | primary '.' unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression ; unqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression : 'new' typeArguments? classOrInterfaceTypeToInstantiate '(' argumentList? ')' classBody? ; classOrInterfaceTypeToInstantiate : annotation* Identifier ( '.' annotation* Identifier )* typeArgumentsOrDiamond? ; typeArgumentsOrDiamond : typeArguments | '<>' ; // Paragraph 15.10 // --------------- arrayCreationExpression : arrayCreationExpressionWithoutInitializer | arrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer ; arrayCreationExpressionWithoutInitializer : 'new' primitiveType dimExprs dims? | 'new' classType dimExprs dims? ; arrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer : 'new' primitiveType dims arrayInitializer | 'new' classOrInterfaceType dims arrayInitializer ; dimExprs : dimExpr dimExpr* ; dimExpr : annotation* '[' expression ']' ; arrayAccess : identifierDotList '[' expression ']' | primaryNoNewArray '[' expression ']' | arrayCreationExpressionWithInitializer '[' expression ']' ; // Paragraph 15.11 // --------------- fieldAccess : primary '.' Identifier | 'super' '.' Identifier | identifierDotList '.' 'super' '.' Identifier ; // Paragraph 15.12 // --------------- methodInvocation : Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' | identifierDotList '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' // | identifierDotList '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' | primary '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' | 'super' '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' | identifierDotList '.' 'super' '.' typeArguments? Identifier '(' argumentList? ')' ; argumentList : expression ( ',' expression )* ; // Paragraph 15.13 // --------------- methodReference : identifierDotList '::' typeArguments? Identifier | primary '::' typeArguments? Identifier | referenceType '::' typeArguments? Identifier | 'super' '::' typeArguments? Identifier | identifierDotList '.' 'super' '::' typeArguments? Identifier | classType '::' typeArguments? 'new' | arrayType '::' 'new' ; // Paragraph 15.14 // --------------- // Replace postIncrementExpression and postDecrementExpression by postfixExpression. // postfixExpression // : primary // | expressionName // | postIncrementExpression // | postDecrementExpression // ; // // postfixExpression // : primary // | expressionName // | postfixExpression '++' // | postfixExpression '--' // ; postfixExpression : primary pfE? | identifierDotList pfE? ; pfE : '++' pfE? | '--' pfE? ; postIncrementExpression : postfixExpression '++' ; postDecrementExpression : postfixExpression '--' ; // Paragraph 15.15 // --------------- unaryExpression : preIncrementExpression | preDecrementExpression | '+' unaryExpression | '-' unaryExpression | unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus ; preIncrementExpression : '++' unaryExpression ; preDecrementExpression : '--' unaryExpression ; unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus : postfixExpression | '~' unaryExpression | '!' unaryExpression | castExpression | switchExpression ; // Paragraph 15.16 // --------------- castExpression : '(' primitiveType ')' unaryExpression | '(' referenceType additionalBound* ')' unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus | '(' referenceType additionalBound* ')' lambdaExpression ; // Paragraph 15.17 // --------------- multiplicativeExpression : unaryExpression | multiplicativeExpression '*' unaryExpression | multiplicativeExpression '/' unaryExpression | multiplicativeExpression '%' unaryExpression ; // Paragraph 15.18 // --------------- additiveExpression : multiplicativeExpression | additiveExpression '+' multiplicativeExpression | additiveExpression '-' multiplicativeExpression ; // Paragraph 15.19 // --------------- shiftExpression : additiveExpression | shiftExpression '<''<' additiveExpression | shiftExpression '>''>' additiveExpression | shiftExpression '>''>''>' additiveExpression ; // Paragraph 15.20 // --------------- relationalExpression : shiftExpression | relationalExpression '<' shiftExpression | relationalExpression '>' shiftExpression | relationalExpression '<=' shiftExpression | relationalExpression '>=' shiftExpression // | instanceofExpression | relationalExpression 'instanceof' (referenceType | pattern) // Solves left recursion with instanceofExpression. ; // instanceofExpression // : relationalExpression 'instanceof' (referenceType | pattern) // ; // Resulted to left recursion with relationalExpression. // Paragraph 15.21 // --------------- equalityExpression : relationalExpression | equalityExpression '==' relationalExpression | equalityExpression '!=' relationalExpression ; // Paragraph 15.22 // --------------- andExpression : equalityExpression | andExpression '&' equalityExpression ; exclusiveOrExpression : andExpression | exclusiveOrExpression '^' andExpression ; inclusiveOrExpression : exclusiveOrExpression | inclusiveOrExpression '|' exclusiveOrExpression ; // Paragraph 15.23 // --------------- conditionalAndExpression : inclusiveOrExpression | conditionalAndExpression '&&' inclusiveOrExpression ; // Paragraph 15.24 // --------------- conditionalOrExpression : conditionalAndExpression | conditionalOrExpression '||' conditionalAndExpression ; // Paragraph 15.25 // --------------- conditionalExpression : conditionalOrExpression | conditionalOrExpression '?' expression ':' conditionalExpression | conditionalOrExpression '?' expression ':' lambdaExpression ; // Paragraph 15.26 // --------------- assignmentExpression : conditionalExpression | assignment ; assignment : leftHandSide assignmentOperator expression ; leftHandSide : identifierDotList | fieldAccess | arrayAccess ; assignmentOperator : '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|=' ; // Paragraph 15.27 // --------------- lambdaExpression : lambdaParameters '->' lambdaBody ; lambdaParameters : '(' lambdaParameterList? ')' | Identifier ; lambdaParameterList : lambdaParameter ( ',' lambdaParameter )* | Identifier ( ',' Identifier )* ; lambdaParameter : variableModifier* lambdaParameterType variableDeclaratorId | variableArityParameter ; lambdaParameterType : unannType | 'var' ; lambdaBody : expression | block ; // Paragraph 15.28 // --------------- switchExpression : 'switch' '(' expression ')' switchBlock ; // Paragraph 15.29 // --------------- constantExpression : expression ;