diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 12e6978..8268763 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Local .terraform directories
# Terraform lockfile
diff --git a/examples/gcp/gke-existing_cluster/README.md b/examples/gcp/gke-existing_cluster/README.md
index ab7b8c3..c575d5c 100644
--- a/examples/gcp/gke-existing_cluster/README.md
+++ b/examples/gcp/gke-existing_cluster/README.md
@@ -3,18 +3,29 @@
[![Google Provider Version][badge-tf-google]](https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google/releases)
# Anyscale GCP GKE Example - Existing Cluster
-This example creates the resources to run Anyscale on GCP GKE with an existing cluster
-**Work in progress**
-## Needs to Create:
-- DONE - filestore
-- DONE - IAM Service Accounts for ControlPlane
-- DONE - Firewall
-- IAM Service Accounts for Dataplane (?) (needs a cluster role for GKE)
-- DONE - storage bucket
-- namespace
-- helm charts
-- configmap
+This example creates the resources to run Anyscale on GCP GKE with an existing GKE cluster.
+## Known Issues on GKE
+- Autopilot GKE clusters are not supported.
+- Node auto-provisioning for GKE failing with GPU nodes: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/container-engine-accelerators/issues/407
+- When choosing "GPU Driver installation", select "Google-managed".
+## terraform.tfvars
+anyscale_deploy_env = "..."
+anyscale_org_id = "..." # Troubleshooting Org Id
+google_region = "..."
+google_project_id = "..."
+existing_vpc_name = "..."
+existing_subnet_name = "..."
+customer_ingress_cidr_ranges = ""
+gke_endpoint = "..."
+gke_ca_certificate = "..."
## Requirements
diff --git a/modules/anyscale-k8s-helm/README.md b/modules/anyscale-k8s-helm/README.md
index e61da1d..fe80145 100644
--- a/modules/anyscale-k8s-helm/README.md
+++ b/modules/anyscale-k8s-helm/README.md
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ This module creates Kubernetes helm charts for Anyscale applications and workloa
| [helm](#provider\_helm) | 2.15.0 |
| [kubernetes](#provider\_kubernetes) | 2.32.0 |
-| [time](#provider\_time) | 0.12.0 |
+| [time](#provider\_time) | 0.12.1 |
## Modules
diff --git a/modules/anyscale-k8s-namespace/README.md b/modules/anyscale-k8s-namespace/README.md
index dfb542a..a4c2f9b 100644
--- a/modules/anyscale-k8s-namespace/README.md
+++ b/modules/anyscale-k8s-namespace/README.md
@@ -12,6 +12,43 @@ This module creates a Kubernetes Namespace for Anyscale.
The Anyscale Namespace can also be created via the Anycsale Helm Chart.
+## Requirements
+| Name | Version |
+| [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | >= 1.0 |
+| [kubernetes](#requirement\_kubernetes) | ~> 2.0 |
+## Providers
+| Name | Version |
+| [kubernetes](#provider\_kubernetes) | 2.32.0 |
+## Modules
+No modules.
+## Resources
+| Name | Type |
+| [kubernetes_namespace.anyscale](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/kubernetes/latest/docs/resources/namespace) | resource |
+## Inputs
+| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
+| [cloud\_provider](#input\_cloud\_provider) | (Required) The cloud provider (aws or gcp)
cloud_provider = "aws"| `string` | n/a | yes | +| [anyscale\_kubernetes\_namespace](#input\_anyscale\_kubernetes\_namespace) | (Optional) The name of the Kubernetes namespace.
anyscale_kubernetes_namespace = "anyscale-k8s"| `string` | `"anyscale-k8s"` | no | +| [kubernetes\_cluster\_name](#input\_kubernetes\_cluster\_name) | (Optional) The name of the Kubernetes cluster.
kubernetes_cluster_name = "my-cluster"| `string` | `null` | no | +| [module\_enabled](#input\_module\_enabled) | (Optional) Determines if this module should create resources.
module_enabled = true| `bool` | `true` | no | + +## Outputs + +| Name | Description | +|------|-------------| +| [anyscale\_kubernetes\_namespace\_name](#output\_anyscale\_kubernetes\_namespace\_name) | The name of the Kubernetes namespace. |