ANZMEST is GeoNetwork 2.10.x with Australian and New Zealand Metadata Profiles and support.
When you clone ANZMEST select the 2.10.x branch eg:
git clone -b 2.10.x --recursive
To build after you have cloned:
cd gast
git checkout 2.10.x
git pull
cd ..
cd geoserver
git checkout 2.10.x
git pull
cd ..
cd maven_repo
git checkout master
git pull
cd ..
cd schemaPlugins
git checkout 2.10.x
git pull
cd ..
With ANZMEST you get GeoNetwork (2.10.x) plus:
- ISO19115/19139 ANZLIC Profile version 1.1
- ISO19115/19139 Marine Community Profile versions 1.4 and 1.5-experimental
- ANZMETA (the old ANZLIC metadata profile) version 1.3 (view only - no editing)
- ISO19115-3
- Editor from GeoNetwork 3.x
- Nationalmap as map browser
You can view the config overrides that ANZMEST applies to GeoNetwork at:
After you have cloned the repository, this file can be found at:
You can review the differences between ANZMEST-2.10.x and GeoNetwork 2.10.x in the github interface at
- Immediate search access to local and distributed geospatial catalogues
- Up- and downloading of data, graphics, documents, pdf files and any other content type
- An interactive Web Map Viewer to combine Web Map Services from distributed servers around the world
- Online editing of metadata with a powerful template system
- Scheduled harvesting and synchronization of metadata between distributed catalogs
- Support for OGC-CSW 2.0.2 ISO Profile, OAI-PMH, Z39.50 protocols
- Fine-grained access control with group and user management
- Multi-lingual user interface