index d03338efd6e..4f332925863 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+AOL Prebid 1.17.0
+Added functionality for rendering pixels once.
+AOL Prebid 1.16.0
+Added Audience Network adapter.
+Added creative key field in bid response for Sharethrough adapter.
AOL Prebid 1.15.0
Nexage API implemented.
diff --git a/adapters.json b/adapters.json
index 41948e5920d..c182fe7abfc 100644
--- a/adapters.json
+++ b/adapters.json
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ "audienceNetwork",
diff --git a/integrationExamples/gpt/audienceNetwork_dfp.html b/integrationExamples/gpt/audienceNetwork_dfp.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b30df31b276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integrationExamples/gpt/audienceNetwork_dfp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ Prebid.js Test
Audience Network quick start
+ - Create a new App at https://developers.facebook.com/apps
+ - Add the Audience Network product to it
+ - Create a new Placement to generate your placementId
+ - To test, ensure the User-Agent request header represents a mobile device
diff --git a/src/adapters/analytics/aolPartnersIds.json b/src/adapters/analytics/aolPartnersIds.json
index cd2e2115c80..ae1fc410c79 100644
--- a/src/adapters/analytics/aolPartnersIds.json
+++ b/src/adapters/analytics/aolPartnersIds.json
@@ -55,5 +55,6 @@
"twenga": 54,
"lifestreet": 55,
"vertamedia": 56,
- "stickyadstv": 57
+ "stickyadstv": 57,
+ "audienceNetwork": 58
diff --git a/src/adapters/aol.js b/src/adapters/aol.js
index 687bfab4efc..61c45d2ca10 100644
--- a/src/adapters/aol.js
+++ b/src/adapters/aol.js
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ const bidmanager = require('../bidmanager.js');
const constants = require('../constants.json');
const events = require('src/events');
+$$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.aolGlobals = {
+ pixelsDropped: false
const AolAdapter = function AolAdapter() {
let showCpmAdjustmentWarning = true;
@@ -67,8 +71,11 @@ const AolAdapter = function AolAdapter() {
function dropSyncCookies(pixels) {
- let pixelElements = parsePixelItems(pixels);
- renderPixelElements(pixelElements);
+ if (!$$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.aolGlobals.pixelsDropped) {
+ let pixelElements = parsePixelItems(pixels);
+ renderPixelElements(pixelElements);
+ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.aolGlobals.pixelsDropped = true;
+ }
function parsePixelItems(pixels) {
@@ -227,7 +234,11 @@ const AolAdapter = function AolAdapter() {
if (bid.params.userSyncOn === constants.EVENTS.BID_RESPONSE) {
} else {
- ad += response.ext.pixels;
+ let formattedPixels = response.ext.pixels.replace(/<\/?script( type=('|")text\/javascript('|")|)?>/g, '');
+ ad += '';
diff --git a/src/adapters/audienceNetwork.js b/src/adapters/audienceNetwork.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8ab96430491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/adapters/audienceNetwork.js
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ * @file AudienceNetwork adapter.
+ */
+import { ajax } from '../ajax';
+import { createBid } from '../bidfactory';
+import { addBidResponse } from '../bidmanager';
+import { STATUS } from '../constants.json';
+import { format } from '../url';
+import { logError } from '../utils';
+import { createNew } from './adapter';
+const baseAdapter = createNew('audienceNetwork');
+const setBidderCode = baseAdapter.setBidderCode;
+const getBidderCode = baseAdapter.getBidderCode;
+ * Does this bid request contain valid parameters?
+ * @param {Object} bid
+ * @returns {Boolean}
+ */
+const validateBidRequest = bid =>
+ typeof bid.params === 'object' &&
+ typeof bid.params.placementId === 'string' &&
+ bid.params.placementId.length > 0 &&
+ Array.isArray(bid.sizes) && bid.sizes.length > 0;
+ * Does this bid request contain valid sizes?
+ * @param {Object} bid
+ * @returns {Boolean}
+ */
+const validateBidRequestSizes = bid => {
+ bid.sizes = bid.sizes.map(flattenSize);
+ return bid.sizes.every( size =>
+ ['native', 'fullwidth', '300x250', '320x50'].includes(size) );
+ * Flattens a 2-element [W, H] array as a 'WxH' string,
+ * otherwise passes value through.
+ * @params {Array|String} size
+ * @returns {String}
+ */
+const flattenSize = size =>
+ (Array.isArray(size) && size.length === 2) ? `${size[0]}x${size[1]}` : size;
+ * Does the search part of the URL contain "anhb_testmode"
+ * and therefore indicate testmode should be used?
+ * @returns {String} "true" or "false"
+ */
+const isTestmode = () => Boolean(
+ window && window.location &&
+ typeof window.location.search === 'string' &&
+ window.location.search.indexOf('anhb_testmode') !== -1
+ * Parse JSON-as-string into an Object, default to empty.
+ * @param {String} JSON-as-string
+ * @returns {Object}
+ */
+const parseJson = jsonAsString => {
+ let data = {};
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse(jsonAsString);
+ } catch (err) {}
+ return data;
+ * Is this a native advert size?
+ * @param {String} size
+ * @returns {Boolean}
+ */
+const isNative = (size) => ['native', 'fullwidth'].includes(size);
+ * Generate ad HTML for injection into an iframe
+ * @param {String} placementId
+ * @param {String} size
+ * @param {String} bidId
+ * @returns {String} HTML
+ */
+const createAdHtml = (placementId, size, bidId) => {
+ const nativeStyle = isNative(size) ? '' : '';
+ const nativeContainer = isNative(size) ? '' : '';
+ return `${nativeStyle}
+ * Creates a "good" Bid object with the given bid ID and CPM.
+ * @param {String} placementId
+ * @param {String} bidId
+ * @param {String} size
+ * @param {Number} cpmCents
+ * @returns {Object} Bid
+ */
+const createSuccessBidResponse = (placementId, size, bidId, cpmCents) => {
+ const bid = createBid(STATUS.GOOD, { bidId });
+ // Prebid attributes
+ bid.bidderCode = getBidderCode();
+ bid.cpm = cpmCents / 100;
+ bid.ad = createAdHtml(placementId, size, bidId);
+ if (!isNative(size)) {
+ [bid.width, bid.height] = size.split('x').map(Number);
+ }
+ // Audience Network attributes
+ bid.hb_bidder = 'fan';
+ bid.fb_bidid = bidId;
+ bid.fb_format = size;
+ bid.fb_placementid = placementId;
+ return bid;
+ * Creates a "no bid" Bid object.
+ * @returns {Object} Bid
+ */
+const createFailureBidResponse = () => {
+ const bid = createBid(STATUS.NO_BID);
+ bid.bidderCode = getBidderCode();
+ return bid;
+ * Fetch bids for given parameters.
+ * @param {Object} bidRequest
+ * @param {Array} params.bids - list of bids
+ * @param {String} params.bids[].placementCode - Prebid placement identifier
+ * @param {Object} params.bids[].params
+ * @param {String} params.bids[].params.placementId - Audience Network placement identifier
+ * @param {Array} params.bids[].sizes - list of accepted advert sizes
+ * @param {Array|String} params.bids[].sizes[] - one of 'native', '300x250', '300x50', [300, 250], [300, 50]
+ * @returns {void}
+ */
+const callBids = bidRequest => {
+ // Build lists of adUnitCodes, placementids and adformats
+ const adUnitCodes = [];
+ const placementids = [];
+ const adformats = [];
+ bidRequest.bids
+ .filter(validateBidRequest)
+ .filter(validateBidRequestSizes)
+ .forEach( bid => bid.sizes.forEach( size => {
+ adUnitCodes.push(bid.placementCode);
+ placementids.push(bid.params.placementId);
+ adformats.push(size);
+ }));
+ if (placementids.length) {
+ // Build URL
+ const testmode = isTestmode();
+ const url = format({
+ protocol: 'https',
+ host: 'an.facebook.com',
+ pathname: '/v2/placementbid.json',
+ search: {
+ sdk: '5.5.web',
+ testmode,
+ placementids,
+ adformats
+ }
+ });
+ // Request
+ ajax(url, res => {
+ // Handle response
+ const data = parseJson(res);
+ if (data.errors && data.errors.length) {
+ const noBid = createFailureBidResponse();
+ adUnitCodes.forEach( adUnitCode => addBidResponse(adUnitCode, noBid) );
+ data.errors.forEach(logError);
+ } else {
+ // For each placementId in bids Object
+ Object.keys(data.bids)
+ // extract Array of bid responses
+ .map( placementId => data.bids[placementId] )
+ // flatten
+ .reduce( (a, b) => a.concat(b), [] )
+ // call addBidResponse
+ .forEach( (bid, i) =>
+ addBidResponse(adUnitCodes[i], createSuccessBidResponse(
+ bid.placement_id, adformats[i], bid.bid_id, bid.bid_price_cents
+ ))
+ );
+ }
+ }, null, { withCredentials: true });
+ } else {
+ // No valid bids
+ logError('No valid bids requested');
+ }
+ * @class AudienceNetwork
+ * @type {Object}
+ * @property {Function} callBids - fetch bids for given parameters
+ * @property {Function} setBidderCode - used for bidder aliasing
+ * @property {Function} getBidderCode - unique 'audienceNetwork' identifier
+ */
+const AudienceNetwork = () => {
+ return { callBids, setBidderCode, getBidderCode };
+module.exports = AudienceNetwork;
diff --git a/src/adapters/sharethrough.js b/src/adapters/sharethrough.js
index a9d26ecf23e..0f981ca9551 100644
--- a/src/adapters/sharethrough.js
+++ b/src/adapters/sharethrough.js
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
var utils = require('../utils.js');
var bidmanager = require('../bidmanager.js');
var bidfactory = require('../bidfactory.js');
+var ajax = require('../ajax.js').ajax;
const STR_BIDDER_CODE = "sharethrough";
-const STR_VERSION = "0.1.0"; //Need to check analytics too for version
+const STR_VERSION = "1.2.0";
var SharethroughAdapter = function SharethroughAdapter() {
@@ -11,62 +12,42 @@ var SharethroughAdapter = function SharethroughAdapter() {
str.STR_BTLR_HOST = document.location.protocol + "//btlr.sharethrough.com";
str.STR_BEACON_HOST = document.location.protocol + "//b.sharethrough.com/butler?";
str.placementCodeSet = {};
+ str.ajax = ajax;
function _callBids(params) {
const bids = params.bids;
- addEventListener("message", _receiveMessage, false);
// cycle through bids
for (let i = 0; i < bids.length; i += 1) {
const bidRequest = bids[i];
str.placementCodeSet[bidRequest.placementCode] = bidRequest;
const scriptUrl = _buildSharethroughCall(bidRequest);
- str.loadIFrame(scriptUrl);
+ str.ajax(scriptUrl, _createCallback(bidRequest), undefined, {withCredentials: true});
+ function _createCallback(bidRequest) {
+ return (bidResponse) => {
+ _strcallback(bidRequest, bidResponse);
+ };
+ }
function _buildSharethroughCall(bid) {
- const testPkey = 'test';
const pkey = utils.getBidIdParameter('pkey', bid.params);
let host = str.STR_BTLR_HOST;
let url = host + "/header-bid/v1?";
url = utils.tryAppendQueryString(url, 'bidId', bid.bidId);
- if(pkey !== testPkey) {
- url = utils.tryAppendQueryString(url, 'placement_key', pkey);
- url = utils.tryAppendQueryString(url, 'ijson', '$$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.strcallback');
- url = appendEnvFields(url);
- } else {
- url = url.substring(0, url.length - 1);
- }
+ url = utils.tryAppendQueryString(url, 'placement_key', pkey);
+ url = appendEnvFields(url);
return url;
- str.loadIFrame = function(url) {
- const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
- iframe.src = url;
- iframe.style.cssText = 'display:none;';
- document.body.appendChild(iframe);
- };
- function _receiveMessage(event) {
- if(event.origin === str.STR_BTLR_HOST) {
- try {
- $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.strcallback(JSON.parse(event.data).response);
- } catch(e) {
- console.log(e);
- }
- }
- }
- $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.strcallback = function(bidResponse) {
+ function _strcallback(bidObj, bidResponse) {
+ bidResponse = JSON.parse(bidResponse);
const bidId = bidResponse.bidId;
- const bidObj = utils.getBidRequest(bidId);
try {
const bid = bidfactory.createBid(1, bidObj);
bid.bidderCode = STR_BIDDER_CODE;
@@ -102,7 +83,7 @@ var SharethroughAdapter = function SharethroughAdapter() {
} catch (e) {
- };
+ }
function _handleInvalidBid(bidObj) {
const bid = bidfactory.createBid(2, bidObj);
@@ -120,6 +101,7 @@ var SharethroughAdapter = function SharethroughAdapter() {
return {
callBids: _callBids,
str : str,
+ callback: _strcallback
diff --git a/src/prebid.js b/src/prebid.js
index 88ef9b2a7cd..bd534909a3d 100644
--- a/src/prebid.js
+++ b/src/prebid.js
@@ -245,11 +245,11 @@ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.setTargetingForGPTAsync = function () {
//first reset any old targeting
//now set new targeting keys
- //emit event
+ //emit event
@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.setTargetingForAst = function() {
- //emit event
+ //emit event
diff --git a/test/spec/adapters/aol_spec.js b/test/spec/adapters/aol_spec.js
index 47b434de7f2..45e6ea68154 100644
--- a/test/spec/adapters/aol_spec.js
+++ b/test/spec/adapters/aol_spec.js
@@ -3,41 +3,45 @@ import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash';
import * as utils from 'src/utils';
import AolAdapter from 'src/adapters/aol';
import bidmanager from 'src/bidmanager';
-import events from 'src/events';
-import constants from 'src/constants';
- bidderCode: 'aol',
- requestId: 'd3e07445-ab06-44c8-a9dd-5ef9af06d2a6',
- bidderRequestId: '7101db09af0db2',
- start: new Date().getTime(),
- bids: [{
- bidder: 'aol',
- bidId: '84ab500420319d',
- bidderRequestId: '7101db09af0db2',
- requestId: 'd3e07445-ab06-44c8-a9dd-5ef9af06d2a6',
- placementCode: 'foo',
- params: {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1'
- }
- }]
+let getDefaultBidResponse = () => {
+ return {
+ "id": "245730051428950632",
+ "cur": "USD",
+ "seatbid": [{
+ "bid": [{
+ "id": 1,
+ "impid": "245730051428950632",
+ "price": 0.09,
+ "adm": "",
+ "crid": "0",
+ "h": 90,
+ "w": 728,
+ "ext": {"sizeid": 225}
+ }]
+ }]
+ };
- "id": "245730051428950632",
- "cur": "USD",
- "seatbid": [{
- "bid": [{
- "id": 1,
- "impid": "245730051428950632",
- "price": 0.09,
- "adm": "",
- "crid": "0",
- "h": 90,
- "w": 728,
- "ext": {"sizeid": 225}
+let getDefaultBidRequest = () => {
+ return {
+ bidderCode: 'aol',
+ requestId: 'd3e07445-ab06-44c8-a9dd-5ef9af06d2a6',
+ bidderRequestId: '7101db09af0db2',
+ start: new Date().getTime(),
+ bids: [{
+ bidder: 'aol',
+ bidId: '84ab500420319d',
+ bidderRequestId: '7101db09af0db2',
+ requestId: 'd3e07445-ab06-44c8-a9dd-5ef9af06d2a6',
+ placementCode: 'foo',
+ params: {
+ placement: 1234567,
+ network: '9599.1'
+ }
- }]
+ };
describe('AolAdapter', () => {
@@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ describe('AolAdapter', () => {
beforeEach(() => adapter = new AolAdapter());
function createBidderRequest({bids, params} = {}) {
- var bidderRequest = cloneDeep(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ var bidderRequest = getDefaultBidRequest();
if (bids && Array.isArray(bids)) {
bidderRequest.bids = bids;
@@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ describe('AolAdapter', () => {
it('should hit the Marketplace api endpoint with the Marketplace config', () => {
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
@@ -121,17 +125,17 @@ describe('AolAdapter', () => {
it('should be the pubapi bid request', () => {
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
it('should be the version 2 of pubapi', () => {
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
it('should contain cache busting', () => {
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
@@ -218,7 +222,6 @@ describe('AolAdapter', () => {
describe('Nexage api', () => {
@@ -355,14 +358,14 @@ describe('AolAdapter', () => {
it('should be added to bidmanager if returned from pubapi', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_PUBAPI_RESPONSE));
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(getDefaultBidResponse()));
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
it('should be added to bidmanager if returned from nexage GET bid request', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_PUBAPI_RESPONSE));
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(getDefaultBidResponse()));
params: {
dcn: '54321123',
@@ -374,7 +377,7 @@ describe('AolAdapter', () => {
it('should be added to bidmanager if returned from nexage POST bid request', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_PUBAPI_RESPONSE));
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(getDefaultBidResponse()));
params: {
id: 'id-1',
@@ -394,25 +397,25 @@ describe('AolAdapter', () => {
it('should be added to bidmanager with correct bidderCode', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_PUBAPI_RESPONSE));
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(getDefaultBidResponse()));
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
expect(bidmanager.addBidResponse.firstCall.args[1]).to.have.property('bidderCode', 'aol');
it('should have adId matching the bidId from related bid request', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_PUBAPI_RESPONSE));
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(getDefaultBidResponse()));
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
- .to.have.property('adId', DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST.bids[0].bidId);
+ .to.have.property('adId', '84ab500420319d');
it('should be added to bidmanager as invalid in case of empty response', () => {
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
@@ -420,238 +423,129 @@ describe('AolAdapter', () => {
it('should be added to bidmanager as invalid in case of invalid JSON response', () => {
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
it('should be added to bidmanager as invalid in case of no bid data', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
- "id": "245730051428950632",
- "cur": "USD",
- "seatbid": []
- }));
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ let bidResponse = getDefaultBidResponse();
+ bidResponse.seatbid = [];
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(bidResponse));
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
it('should have adId matching the bidId from bid request in case of no bid data', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
- "id": "245730051428950632",
- "cur": "USD",
- "seatbid": []
- }));
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ let bidResponse = getDefaultBidResponse();
+ bidResponse.seatbid = [];
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(bidResponse));
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
- .to.have.property('adId', DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST.bids[0].bidId);
+ .to.have.property('adId', '84ab500420319d');
it('should be added to bidmanager as invalid in case of empty price', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
- "id": "245730051428950632",
- "cur": "USD",
- "seatbid": [{
- "bid": [{
- "id": 1,
- "impid": "245730051428950632",
- "adm": "",
- "crid": "0",
- "h": 90,
- "w": 728,
- "ext": {"sizeid": 225}
- }]
- }]
- }));
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ let bidResponse = getDefaultBidResponse();
+ bidResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].price = undefined;
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(bidResponse));
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
it('should be added to bidmanager with attributes from pubapi response', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
- "id": "245730051428950632",
- "cur": "USD",
- "seatbid": [{
- "bid": [{
- "id": 1,
- "impid": "245730051428950632",
- "price": 0.09,
- "adm": "",
- "crid": "12345",
- "h": 90,
- "w": 728,
- "ext": {"sizeid": 225}
- }]
- }]
- }));
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ let bidResponse = getDefaultBidResponse();
+ bidResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].crid = '12345';
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(bidResponse));
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
- var bidResponse = bidmanager.addBidResponse.firstCall.args[1];
- expect(bidResponse.ad).to.equal("");
- expect(bidResponse.cpm).to.equal(0.09);
- expect(bidResponse.width).to.equal(728);
- expect(bidResponse.height).to.equal(90);
- expect(bidResponse.creativeId).to.equal('12345');
- expect(bidResponse.pubapiId).to.equal('245730051428950632');
+ var addedBidResponse = bidmanager.addBidResponse.firstCall.args[1];
+ expect(addedBidResponse.ad).to.equal("");
+ expect(addedBidResponse.cpm).to.equal(0.09);
+ expect(addedBidResponse.width).to.equal(728);
+ expect(addedBidResponse.height).to.equal(90);
+ expect(addedBidResponse.creativeId).to.equal('12345');
+ expect(addedBidResponse.pubapiId).to.equal('245730051428950632');
it('should be added to bidmanager including pixels from pubapi response', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
- "id": "245730051428950632",
- "cur": "USD",
- "seatbid": [{
- "bid": [{
- "id": 1,
- "impid": "245730051428950632",
- "price": 0.09,
- "adm": "",
- "crid": "12345",
- "h": 90,
- "w": 728,
- "ext": {"sizeid": 225}
- }]
- }],
- "ext": {
- "pixels": ""
- }
- }));
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ let bidResponse = getDefaultBidResponse();
+ bidResponse.ext = {
+ pixels: ""
+ };
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(bidResponse));
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
- var bidResponse = bidmanager.addBidResponse.firstCall.args[1];
- expect(bidResponse.ad).to.equal(
+ var addedBidResponse = bidmanager.addBidResponse.firstCall.args[1];
+ expect(addedBidResponse.ad).to.equal(
"" +
- ""
+ ""
it('should be added to bidmanager including dealid from pubapi response', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
- "id": "245730051428950632",
- "cur": "USD",
- "seatbid": [{
- "bid": [{
- "id": 1,
- "impid": "245730051428950632",
- "dealid": "12345",
- "price": 0.09,
- "adm": "",
- "crid": "12345",
- "h": 90,
- "w": 728,
- "ext": {
- "sizeid": 225
- }
- }]
- }]
- }));
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ let bidResponse = getDefaultBidResponse();
+ bidResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].dealid = '12345';
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(bidResponse));
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
- var bidResponse = bidmanager.addBidResponse.firstCall.args[1];
- expect(bidResponse.dealId).to.equal('12345');
+ var addedBidResponse = bidmanager.addBidResponse.firstCall.args[1];
+ expect(addedBidResponse.dealId).to.equal('12345');
it('should be added to bidmanager including encrypted price from pubapi response', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
- "id": "245730051428950632",
- "cur": "USD",
- "seatbid": [{
- "bid": [{
- "id": 1,
- "impid": "245730051428950632",
- "dealid": "12345",
- "price": 0.09,
- "adm": "",
- "crid": "12345",
- "h": 90,
- "w": 728,
- "ext": {
- "sizeid": 225,
- "encp": "a9334987"
- }
- }]
- }]
- }));
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ let bidResponse = getDefaultBidResponse();
+ bidResponse.seatbid[0].bid[0].ext.encp = 'a9334987';
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(bidResponse));
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
- var bidResponse = bidmanager.addBidResponse.firstCall.args[1];
- expect(bidResponse.cpm).to.equal('a9334987');
+ let addedBidResponse = bidmanager.addBidResponse.firstCall.args[1];
+ expect(addedBidResponse.cpm).to.equal('a9334987');
it('should not render pixels on pubapi response when no parameter is set', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
- "id": "245730051428950632",
- "cur": "USD",
- "seatbid": [{
- "bid": [{
- "id": 1,
- "impid": "245730051428950632",
- "price": 0.09,
- "adm": "",
- "crid": "12345",
- "h": 90,
- "w": 728,
- "ext": {"sizeid": 225}
- }]
- }],
- "ext": {
- "pixels": ""
- }
- }));
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ let bidResponse = getDefaultBidResponse();
+ bidResponse.ext = {
+ pixels: ""
+ };
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(bidResponse));
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
it('should render pixels from pubapi response when param userSyncOn is set with \'bidResponse\'', () => {
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
- "id": "245730051428950632",
- "cur": "USD",
- "seatbid": [{
- "bid": [{
- "id": 1,
- "impid": "245730051428950632",
- "price": 0.09,
- "adm": "",
- "crid": "12345",
- "h": 90,
- "w": 728,
- "ext": {"sizeid": 225}
- }]
- }],
- "ext": {
- "pixels": ""
- }
- }));
- adapter.callBids({
- bidderCode: 'aol',
- requestId: 'd3e07445-ab06-44c8-a9dd-5ef9af06d2a6',
- bidderRequestId: '7101db09af0db2',
- start: new Date().getTime(),
- bids: [{
- bidder: 'aol',
- bidId: '84ab500420319d',
- bidderRequestId: '7101db09af0db2',
- requestId: 'd3e07445-ab06-44c8-a9dd-5ef9af06d2a6',
- placementCode: 'foo',
- params: {
- placement: 1234567,
- network: '9599.1',
- userSyncOn: 'bidResponse'
- }
- }]
- });
+ let bidResponse = getDefaultBidResponse();
+ bidResponse.ext = {
+ pixels: ""
+ };
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(bidResponse));
+ let bidRequest = getDefaultBidRequest();
+ bidRequest.bids[0].params.userSyncOn = 'bidResponse';
+ adapter.callBids(bidRequest);
@@ -666,8 +560,34 @@ describe('AolAdapter', () => {
+ expect($$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.aolGlobals.pixelsDropped).to.be.true;
+ it('should not render pixels if it was rendered before', () => {
+ $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.aolGlobals.pixelsDropped = true;
+ let bidResponse = getDefaultBidResponse();
+ bidResponse.ext = {
+ pixels: ""
+ };
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(bidResponse));
+ let bidRequest = getDefaultBidRequest();
+ bidRequest.bids[0].params.userSyncOn = 'bidResponse';
+ adapter.callBids(bidRequest);
+ server.respond();
+ expect(bidmanager.addBidResponse.calledOnce).to.be.true;
+ let assertPixelsItem = (pixelsItemSelector) => {
+ let pixelsItems = document.body.querySelectorAll(pixelsItemSelector);
+ expect(pixelsItems.length).to.equal(0);
+ };
+ assertPixelsItem('iframe[src="test.com"]');
+ assertPixelsItem('iframe[src="test2.com"]');
+ });
describe('when bidCpmAdjustment is set', () => {
@@ -689,13 +609,13 @@ describe('AolAdapter', () => {
it('should show warning in the console', function() {
sinon.spy(utils, 'logWarn');
- server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_PUBAPI_RESPONSE));
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify(getDefaultBidResponse()));
$$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.bidderSettings = {
aol: {
bidCpmAdjustment: function() {}
- adapter.callBids(DEFAULT_BIDDER_REQUEST);
+ adapter.callBids(getDefaultBidRequest());
diff --git a/test/spec/adapters/audienceNetwork_spec.js b/test/spec/adapters/audienceNetwork_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09553b80305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/spec/adapters/audienceNetwork_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+ * @file Tests for AudienceNetwork adapter.
+ */
+import { expect } from 'chai';
+import bidmanager from 'src/bidmanager';
+import { STATUS } from 'src/constants.json';
+import * as utils from 'src/utils';
+import AudienceNetwork from 'src/adapters/audienceNetwork';
+const bidderCode = 'audienceNetwork';
+const placementId = 'test-placement-id';
+const placementCode = '/test/placement/code';
+ * Expect haystack string to contain needle n times.
+ * @param {String} haystack
+ * @param {String} needle
+ * @param {String} [n=1]
+ * @throws {Error}
+ */
+const expectToContain = (haystack, needle, n = 1) =>
+ expect(haystack.split(needle)).to.have.lengthOf(n + 1,
+ `expected ${n} occurrence(s) of '${needle}' in '${haystack}'`);
+describe('AudienceNetwork adapter', () => {
+ describe('Public API', () => {
+ const adapter = AudienceNetwork();
+ it('getBidderCode', () => {
+ expect(adapter.getBidderCode).to.be.a('function');
+ expect(adapter.getBidderCode()).to.equal(bidderCode);
+ });
+ it('setBidderCode', () => {
+ expect(adapter.setBidderCode).to.be.a('function');
+ });
+ it('callBids', () => {
+ expect(adapter.setBidderCode).to.be.a('function');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('callBids parameter parsing', () => {
+ let xhr;
+ let requests;
+ let addBidResponse;
+ let logError;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ xhr = sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.onCreate = request => requests.push(request);
+ requests = [];
+ addBidResponse = sinon.stub(bidmanager, 'addBidResponse');
+ logError = sinon.stub(utils, 'logError');
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ xhr.restore();
+ bidmanager.addBidResponse.restore();
+ utils.logError.restore();
+ });
+ it('missing placementId parameter', () => {
+ // Invalid parameters
+ const params = {
+ bidderCode,
+ bids: [{
+ bidder: bidderCode,
+ sizes: ['native']
+ }]
+ };
+ // Request bids
+ AudienceNetwork().callBids(params);
+ // Verify no attempt to fetch response
+ expect(requests).to.have.lengthOf(0);
+ // Verify no attempt to add a response as no placement was provided
+ expect(addBidResponse.calledOnce).to.equal(false);
+ // Verify attempt to log error
+ expect(logError.calledOnce).to.equal(true);
+ });
+ it('invalid sizes parameter', () => {
+ // Invalid parameters
+ const params = {
+ bidderCode,
+ bids: [{
+ bidder: bidderCode,
+ params: { placementId },
+ sizes: ['', undefined, null, '300x100', [300, 100], [300], {}]
+ }]
+ };
+ // Request bids
+ AudienceNetwork().callBids(params);
+ // Verify no attempt to fetch response
+ expect(requests).to.have.lengthOf(0);
+ // Verify attempt to log error
+ expect(logError.calledOnce).to.equal(true);
+ });
+ it('valid parameters', () => {
+ // Valid parameters
+ const params = {
+ bidderCode,
+ bids: [{
+ bidder: bidderCode,
+ params: { placementId },
+ sizes: [[320, 50], [300, 250], '300x250', 'fullwidth', '320x50', 'native']
+ }]
+ };
+ // Request bids
+ AudienceNetwork().callBids(params);
+ // Verify attempt to fetch response
+ expect(requests).to.have.lengthOf(1);
+ expect(requests[0].method).to.equal('GET');
+ expectToContain(requests[0].url, 'https://an.facebook.com/v2/placementbid.json?');
+ expectToContain(requests[0].url, 'placementids[]=test-placement-id', 6);
+ expectToContain(requests[0].url, 'adformats[]=320x50', 2);
+ expectToContain(requests[0].url, 'adformats[]=300x250', 2);
+ expectToContain(requests[0].url, 'adformats[]=fullwidth');
+ expectToContain(requests[0].url, 'adformats[]=native');
+ // Verify no attempt to log error
+ expect(logError.called).to.equal(false);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('callBids response handling', () => {
+ let server;
+ let addBidResponse;
+ let logError;
+ beforeEach( () => {
+ server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
+ addBidResponse = sinon.stub(bidmanager, 'addBidResponse');
+ logError = sinon.stub(utils, 'logError');
+ });
+ afterEach( () => {
+ server.restore();
+ bidmanager.addBidResponse.restore();
+ utils.logError.restore();
+ });
+ it('error in response', () => {
+ // Error response
+ const error = 'test-error-message';
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
+ errors: [error]
+ }));
+ // Request bids
+ AudienceNetwork().callBids({
+ bidderCode,
+ bids: [{
+ bidder: bidderCode,
+ params: { placementId },
+ sizes: ['native']
+ }]
+ });
+ server.respond();
+ // Verify attempt to call addBidResponse
+ expect(addBidResponse.calledOnce).to.equal(true);
+ expect(addBidResponse.args[0]).to.have.lengthOf(2);
+ expect(addBidResponse.args[0][1].getStatusCode()).to.equal(STATUS.NO_BID);
+ expect(addBidResponse.args[0][1].bidderCode).to.equal(bidderCode);
+ // Verify attempt to log error
+ expect(logError.calledOnce).to.equal(true);
+ expect(logError.calledWith(error)).to.equal(true);
+ });
+ it('valid native bid in response', () => {
+ // Valid response
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
+ errors: [],
+ bids: {
+ [placementId]: [{
+ placement_id: placementId,
+ bid_id: 'test-bid-id',
+ bid_price_cents: 123,
+ bid_price_currency: 'usd',
+ bid_price_model: 'cpm'
+ }]
+ }
+ }));
+ // Request bids
+ AudienceNetwork().callBids({
+ bidderCode,
+ bids: [{
+ bidder: bidderCode,
+ placementCode,
+ params: { placementId },
+ sizes: ['native']
+ }]
+ });
+ server.respond();
+ // Verify attempt to call addBidResponse
+ expect(addBidResponse.calledOnce).to.equal(true);
+ expect(addBidResponse.args[0]).to.have.lengthOf(2);
+ expect(addBidResponse.args[0][0]).to.equal(placementCode);
+ // Verify Prebid attributes in bid response
+ const bidResponse = addBidResponse.args[0][1];
+ expect(bidResponse.getStatusCode()).to.equal(STATUS.GOOD);
+ expect(bidResponse.cpm).to.equal(1.23);
+ expect(bidResponse.bidderCode).to.equal(bidderCode);
+ expect(bidResponse.width).to.equal(0);
+ expect(bidResponse.height).to.equal(0);
+ expect(bidResponse.ad).to.contain(`placementid:'${placementId}',format:'native',bidid:'test-bid-id'`, 'ad missing parameters');
+ expect(bidResponse.ad).to.contain('getElementsByTagName("style")', 'ad missing native styles');
+ expect(bidResponse.ad).to.contain('', 'ad missing native container');
+ // Verify Audience Network attributes in bid response
+ expect(bidResponse.hb_bidder).to.equal('fan');
+ expect(bidResponse.fb_bidid).to.equal('test-bid-id');
+ expect(bidResponse.fb_format).to.equal('native');
+ expect(bidResponse.fb_placementid).to.equal(placementId);
+ // Verify no attempt to log error
+ expect(logError.called).to.equal(false, 'logError called');
+ });
+ it('valid IAB bid in response', () => {
+ // Valid response
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
+ errors: [],
+ bids: {
+ [placementId]: [{
+ placement_id: placementId,
+ bid_id: 'test-bid-id',
+ bid_price_cents: 123,
+ bid_price_currency: 'usd',
+ bid_price_model: 'cpm'
+ }]
+ }
+ }));
+ // Request bids
+ AudienceNetwork().callBids({
+ bidderCode,
+ bids: [{
+ bidder: bidderCode,
+ placementCode,
+ params: { placementId },
+ sizes: ['300x250']
+ }]
+ });
+ server.respond();
+ // Verify attempt to call addBidResponse
+ expect(addBidResponse.calledOnce).to.equal(true);
+ expect(addBidResponse.args[0]).to.have.lengthOf(2);
+ expect(addBidResponse.args[0][0]).to.equal(placementCode);
+ // Verify bidResponse Object
+ const bidResponse = addBidResponse.args[0][1];
+ expect(bidResponse.getStatusCode()).to.equal(STATUS.GOOD);
+ expect(bidResponse.cpm).to.equal(1.23);
+ expect(bidResponse.bidderCode).to.equal(bidderCode);
+ expect(bidResponse.width).to.equal(300);
+ expect(bidResponse.height).to.equal(250);
+ expect(bidResponse.ad).to.contain(`placementid:'${placementId}',format:'300x250',bidid:'test-bid-id'`, 'ad missing parameters');
+ expect(bidResponse.ad).not.to.contain('getElementsByTagName("style")', 'ad should not contain native styles');
+ expect(bidResponse.ad).not.to.contain('', 'ad should not contain native container');
+ // Verify no attempt to log error
+ expect(logError.called).to.equal(false, 'logError called');
+ });
+ it('valid multiple bids in response', () => {
+ const placementIdNative = 'test-placement-id-native';
+ const placementIdIab = 'test-placement-id-iab';
+ const placementCodeNative = 'test-placement-code-native';
+ const placementCodeIab = 'test-placement-code-iab';
+ // Valid response
+ server.respondWith(JSON.stringify({
+ errors: [],
+ bids: {
+ [placementIdNative]: [{
+ placement_id: placementIdNative,
+ bid_id: 'test-bid-id-native',
+ bid_price_cents: 123,
+ bid_price_currency: 'usd',
+ bid_price_model: 'cpm'
+ }],
+ [placementIdIab]: [{
+ placement_id: placementIdIab,
+ bid_id: 'test-bid-id-iab',
+ bid_price_cents: 456,
+ bid_price_currency: 'usd',
+ bid_price_model: 'cpm'
+ }]
+ }
+ }));
+ // Request bids
+ AudienceNetwork().callBids({
+ bidderCode,
+ bids: [{
+ bidder: bidderCode,
+ placementCode: placementCodeNative,
+ params: { placementId: placementIdNative },
+ sizes: ['native']
+ }, {
+ bidder: bidderCode,
+ placementCode: placementCodeIab,
+ params: { placementId: placementIdIab },
+ sizes: ['300x250']
+ }]
+ });
+ server.respond();
+ // Verify multiple attempts to call addBidResponse
+ expect(addBidResponse.calledTwice).to.equal(true);
+ // Verify native
+ const addBidResponseNativeCall = addBidResponse.args[0];
+ expect(addBidResponseNativeCall).to.have.lengthOf(2);
+ expect(addBidResponseNativeCall[0]).to.equal(placementCodeNative);
+ expect(addBidResponseNativeCall[1].getStatusCode()).to.equal(STATUS.GOOD);
+ expect(addBidResponseNativeCall[1].cpm).to.equal(1.23);
+ expect(addBidResponseNativeCall[1].bidderCode).to.equal(bidderCode);
+ expect(addBidResponseNativeCall[1].width).to.equal(0);
+ expect(addBidResponseNativeCall[1].height).to.equal(0);
+ expect(addBidResponseNativeCall[1].ad).to.contain(`placementid:'${placementIdNative}',format:'native',bidid:'test-bid-id-native'`, 'ad missing parameters');
+ // Verify IAB
+ const addBidResponseIabCall = addBidResponse.args[1];
+ expect(addBidResponseIabCall).to.have.lengthOf(2);
+ expect(addBidResponseIabCall[0]).to.equal(placementCodeIab);
+ expect(addBidResponseIabCall[1].getStatusCode()).to.equal(STATUS.GOOD);
+ expect(addBidResponseIabCall[1].cpm).to.equal(4.56);
+ expect(addBidResponseIabCall[1].bidderCode).to.equal(bidderCode);
+ expect(addBidResponseIabCall[1].width).to.equal(300);
+ expect(addBidResponseIabCall[1].height).to.equal(250);
+ expect(addBidResponseIabCall[1].ad).to.contain(`placementid:'${placementIdIab}',format:'300x250',bidid:'test-bid-id-iab'`, 'ad missing parameters');
+ // Verify no attempt to log error
+ expect(logError.called).to.equal(false, 'logError called');
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/spec/adapters/sharethrough_spec.js b/test/spec/adapters/sharethrough_spec.js
index 0678690370e..7ede215d9aa 100644
--- a/test/spec/adapters/sharethrough_spec.js
+++ b/test/spec/adapters/sharethrough_spec.js
@@ -51,29 +51,20 @@ describe('sharethrough adapter', () => {
let secondBidUrl;
beforeEach(() => {
- sandbox.spy(adapter.str, 'loadIFrame');
+ sandbox.spy(adapter.str, 'ajax');
- it('should call loadIFrame on the adloader for each bid', () => {
+ it('should call ajax to make a request for each bid', () => {
- firstBidUrl = adapter.str.loadIFrame.firstCall.args[0];
- secondBidUrl = adapter.str.loadIFrame.secondCall.args[0];
+ firstBidUrl = adapter.str.ajax.firstCall.args[0];
+ secondBidUrl = adapter.str.ajax.secondCall.args[0];
- sinon.assert.calledTwice(adapter.str.loadIFrame);
+ sinon.assert.calledTwice(adapter.str.ajax);
- expect(firstBidUrl).to.contain(adapter.str.STR_BTLR_HOST + '/header-bid/v1?bidId=bidId1&placement_key=aaaa1111&ijson=pbjs.strcallback&hbVersion=%24prebid.version%24&strVersion=0.1.0&hbSource=prebid&');
- expect(secondBidUrl).to.contain(adapter.str.STR_BTLR_HOST + '/header-bid/v1?bidId=bidId2&placement_key=bbbb2222&ijson=pbjs.strcallback&hbVersion=%24prebid.version%24&strVersion=0.1.0&hbSource=prebid&');
- });
- });
- describe('strcallback', () => {
- it('should exist and be a function', () => {
- let shit = sandbox.stub(pbjs, 'strcallback');
- expect(pbjs.strcallback).to.exist.and.to.be.a('function');
+ expect(firstBidUrl).to.contain(adapter.str.STR_BTLR_HOST + '/header-bid/v1?bidId=bidId1&placement_key=aaaa1111&hbVersion=%24prebid.version%24&strVersion=1.2.0&hbSource=prebid&');
+ expect(secondBidUrl).to.contain(adapter.str.STR_BTLR_HOST + '/header-bid/v1?bidId=bidId2&placement_key=bbbb2222&hbVersion=%24prebid.version%24&strVersion=1.2.0&hbSource=prebid&');
@@ -117,8 +108,8 @@ describe('sharethrough adapter', () => {
"stxUserId": ""
- pbjs.strcallback(bidderReponse1);
- pbjs.strcallback(bidderReponse2);
+ adapter.callback(bidderRequest.bids[0], JSON.stringify(bidderReponse1));
+ adapter.callback(bidderRequest.bids[1], JSON.stringify(bidderReponse2));
firstBid = bidManager.addBidResponse.firstCall.args[1];
secondBid = bidManager.addBidResponse.secondCall.args[1];