diff --git a/.markdownlint.yml b/.markdownlint.yml index f089b951db22f..fb12d0696d685 100644 --- a/.markdownlint.yml +++ b/.markdownlint.yml @@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ MD013: false MD014: false # MD024 Multiple headings with the same content -MD024: - siblings_only: true +MD024: false # MD026/no-trailing-punctuation Trailing punctuation in heading MD026: false diff --git a/website/blog/2021/06/03/experience-share-from-Apache-APISIX-committer.md b/website/blog/2021/06/03/experience-share-from-Apache-APISIX-committer.md index 792d6328202b7..db4fcee1515f4 100644 --- a/website/blog/2021/06/03/experience-share-from-Apache-APISIX-committer.md +++ b/website/blog/2021/06/03/experience-share-from-Apache-APISIX-committer.md @@ -1,76 +1,75 @@ --- -title: "来自 Apache APISIX committer 的经验分享 —— 编程之夏专访" +title: Experience sharing from Apache APISIX committer - Interview with Summer of Programming author: "赵若妃" authorURL: "https://github.com/Serendipity96" authorImageURL: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/23514812?v=4" keywords: -- 开源之夏 - APISIX -- 开源社区 -- 经验分享 -description: 本次采访邀请到了 Apache APISIX 的 committer,分享参与开源项目的心得体会 +- Open Source +description: In this interview, we invited Apache APISIX committer to share his experience of participating in open source projects. tags: [Interview] --- -> 本次采访邀请到了去年参加编程之夏的两位同学,两位同学现在都是 Apache APISIX 的 committer,也是今年社区项目的导师 - +> This interview features two students who participated in last year's programming summer, both of whom are now Apache APISIX committers and mentors for this year's community project -## 分享嘉宾:吴舒旸 + -![yiyiyimu](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/1630546588578-2d8386cd-06c0-4c71-848a-8ed0e1263a4e.png) +## Guest speaker: Shuyang Wu -**Q:舒旸,请简单介绍一下自己。** +[yiyiyimu](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/1630546588578-2d8386cd-06c0-4c71-848a-8ed0e1263a4e.png) -**舒旸**:Hello,大家好~ 我是吴舒旸(Github ID: yiyiyimu),去年本科毕业于上海交通大学环境学院,今年八月会在佐治亚理工学院开始读计算机硕士。现在在 APISIX 背后的商业公司——支流科技全职维护开源社区,也是 Apache APISIX 和 Chaos Mesh 两个项目的 committer。去年参与“编程之夏 2020”在 Apache APISIX 完成了“支持 etcd v3 协议”这个项目,这也作为了 APISIX v2.0 的主要更新点,之后也有幸被评上了“编程之夏 2020”的优秀学生,今年也会作为 mentor 继续参与“编程之夏 2021”。 +**Q: Shuyang, please briefly introduce yourself.** -**Q:去年为什么会选择参加编程之夏?** +**Shuyang**: Hi, I'm Shuyang, graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University's School of Environment last year, and will be starting a Master's degree in Computer Science at Georgia Tech this August. I am currently working full-time at Tributary Technology, the commercial company behind APISIX, to maintain the open source community, and I am also a committer for both Apache APISIX and Chaos Mesh projects. Last year, he completed the project "Support etcd v3 protocol" in Apache APISIX, which was the main update point of APISIX v2.0, and was honored to be awarded as one of the outstanding students of "Programming Summer 2020". After that, I was honored to be selected as an outstanding student of "Programming Summer 2020", and will continue to participate in "Programming Summer 2021" as a mentor this year. -**舒旸**:去年因为疫情原因有时间可以在家陪父母,就想着尽量找可以远程实习的项目,运气很好找到了开源社区的活动(这里给我司打个广告,上班是完全远程工作的)。编程之夏相比 GSOC 和 Community Bridge,因为项目多并且每个项目都保证会有自己的 slot,可以说有着非常高的入选率了。**去年的数据是:397 的项目数,219 的被申请数,185 的中选数。基本有着 85% 的报名中选率,如果算上可以报名三个项目中选率就大于 99% 了,所以我这个 Github Contribution Graph 基本全白的人也可以入选。** +**Q: Why did you choose to participate in Programming Summer last year?** -**Q:舒旸去年为什么选择 Apache APISIX 的项目?** +**Shuyang**: Last year, I had time to stay home with my parents because of the epidemic, so I thought I would try to find a project where I could intern remotely, and I was lucky enough to find an open source community event (here is an advertisement for our company, we work completely remotely). Compared to GSOC and Community Bridge, Summer of Programming has a very high selection rate because there are many projects and each project is guaranteed to have its own slot. **Last year's numbers were: 397 projects, 219 applications, and 185 wins. If you include the three projects you can sign up for, the winning rate is more than 99%, so I, a person with an all-white Github Contribution Graph, can also be selected.** -**舒旸**:我把去年会议上讲的 PPT 截出来了,对于有明确兴趣目标的同学,自然不需要考虑如何选择项目的问题。但如果像去年的我自己一样,看一圈项目下来发现都不怎么看得懂该怎么办呢。这个时候大家可能会去选择 star 数多的项目,但实际上 **star 数多只表明了这个项目的受欢迎程度,而不是能从社区中获得多少帮助的“社区活跃度”指标。活跃的社区在你两个阶段都会有所裨益,在入门时提供足够的帮助,也在后面维护社区时提供足够的反馈。** +**Q: Why did Shuyang choose the Apache APISIX project last year?** Q: Why did Shuyang choose the Apache APISIX project last year? + +**Shuyang**: I took a screenshot of the PPT from last year's conference. For those who have a clear goal of interest, naturally you don't need to think about how to choose a project. But if you're like me last year, you don't really understand what you're doing when you look at a project. At this point, you may choose a project with a high star count, but in fact **star count only indicates the popularity of the project, not the "community activity" indicator of how much help you can get from the community. An active community will benefit you at both stages, providing enough help to get started and enough feedback to maintain the community later.**! ![github introduction](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/1630546653087-23ff48eb-8e13-464c-874e-c4225cc32336.png) -**舒旸**:**我当时选择的指标主要是 issue 回复情况(入门时碰到问题能否及时得到回复)、good first issue 数量(有没有好入手的 issue,既增加对项目的了解也可以多刷脸)以及 insights 指标(社区整体的活跃度)。** 今年我们在公司也写了一个查看[贡献者](https://github.com/api7/contributor-graph)情况的小工具,可以更直观的看到社区贡献者增长情况以及月度活跃贡献者多少,也是一个不错的选择指标。 +**Shuyang**: **The metrics I chose at the time were issue response (whether you can get a timely response when you get started), good first issue (whether there is a good issue to start with, both to increase your understanding of the project and to brush up on your face), and insights (the overall activity of the community).** This year we also wrote a small tool to check the [contributors](https://github.com/api7/contributor-graph) situation in our company, so you can see more intuitively the growth of the community contributors and how many monthly active contributors, which is also a good choice of metrics. ![join opensource](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/1630546703021-d63457b1-4068-45da-8bde-aa9c708c6793.png) -**舒旸**:去年参与 APISIX 之前我对于项目需要的技术栈包括 Lua/Openresty/etcd 甚至 API 网关都完全没有任何了解,但其实上手速度很快。借助文档把程序跑起来运行几个 demo 很快就可以完成,Lua 也半天就可以上手。这里再推荐一下 APISIX PMC moonming 大佬的两份 Openresty 入门必备,免费的 Openresty 电子书和付费的 Openresty 极客时间课程,当时入门从其中收获颇丰。 +**Shuyang**: Before I got involved with APISIX last year, I had no knowledge of the technology stack required for the project, including Lua/Openresty/etcd and even API gateways, but I actually got up to speed very quickly. I was able to run a few demos with the help of the documentation, and I was able to get started with Lua in half a day. Here we recommend the APISIX PMC moonming big brother's two Openresty must-haves, the free Openresty e-book and the paid Openresty Geek Time course, from which we gained a lot at that time. -**Q:社区活跃度对开源项目来说是非常重要的,舒旸介绍地非常详细。参加到 Apache APISIX 项目中,你最大的收获是什么?** +**Shuyang introduced this in great detail. What is your biggest takeaway from being a part of the Apache APISIX project?** -**舒旸**:最大收获应该是第一次知道了**大型项目是如何运作的**。可能是因为转专业的缘故,不管是在学校做的还是自己做的项目都只能算是 toy project,参与开源社区是我第一次学习到一个在生产上使用的项目是如何开发和维护的。在社区中也会遇见各路大神以及热爱开源的小伙伴们,都是非常开心的经历。也非常感谢 mentor nic-chen 不厌其烦的指导我这个小白。 +**Shuyang**: The most rewarding part was learning for the first time how a **large project works**. Probably because I changed my major, the projects I did at school or on my own were only toy projects, but participating in the open source community was the first time I learned how to develop and maintain a project for production use. It was a great experience to meet all kinds of gods and open source lovers in the community. Thanks to mentor nic-chen for guiding me through the process. -**Q:舒旸是怎么成为 committer 的?可以跟大家分享一些你的经验吗?** +**Q: How did Shuyang become a committer? Can you share some of your experience with us?** -**舒旸**:最主要的原因应该就是贡献了一个比较大的 feature。除此之外因为我们是开源社区嘛,分享合作都是非常重要的组成部分,在社区中帮助他人,回复 issue,review PR,以及在邮件列表中参与新 feature 的讨论都是参与社区很重要的部分。 +**Shuyang**: The main reason is that I contributed a large feature, and because we are an open source community, sharing and collaborating is a very important part of the community, helping others, replying to issues, reviewing PRs, and participating in discussions about new features on the mailing list are all important parts of being involved in the community. -**Q:对想参加编程之夏 2021 的大学生,有什么想说的?** +**Q: What would you like to say to the students who want to participate in Summer of Programming 2021?** -**舒旸**:希望大家多多报名,不要有太多顾虑,多和社区交流,大家都非常友好的,好好享受这三个月的开发经历~ +**Shuyang**: I hope you'll sign up, don't have too many worries, talk to the community more, everyone is very friendly, and enjoy the three-month development experience. -## 分享嘉宾:白泽平 +## Sharing Guest: Zeping Bai ![Zeping Bai](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/1630546751119-8df77cd8-6be0-4f8e-af13-182e77462d73.png) -**Q:泽平,你好,请做个简单的自我介绍吧。** +**Q: Hi Zeping, please do a brief introduction of yourself.** -**泽平**:我是白泽平,目前在天津商业大学工商管理专业大三年级。从我初中时开始我就在自学编程了,它也成了我的兴趣之一。我擅长的领域主要是后端、Web 前端开发,曾经还客串过 Android 开发,主要使用 Golang、PHP 和 Javascript。 +**Zeping**: I'm Zeping Bai, I'm currently in my junior year of Business Administration at Tianjin University of Commerce. I've been teaching myself programming since I was in junior high school, and it's become one of my hobbies. I specialize in back-end, web front-end development, and once guest-hosted Android development, mainly using Golang, PHP and Javascript. -**Q:去年你为什么会选择参加编程之夏,选择 Apache APISIX 的项目?** +**Q: Why did you choose to participate in Summer of Programming last year and choose the Apache APISIX project?** -**泽平**:之前在使用 Apache APISIX 网关控制面板时发现了一些没有支持到的功能,于是提交了一些代码完善了这块的功能,社区的大佬们很给力,能让我学到不少东西,这给了我参与开源项目的动力。在去年编程之夏活动开始之前我申请了其他社区项目的 GSoC,但没有被选中,后来看到编程之夏 2020 的活动宣传时,就报名参加了。 +**Zeping**: When I was using the Apache APISIX gateway control panel, I found some features that were not supported, so I submitted some code to improve the functionality of this piece. I applied for GSoC for other community projects before the Summer of Programming event started last year, but was not selected, and then when I saw the Summer of Programming 2020 event advertised, I signed up for it. -**Q:今年你成为了 Apache APISIX 项目导师,对于项目申请有哪些 tips 可以给到大家?** +**Q: This year you became an Apache APISIX project mentor, what tips can you give to people about applying for the project?** -**泽平**:在项目申请书中主要描述一下你关于当前项目方案的想法或相关的技术路线,同时还要简要描述一下实现项目目标的过程(从每一个小模块出发逐步实现项目目标)和大致所需的时间。其余的信息需要如个人介绍等。以上内容可以帮助我们快速的你的能力和项目方案,有助于项目申请。同时还可以提前与项目导师联系,了解更全面的项目信息。 +**Zeping**: In the project application, mainly describe your idea about the current project proposal or the related technical route, and also briefly describe the process of achieving the project goals (starting from each small module to achieve the project goals step by step) and the approximate time required. The rest of the information needed such as a personal introduction, etc. The above can help us to get a quick idea of your capabilities and project proposal, which will help the project application. You can also contact the project supervisor in advance to get more comprehensive information about the project. -**Q:泽平,今年你成为了社区项目的导师,关于这个角色的转变,有什么想和大家分享一下的吗?** +**Q: Zeping, you became a mentor for the community program this year, is there anything you would like to share with us about this change in role?** -**泽平**:去年作为学生参加编程之夏活动时,得到了不少指导与帮助,如果你今年选择参加 Apache APISIX 社区的项目,我同样也会为你提供帮助,让你更快的上手项目开发。 +**Zeping**: I received a lot of guidance and help when I participated in the programming summer as a student last year, and if you choose to participate in the Apache APISIX community project this year, I will likewise provide you with help to get started with project development faster. -**Q:对想参加编程之夏 2021 的大学生,你有什么话想对各位同学说?** +**Q: What would you like to say to all the students who want to participate in Summer of Programming 2021?** -**泽平**:编程之夏能磨练你的技术,还能帮助你更快地入门开源项目的协作,参与到开源项目中去。申请项目机会很多同时提交的材料也并不困难,希望大家不要犹豫,踊跃参加! +**Zeping**: Programming Summer can sharpen your skills and also help you get started faster in collaborating and participating in open source projects. There are many opportunities to apply for the program while the submissions are not difficult, so I hope you won't hesitate to participate! diff --git a/website/blog/2021/06/06/apisix-two-years.md b/website/blog/2021/06/06/apisix-two-years.md index 9aa8df0424ad8..6186781cd9d35 100644 --- a/website/blog/2021/06/06/apisix-two-years.md +++ b/website/blog/2021/06/06/apisix-two-years.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ --- -title: "Apache APISIX 开源 2 周年!" -author: "赵若妃" +title: Apache APISIX Open Source 2 Year Anniversary! +author: Ruofei Zhao authorURL: "https://github.com/Serendipity96" authorImageURL: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/23514812?v=4" keywords: @@ -10,32 +10,32 @@ description: Apache APISIX is now two years old, thanks for all contributors. tags: [Release] --- -> Apache APISIX 开源 2 周年啦! +> Apache APISIX is open for 2 years! - + -今天是 2021 年 6 月 6 日,在这个 666 的日子 [Apache APISIX](https://github.com/apache/apisix) 开源 2 周年啦!🎉 +Today is June 6, 2021, and on this 666th day [Apache APISIX](https://github.com/apache/apisix) is 2 years old! 🎉 -Apache APISIX 于 2019 年 6 月 6 日开源,同年 10 月进入 Apache 孵化器,也是在这短短两年时间内,成为了 **Apache 顶级项目**! +Apache APISIX was open sourced on June 6, 2019, and entered the Apache Incubator in October of the same year, and has become an **Apache top project** in just two years! -在进入 Apache 孵化器之前,Apache APISIX 仅有 20 多个 contributor,现在和 Apache APISIX 有关的项目共有 249 个 contributor,在一年半的时间,**contributor 数量增长了 10 倍**! Apache APISIX 的社区也非常活跃,截止到今天 **249 位 contributor 共提交了 2303 个 PR ,每个月都会发布一个新版本**。 +Before entering the Apache Incubator, Apache APISIX had just over 20 contributors, and now there are 249 contributors to projects related to Apache APISIX, a 10-fold increase in **contributors** in a year and a half! The Apache APISIX community is also very active, with **249 contributors submitting 2303 PRs as of today, and a new release every month**. -![2019.6.6 ~ 2021.6.6 contributor growth curve](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/1630116210945-cdf0888f-c823-4eae-b404-3b1d6cb1b1e6.png) +![2019.6.6 ~ 2021.6.6 contributor growth curve](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/1630116210945-cdf0888f-c823-4eae-b404-3b1d6cb1b1e6. png) -生活中,当你去买机票、刷微博、买奶茶的时候,背后的关键流量都是由 Apache APISIX 来处理的。在这两年里, Apache APISIX 已经被非常多的企业广泛使用,涵盖金融、互联网、制造、零售、运营商等等,比如美国的航空航天局(NASA)、欧盟的数字工厂、中国航信、腾讯、华为、微博、贝壳找房、中国移动、泰康、360、奈雪的茶等等。点击查看 [Apache APISIX 的用户列表](https://github.com/apache/apisix)。 +In life, when you go to buy airline tickets, swipe Weibo, or buy milk tea, the critical traffic behind it is handled by Apache APISIX. In the past two years, Apache APISIX has been widely used by many enterprises, covering finance, Internet, manufacturing, retail, operators, etc., such as NASA in the US, Digital Factory in the EU, China Airlines, Tencent, Huawei, Weibo, Shell House, China Mobile, Taikang, 360, Nespresso Tea, etc. Click to view [list of users of Apache APISIX](https://github.com/apache/apisix). -**2019 年 8 月,Apache APISIX 发布了第一个版本 0.6.0**。这个版本带来很多新的特性:健康检查、服务熔断、debug 模式,分布式追踪、JWT 认证等,以及内置的 dashboard。 +**In August 2019, Apache APISIX released its first version 0.6.0**. This release brought many new features: health checks, service fusion, debug mode, distributed tracing, JWT authentication, etc., and a built-in dashboard. -**1.0 版本于 2020 年 1 月 发布,是 Apache APISIX 第一个生产版本。** 这个版本不仅支持了新特性——在 URI 相同的条件下根据 header、args、优先级等条件,来匹配到不同的上游服务,而且在代码稳定性、文档方面也更加完善,如:增加自定义开发插件的文档、Oauth 插件的使用文档、dashboard 编译的文档、如何进行 a/b 测试的文档、如何开启 MQTT 插件的文档等,说明 Apache APISIX 开始在越来越多的环境中被应用起来。 +Version **1.0 was released in January 2020 and was the first production release of Apache APISIX.** This version not only supports new features - matching to different upstream services based on header, args, priority, etc. with the same URI - but also improves code stability and documentation, such as adding documentation for custom development plugins, documentation for using the Oauth plugin, documentation for documentation for dashboard compilation, documentation on how to perform a/b testing, documentation on how to enable the MQTT plugin, etc., indicating that Apache APISIX is starting to be used in more and more environments. -**每月发布一个新版本,我们是认真的!** 在 2020 年 10 月,我们发布了 2.0 版本。2.0 版本从 etcd v2 协议迁移到 v3,只支持 etcd 3.4 以及后续的版本,支持为上游对象增加标签,为上游、路由等资源增加更多字段,使用拦截器来保护插件的路由,支持 http 和 https 监听多个端口,增加 AK/SK(HMAC) 认证插件、 referer-restriction 插件。 +**A new release every month, and we mean it!** In October 2020, we released version 2.0. 2.0 migrates from etcd v2 protocol to v3, supports only etcd 3.4 and later, supports adding tags to upstream objects, adds more fields to upstream, routing and other resources, uses interceptors to protect the plugin's routes, supports http and https listening on multiple ports, adds AK/SK( HMAC) authentication plugin, referer-restriction plugin. -**16 天前,我们发布了 APISIX 2.6 版本!** 在这个版本里,支持了大家呼声很高的新特性,如:**使用其他语言编写自定义插件,现在已经支持 Java 开发自定义插件,本月底还会支持使用 Go 开发自定义插件!** 除此之外,2.6 版本的生态已经完整支持 Nacos 服务发现,支持配置 IPv6 的 DNS resolver,支持修改 Prometheus 默认端口,不再暴露到数据面的端口上。 +**16 days ago, we released APISIX version 2.6!** In this version, new features that have been highly requested are supported, such as: **Writing custom plugins in other languages, custom plugins in Java are now supported, and custom plugins in Go will be supported at the end of this month!** In addition, version 2.6 of ecology has full support for Nacos service discovery, support for configuring DNS resolver for IPv6, and support for modifying the Prometheus default port so that it is no longer exposed to the data-plane port. -Apache APISIX 的目标不只是做一个 API 网关,**Apache APISIX 希望做云原生时代四层和七层流量处理和连接者。** 在 Apache APISIX 里所有的配置都是动态的,这对于云原生时代的弹性伸缩以及多云的部署是非常重要的。我们相信 Apache APISIX 是云原生时代最好的选择。欢迎大家加入 Apache APISIX 的开源社区,欢迎大家使用 Apache APISIX! +Apache APISIX aims to be more than just an API gateway, **Apache APISIX wants to be a Layer 4 and 7 traffic handler and connector in the cloud-native era.** All configurations in Apache APISIX are dynamic, which is important for elastic scaling and multi-cloud deployments in the cloud-native era. We believe that Apache APISIX is the best choice for the cloud-native era. Welcome to the Apache APISIX open source community, and welcome to Apache APISIX! -Apache APISIX 的发展离不开社区里的每一个小伙伴,**特别感谢 Apache APISIX 社区的 contributor 和社区用户为 Apache APISIX 发展作出的贡献。** +The development of Apache APISIX cannot be achieved without each and every one of the community members, **Special thanks to the contributors and users of the Apache APISIX community for their contributions to the development of Apache APISIX.**! ![apisix contributors](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/1630468565074-c7e83b82-c40d-4c56-bc66-d1be2acc645b.jpeg) -Apache APISIX 2 周岁,生日快乐! +Apache APISIX is 2 years old now, happy birthday! diff --git a/website/blog/2021/06/16/Chaos-Mesh-helps-Apache-APISIX-improve-stability.md b/website/blog/2021/06/16/Chaos-Mesh-helps-Apache-APISIX-improve-stability.md index 4822ccf7386dd..011e5dcfc5b80 100644 --- a/website/blog/2021/06/16/Chaos-Mesh-helps-Apache-APISIX-improve-stability.md +++ b/website/blog/2021/06/16/Chaos-Mesh-helps-Apache-APISIX-improve-stability.md @@ -1,75 +1,74 @@ --- -title: "Chaos Mesh 助力 Apache APISIX 提升稳定性" -author: "吴舒旸" +title: Chaos Mesh Helps Apache APISIX Improve Stability +author: Shuyang Wu authorURL: "https://github.com/Yiyiyimu" authorImageURL: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/34589752?v=4" keywords: - APISIX - Apache APISIX - Chaos Mesh -- 稳定性 -description: 本文描述了如何在多种场景下使用 Chaos Mesh,为 Apache APISIX 提升稳定性。 +description: This article describes how to use Chaos Mesh in a variety of scenarios to improve stability for Apache APISIX. tags: [Practical Case] --- -> 本文描述了如何在多种场景下使用 Chaos Mesh,为 Apache APISIX 提升稳定性。 +> This article describes how to use Chaos Mesh in a variety of scenarios to improve stability for Apache APISIX. - + -Apache APISIX 是 Apache 基金会下的顶级项目,目前在生产环境中已经通过每日几百亿次请求量的考验。随着社区的发展,Apache APISIX 的功能越来越多,需要与外部组件产生的交互也越来越多,随之而来的不确定性呈指数级增长。在社区中,我们也收到了用户反馈的一些问题,这里举两个例子。 +Apache APISIX is a top-level project under the Apache Foundation and has been tested in production environments with tens of billions of requests per day. As the community has grown, Apache APISIX has become more and more powerful, requiring more and more interactions with external components, and the uncertainty that comes with it has grown exponentially. We have received some feedback from users in the community, and here are two examples. -#### 场景一 +#### Scenario 1 -在 Apache APISIX 的配置中心, etcd 与 Apache APISIX 之间出现意外的高网络延迟时,Apache APISIX 能否仍然正常运行进行流量过滤转发? +In the Apache APISIX configuration center, when there is unexpectedly high network latency between etcd and Apache APISIX, can Apache APISIX still operate normally for traffic filtering and forwarding? -#### 场景二 +#### Scenario 2 -用户在 issue 反馈,当 etcd 集群中的一个节点失效而集群仍然可以正常运行时,会出现与 Apache APISIX admin API 交互报错的情况。 +User feedback in an issue reports errors interacting with the Apache APISIX admin API when a node in the etcd cluster fails while the cluster is still operational. -尽管 Apache APISIX 在 CI 中通过单元 / e2e / fuzz 测试覆盖了大部分情景,然而尚未覆盖到与外部组件的交互。当发生网络波动、硬盘故障、或是进程被杀掉等难以预料的异常行为时,Apache APISIX 能否给出合适的错误信息、是否可以保持或自行恢复到正常的运行状态呢?为了测试覆盖到用户提出的场景,以及在投入生产环境前主动发现类似的问题,经过社区讨论决定使用 PingCAP 开源的混沌工程平台 Chaos Mesh 进行测试。 +While Apache APISIX covers most scenarios in CI with unit / e2e / fuzz testing, it does not yet cover interactions with external components. Can Apache APISIX give appropriate error messages when network fluctuations, hard disk failures, or unpredictable abnormal behavior such as process kill occurs, and can it maintain or restore itself to a normal state of operation? In order to test the coverage of the scenarios proposed by users and to proactively identify similar issues before putting it into production, the community decided to use Chaos Mesh, PingCAP's open source chaos engineering platform, for testing. -混沌工程是一种在系统基础设施上进行试验,主动找出系统中的脆弱环节的方法,从而确保系统具有抵御生产环境中失控环境的能力。混沌工程最早由 Netflix 提出,用以模拟从而抵御早期云服务的不稳定性。随着技术的演进,现在的混沌工程平台提供了更多种类的故障可供注入,依靠 Kubernetes 也可以更方便地控制故障半径。这些都是 Apache APISIX 选择 Chaos Mesh 的重要原因,但作为开源社区,Apache APISIX 深知只有活跃的社区才能确保软件稳定使用和快速迭代,而这也是 Chaos Mesh 更加吸引人的特点。 +Chaos engineering is a method of experimenting on the system infrastructure to proactively identify vulnerabilities in the system, thus ensuring that the system is resilient to runaway environments in production. Chaos engineering was first proposed by Netflix to simulate and thus counteract the instability of early cloud services. As the technology has evolved, chaos engineering platforms now offer a wider variety of faults to inject and rely on Kubernetes to more easily control the fault radius. These are all important reasons why Apache APISIX chose Chaos Mesh, but as an open source community, Apache APISIX understands that only an active community can ensure stable use and rapid iteration of the software, and this is what makes Chaos Mesh even more appealing. -### 如何在 APISIX 上应用混沌工程 +### How to Apply Chaos Engineering on APISIX -混沌工程在单纯的注入故障以外,逐渐形成了一套完整的方法论。根据 Principle of Chaos Engineering 的推荐,部署混沌工程实验需要五个步骤: +Chaos Engineering has evolved into a complete methodology beyond the mere injection of faults. According to the recommendations of Principle of Chaos Engineering, deploying chaos engineering experiments requires five steps. -1. 定义稳态,即找到一个证明正常运行的可量化指标。 -2. 做出假设,假设指标在实验组和对照组都始终保持稳定状态。 -3. 设计实验,引入运行中可能出现的故障。 -4. 验证假设,即通过比较实验组和对照组的结果证伪假设。 -5. 修复问题。 +1. define the steady state, i.e., find a quantifiable metric that proves proper operation. +2. make a hypothesis that the metric always remains in steady state in both the experimental and control groups. +3. design the experiment to introduce possible failures in operation. +4. test the hypothesis, i.e., falsify the hypothesis by comparing the results of the experimental and control groups. +5. fix the problem. -接下来以上述两个用户反馈场景为例,依照这五个步骤为大家介绍 Apache APISIX 应用混沌工程的流程。 +The next two user feedback scenarios are used as examples to introduce the process of applying chaos engineering to Apache APISIX according to these five steps. -#### 场景一 +#### Scenario 1 ![2021-06-16-1](/img/blog_img/2021-06-16-1.png) -用一幅图来描述这个场景。对照上面的五个步骤,首先需要找到衡量 Apache APISIX 正常运行的可量化指标。在测试时最主要的方法是利用 Grafana 对 Apache APISIX 运行指标进行监测,找到可衡量的指标后,在 CI 中就可以从 Prometheus 中单独提取数据进行比较判断,这里使用了路由转发的 Request per Second(RPS)和 etcd 的可连接性 作为评价指标。另一点就是需要对日志进行分析,对于 Apache APISIX 就是查看 Nginx 的 error.log 判断是否有报错以及报错是否符合预期。 +Describe this scenario in a diagram. Against the five steps above, you first need to find quantifiable metrics that measure the proper functioning of Apache APISIX. The primary method of testing is to use Grafana to monitor Apache APISIX performance metrics. Once measurable metrics are found, the data can be extracted separately from Prometheus in the CI for comparison. Another point is that the logs need to be analyzed. Another point is the need to analyze logs, which for Apache APISIX is to look at Nginx error.log to determine whether errors are reported and whether they are expected. -在对照组也就是引入 Chaos 前进行实验,检测 set/get route 均能成功,etcd 可连接,并记录此时的 RPS。之后,使用 network chaos 添加 5s 的网络延迟 ,再次进行实验,此时 set route 失败,get route 成功,etcd 无法连接,RPS 与之前相比无明显变化。实验符合预期。 +In the control group, before Chaos was introduced, we tested that set/get route was successful, etcd was connectable, and recorded the RPS at that time. There is no significant change in RPS compared to before. The experiment is as expected. -#### 场景二 +#### Scenario 2 ![2021-06-16-2](/img/blog_img/2021-06-16-2.png) -进行同样的对照组实验之后引入 pod-kill chaos,复现了预期的错误。在随机删除集群中少数 etcd 节点的情况下,etcd 可连接性表现出时有时无,日志则打印出了大量连接拒绝的报错。更加有趣的是,在删除 etcd 端点列表的第一个或第三个节点时,设置路由正常返回,而只有在删除 etcd 端点列表中的第二个节点时,设置路由会报错 “connection refused”。 +Introducing pod-kill chaos after performing the same control group experiment reproduces the expected error. In the case of randomly deleting a few etcd nodes in the cluster, etcd connectivity exhibited sporadic behavior, and the logs printed a large number of connection denied errors. More interestingly, the setup route returned normally when deleting the first or third node in the etcd endpoint list, and only when deleting the second node in the etcd endpoint list did the setup route report the error "connection refused". -排查发现原因在于 Apache APISIX 使用的 etcd lua API 选择端点时并不是随机而是顺序选择,因此新建 etcd client 进行的操作就相当于只绑定在一个 etcd 端点上导致持续性的失败。修复这个问题之后,还为 etcd lua API 添加了健康检查,确保不会在断开连接的 etcd 上进行大量的重复;以及增加了 etcd 集群完全断开连接时的回退检查,避免大量报错冲爆日志。 +The reason for this is that the etcd lua API used by Apache APISIX does not select endpoints randomly, but sequentially, so the operation performed by the new etcd client is equivalent to binding to only one etcd endpoint, resulting in a persistent failure. After fixing this issue, a health check was added to the etcd lua API to ensure that it does not duplicate a lot on a disconnected etcd, and a fallback check was added for when an etcd cluster is completely disconnected to avoid blowing up the log with a lot of errors. -### 未来计划 +### Future plans -#### 1. 借助 e2e 模拟场景进行混沌测试 +#### 1. Chaos testing with e2e simulation scenarios -目前在 Apache APISIX 中,仍然主要依靠人来识别系统中可能的脆弱点进行测试修复。对于开源社区来说,与之前提到的 Netflix 在企业中应用混沌工程不同,尽管在 CI 中测试,无需担心混沌工程的故障半径对生产环境的影响,但同时也无法覆盖生产环境中的复杂而全面的场景。 +Currently in Apache APISIX, it still relies heavily on people to identify possible vulnerabilities in the system for testing fixes. For the open source community, unlike the previously mentioned Netflix application of chaos engineering in the enterprise, while testing in CI without worrying about the impact of the failure radius of chaos engineering on the production environment, it also does not cover the complex and comprehensive scenarios in the production environment. -为了覆盖更多的场景,未来社区计划利用现有的 e2e 测试模拟更加完整的场景,进行更大范围、更强随机性的混沌测试。 +In order to cover more scenarios, the future community plans to simulate more complete scenarios using the existing e2e tests for a larger and more randomized chaos testing. -#### 2. 为更多 Apache APISIX 项目添加混沌测试 +#### 2. Adding Chaos Testing to More Apache APISIX Projects -除了为 Apache APISIX 找到更多可能的脆弱点之外,社区还计划为 Apache APISIX Dashboard 和 Apache APISIX Ingress Controller 等更多项目添加混沌测试。 +In addition to finding more possible vulnerabilities for Apache APISIX, the community plans to add chaos testing to more projects such as Apache APISIX Dashboard and Apache APISIX Ingress Controller. -#### 3. 为 Chaos Mesh 添加功能 +#### 3. Adding Features to Chaos Mesh -在部署 Chaos Mesh 时遇见一些暂不支持的功能,包括网络延迟的目标不支持选择 service,网络混沌无法指定容器端口注入等,Apache APISIX 社区未来也会协助 Chaos Mesh 添加相关功能。希望开源社区都会越来越好。 +When deploying Chaos Mesh, we have encountered some features that are not supported at the moment, including the target of network latency does not support the selection of service, network chaos can not specify the container port injection, etc. The Apache APISIX community will also help Chaos Mesh to add related features in the future. We hope that the open source community will get better and better. diff --git a/website/blog/2021/06/17/Apache-APISIX-Dashboard-Access-Control-Bypass-Vulnerability-Announcement.md b/website/blog/2021/06/17/Apache-APISIX-Dashboard-Access-Control-Bypass-Vulnerability-Announcement.md index 3c0088a9f640e..d9886dbc8053d 100644 --- a/website/blog/2021/06/17/Apache-APISIX-Dashboard-Access-Control-Bypass-Vulnerability-Announcement.md +++ b/website/blog/2021/06/17/Apache-APISIX-Dashboard-Access-Control-Bypass-Vulnerability-Announcement.md @@ -1,49 +1,50 @@ --- -title: "Apache APISIX Dashboard 访问控制绕过漏洞公告(CVE-2021-33190)" -author: "琚致远" +title: Apache APISIX Dashboard Access Control Bypass Vulnerability Advisory (CVE-2021-33190) +author: Zhiyuan Ju authorURL: "https://github.com/juzhiyuan" authorImageURL: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2106987?v=4" keywords: - APISIX - Apache APISIX - Ingress Controller -description: Apache APISIX Dashboard 访问控制绕过漏洞公告 +description: Apache APISIX Dashboard Access Control Bypass Vulnerability Bulletin tags: [Security] --- -> 由于程序通过获取请求头 `X-Forwarded-For` 的值来进行访问控制判断,导致攻击者在调用 API 请求时,只需篡改该请求头即可实现访问控制绕过攻击。 +> Because the application makes access control determinations by obtaining the value of the request header `X-Forwarded-For`, an attacker can achieve an access control bypass attack by simply tampering with that request header when invoking the API request. - -## 问题描述 + -在 Apache APISIX Dashboard 2.6 中,存在两个配置项: +## Problem Description -1. `conf.listen.host` 的配置项,用于指定 ManagerAPI 在启动时监听哪个 IP 地址,它的默认值为 `` (默认监听外部网络请求); +In Apache APISIX Dashboard 2.6, there are two configuration entries. -2. `conf.allow_list` 的配置项,用于进行访问控制,默认只允许 `` (即本地网络)进行访问。 +1. the `conf.listen.host` configuration item, which specifies which IP address ManagerAPI listens to at startup, and which defaults to `` (listens to external network requests by default). -由于程序通过获取请求头 `X-Forwarded-For` 的值来进行访问控制判断,导致攻击者在调用 API 请求时,只需篡改该请求头即可实现访问控制绕过攻击。 +2. the configuration item `conf.allow_list`, which is used for access control and only allows access to `` (i.e. local network) by default. -## 影响版本 +Since the program makes access control determinations by obtaining the value of the request header `X-Forwarded-For`, an attacker can achieve an access control bypass attack by simply tampering with this request header when invoking an API request. + +## Affected Versions Apache APISIX 2.6.0 -## 解决方案 +## Solution -该问题已在 2.6.1 版本中解决,请尽快更新至最新版本,并在部署程序后修改默认用户名与密码。 +This issue has been resolved in version 2.6.1. Please update to the latest version as soon as possible and change the default username and password after deploying the application. -## 漏洞详情 +## Vulnerability details -漏洞公开时间:2021 年 6 月 8 日 +Vulnerability public date: June 8, 2021 -CVE 详细信息:https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-33190 +CVE details: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-33190 -## 贡献者简介 +## Contributor Profile -该漏洞是由平安科技银河安全实验室的 Vern 发现,并向 Apache 软件基金会上报该漏洞。感谢 Vern 和平安科技银河安全实验室对 Apache APISIX 社区的贡献。 +This vulnerability was discovered by Vern at Ping An Technology Galaxy Security Lab and reported to the Apache Software Foundation. Thanks to Vern and Ping An Technology Galaxy Security Lab for their contributions to the Apache APISIX community. ![2021-06-17-1](/img/blog_img/2021-06-17-1.jpeg) -## 拓展阅读 +## Expanded Reading -[Apache APISIX 贡献者专访 | 普华永道华南数据安全与隐私保护团队高级安全顾问王鹏诚](./2021-01-11-interview-Apache-APISIX-contributor-Wang-Pengcheng-Senior-Security-Advisor-of-PwC-South-China-Data-Security-and-Privacy-Protection-Team.md) +[Apache APISIX Contributor Interview | Pengcheng Wang, Senior Security Consultant, PwC South China Data Security & Privacy Team](./2021-01-11-interview-Apache-APISIX-contributor-Wang-Pengcheng-Senior-Security-Advisor-of-PwC-South-China-Data-Security-and- Privacy-Protection-Team.md) diff --git a/website/blog/2021/06/18/first-GA-version-v1.0-of-Apache-APISIX-Ingress-Controller-released.md b/website/blog/2021/06/18/first-GA-version-v1.0-of-Apache-APISIX-Ingress-Controller-released.md index d8f674b5b6d5e..49e6daee05318 100644 --- a/website/blog/2021/06/18/first-GA-version-v1.0-of-Apache-APISIX-Ingress-Controller-released.md +++ b/website/blog/2021/06/18/first-GA-version-v1.0-of-Apache-APISIX-Ingress-Controller-released.md @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ --- -title: "Apache APISIX Ingress Controller 首个 GA 版本 v1.0 正式发布!" -author: "张晋涛" +title: The first GA release of Apache APISIX Ingress Controller v1.0 is now available! +author: Jintao Zhang authorURL: "https://github.com/tao12345666333" authorImageURL: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3264292?v=4" keywords: - APISIX - Apache APISIX - Ingress Controller -description: Apache APISIX Ingress Controller v1.0 正式发布,可支持使用包括 ApisixRoute 和 ApisixUpstream 等自定义资源,以及 Kubernetes 原生 Ingress 资源等控制外部流量访问部署在 Kubernetes 中的服务。 +description: Apache APISIX Ingress Controller v1.0 has been released, supporting the use of custom resources including ApisixRoute and ApisixUpstream, as well as Kubernetes native Ingress resources to control external traffic access to services deployed in Kubernetes. tags: [Release] --- -> Apache APISIX Ingress Controller v1.0 正式发布,可支持使用包括 `ApisixRoute`、`ApisixUpstream` 等自定义资源,以及 Kubernetes 原生 Ingress 资源等控制外部流量访问部署在 Kubernetes 中的服务。 +> Apache APISIX Ingress Controller v1.0 has been released, supporting the use of custom resources including `ApisixRoute`, `ApisixUpstream`, and Kubernetes native Ingress resources to control external traffic access to services deployed in Kubernetes. services deployed in Kubernetes. - + -## 关于 Apache APISIX Ingress Controller +## About Apache APISIX Ingress Controller -Apache APISIX Ingress Controller 是一个使用 Apache APISIX 作为数据面承载流量的云原生 Ingress Controller 实现,采用 CRD 的方式对 Kubernetes 进行了扩展。 +The Apache APISIX Ingress Controller is a cloud-native Ingress Controller implementation that uses Apache APISIX as a data plane to carry traffic and extends Kubernetes using CRD. - + -可支持使用包括 ApisixRoute、ApisixUpstream 等自定义资源,以及 Kubernetes 原生 Ingress 资源等控制外部流量访问部署在 Kubernetes 中的服务。 +Supports controlling external traffic access to services deployed in Kubernetes using custom resources including ApisixRoute, ApisixUpstream, and Kubernetes-native Ingress resources. -整体架构如下: +The overall architecture is as follows. -![Apache APISIX Ingress Controller 架构图](/img/blog_img/2021-06-18-1.png) +![Apache APISIX Ingress Controller Architecture Diagram](/img/blog_img/2021-06-18-1.png) -## v1.0 最新特性 +## v1.0 latest features -### 增加 ApisixConsumer 自定义资源使配置认证更方便 +### Add ApisixConsumer custom resource to make configuration authentication more convenient -在之前的版本中,如果想要配置 keyAuth 或者 basicAuth 需要手动去调用 Apache APISIX 的 admin api 创建 consumer 配置。 +In the previous version, if you want to configure keyAuth or basicAuth, you need to manually call Apache APISIX admin api to create consumer configuration. -在 v1.0 版本中,我们增加了 `ApisixConsumer` 资源,用户可以使用更原生的方式来定义 consumer 资源及为 ApisixRoute 配置认证。 +In v1.0, we added the `ApisixConsumer` resource, which allows users to define consumer resources and configure authentication for ApisixRoute in a more native way. -例如通过以下配置定义一个 keyAuth 资源: +For example, a keyAuth resource is defined with the following configuration. ```yaml apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v2alpha1 @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ spec: key: API ``` -在 ApisixRoute 中只需要增加对应类型的 `authentication` 配置即可。 +In ApisixRoute you only need to add the corresponding type of `authentication` configuration. ```yaml apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v2alpha1 @@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ spec: type: keyAuth ``` -### 为 ApisixTls 增加 mTLS 支持 +### Adding mTLS support to ApisixTls -在 v1.0 版本中我们也为 ApisixTls 自定义资源增加了 mTLS 的支持,只需要在 ApisixTls 资源的配置中增加 client 配置即可,例如: +In v1.0 we also added mTLS support for ApisixTls custom resources, just add the client configuration to the ApisixTls resource configuration, e.g. ```yaml apiVersion: apisix.apache.org/v1 @@ -76,29 +76,29 @@ metadata: spec: ... client: - caSecret: + ... client: caSecret: name: client-ca-secret namespace: default -``` +```` -### 为原生 Ingress 资源增加了更多 annotation 来丰富其功能 +### Added more annotations to the native Ingress resource to enrich its functionality -- `k8s.apisix.apache.org/blocklist-source-range` 可对来源 IP 进行限制; -- `k8s.apisix.apache.org/rewrite-target` 和 `k8s.apisix.apache.org/rewrite-target-regex` 可进行 target 的 rewrite 操作; -- `k8s.apisix.apache.org/http-to-https` 可进行 HTTP 到 HTTPS 的强制重定向; +- `k8s.apisix.apache.org/blocklist-source-range` to restrict the source IP. +- `k8s.apisix.apache.org/rewrite-target` and `k8s.apisix.apache.org/rewrite-target-regex` to perform target rewrite operations. +- `k8s.apisix.apache.org/http-to-https` to perform HTTP to HTTPS forced redirects. -更多特性变更请参考项目 [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/apache/apisix-ingress-controller/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) 。 +See the project [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/apache/apisix-ingress-controller/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) for more feature changes. -## 为什么使用 APISIX Ingress Controller +## Why use APISIX Ingress Controller -Apache APISIX Ingress Controller 使用 Apache APISIX 作为其数据面承载业务流量,所以其从 Apache APISIX 继承了如下优势: +Apache APISIX Ingress Controller uses Apache APISIX as its data plane to carry business traffic, so it inherits the following advantages from Apache APISIX. -- **高性能 & 稳定性**:Apache APISIX 是一款云原生高性能动态 API 网关,已在众多企业大规模流量场景下使用,其性能及稳定性久经考验。 -- **生态丰富**:Apache APISIX 是当前最活跃的开源网关项目,作为 Apache 顶级项目,无论是社区活跃度还是其插件生态都非常丰富,可满足用户的多种使用场景和需求; +- **High Performance & Stability**: Apache APISIX is a cloud-native high-performance dynamic API gateway that has been used in many enterprise large-scale traffic scenarios, and its performance and stability have been tested for a long time. +- **Rich ecology**: Apache APISIX is currently the most active open source gateway project, as the top project of Apache, both the community activity and its plug-in ecology are very rich, can meet the user's multiple use scenarios and needs. -此外,由于 APISIX Ingress Controller 还具备如下独有的优势: +In addition, because APISIX Ingress Controller also has the following unique advantages. -- **兼容性好**:支持多个 Ingress 资源版本,在不同的 Kubernetes 版本中均可正常工作; -- **动态更新**:无论是 Ingress 资源或是证书等配置的更新,均已实现热加载,无需 reload,保障业务平稳运行; -- **扩容灵活**:由于 APISIX Ingress Controller 采用控制面和数据面分离的架构,所以在扩容时,可以单独扩容 Apache APISIX 这个数据面集群,而无须对 Apache APISIX Ingress Controller 进行扩容; -- **运维友好**:在当前架构下,用户可按实际情况选择将数据面 Apache APISIX 集群部署在 Kubernetes 集群中,或是部署在物理机环境。且 Apache APISIX Ingress Controller 故障不会对业务流量造成任何影响。 +- **Good compatibility**: supports multiple Ingress resource versions and works fine in different Kubernetes versions. +- **Dynamic updates**: Both Ingress resources and configuration updates such as certificates are hot loaded without reload, ensuring smooth business operation. +- **Flexible Scalability**: Since APISIX Ingress Controller adopts the architecture of separate control plane and data plane, the data plane cluster of Apache APISIX can be scaled up separately without scaling up Apache APISIX Ingress Controller. +- **Operation and Maintenance Friendly**: Under the current architecture, users can choose to deploy the dataplane Apache APISIX cluster in a Kubernetes cluster or in a physical machine environment as the case may be. And Apache APISIX Ingress Controller failure will not have any impact on business traffic. diff --git a/website/blog/2021/06/28/why-we-need-Apache-APISIX.md b/website/blog/2021/06/28/why-we-need-Apache-APISIX.md index 8274bcf9853d0..1b2542e79e05a 100644 --- a/website/blog/2021/06/28/why-we-need-Apache-APISIX.md +++ b/website/blog/2021/06/28/why-we-need-Apache-APISIX.md @@ -1,176 +1,181 @@ --- -title: "有了 NGINX 和 Kong,为什么还需要 Apache APISIX" -author: "王院生" +title: Why do you need Apache APISIX when you have NGINX and Kong? +author: Yuansheng Wang authorURL: "https://github.com/membphis" authorImageURL: "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/6814606?v=4" keywords: - APISIX - Kong - Nginx -- API 网关 -- 开源 -description: 本文介绍了 Apache APISIX 架构演进历史,对比 Nginx 和 Kong 这两个框架 Apache APISIX 的优势是什么。 +- API Gateway +- Open Source +description: This article describes the evolution of the Apache APISIX architecture and compares what the advantages of the two frameworks, Apache APISIX and Nginx, are. tags: [Technology] --- -> 本文介绍了 Apache APISIX 架构演进历史,对比 Nginx 和 Kong 这两个框架 Apache APISIX 的优势是什么。 +> This article describes the history of the evolution of the Apache APISIX architecture and compares what the advantages of the two frameworks, Apache APISIX and Nginx, are. > Source: https://www.apiseven.com/zh/blog/why-we-need-Apache-APISIX -大家好,非常开心给大家分享一个让我激动的主题《有了 NGINX 和 Kong,为什么还需要 Apache APISIX》。 +Hello everyone, I'm happy to share a topic that I'm excited about, "Why do you need Apache APISIX when you have NGINX and Kong". ![why we need APISIX](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625001.png) -之所以我们要做 NGINX 和 Kong 的替代项目,实际和我们后端架构演变史大背景息息相关,我会先和大家一起分享后端架构演变过程,这非常重要。 +The reason why we are doing a replacement project for NGINX and Kong is actually related to the background of our backend architecture evolution, and I will start by sharing with you the backend architecture evolution process, which is very important. +I'll start by sharing with you the evolution of the backend architecture, which is very important. ![membphis](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625002.png) -首先做下自我介绍,本人叫王院生。和这次大会主办者净超一样我们都做社区很久,我在 2015 年写了一本电子书叫《OpenResty 最佳实践》,通过这本书结成了一个超万人社区。从那个时候开始个人对开源本身越发感兴趣,2015 年以前我基本上主要是开源软件的使用者,然后慢慢变成社区的一个协办者,再往后变成社区领导者,也许你会问为什么?很简单,因为这本书是你写的,别人遇到各种各样的问题,有高级的也有比较普通的,问得多了我就逐步成为老师并最终成了社区领导者,像那句名言“走的人多了,也变成了路”。 +First of all, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Yuansheng Wang. I wrote an e-book called "OpenResty Best Practices" in 2015 and formed a community of over 10,000 people through this book. Since that time, I have become more and more interested in open source itself. Before 2015, I was basically mainly a user of open source software, then slowly became a co-organizer of the community, and then later became a community leader. Simple, because the book is written by you, others encounter a variety of problems, there are advanced and more common, ask more I gradually became a teacher and eventually became a community leader, like the famous saying "walk more people, also become the road. ![api7.ai](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625003.png) -2019 年我与合伙人温铭一起创办了深圳支流科技公司,它是一家以开源为依托的商业化公司。这家公司承载了我俩很多个人理想,也可以说是在做每一位普通程序员的理想,不想庸庸碌碌 996,我经常对别人说我的梦想就是“把我的名字刻入史册”,悲催的是人类已经不需要史册了。 +I've been a teacher and eventually a community leader. In 2019, I founded Shenzhen Tributary Technology Company with my partner Ming Wen, which is an open source-based commercialization company. This company carries a lot of personal ideals for both of us, and we can also say that we are doing the ideals of every ordinary programmer, not wanting to be mediocre 996, I often say to others that my dream is to "engrave my name into the history books", the sad thing is that human beings no longer need the history books. +The sad thing is that mankind doesn't need a history anymore. ![api7.ai team](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625004.png) -这是我们团队,大家主要是远程协作,所有人聚在一起比较难。公司早期阶段只有五六个人时,还能比较容易的把团队聚起来,但从今年之后就一直没聚齐过,这是我们今年到目前以来最齐的一次(但依然有几位同学没能一起)。 +This is our team, we mainly collaborate remotely, and it's harder to get everyone together. When there were only five or six people in the early stages of the company, it was relatively easy to get the team together, but it hasn't been together since this year, and this is the most together we've had so far this year (but there are still a few students who didn't make it together). -作为一家技术说了算的商业公司,技术在我司有非常大的话语权,尊重技术从尊重技术人才开始。没有 996 ,没有上班打卡,远程办公,欢迎感兴趣的同学联系我们,期待有梦想、有理想的你加入我司。 +As a technology-driven business company, technology has a very big say in our company, and respect for technology starts with respect for technical talents. There is no 996, no punching in and out, remote office, welcome interested students to contact us, look forward to dreaming and ideal you to join our company. +We are looking forward to your dream and ideal to join us. ![APISIX architecture](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625005.png) -这次演讲主题需要一些背景,我们先说说后端架构演变史。先跟大家回顾一下这张图,右图部分从上到下它不是具体数据流程图,它是我们后端架构演变史。从最传统的单体大应用,然后变成面向服务架构(SOA),然后是微服务,分别出现了 Spring Cloud 和 Kubernetes。Spring Cloud 架构主要服务 JAVA 语言开发者,Kubernetes 是容器编排支持任何语言,以及最近社区比较热的话题服务网格。 +The topic of this talk needs some background, so let's start with the history of back-end architecture evolution. First, let's review this diagram, the right part from top to bottom it is not a specific data flow diagram, it is the history of our backend architecture evolution. Spring Cloud architecture mainly serves JAVA language developers, Kubernetes is a container orchestration to support any language, as well as the recent community hot topic service grid. -我经常跟公司同事说,咱们展望未来五年,甚至是十年之后,哪个架构是最终极方案?从目前信息看,服务网格会大概率胜出。即使当下它还有很多问题,但我相信这些问题都能被解决。 +I often say to colleagues, let's look at the next five years, or even ten years later, which architecture is the ultimate solution? From the current information, the service grid will probably win. Even if it still has many problems, I believe they can be solved. ![APISIX architecture](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625006.png) -在创业之初,在脑子里过这张图的时候特别有意思。我们能够看到,随着我们后端架构的逐步迭代,我们引入了各种不同组件。比如到了 SOA 也就是面向服务的架构,引入反向代理组件,选型通常是 NGINX,HAProxy。迭代到微服务架构后,通常会选择一些更现代的 API 网关产品,比如 Kong、Traefik ,当然也有一些用户因为惯性习惯,还会继续选择使用 NGINX,虽然它有能力弱、使用不方便等缺点,但胜在稳定、可靠。说句题外话,从全球市场占有率看,NGINX 成为占有率最高的 Web Server 是在 2019 年 4 月份,感兴趣的同学可以到看下最新的 netcraft 报告 April 2021 Web Server Survey。 +At the beginning of the venture, it was particularly interesting to go through this diagram in my head. We were able to see that as we gradually iterated on the back-end architecture, we introduced a variety of different components. For example, when we got to SOA, which is a service-oriented architecture, we introduced reverse proxy components, usually NGINX and HAProxy, and when we iterated to microservice architecture, we usually chose some more modern API gateway products, such as Kong and Traefik, and of course, some users would continue to use NGINX because of their habitual habits. Although it has weaknesses such as weaknesses and inconveniences, but it is stable and reliable. On a side note, from a global market share perspective, NGINX became the most dominant Web Server in April 2019. -随着后端架构持续迭代,进入到了 Kubernetes 时代后,流量出入口 Ingress 大家默认会使用官方的 Kubernetes Ingress,这个项目是基于 NGINX 本地配置文件。在国内也有一些公司在使用 Traefik 作为 Ingress,这与国内 Golang 开发者基数比较大有很大关系。 +As the backend architecture continues to iterate and enters the Kubernetes era, the traffic portal Ingress will use the official Kubernetes Ingress by default, which is based on the NGINX local configuration file. Some companies in China are also using Traefik as Ingress, which has a lot to do with the large base of Golang developers in China. -我们再看看左侧比较有意思的 JAVA ,Spring Cloud 内置 API 网关先后经历了 ZUUL、ZUUL2,但还是不好用,性能、架构官方都不满意,所以 Spring Cloud 官方发起了新项目 Spring Cloud Gateway,最终形成全家桶解决方案。 +Let's look at the left side of the more interesting JAVA, Spring Cloud built-in API gateway has experienced ZUUL, ZUUL2, but still not good, performance, architecture official are not satisfied, so Spring Cloud official launched a new project Spring Cloud Gateway, the final formation of the family bucket solution. -最后说说右下角部分的服务网格,对于服务网格已经形成一种选择就是 istio(CP) + envoy(DP)。后面我们又看到了阿里巴巴开源的 mosn,一句话概括:Golang 版本的 envoy。 +Finally, the bottom right part of the service grid, for the service grid has formed a choice istio (CP) + envoy (DP). Later we see the Alibaba open source mosn, in a nutshell: Golang version of envoy. ![APISIX architecture](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625007.png) -回顾前面的架构演变图,相信很多同学都已经发现问题在哪里。从上到下,从左到右,针对不同场景,我们最终“合理”的引入了各种组件来分别解决我们的问题,架构师生存法则:选择当下最适合的。 +Reviewing the previous architecture evolution diagram, I believe many students have found out where the problem is. From top to bottom, from left to right, for different scenarios, we finally "reasonably" introduced various components to solve our problems, the architect's rule of survival: choose the most suitable at the moment. -当我们趁手工具不多,在功能、动态、性能等之间我们总是要妥协放弃一些,大家早已习惯甚至麻木。IT 技术发展迅速,时至今日它们是否还是最合适方案?5G、物联网等发展迅速,如何弹性扩缩容、动态统一管理等新问题,逼着我们重新思考。 +When we have few tools at hand, we always have to compromise between functionality, dynamics, performance, etc. We have long been accustomed to and even numb to the rapid development of IT technology, are they still the most appropriate solution today? ![Nginx](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625008.png) -如图这些都是 NGINX 缺点,比如 NGINX 的低活跃度社区。虽然我们可以在公司层面投入更多资源,但他的社区是真不友好,不友好到什么程度呢?上面这张图可以看得到,NGINX 在 Github 的仓库只是镜像,issue 功能是关闭的,想提交 issue 不可能了,即使你提交 PR 官方也是不会合并的。 +As you can see, these are NGINX drawbacks, such as NGINX's low activity community. While we could invest more resources at the corporate level, his community is really unfriendly, and how unfriendly is it? As you can see in the picture above, the NGINX repository in Github is only a mirror, the issue function is closed, it is impossible to submit an issue, and even if you submit a PR the official will not merge it. -除此之外 NGINX 自身路由比较弱,比如说我要根据某个请求参数比如 id 取模运算做灰度,你会发现 NGINX 完全无法实现。所以我们能看到很多小的开源系统,只要解决了上面的灰度场景,就可以是个独立开源项目。此外 gRPC 调用在微服务调用中越来越流行,但 NGINX 对它的支持只能是“简单能用”。 +In addition, NGINX is weak in its own routing, for example, I want to do grayscale based on a request parameter such as id, you will find that NGINX is completely unable to achieve. So we can see a lot of small open source systems, as long as the above grayscale scenario is solved, it can be an independent open source project. In addition, gRPC calls are becoming more and more popular in microservice calls, but NGINX support for it is only "simple to use". -最后就是 NGINX 集群统一管理,几乎每家互联网厂商都有自己的 NGINX 配置管理系统,系统虽然大同小异但就是没有统一方案,十几年了一直空白。 +Finally, the NGINX cluster management, almost every Internet vendor has its own NGINX configuration management system, although the system is similar but there is no unified solution, more than a decade has been blank. -![Kong](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625009.png) +The system is similar but there is no unified solution, which has been blank for more than ten years. ![Kong](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625009.png) -在进一步聊 Kong 之前,想和大家聊一下什么是云原生。这个名词从诞生到现在很久,但到现在没有统一明确的定义。我综合几家云厂商定义,概括云原生特征主要有两点:第一要支持容器,第二要支持弹性伸缩部署。我认为 Kong 不完全满足第二条,官方主推的 PostgreSQL 关系型数据库是单点,无法支持弹性扩缩容,是它架构选型硬伤。 +Before talking further about Kong, I would like to talk to you about what is cloud-native. This term has been around for a long time, but there is no unified and clear definition until now. I synthesize several cloud vendors' definitions and outline two main cloud-native features: first, it should support containers, and second, it should support elastic and scalable deployment. I think Kong does not fully meet the second, the official main PostgreSQL relational database is a single point, can not support elastic expansion and contraction of capacity, is its architecture selection hard. + +The architecture is hard to choose. ![Nginx Kong](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625010.png) -最后简单总结一下 NGINX 和 Kong 的问题: +Finally, a brief summary of the problems with NGINX and Kong. -- NGINX 和 Kong 都有各自不同应用场景; +- NGINX and Kong both have their own different application scenarios. -- NGINX 缺少官方集群统一管理方案; +- NGINX lacks an official cluster management solution. -- Kong 的控制面不是完全云原生架构。 +- Kong's control plane is not completely cloud-native architecture. -在介绍 APISIX 之前,还是有必要先感谢两位前辈,站在巨人肩膀思考,确实让我们从一开始就有更高起点。APISIX 已经两岁多,请看架构图: +Before introducing APISIX, it is necessary to thank the two predecessors for thinking on the shoulders of giants, which really gives us a higher starting point from the beginning. ![APISIX architecture](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625011.png) -这张图的左右分别是 DP(Date Plane)和 CP(Control Plane),跟大家所熟悉的后端服务体系一样。APISIX 从架构第一天就没有想去自己造新东西,所以关于配置中心选择了当下最成熟的 etcd。 +The left and right of this diagram are DP (Data Plane) and CP (Control Plane), which are the same as the familiar backend service system. APISIX did not try to build something new by itself from the first day of the architecture, so we chose the most mature etcd for the configuration center. -在这个架构里面,你找不到一个单点。这里的任何一个服务出现异常宕机等事故,都不会影响 APISIX 正常对外提供服务的能力。当整体架构中的每一个点都支持高可用时,用户生产系统的高稳定性就非常容易实现。 +In this architecture, you can't find a single point. Any abnormal downtime of any of the services here will not affect APISIX's ability to provide services to the public. When every point in the overall architecture supports high availability, the high stability of the user's production system is very easy to achieve. ![APISIX eco](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625012.png) -这是 APISIX 的生态图,从该图可以准确看到目前都支持了哪些周边生态。左侧是支持的协议,可以看到常见的 7 层协议有 HTTP(S)、HTTP2、Dubbo、QUIC 和物联网协议 MQTT 等,4 层协议有 TCP/UDP 。右侧部分则是一些开源或者 SaaS 服务,比如 SkyWalking、Prometheus 、Vault 等。下面就是一些比较常见的操作系统环境、云厂商和硬件环境,作为一家全球化公司,我们也支持 ARM64 等更丰富的平台。 +This is a diagram of the APISIX eco, from which you can see exactly what peripheral ecologies are currently supported. On the left side are the supported protocols, you can see the common Layer 7 protocols such as HTTP(S), HTTP2, Dubbo, QUIC and IoT protocol MQTT, and the Layer 4 protocols such as TCP/UDP. On the right are some open source or SaaS services such as SkyWalking, Prometheus, Vault, etc. Below are some of the more common OS environments, cloud vendors and hardware environments. As a global company, we also support richer platforms such as ARM64. ![APISIX Advantages](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625013.png) -给大家简单地汇报一下 APISIX 当前状态,APISIX 从开源到现在两年的时间,APISIX 已经成为了全世界最活跃的开源 API 网关项目,而且这个状态已经持续了一年多。请记住最下面一句话,APISIX 已经**生产可用,功能、性能、架构全面优于 Kong**。在 2019 年 9 月份贝壳找房就已经把 APISIX 项目用到生产环境。 +To give you a brief report on the current state of APISIX, APISIX has become the most active open source API gateway project in the world in the two years since it became open source, and this state has been going on for more than a year. Remember the bottom sentence, APISIX has been **production available, with better features, performance, and architecture across the board than Kong**. In September 2019 Shell has already used the APISIX project in production environments. ![APISIX Community](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625014.png) -简单解释一下这张图,可以叫它贡献者增长曲线。横坐标是时间线,纵坐标是贡献者总数。能够看到 APISIX 和 Kong 这两个项目相对更活跃,APISIX 的增长速度从开源第一天就保持着非常不错的增长率,在接近 Kong 两倍的速度成长,可见 APISIX 受欢迎程度。当然评价一个项目活跃度还有很多其他方法,比如查看每月活跃 issue、PR 总数等方式,很开心的和大家说,这些方式看 APISIX 的活跃度依然第一。 +To briefly explain this graph, you can call it a contributor growth curve. The horizontal coordinate is the timeline and the vertical coordinate is the total number of contributors. We can see that APISIX and Kong are two relatively more active projects. APISIX has been growing at a very good rate since the first day of open source, and is growing at nearly twice the rate of Kong, which shows how popular APISIX is. Of course there are many other ways to evaluate the activity of a project, such as checking monthly active issues, PR totals, etc. I'm happy to say that APISIX is still number one in terms of activity in these ways. -![APISIX Advantages](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625015.png) +APISIX is still number one in these ways![APISIX Advantages](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625015.png) -经过我们实际的客户走访,支持多语言这个特性是非常有必要的。毕竟对于很多公司而言,都有自己熟悉的技术栈,很多公司对 NGINX C 和 Lua 这两个技术栈是空白。前些日子 APISIX 已经正式宣布支持多语言,目前已经支持了 Java 语言,后续也将逐步支持 Golang 、Rust、NodeJS 等语言。 +After our actual customer visits, the feature of supporting multiple languages is very necessary. After all, for many companies, they have their own familiar technology stacks, and many companies are blank for NGINX C and Lua. APISIX has officially announced multilingual support a few days ago, and currently supports Java, and will gradually support Golang, Rust, NodeJS and other languages. -APISIX 的全动态、高性能,其实和高质量的周边生态是分不开的。APISIX 的路由使用我司主导并开源的项目叫 resty-radixtree ,简单来说它使用 radixtree 方式完成路由匹配,匹配效率相比竞品提升了一到两个数量级。其他还有 jsonschema、ipmatcher 等周边库,它们都比同类开源项目性能强几个数量级。 +APISIX's full dynamic and high performance is actually inseparable from the high quality of the surrounding ecology. Other peripheral libraries such as jsonschema, ipmatcher, etc. are several orders of magnitude better than similar open source projects. ![APISIX arch](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625016.png) -APISIX 支持多语言的特性,已经放到开源项目,欢迎感兴趣的同学可以随时关注并参与。这个实现方案的优势是简单、通用,大家可以原生的使用自己熟悉语言。 +APISIX support for multi-language features have been put into the open source project, interested students are welcome to follow and participate at any time. The advantage of this implementation is that it is simple and universal, and everyone can natively use their familiar language. ![Apache APISIX](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625017.png) -聊了这么多,给大家介绍下 APISIX 有哪些优势?请看上图。 +After all this talk, what are the advantages of APISIX for you? See the image above. -前面三个(基金会项目、安全、稳定)我觉得是最重要的,作为基金会项目,它已经不属于某个人或某家公司,而是全人类的财产,我们可以永远使用它。与之相对应的是商业公司开源项目,它可以随时修改开源项目 License,大家最近都听过类似的消息。APISIX 的安全和稳定得益于它的基石 NGINX,能够成为目前最流行、使用量最广的 web server,底蕴还是很厉害的。 +The first three (foundation project, security, stability) I think are the most important. As a foundation project, it no longer belongs to a person or a company, but is the property of all mankind, and we can use it forever. The security and stability of APISIX is due to its cornerstone, NGINX, which has become the most popular and widely used web server, and its heritage is still very impressive. -高性能、动态、社区活跃是 APISIX 的王牌,它们已经形成了良性互动。 +High performance, dynamics, and an active community are the trump cards of APISIX, and they have formed a healthy interaction. -如果一句话概括 APISIX 的自豪,我认为是:**APISIX,全世界最活跃的 API 网关项目**。在此共识下,我们把更多资源倾斜给社区,我们相信社区会让 APISIX 稳健健康成长。 +If one sentence sums up the pride of APISIX, I think it is:**APISIX, the most active API gateway project in the world**. With this consensus, we tilt more resources to the community, and we believe the community will make APISIX grow soundly and healthily. ![APISIX goal](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625018.png) -看到这张图台下的你估计一下子就明白了 APISIX 要干什么。APISIX 目标:**统一代理基础设施**。 +The APISIX goal: **Unified Proxy Infrastructure**. -也许台下的你这里会有疑问:APISIX 要支持这么多场景,是否会让 APISIX 变得四不像?这里我简单解释一下,APISIX 的核心是高性能代理服务,自身不绑定任何环境属性。当它演变为 Ingress、服务网格等产品,都是外部服务与 APISIX 配合,变化的是外部程序而不是 APISIX 自身,后面逐步为大家说明 APISIX 是如何具体支持这些场景。 +You may be wondering if APISIX is going to support so many scenarios. Here I will explain briefly that the core of APISIX is a high-performance proxy service that does not bind any environment properties itself. When it evolves into Ingress, Service Grid, etc., it is the external service that works with APISIX, and it is the external program that changes rather than APISIX itself, and we will explain how APISIX supports these scenarios step by step. ![API gateway](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625019.png) -针对传统的 LB 和 API Gateway 场景,APISIX 比较大的优势就是从静态变成全部动态,再也不需要 reload,要知道很多科技公司的 NGINX reload 是半小时起步。前面提到的根据请求 id 取模运算灰度场景,在 APISIX 里使用精细化路由可以很容易完成。 +For traditional LB and API Gateway scenarios, APISIX has the advantage of going from static to all dynamic, no more reloads, as many tech companies start with a half hour NGINX reload. The aforementioned grayscale scenario of moduloing based on request id can be easily done in APISIX using fine-grained routing. ![API gateway](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625020.png) ![APISIX Ingress Controller](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625021.png) -APISIX Ingress Controller 则完整解决了上面提到的所有问题,继承了 APISIX 的所有优势,此外还支持原生 k8s CRD ,方便用户迁移。 +APISIX Ingress Controller solves all the problems mentioned above, and inherits all the advantages of APISIX, in addition to supporting native k8s CRD for easy migration. ![service mesh](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625022.png) -服务网格,这里面有必要跟大家重点聊聊。未来五年或者十年之后,最有可能主流的服务端架构是什么?如果让我回答,我选择服务网格。 +Service mesh, it is necessary to talk to you about it. In the next five or ten years, what is the most likely mainstream server-side architecture? If I were to answer, I would choose the service mesh. ![APISIX Mesh](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625023.png) -右图部分就是 APISIX Mesh 的内部架构图。 +The diagram on the right shows the internal architecture of APISIX Mesh. ![APISIX goal](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625024.png) -聊了这么多 APISIX 的当下,也和大家聊聊 APISIX 的未来。 +After talking so much about the present of APISIX, let's also talk about the future of APISIX. -因为 APISIX 目前是 Apache 基金会项目,所以它已经不再属于个人或公司,而是全人类共享财产。这样社区中的每一个你,都有权利决定他往哪个方向发展。 +Because APISIX is currently an Apache Foundation project, it is no longer the property of individuals or companies, but of all humanity. This gives every one of you in the community the right to decide which direction it will go. -开源版本 APISIX 目前默认搭配的配置中心是 etcd ,虽然目前它依旧是最好的选择,但我们在和用户沟通时依然经常会听到是否支持其他配置中心,比较常见的原因是 etcd 这个产品太新了,公司现有运维产品支持列表中没有它。所以我们计划让 APISIX 可以与其他配置中心协作。 +The default configuration center for the open source version of APISIX is etcd, and while it is still the best choice, we still often hear about support for other configuration centers when we talk to users, more often than not because etcd is so new that it is not on the list of supported products in the company's existing operations and maintenance products. So we plan to make APISIX work with other configuration centers. ![APISIX data plane](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625025.png) -APISIX 已经走在全流量数据面这条路上,相信大家都会问一些问题,比如:为什么要统一流量转发?统一是否给企业带来价值?对技术人员有什么收益?带着这些问题,我们看下图: +APISIX is already on the road to full traffic data plane, and I believe we all ask questions such as: Why do we need to unify traffic forwarding? Does unification bring value to the enterprise? What are the benefits to the technical staff? With these questions in mind, let's look at the following diagram. ![APISIX goal](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625026.png) -统一本身不是目标,统一之后的收益才是我们追求的背后逻辑,下面分别给出几个不同角度来分别阐述。 +Unification itself is not the goal, but the benefits after unification is the logic behind our pursuit, and several different perspectives are given below to elaborate separately. -- 运维角色:使用相同的运维工具收集日志、Metric 指标等,复用已有积累; +- Operation and maintenance role: use the same operation and maintenance tools to collect logs, metrics, etc., and reuse existing accumulations. -- 开发角色:基于标准化的 APISIX 插件开发,能力可以方便复用,并且积累的经验可以应用到 LB、API Gateway、K8s Ingress 等不同产品线; +- Development role: based on standardized APISIX plug-in development, the capabilities can be easily reused, and the accumulated experience can be applied to different product lines such as LB, API Gateway, K8s Ingress, etc. -- 公司价值:统一技术栈,降低公司运营成本,降低过渡到微服务、云原生的难度,加速企业数字化转型。 +- Company value: Unify technology stack, reduce company operation cost, reduce the difficulty of transitioning to microservices and cloud-native, and accelerate enterprise digital transformation. ![connect APISIX](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625027.png) -最后是 APISIX 的 QQ 群,有任何问题都可以在这里或者 [Github issue](https://github.com/apache/apisix/issues) 留言,会有专人快速响应,再次感谢大家。 +Last but not least is the APISIX [Slack channel](https://apisix.apache.org/docs/general/community#slack), any questions can be left here or on [Github issue](https://github.com/apache/apisix/issues), there will be someone to respond quickly, thanks again. -点击观看[视频](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1w54y1V73Z?p=1&share_medium=android&share_plat=android&share_source=COPY&share_tag=s_i×tamp=1621812452&unique_k=PEusrt) +Click to watch the [video](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1w54y1V73Z?p=1&share_medium=android&share_plat=android&share_source=COPY&share_tag=s_i×tamp=1621812452&unique_k=PEusrt) diff --git a/website/blog/2021/07/21/Apache-APISIX-Kubernetes.md b/website/blog/2021/07/21/Apache-APISIX-Kubernetes.md index cfcd4494ba35b..1801574676864 100644 --- a/website/blog/2021/07/21/Apache-APISIX-Kubernetes.md +++ b/website/blog/2021/07/21/Apache-APISIX-Kubernetes.md @@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ --- -title: "Apache APISIX x Kubernetes:恰到好处|直播预告" -author: "Apache APISIX 社区" +title: "Apache APISIX x Kubernetes: Just Right|Live" +author: Apache APISIX keywords: -- API 网关 +- API Gateway - APISIX - Kubernetes -- 直播预告 -description: 直播预告:北京时间 2021 年 7 月 23 日星期五 00:00,Apache APISIX committer 张晋涛将在 Data on Kubernetes Community 的 Meetup 上,面向全球开发者做主题为《Run Apache APISIX in Kubernetes》的分享。 +description: 'Live Preview: On Friday, July 23rd, 2021 at 00:00 GMT, Apache APISIX committer Jintao Zhang will present "Run Apache APISIX in Kubernetes" at the Data on Kubernetes Community Meetup for global developers. The topic will be "Run Apache APISIX in Kubernetes".' tags: [Events] --- -> 北京时间 2021 年 7 月 23 日星期五 00:00, Apache APISIX committer 张晋涛将在 Data on Kubernetes Community 的 Meetup 上,面向全球开发者做主题为《Run Apache APISIX in Kubernetes》的分享。 +> On Friday, July 23rd, 2021 at 00:00 GMT, Apache APISIX committer Jintao Zhang will share the topic "Run Apache APISIX in Kubernetes" at the Data on Kubernetes Community Meetup for developers around the world. -张晋涛将在本次演讲中分享在 Kubernetes 上运行 Apache APISIX,以及如何将 Apache APISIX 作为 Ingress Controller 来使用的经验。感兴趣的小伙伴不要错过,赶紧报名约起来~ +In this talk, Jintao Zhang will share his experience of running Apache APISIX on Kubernetes and how to use Apache APISIX as an Ingress Controller. If you're interested, don't miss it, sign up now! -## 参与方式 +## How to participate -- 方式一:点击 [此处](https://www.meetup.com/Data-on-Kubernetes-community/events/278922486/) 跳转报名网页,注册报名。 +- Method 1: Click [here](https://www.meetup.com/Data-on-Kubernetes-community/events/278922486/) to visit the registration page and register. -- 方式二:在直播开始时通过 Zoom 链接进入会议室聆听分享:[会议室直播间](https://zoom.us/webinar/tJYofuChrzktGtI3wr8SZHACRnNkxr5cWgny)。 +- Way 2: Go to the Zoom link at the beginning of the live broadcast to listen to the sharing: [Meeting Room Live](https://zoom.us/webinar/tJYofuChrzktGtI3wr8SZHACRnNkxr5cWgny). -## 来不及看直播怎么办 +## What to do if you can't make it to the live stream -Meetup 结束后,我们会在 Apache APISIX 的 bilibili 账号上传 Meetup 录播。欢迎大家关注 Apache APISIX bilibili 账号 [Apache-APISIX](https://space.bilibili.com/551921247)。 +After the Meetup, we will upload the Meetup recording on Apache APISIX's bilibili account. Welcome to follow the Apache APISIX bilibili account [Apache-APISIX](https://space.bilibili.com/551921247). -## 讲师介绍 +## Lecturer Introduction -张晋涛,支流科技云原生技术专家、Apache APISIX committer、Kubernetes ingress-nginx reviewer。他同时作为 containerd/Docker/Helm/Kubernetes/KIND 等众多开源项目 contributor 在开源社区活跃,是 『K8S 生态周报』的维护者之一。 -从业 7 年,张晋涛对 Docker 和 Kubernetes 等容器化技术有大量实践和深入源码的研究,是业内多个知名大会讲师,PyCon China 核心组织者之一。同时著有 《Kubernetes 上手实践》和 《Docker 核心知识必知必会》等专栏。运营有公众号:MoeLove。 +Jintao Zhang is a cloud native technologist at Tributary Technology, Apache APISIX committer, Kubernetes ingress-nginx reviewer, and contributor to many open source projects such as containerd/Docker/Helm/Kubernetes/KIND. He is also active in the open source community as a contributor, and is one of the maintainers of the K8S Weekly Eco Report. +With 7 years in the industry, Jintao Zhang has a lot of practice and deep source code research on containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes, and is one of the core organizers of PyCon China. He is also the author of "Kubernetes Hands-on" and "Docker Core Knowledge Must Know". He runs the public number: MoeLove. -![讲师介绍-张晋涛](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/1630382172445-cf20986b-c939-497e-86a4-92da7064ae97.PNG) +He is also the author of Kubernetes Hands-on and Docker Core Knowledge. +![Lecturer-Jintao Zhang](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/1630382172445-cf20986b-c939-497e-86a4-92da7064ae97.PNG) -## 关于 Apache APISIX +## About Apache APISIX -Apache APISIX 是一个动态、实时、高性能的开源 API 网关,提供负载均衡、动态上游、灰度发布、服务熔断、身份认证、可观测性等丰富的流量管理功能。Apache APISIX 可以帮忙企业快速、安全的处理 API 和微服务流量,包括网关、Kubernetes Ingress 和服务网格等。 +Apache APISIX is a dynamic, real-time, high-performance open source API gateway that provides rich traffic management features such as load balancing, dynamic upstream, grayscale publishing, service fusion, authentication, observability, etc. Apache APISIX can help enterprises quickly and securely handle API and microservice traffic, including gateways, Kubernetes Ingress and Service Grid. -全球已有数百家企业使用 Apache APISIX 处理关键业务流量,涵盖金融、互联网、制造、零售、运营商等等,比如美国航空航天局(NASA)、欧盟的数字工厂、中国航信、中国移动、腾讯、华为、微博、网易、贝壳找房、360、泰康、奈雪的茶等。 +Apache APISIX has been used by hundreds of enterprises worldwide to handle business-critical traffic, including finance, Internet, manufacturing, retail, carriers, and more, such as NASA, the European Union's Digital Factory, China Airlines, China Mobile, Tencent, Huawei, Weibo, NetEase, Shell, 360, Taikang, and Nespresso Tea. -200 余位贡献者,一同缔造了 Apache APISIX 这个世界上最活跃的开源网关项目。聪明的开发者们!快来加入这个活跃而多样化的社区,一起来给这个世界带来更多美好的东西吧! +More than 200 contributors have come together to create Apache APISIX, the world's most active open source gateway project. Smart developers! Come join this active and diverse community and come together to bring more good things to the world! -[Apache APISIX GitHub 项目地址](https://github.com/apache/apisix) +[Apache APISIX GitHub project](https://github.com/apache/apisix) diff --git a/website/blog/2021/07/25/apachecon-asia.md b/website/blog/2021/07/25/apachecon-asia.md index 32832660efa48..f3bbe438b88d8 100644 --- a/website/blog/2021/07/25/apachecon-asia.md +++ b/website/blog/2021/07/25/apachecon-asia.md @@ -1,167 +1,153 @@ --- -title: "ApacheCon Asia 2021:Apache APISIX 技术议题一览" -author: "Apache APISIX 社区" +title: "ApacheCon Asia 2021: Apache APISIX Technical Topics" +author: Apache APISIX keywords: -- API 网关 +- API Gateway - APISIX - Apache APISIX - ApacheCon -description: ApacheCon 是 Apache 软件基金会的官方全球系列会议。自 1998 年以来,ApacheCon 一直吸引着各个层次的参与者,在 350 多个 Apache 项目及其不同的社区中探索 “明日的技术”。ApacheCon Asia 是 ApacheCon 组委会针对亚太地区举办的 ApacheCon 在线会议,主要目标在于更好地服务亚太地区快速增长的 Apache 用户和贡献者。ApacheCon Asia 2021 将于今年 8 月 6-8 日在线举办。 +description: ApacheCon is the official global conference series of the Apache Software Foundation. Since 1998, ApacheCon has been attracting participants at all levels to explore "tomorrow's technologies" across more than 350 Apache projects and their diverse communities. ApacheCon Asia is the ApacheCon organizing committee's online conference for the Asia-Pacific region. ApacheCon Asia is an online ApacheCon conference organized by the ApacheCon organizing committee for the Asia-Pacific region with the primary goal of better serving the rapidly growing number of Apache users and contributors in the Asia-Pacific region. ApacheCon Asia 2021 will be held online from August 6-8 this year. tags: [Events] --- -> ApacheCon 是 Apache 软件基金会的官方全球系列会议。自 1998 年以来,ApacheCon 一直吸引着各个层次的参与者,在 350 多个 Apache 项目及其不同的社区中探索 “明日的技术”。ApacheCon Asia 是 ApacheCon 组委会针对亚太地区举办的 ApacheCon 在线会议,主要目标在于更好地服务亚太地区快速增长的 Apache 用户和贡献者。ApacheCon Asia 2021 将于今年 8 月 6-8 日在线举办。 +> ApacheCon is the official global conference series of the Apache Software Foundation. Since 1998, ApacheCon has been attracting participants at all levels to explore the "technologies of tomorrow" across more than 350 Apache projects and their diverse communities. ApacheCon Asia is the ApacheCon organizing committee's online conference for the Asia-Pacific region. ApacheCon Asia 2021 will be held online from August 6-8 this year. -## 关于 ApacheCon Asia 2021 +## About ApacheCon Asia 2021 -ApacheCon 是 Apache 软件基金会的官方全球系列会议。自 1998 年以来,ApacheCon 一直吸引着各个层次的参与者,在 350 多个 Apache 项目及其不同的社区中探索 “明日的技术”。 +ApacheCon is the official global conference series of the Apache Software Foundation. Since 1998, ApacheCon has been attracting participants at all levels to explore the "technologies of tomorrow" across more than 350 Apache projects and their diverse communities. -ApacheCon Asia 是 ApacheCon 组委会针对亚太地区举办的 ApacheCon 在线会议,主要目标在于更好地服务亚太地区快速增长的 Apache 用户和贡献者。ApacheCon Asia 2021 将于今年 8 月 6-8 日在线举办。 +ApacheCon Asia is the ApacheCon organizing committee's online ApacheCon conference for the Asia-Pacific region, with the primary goal of better serving the rapidly growing number of Apache users and contributors in the region. ApacheCon Asia 2021 will be held online from August 6-8 this year. ![ApacheCon Asia 2021](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-1.png) -近期 ApacheCon Asia 2021 团队正式公布了大会日程,Apache APISIX 社区积极参与本次年度开源盛会,共提报了 8 个 API/微服务技术相关的议题,内容丰富,欢迎关注。同时,ApacheCon Asia 2021 也为无法参加在线会议的各位开源爱好者提供了每个议题的回放和录播视频,详情请移步 [Apache Local Community 北京本地社区](https://space.bilibili.com/609014805)。 +The ApacheCon Asia 2021 team has recently announced the conference program. The Apache APISIX community is actively involved in this annual open source event, and has proposed a total of 8 API/microservices technology-related topics, which are rich in content and welcome your attention. For those who cannot attend the online conference, ApacheCon Asia 2021 also provides a replay and recorded video of each topic, please visit [Apache Local Community](https://space.bilibili.com/609014805). -## 关于 API / 微服务技术议题 +## About API / Microservices Technology Topics -API 是服务连接的基石,通过 API 我们可以将各种服务进行搭建,并提供给用户使用;随着应用的复杂度越来越高,单体应用逐渐被拆分为微服务,产品可以快速迭代的同时也带来安全、维护和可观测性方面的技术挑战。 +APIs are the cornerstone of service connectivity, allowing us to build services and make them available to users; as applications become more complex, monolithic applications are gradually being split into microservices, allowing for rapid iteration of products while also creating technical challenges in security, maintenance, and observability. -Apache APISIX 是 Apache 顶级项目,也是全球最活跃的开源网关项目。在这个专题中,大家不仅可以了解 Apache APISIX 设计理念,也会学习到 Apache APISIX 项目的最佳实践。 +Apache APISIX is the top project of Apache and the most active open source gateway project in the world. In this topic, you will not only learn about the Apache APISIX design philosophy, but also learn about the best practices of the Apache APISIX project. -## Apache APISIX 在移动云对象存储 EOS 的应用与实践 +## Application and Practice of Apache APISIX in Mobile Cloud Object Storage EOS -### 议题简介 +### Session Description -该演讲主题主要是讲述 Apache APISIX 在中国移动公有云对象存储 EOS 中的应用与实践经验分享。首先介绍了中国移动公有云建设规划及对象存储产品发展演进历程,然后阐述了我们为什么选择 Apache APISIX 作为负载均衡网关,并对 EOS 流量治理架构演进三个阶段进行进行了详细介绍。同时,我们还分享了基于 Apache APISIX 我们解决了哪些实际生产问题,做了哪些方案及开发工作,最后对我们未来的演进做了一些规划说明。 +This talk is about the application and practice of Apache APISIX in China Mobile's public cloud object storage EOS. First, we introduce the construction plan of China Mobile's public cloud and the evolution of object storage products, then we explain why we chose Apache APISIX as the load balancing gateway, and introduce the three stages of EOS traffic management architecture evolution. At the same time, we also shared what practical production problems we solved based on Apache APISIX, what solutions and development work we did, and finally, we explained some of our future evolution plans. -### 分享嘉宾 +### Sharing Guests -![陈焱山](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-2.png) +![Yanshan Chen](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-2.png) -陈焱山 — 毕业后一直从事分布式存储软件开发及架构方案设计工作,深度参与了移动云建设过程,重点完成了对象存储相关的主要技术方案选型及落地开发建设工作。同时,在分布式对象存储领域拥有丰富的实战经验,目前正在思考基于 APISIX 七层网关实现对象存储流量治理工作,实现架构进一步升级。 +Yanshan Chen - After graduation, he has been working on distributed storage software development and architecture design, and has been deeply involved in the construction process of mobile cloud, focusing on the selection of major technology solutions and landing development and construction work related to object storage. At the same time, he has rich practical experience in the field of distributed object storage, and is currently thinking about implementing object storage traffic governance based on APISIX seven-tier gateway to achieve further architectural upgrade. -### 分享时间 +### Share Time 2021-08-07 15:30 GMT+8 -## 使用 Apache APISIX 实现限流限速 +## Using Apache APISIX to implement flow limiting and speed limiting -### 议题简介 +When it comes to speed limiting, Nginx is the first thing that comes to mind, but Nginx is implemented through a configuration file that requires reloads for each change, making it extremely cumbersome to run and maintain. On the other hand, speed limiting conditions are limited to Nginx variables, making it difficult to achieve fine-grained speed limiting for business purposes. -谈到限流限速,人们往往最先想到的是 Nginx。然而 Nginx 通过配置文件的方式实现,每次变更都需要 reload,这让运维工作极其繁杂。另一方面,限速的条件被限制在 Nginx 的变量范围内,使得 Nginx 难以实现业务上精细化的限流限速需求。 +This session will show how to use Apache APISIX to achieve dynamic, fine-grained, and distributed reload limiting, and how to use plug-in orchestration to achieve reload limiting that better meets business needs. -本次分享将带来如何使用 Apache APISIX 来实现动态、精细化、分布式的限流限速,以及如何通过插件编排来实现更符合业务需求的限流限速。 +### Guest Speakers -### 分享嘉宾 +![Junxu Chen](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-3.png) -![陈军旭](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-3.png) +Junxu Chen - Internet veteran, worked in Sina, Xunlei, 360 and other well-known Internet companies, Apache APISIX Committer. -陈军旭 — 互联网老兵,曾任职于新浪、迅雷、360 等知名互联网公司,Apache APISIX Committer。 - -### 分享时间 +### Share time 2021-08-06 13:30 GMT+8 -## 用混沌网测试 Apache APISIX 的恢复能力 - -### 议题简介 +## Testing Apache APISIX recovery with Chaos.com -Apache APISIX 是领先的 API 网关 OSS 之一。为了确保一切按计划进行,APISIX 使用了不同种类的测试,包括单元、e2e 和模糊测试。然而,我们仍然不确定,当一些不正常但不可避免的情况发生时,例如网络故障、IO 压力或 pod 故障,APISIX 会如何表现。 +Apache APISIX is one of the leading API gateways OSS. To ensure that everything goes as planned, APISIX uses different kinds of tests, including unit, e2e and fuzzy tests. However, we are still not sure how APISIX will behave when some abnormal but unavoidable circumstances occur, such as network failure, IO stress or pod failure. -因此,在这里我们使用 Chaos Mesh,一个基于 Kubernetes 的混沌工程平台,可以顺利地注入不同种类的混沌,并将其整合到我们的 CI 管道中。在这个讲座的最后,听众会了解到混沌工程会在哪些方面给 API 网关带来好处,以及如何将混沌网整合到你自己的测试管道中。 +Therefore, here we use Chaos Mesh, a Kubernetes-based chaos engineering platform that can smoothly inject different kinds of chaos and integrate them into our CI pipeline. At the end of this talk, the audience will learn where Chaos Engineering will benefit the API gateway and how to integrate Chaos Mesh into your own test pipeline. -### 分享嘉宾 +### Sharing Guests -![吴舒旸](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-4.png) +! Yang [Shu Yang Wu](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-4.png) -吴舒旸 — Apache APISIX 和 Chaos Mesh 的 Committer,他领导了 Chaos Mesh 与 Apache APISIX CI 的整合工作。 +Yang Wu - Committer for Apache APISIX and Chaos Mesh, he leads the integration of Chaos Mesh with Apache APISIX CI. -### 分享时间 +### Share Time 2021-08-06 14:50 GMT+8 -## 使用 Apache APISIX 进行认证和授权 +## Authentication and Authorization with Apache APISIX -### 议题简介 +Authentication and authorization are very necessary features in API gateways. This way, the services located behind the gateway are protected from unauthorized or malicious access, data leakage, and hacking. Apache APISIX is a dynamic, real-time, high-performance API gateway. And it provides many plug-ins, including authentication and authorization like key-auth, Open-ID, wolf-RBAC, etc. This proposal describes how to use Apache APISIX for authentication and authorization. -认证和授权是 API 网关中非常必要的功能。这样一来,位于网关后面的服务就可以得到保护,避免未经授权或恶意的访问、数据泄露和黑客攻击。Apache APISIX 是一个动态、实时、高性能的 API 网关。而且它提供了许多插件,包括像 key-auth、Open-ID、wolf-RBAC 等认证和授权。本提案介绍了如何使用 Apache APISIX 来进行认证和授权。 +### Sharing Guests -### 分享嘉宾 +![Xinxin Zhu](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-5.png) -![朱欣欣](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-5.png) +Xinxin Zhu - Apache APISIX Committer, with years of CDN experience and familiar with gateways. -朱欣欣 — Apache APISIX Committer,有多年 CDN 工作经验,熟悉网关。 - -### 分享时间 +### Share time 2021-08-06 15:30 GMT+8 -## 依托社区让 Apache APISIX 高速发展 - -### 议题简介 +## Relying on the community to make Apache APISIX grow fast -在过去的一年里,Apahce APISIX 已经成为全世界最活跃的 API 网关项目,除了自身技术先进外,更得益于社区的高度活跃。截止目前,已经有来自世界各地 225 位贡献者参与贡献,并且还在保持高速增长。本次分享会介绍 APISIX 在践行“社区重于代码”过程的一些心得。作为一个理想主义创业者,又是如何与 Apache 文化结合,让创业公司也能高速发展。 +In the past year, Apahce APISIX has become the most active API gateway project in the world, not only because of its advanced technology, but also because of the highly active community. As of today, there are 225 contributors from all over the world, and the number is still growing rapidly. This session will introduce APISIX's experience in practicing "community over code". As an idealistic startup, how to combine with Apache culture to make the startup grow fast. -### 分享嘉宾 +### Guest Speakers -![王院生](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-6.png) +![Yuansheng Wang](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-6.png) -王院生 — 开源爱好者 Apache APISIX 创始人和 PMC 成员。 +Yansheng Wang - Founder and PMC member of open source enthusiast Apache APISIX. -### 分享时间 +### Share time 2021-08-06 16:10 GMT+8 -## 如何将 Apache APISIX 扩展为一个服务网格的边车 +## How to extend Apache APISIX as a side car for a service grid -### 议题简介 +In this topic I will introduce the apisix-mesh-agent project, which has some capabilities to extend Apache APISIX as a sidecar in a service grid scenario, and more importantly, it uses the xDS protocol to get configurations from control planes like Istio, Kuma, etc. Afterwards, I will present future plans and expectations regarding the use of Apache APISIX in service grids. -在这个议题中将介绍 apisix-mesh-agent 项目,它有一些能力将 Apache APISIX 扩展为服务网格场景中的边车程序,更重要的是,它使用 xDS 协议从 Istio、Kuma 等控制平面获取配置。之后,我将介绍关于在服务网中使用 Apache APISIX 的未来计划和期望。 +### Sharing Guests -### 分享嘉宾 +![Chao Zhang](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-7.png) -![张超](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-7.png) +Chao Zhang - Apache APISIX PMC, OpenResty contributor, open source enthusiast, now working on Service Mesh, Kubernetes and API Gateway. -张超 — Apache APISIX PMC,OpenResty 贡献者,开源爱好者,现在正在研究 Service Mesh、Kubernetes 和 API Gateway。 - -### 分享时间 +### Share time 2021-08-07 13:30 GMT+8 -## Apache APISIX 的演变 - -### 议题简介 +### Evolution of Apache APISIX -Apache APISIX 是最受欢迎的 API 网关之一:https://github.com/apache/apisix,我将介绍一下 Apache APISIX 的发展,包括: +Apache APISIX is one of the most popular API gateways: https://github.com/apache/apisix I will describe the evolution of Apache APISIX, including. -1. 我们所做的好决定 -2. 我们所做的不好的决定 -3. 我们的未来计划 +1. the good decisions we've made +2. the bad decisions we've made +3. our future plans -### 分享嘉宾 +### Sharing Guests -![罗泽轩](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-8.png) +![Zexuan Luo](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-8.png) -罗泽轩 — Apache APISIX PMC,OpenResty 开发者。 +Zexuan Luo - Apache APISIX PMC, OpenResty developer. -### 分享时间 +### Share time 2021-08-07 14:10 GMT+8 -## 基于 Apache APISIX 的 KUBERNETES INGRESS 的实现 - -### 议题简介 +### Apache APISIX-based implementation of KUBERNETES INGRESS -介绍基于 Apache APISIX 的 Kubernetes Ingress 的优势以及 Apache APISIX Ingress 的特点。 +Introducing the benefits of Apache APISIX-based Kubernetes Ingress and the features of Apache APISIX Ingress. -### 分享嘉宾 +### Sharing Guests -![金卫](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-9.png) +![Jin Wei](/img/blog_img/2021-07-25-9.png) -金卫 — Apache APISIX PMC,Apache apisix-ingress-controller Founder,Apache Skywalking Committer。 +Jin Wei - Apache APISIX PMC, Apache apisix-ingress-controller Founder, Apache Skywalking Committer. -### 分享时间 +### Share time 2021-08-07 14:50 GMT+8 diff --git a/website/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021/06/28/why-we-need-Apache-APISIX.md b/website/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021/06/28/why-we-need-Apache-APISIX.md index 8274bcf9853d0..b397eff0cb5f7 100644 --- a/website/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021/06/28/why-we-need-Apache-APISIX.md +++ b/website/i18n/zh/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/2021/06/28/why-we-need-Apache-APISIX.md @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ tags: [Technology] ![APISIX architecture](https://static.apiseven.com/202108/20210625011.png) -这张图的左右分别是 DP(Date Plane)和 CP(Control Plane),跟大家所熟悉的后端服务体系一样。APISIX 从架构第一天就没有想去自己造新东西,所以关于配置中心选择了当下最成熟的 etcd。 +这张图的左右分别是 DP(Data Plane)和 CP(Control Plane),跟大家所熟悉的后端服务体系一样。APISIX 从架构第一天就没有想去自己造新东西,所以关于配置中心选择了当下最成熟的 etcd。 在这个架构里面,你找不到一个单点。这里的任何一个服务出现异常宕机等事故,都不会影响 APISIX 正常对外提供服务的能力。当整体架构中的每一个点都支持高可用时,用户生产系统的高稳定性就非常容易实现。