diff --git a/cd/mxnet_lib/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy b/cd/mxnet_lib/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy
index ac372c621206..31da48928c71 100644
--- a/cd/mxnet_lib/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy
+++ b/cd/mxnet_lib/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def build(mxnet_variant) {
         // Compiling in Ubuntu14.04 due to glibc issues.
         // This should be updates once we have clarity on this issue.
-        ci_utils.docker_run('publish.ubuntu1404_cpu', "build_static_libmxnet ${mxnet_variant}", false)
+        ci_utils.docker_run('centos7_cpu', "build_static_libmxnet ${mxnet_variant}", false)
         ci_utils.pack_lib("mxnet_${mxnet_variant}", libmxnet_pipeline.get_stash(mxnet_variant))
diff --git a/cd/mxnet_lib/mxnet_lib_pipeline.groovy b/cd/mxnet_lib/mxnet_lib_pipeline.groovy
index 9c154a911f97..d9fb3d810bc5 100644
--- a/cd/mxnet_lib/mxnet_lib_pipeline.groovy
+++ b/cd/mxnet_lib/mxnet_lib_pipeline.groovy
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ def get_environment(mxnet_variant) {
     return "centos7_aarch64_cpu"
   } else if (mxnet_variant.startsWith("cu")) {
     // Remove 'mkl' suffix from variant to properly format test environment
-    return "ubuntu_gpu_${mxnet_variant.replace('mkl', '')}"
+    return "centos7_gpu_${mxnet_variant.replace('mkl', '')}"
-  return "ubuntu_cpu"
+  return "centos7_cpu"
 // Returns the variant appropriate jenkins node test in which
diff --git a/cd/python/docker/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy b/cd/python/docker/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy
index 46fc64714cc3..847756adef9c 100644
--- a/cd/python/docker/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy
+++ b/cd/python/docker/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ def get_environment(mxnet_variant) {
     return "centos7_aarch64_cpu"
   if (mxnet_variant.startsWith('cu')) {
-    return "ubuntu_gpu_${mxnet_variant}"
+    return "centos7_gpu_${mxnet_variant}"
-  return "ubuntu_cpu"
+  return "centos7_cpu"
diff --git a/cd/python/pypi/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy b/cd/python/pypi/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy
index 8b2d37ff3090..4e642e08fe53 100644
--- a/cd/python/pypi/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy
+++ b/cd/python/pypi/Jenkins_pipeline.groovy
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ def get_environment(mxnet_variant) {
     return "centos7_aarch64_cpu"
   if (mxnet_variant.startsWith('cu')) {
-    return "ubuntu_gpu_${mxnet_variant}"
+    return "centos7_gpu_${mxnet_variant}"
-  return "ubuntu_cpu"
+  return "centos7_cpu"
 def build(mxnet_variant) {
diff --git a/ci/Jenkinsfile_docker_cache b/ci/Jenkinsfile_docker_cache
index f90bf0459f03..1be54a33d91e 100644
--- a/ci/Jenkinsfile_docker_cache
+++ b/ci/Jenkinsfile_docker_cache
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ core_logic: {
         timeout(time: total_timeout, unit: 'MINUTES') {
           sh "ci/docker_cache.py --docker-registry ${env.DOCKER_ECR_REGISTRY}"
+          sh "cd ci && python3 ./docker_login.py --secret-name ${env.DOCKERHUB_SECRET_NAME} && docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml build --parallel && docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml push && docker logout"
diff --git a/ci/Jenkinsfile_utils.groovy b/ci/Jenkinsfile_utils.groovy
index 3f774f052703..a758c72211cc 100644
--- a/ci/Jenkinsfile_utils.groovy
+++ b/ci/Jenkinsfile_utils.groovy
@@ -147,9 +147,10 @@ def collect_test_results_windows(original_file_name, new_file_name) {
-def docker_run(platform, function_name, use_nvidia, shared_mem = '500m', env_vars = "") {
-  def command = "ci/build.py %ENV_VARS% --docker-registry ${env.DOCKER_ECR_REGISTRY} %USE_NVIDIA% --platform %PLATFORM% --docker-build-retries 3 --shm-size %SHARED_MEM% /work/runtime_functions.sh %FUNCTION_NAME%"
+def docker_run(platform, function_name, use_nvidia, shared_mem = '500m', env_vars = "", build_args = "") {
+  def command = "ci/build.py %ENV_VARS% %BUILD_ARGS% --docker-registry ${env.DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY} %USE_NVIDIA% --platform %PLATFORM% --docker-build-retries 3 --shm-size %SHARED_MEM% /work/runtime_functions.sh %FUNCTION_NAME%"
   command = command.replaceAll('%ENV_VARS%', env_vars.length() > 0 ? "-e ${env_vars}" : '')
+  command = command.replaceAll('%BUILD_ARGS%', env_vars.length() > 0 ? "${build_args}" : '')
   command = command.replaceAll('%USE_NVIDIA%', use_nvidia ? '--nvidiadocker' : '')
   command = command.replaceAll('%PLATFORM%', platform)
   command = command.replaceAll('%FUNCTION_NAME%', function_name)
diff --git a/ci/build.py b/ci/build.py
index 645eb96875e9..a316225bae29 100755
--- a/ci/build.py
+++ b/ci/build.py
@@ -38,18 +38,28 @@
 from subprocess import check_call, check_output
 from typing import *
+import yaml
 from util import *
+DOCKER_COMPOSE_WHITELIST = ('centos7_cpu', 'centos7_gpu_cu92', 'centos7_gpu_cu100',
+                            'centos7_gpu_cu101', 'centos7_gpu_cu102', 'centos7_gpu_cu110',
+                            'centos7_gpu_cu112')
+# Files for docker compose
+DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILES = set(('docker/build.centos7'))
 def get_dockerfiles_path():
     return "docker"
-def get_platforms(path: str = get_dockerfiles_path()) -> List[str]:
+def get_platforms(path: str = get_dockerfiles_path(), legacy_only=False) -> List[str]:
     """Get a list of architectures given our dockerfiles"""
     dockerfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "Dockerfile.*"))
-    dockerfiles = list(filter(lambda x: x[-1] != '~', dockerfiles))
-    files = list(map(lambda x: re.sub(r"Dockerfile.(.*)", r"\1", x), dockerfiles))
+    dockerfiles = set(filter(lambda x: x[-1] != '~', dockerfiles))
+    files = set(map(lambda x: re.sub(r"Dockerfile.(.*)", r"\1", x), dockerfiles))
+    if legacy_only:
+        files = files - DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILES
     platforms = list(map(lambda x: os.path.split(x)[1], sorted(files)))
     return platforms
@@ -79,6 +89,11 @@ def _hash_file(ctx, filename):
 def get_docker_tag(platform: str, registry: str) -> str:
     """:return: docker tag to be used for the container"""
+    if platform in DOCKER_COMPOSE_WHITELIST:
+        with open("docker/docker-compose.yml", "r") as f:
+            compose_config = yaml.load(f.read(), yaml.SafeLoader)
+            return compose_config["services"][platform]["image"].replace('${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}', registry)
     platform = platform if any(x in platform for x in ['build.', 'publish.']) else 'build.{}'.format(platform)
     if not registry:
         registry = "mxnet_local"
@@ -106,41 +121,58 @@ def build_docker(platform: str, registry: str, num_retries: int, no_cache: bool,
     :return: Id of the top level image
     tag = get_docker_tag(platform=platform, registry=registry)
-    logging.info("Building docker container tagged '%s'", tag)
-    #
-    # We add a user with the same group as the executing non-root user so files created in the
-    # container match permissions of the local user. Same for the group.
-    #
-    # These variables are used in the docker files to create user and group with these ids.
-    # see: docker/install/ubuntu_adduser.sh
-    #
-    # cache-from is needed so we use the cached images tagged from the remote via
-    # docker pull see: docker_cache.load_docker_cache
-    #
-    # This also prevents using local layers for caching: https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/33002
-    # So to use local caching, we should omit the cache-from by using --no-dockerhub-cache argument to this
-    # script.
-    #
-    # This doesn't work with multi head docker files.
-    #
-    cmd = ["docker", "build",
-           "-f", get_dockerfile(platform),
-           "--build-arg", "USER_ID={}".format(os.getuid()),
-           "--build-arg", "GROUP_ID={}".format(os.getgid())]
-    if no_cache:
-        cmd.append("--no-cache")
-    if cache_intermediate:
-        cmd.append("--rm=false")
-    elif registry:
-        cmd.extend(["--cache-from", tag])
-    cmd.extend(["-t", tag, get_dockerfiles_path()])
+    # docker-compose
+    if platform in DOCKER_COMPOSE_WHITELIST:
+        logging.info('Building docker container tagged \'%s\' based on ci/docker/docker-compose.yml', tag)
+        # We add a user with the same group as the executing non-root user so files created in the
+        # container match permissions of the local user. Same for the group.
+        cmd = ['docker-compose', '-f', 'docker/docker-compose.yml', 'build',
+               "--build-arg", "USER_ID={}".format(os.getuid()),
+               "--build-arg", "GROUP_ID={}".format(os.getgid())]
+        if cache_intermediate:
+            cmd.append('--no-rm')
+        cmd.append(platform)
+    else:
+        logging.info("Building docker container tagged '%s'", tag)
+        #
+        # We add a user with the same group as the executing non-root user so files created in the
+        # container match permissions of the local user. Same for the group.
+        #
+        # These variables are used in the docker files to create user and group with these ids.
+        # see: docker/install/ubuntu_adduser.sh
+        #
+        # cache-from is needed so we use the cached images tagged from the remote via
+        # docker pull see: docker_cache.load_docker_cache
+        #
+        # This also prevents using local layers for caching: https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/33002
+        # So to use local caching, we should omit the cache-from by using --no-dockerhub-cache argument to this
+        # script.
+        #
+        # This doesn't work with multi head docker files.
+        #
+        cmd = ["docker", "build",
+            "-f", get_dockerfile(platform),
+            "--build-arg", "USER_ID={}".format(os.getuid()),
+            "--build-arg", "GROUP_ID={}".format(os.getgid())]
+        if no_cache:
+            cmd.append("--no-cache")
+        if cache_intermediate:
+            cmd.append("--rm=false")
+        elif registry:
+            cmd.extend(["--cache-from", tag])
+        cmd.extend(["-t", tag, get_dockerfiles_path()])
+    env = os.environ.copy()
+    env["DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY"] = registry
     @retry(subprocess.CalledProcessError, tries=num_retries)
-    def run_cmd():
+    def run_cmd(env=None):
         logging.info("Running command: '%s'", ' '.join(cmd))
-        check_call(cmd)
+        check_call(cmd, env=env)
+    run_cmd(env=env)
-    run_cmd()
     # Get image id by reading the tag. It's guaranteed (except race condition) that the tag exists. Otherwise, the
     # check_call would have failed
     image_id = _get_local_image_id(docker_tag=tag)
@@ -258,9 +290,19 @@ def list_platforms() -> str:
     return "\nSupported platforms:\n{}".format('\n'.join(get_platforms()))
-def load_docker_cache(tag, docker_registry) -> None:
+def load_docker_cache(platform, tag, docker_registry) -> None:
     """Imports tagged container from the given docker registry"""
     if docker_registry:
+        if platform in DOCKER_COMPOSE_WHITELIST:
+            env = os.environ.copy()
+            env["DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY"] = docker_registry
+            cmd = ['docker-compose', '-f', 'docker/docker-compose.yml', 'pull', platform]
+            logging.info("Running command: 'DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY=%s %s'", docker_registry, ' '.join(cmd))
+            check_call(cmd, env=env)
+            return
+        env = os.environ.copy()
+        env["DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY"] = docker_registry
         # noinspection PyBroadException
             import docker_cache
@@ -363,8 +405,8 @@ def main() -> int:
     elif args.platform:
         platform = args.platform
         tag = get_docker_tag(platform=platform, registry=args.docker_registry)
-        if args.docker_registry:
-            load_docker_cache(tag=tag, docker_registry=args.docker_registry)
+        if args.docker_registry:   
+            load_docker_cache(platform=platform, tag=tag, docker_registry=args.docker_registry)
         if not args.run_only:
             build_docker(platform=platform, registry=args.docker_registry,
                          num_retries=args.docker_build_retries, no_cache=args.no_cache,
@@ -409,7 +451,7 @@ def main() -> int:
         logging.info("Artifacts will be produced in the build/ directory.")
         for platform in platforms:
             tag = get_docker_tag(platform=platform, registry=args.docker_registry)
-            load_docker_cache(tag=tag, docker_registry=args.docker_registry)
+            load_docker_cache(platform=platform, tag=tag, docker_registry=args.docker_registry)
             build_docker(platform, registry=args.docker_registry,
                          num_retries=args.docker_build_retries, no_cache=args.no_cache,
diff --git a/ci/docker/Dockerfile.build.centos7_cpu b/ci/docker/Dockerfile.build.centos7
similarity index 60%
rename from ci/docker/Dockerfile.build.centos7_cpu
rename to ci/docker/Dockerfile.build.centos7
index 0cfa5a9f6e47..0114e9ba5bdb 100644
--- a/ci/docker/Dockerfile.build.centos7_cpu
+++ b/ci/docker/Dockerfile.build.centos7
@@ -16,9 +16,22 @@
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-# Dockerfile to build and run MXNet on CentOS 7 for CPU
+# Dockerfile for CentOS 7 based builds.
+# Via the CentOS 7 Dockerfiles, we ensure MXNet continues to run fine on older systems.
+# See docker-compose.yml for supported BASE_IMAGE ARGs and targets.
-FROM centos:7
+# The Dockerfile uses a dynamic BASE_IMAGE (for example centos:7,
+# nvidia/cuda:10.2-cudnn7-devel-centos7 etc).
+# On top of BASE_IMAGE we install all dependencies shared by all MXNet build
+# environments into a "base" target. At the end of this file, we specialize
+# "base" for specific usecases. The target built by docker can be selected via
+# "--target" option or docker-compose.yml
 WORKDIR /work/deps
@@ -39,3 +52,4 @@ ENV PYTHONPATH=./python/
 WORKDIR /work/mxnet
 COPY runtime_functions.sh /work/
diff --git a/ci/docker/Dockerfile.build.centos7_gpu b/ci/docker/Dockerfile.build.centos7_gpu
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e49e88b3a52..000000000000
--- a/ci/docker/Dockerfile.build.centos7_gpu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: dockerfile -*-
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Dockerfile to build and run MXNet on CentOS 7 for GPU
-FROM nvidia/cuda:10.1-devel-centos7
-WORKDIR /work/deps
-COPY install/centos7_core.sh /work/
-RUN /work/centos7_core.sh
-COPY install/centos7_ccache.sh /work/
-RUN /work/centos7_ccache.sh
-COPY install/centos7_python.sh /work/
-RUN /work/centos7_python.sh
-COPY install/centos7_cudnn.sh /work/
-RUN /work/centos7_cudnn.sh
-COPY install/centos7_adduser.sh /work/
-RUN /work/centos7_adduser.sh
-WORKDIR /work/mxnet
-COPY runtime_functions.sh /work/
diff --git a/ci/docker/docker-compose.yml b/ci/docker/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0784987187a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/docker/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# -*- mode: dockerfile -*-
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# We use the cache_from feature introduced in file form version 3.4 (released 2017-11-01)
+version: "3.4"
+# For simplicity, only the centos7_cpu is commented. But the comments apply to
+# all other services as well.
+  ###################################################################################################
+  # Dockerfile.build.centos7 based images used for building on CentOS7. On
+  # CentOS7, we respectively test the oldest supported toolchain and dependency
+  # versions
+  ###################################################################################################
+  centos7_cpu:
+    # The resulting image will be named build.centos7_cpu:latest and will be
+    # pushed to the dockerhub user specified in the environment variable
+    # ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY} (typicall "mxnetci") under this name
+    image: ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_cpu:latest
+    build:
+      context: .
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile.build.centos7
+      # Use "base" target declared in Dockerfile.build.centos7 as "build.centos7_cpu:latest"  
+      target: base
+      args:
+        # BASE_IMAGE is used to dynamically specify the FROM image in Dockerfile.build.centos7
+        BASE_IMAGE: centos:7
+      cache_from:
+        - ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_cpu:latest
+  centos7_gpu_cu100:
+    image: ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_gpu_cu100:latest
+    build:
+      context: .
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile.build.centos7
+      target: base
+      args:
+        BASE_IMAGE: nvidia/cuda:10.0-cudnn7-devel-centos7
+      cache_from:
+        - ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_gpu_cu100:latest
+  centos7_gpu_cu101:
+    image: ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_gpu_cu101:latest
+    build:
+      context: .
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile.build.centos7
+      target: base
+      args:
+        BASE_IMAGE: nvidia/cuda:10.1-cudnn7-devel-centos7
+      cache_from:
+        - ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_gpu_cu101:latest
+  centos7_gpu_cu102:
+    image: ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_gpu_cu102:latest
+    build:
+      context: .
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile.build.centos7
+      target: base
+      args:
+        BASE_IMAGE: nvidia/cuda:10.2-cudnn8-devel-centos7
+      cache_from:
+        - ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_gpu_cu102:latest
+  centos7_gpu_cu110:
+    image: ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_gpu_cu110:latest
+    build:
+      context: .
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile.build.centos7
+      target: base
+      args:
+        BASE_IMAGE: nvidia/cuda:11.0-cudnn8-devel-centos7
+      cache_from:
+        - ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_gpu_cu110:latest
+  centos7_gpu_cu112:
+    image: ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_gpu_cu112:latest
+    build:
+      context: .
+      dockerfile: Dockerfile.build.centos7
+      target: base
+      args:
+        BASE_IMAGE: nvidia/cuda:11.2.1-cudnn8-devel-centos7
+      cache_from:
+        - ${DOCKER_CACHE_REGISTRY}/build.centos7_gpu_cu112:latest
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci/docker/install/centos7_core.sh b/ci/docker/install/centos7_core.sh
index ae5cb719d38a..9b2452e78bcc 100755
--- a/ci/docker/install/centos7_core.sh
+++ b/ci/docker/install/centos7_core.sh
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ yum -y install make
 yum -y install wget
 yum -y install unzip
 yum -y install ninja-build
+yum -y install automake 
+yum -y install patchelf 
+yum -y install nasm 
+yum -y install libtool  
+yum -y install dpkg-dev
 # CMake 3.13.2+ is required
 mkdir /opt/cmake && cd /opt/cmake
diff --git a/ci/docker/install/requirements b/ci/docker/install/requirements
index 1abdc0051a82..210914ac129f 100644
--- a/ci/docker/install/requirements
+++ b/ci/docker/install/requirements
@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ astroid==2.3.3  # pylint and astroid need to be aligned
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ci/docker/runtime_functions.sh b/ci/docker/runtime_functions.sh
index 8e1d31d6a0c5..c0047ce27a6d 100755
--- a/ci/docker/runtime_functions.sh
+++ b/ci/docker/runtime_functions.sh
@@ -1244,8 +1244,8 @@ unittest_ubuntu_cpu_julia10() {
 unittest_centos7_cpu() {
     set -ex
     cd /work/mxnet
-    python3.6 -m "nose" $NOSE_COVERAGE_ARGUMENTS $NOSE_TIMER_ARGUMENTS --with-xunit --xunit-file nosetests_unittest.xml --verbose tests/python/unittest
-    python3.6 -m "nose" $NOSE_COVERAGE_ARGUMENTS $NOSE_TIMER_ARGUMENTS --with-xunit --xunit-file nosetests_train.xml --verbose tests/python/train
+    python3 -m "nose" $NOSE_COVERAGE_ARGUMENTS $NOSE_TIMER_ARGUMENTS --with-xunit --xunit-file nosetests_unittest.xml --verbose tests/python/unittest
+    python3 -m "nose" $NOSE_COVERAGE_ARGUMENTS $NOSE_TIMER_ARGUMENTS --with-xunit --xunit-file nosetests_train.xml --verbose tests/python/train
 unittest_centos7_gpu() {
@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ unittest_centos7_gpu() {
     cd /work/mxnet
     export CUDNN_VERSION=${CUDNN_VERSION:-7.0.3}
-    python3.6 -m "nose" $NOSE_COVERAGE_ARGUMENTS $NOSE_TIMER_ARGUMENTS --with-xunit --xunit-file nosetests_gpu.xml --verbose tests/python/gpu
+    python3 -m "nose" $NOSE_COVERAGE_ARGUMENTS $NOSE_TIMER_ARGUMENTS --with-xunit --xunit-file nosetests_gpu.xml --verbose tests/python/gpu
 integrationtest_ubuntu_cpu_onnx() {
diff --git a/ci/docker_cache.py b/ci/docker_cache.py
index da01314f5f8d..0ac96e76ece0 100755
--- a/ci/docker_cache.py
+++ b/ci/docker_cache.py
@@ -75,6 +75,13 @@ def _build_save_container(platform, registry, load_cache) -> Optional[str]:
     :param load_cache: Load cache before building
     :return: Platform if failed, None otherwise
+    # docker-compose
+    if platform in build_util.DOCKER_COMPOSE_WHITELIST:
+        build_util.build_docker(platform=platform, registry=registry, num_retries=10, no_cache=False)
+        push_cmd = ['docker-compose', 'push', platform]
+        subprocess.check_call(push_cmd)
+        return None
     docker_tag = build_util.get_docker_tag(platform=platform, registry=registry)
     # Preload cache
@@ -205,7 +212,7 @@ def script_name() -> str:
     args = parser.parse_args()
-    platforms = build_util.get_platforms()
+    platforms = build_util.get_platforms(legacy_only=True)
     if "dkr.ecr" in args.docker_registry:
diff --git a/ci/jenkins/Jenkins_steps.groovy b/ci/jenkins/Jenkins_steps.groovy
index da6a74a50fd3..9f96c7ad5e6d 100644
--- a/ci/jenkins/Jenkins_steps.groovy
+++ b/ci/jenkins/Jenkins_steps.groovy
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ def compile_centos7_gpu() {
         ws('workspace/build-centos7-gpu') {
           timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-            utils.docker_run('centos7_gpu', 'build_centos7_gpu', false)
+            utils.docker_run('centos7_gpu_cu101', 'build_centos7_gpu', false)
             utils.pack_lib('centos7_gpu', mx_lib)
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ def test_static_scala_cpu() {
         ws('workspace/ut-publish-scala-cpu') {
           timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-            utils.docker_run("publish.ubuntu1404_cpu", 'build_static_scala_cpu', false)
+            utils.docker_run('publish.ubuntu1404_cpu', 'build_static_scala_cpu', false)
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ def test_static_python_cpu() {
         ws('workspace/ut-publish-python-cpu') {
           timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-            utils.docker_run("publish.ubuntu1404_cpu", 'build_static_python_cpu', false)
+            utils.docker_run('publish.ubuntu1404_cpu', 'build_static_python_cpu', false)
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ def test_static_python_cpu_cmake() {
             ws('workspace/ut-publish-python-cpu') {
                 timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-                    utils.docker_run("publish.ubuntu1404_cpu", 'build_static_python_cpu_cmake', false)
+                    utils.docker_run('publish.ubuntu1404_cpu', 'build_static_python_cpu_cmake', false)
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ def test_static_python_gpu() {
         ws('workspace/ut-publish-python-gpu') {
           timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-            utils.docker_run("publish.ubuntu1404_gpu", 'build_static_python_cu101', true)
+            utils.docker_run('publish.ubuntu1404_gpu', 'build_static_python_cu101', true)
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ def test_static_python_gpu_cmake() {
             ws('workspace/ut-publish-python-gpu') {
                 timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-                    utils.docker_run("publish.ubuntu1404_gpu", 'build_static_python_cu101_cmake', true)
+                    utils.docker_run('publish.ubuntu1404_gpu', 'build_static_python_cu101_cmake', true)
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ def test_centos7_python3_gpu() {
           timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
             try {
               utils.unpack_and_init('centos7_gpu', mx_lib)
-              utils.docker_run('centos7_gpu', 'unittest_centos7_gpu', true)
+              utils.docker_run('centos7_gpu_cu101', 'unittest_centos7_gpu', true)
             } finally {
               utils.collect_test_results_unix('nosetests_gpu.xml', 'nosetests_python3_centos7_gpu.xml')
diff --git a/tests/README.md b/tests/README.md
index de5d8107a790..997ea36c3e28 100644
--- a/tests/README.md
+++ b/tests/README.md
@@ -62,13 +62,20 @@ Ninja is a build tool (like make) that prioritizes building speed. If you will b
 ## Runing Python Tests Within Docker
-1. To run tests inside docker run the following comamdn
-    ```
-    ci/build.py --platform {PLATFORM} /work/runtime_functions.sh {RUNTIME_FUNCTION}
-    ```
+To run tests inside docker, you first need to install `docker` and `docker-compose` on your machine.
+On Ubuntu you may install them via `sudo apt-get install docker.io docker-compose`
+and set them up via `sudo usermod $(whoami) -G docker -a`.
+Then, to run tests inside docker run the following command
+ci/build.py --platform {PLATFORM} /work/runtime_functions.sh {RUNTIME_FUNCTION}
 An example for running python tests would be
-ci/build.py --platform build_ubuntu_cpu_mkldnn /work/runtime_functions.sh unittest_ubuntu_python3_cpu PYTHONPATH=./python/ nosetests-2.7 tests/python/unittest
+ci/build.py --platform build_ubuntu_cpu_mkldnn /work/runtime_functions.sh unittest_ubuntu_python3_cpu