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+- Feature Name: DietCode: An Auto-Scheduler for Dynamic Tensor Programs
+- Start Date: (2022-05-10)
+- RFC PR: [apache/tvm-rfcs#xx](https://github.com/apache/tvm-rfcs/pull/xx)
+- GitHub Issue: [apache/tvm#yy](https://github.com/apache/tvm/pull/yy)
+# Summary
+[summary]: #summary
+We propose to integrate DietCode, an auto-scheduler for dynamic tensor programs,
+to AutoTIR. DietCode offers the following features:
+- A shape-generic search space to cover possible shapes in dynamic shape
+ workloads.
+- A dynamic-shape aware cost model to judge the quality of schedule candidates.
+- Enhancement to the TVM CUDA codegen for imperfect tiling.
+DietCode has been published by MLSys 2022 so please see [the
+for more details and evaluations. Meanwhile, the latest DietCode codebase is also publicly
+available [here](https://github.com/UofT-EcoSystem/DietCode).
+# Motivation
+[motivation]: #motivation
+Achieving high performance for compute-intensive operators in machine learning
+workloads is a crucial but challenging task. Many machine learning and system
+practitioners rely on vendor libraries or auto-schedulers to do the job. While
+the former requires significant engineering efforts, the latter in TVM only supports
+static-shape workloads in existing works. It is difficult, if not impractical,
+to apply the existing auto-scheduler directly to **dynamic-shape workloads**, as
+this leads to extremely long tuning time.
+We observe that the key challenge faced by existing auto-schedulers when
+handling a dynamic-shape workload is that they cannot construct a conclusive search
+space for all the possible shapes of the workload, because their search space is
+shape-dependent. To address this, this RFC aims to add dynamic-shape supports to
+AutoTIR by integrating DietCode framework, which constructs **a shape-generic
+search space and cost model** to auto-schedule dynamic-shape workloads
+Our evaluation shows that DietCode has the following key strengths when
+auto-scheduling an entire model end-to-end:
+1. reduces the auto-scheduling time by up to 5.88x less than the current
+ auto-scheduler on 8 uniformly sampled dynamic shapes, and
+1. improves performance by up to 69.5% better than the auto-scheduler and 18.6%
+ better than the vendor library. All these advantages make DietCode an
+ efficient and practical solution for dynamic-shape workloads.
+# Guide-Level Explanation
+[guide-level-explanation]: #guide-level-explanation
+The existing experiments are largely conducted with auto-scheduler. However,
+having been syncing with the AutoTIR team for quarters, we plan to integrate
+this RFC to MetaSchedule (AutoTIR), because it provides more systematic
+interface and cleaner integration path with less hacks.
+To provide an example of additional information users are required to feed the
+system (see https://github.com/UofT-EcoSystem/DietCode/tree/MLSys2022_AE for a
+PoC design):
+# A symbolic shape constraint
+T = tir.ShapeVar('T’)
+I = tir.ShapeVar('I')
+H = tir.ShapeVar('H')
+# The candidate values of `T`
+T_vals = range(1, 128)
+wkl_insts = []
+for t in T_vals:
+ wkl_insts.append((t, 768, 768))
+ wkl_insts.append((t, 768, 3072))
+ wkl_insts.append((t, 3072, 768))
+task = Task(func=Dense,
+ args=(16*T, I, H),
+ shape_vars=(T, I, H),
+ wkl_insts=wkl_insts
+ wkl_inst_weights=([1. for _ in T_vals],))
+To enable auto-scheduling for dynamic shape workloads, users only need to:
+1. Have `ShapeVar` in the TE/TensorIR compututation.
+2. Specify the weight/distribution of each shape value.
+1. Symbolic constraint is required additional in Relay, but could be inferred
+ automatically after Relax is introduced;
+2. The proposed interface does not change any existing functionality.
+# Reference-Level Explanation
+[reference-level-explanation]: #reference-level-explanation
+Here is an overview of the DietCode framework design.
+- We accept the shape variables and the workload instances from the programmer.
+ In the case when they are not detected, the auto-scheduler treats the workload
+ as static and applies and current workflow on it.
+- We construct **a shape-generic search space that consists of micro-kernels**,
+ an incomplete program that carries out a tile of the complete computation, to
+ efficiently support dynamic-shape workloads.
+ We use the hardware constraints (e.g., the maximum number of threads, the
+ amount of shared and local memory) rather than the shape information to
+ determine the micro-kernel candidates. Those candidates serve as the building
+ blocks and are executed repeatedly to carry out a workload instance (defined
+ as an static-shape instance of the dynamic-shape workload).
+- We build a **micro-kernel-based cost model**. The key insight is that the cost
+ of a complete program *P* that is made up of a micro-kernel *M* can be
+ decomposed into two parts:
+ 1. A shape-generic cost function *f*MK that predicts the cost of
+ *M*, and
+ 1. A shape-dependent adaption cost function *f*adapt that defines
+ the penalty of porting *M* to *P*.
+ While *f*MK is a function that has to be learned and updated by
+ real hardware measurements during the auto-scheduling process,
+ *f*adapt is a simple term that can be evaluated using the core
+ occupancy and the padding ratio (in other words, it does not require feature
+ extraction from the schedules).
+- We generate one kernel per workload instance and use the scikit-learn
+ framework to train a decision tree dispatcher to map the workload instance to
+ its corresponding kernel. The decision tree will be output in predicate-only
+ format for efficient runtime dispatching and embedded as part of the host
+ code. As an example, one possible auto-scheduling outcome can look like the
+ following:
+ ```C++
+ __global__ void default_function0(float* X, float* W, float* Y) {...}
+ __global__ void default_function1(float* X, float* W, float* Y) {...}
+ __global__ void default_function2(float* X, float* W, float* Y) {...}
+ // host code
+ if (T < 16)
+ call(default_function0)
+ else if (T < 64)
+ call(default_function1)
+ else
+ call(default_function2)
+ ```
+ Because everything can be included in a single `PackedFunc` object, the
+ workflow is fully compatible with the Relay workflow.
+# Drawbacks
+[drawbacks]: #drawbacks
+- The current compilation workflow generates one program per input shape.
+ Although we can merge those static-shape programs into a single dynamic-shape
+ program like the following code snippet:
+ ```CUDA
+ __global__ void default_function(float* X, float* W, float* Y,
+ const int T)
+ // Note the `T` here.
+ ```
+ Our evaluations indicate that this program has at least 5% worse performance
+ compared with the static-shape alternatives. Hence, we decide to sacrifice the
+ binary size for the runtime performance, which can potentially be problematic
+ when the hardware resources are limited.
+# Rationale and Alternatives
+[rationale-and-alternatives]: #rationale-and-alternatives
+There is an approach proposed by [Nimble](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.03031.pdf),
+which partitions a range of dynamic shape to buckets and tunes one kernel for
+each bucket. We could, of course, implement this approach to the current
+auto-scheduler and AutoTIR. However, as evaluated in the DietCode paper, this
+approach is not guaranteed to achieve better performance as static shapes.
+# Prior State-of-the-Arts
+[prior-sotas]: #prior-sotas
+- **Reuse-based Tuner**
+ Selective Tuning ([Cody Yu.
+ 2019](https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/issues/4188)) and ETO ([Jingzhi
+ Fang et al. VLDB 2021](http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol15/p183-chen.pdf)) group
+ workloads into clusters based on a set of pre-defined rules (e.g., similarity
+ ratio in Selective Tuning) and reuse the same schedule in a single cluster.
+- **Dynamic Neural Networks**
+ Dynamic batching is a common graph-level optimization adopted by frameworks
+ such as DyNet ([Graham Neubig et al. 2017](http://arxiv.org/abs/1701.03980)),
+ Cavs ([Shizhen Xu et al. USENIX ATC
+ 2018](https://www.usenix.org/conference/atc18/presentation/xu-shizen)),
+ BatchMaker ([Pin Gao et al. EuroSys
+ 2018](https://doi.org/10.1145/3190508.3190541)), and TensorFlow Fold ([Moshe
+ Looks et al. ICLR 2017](https://openreview.net/forum?id=ryrGawqex)) for cases
+ when the batch size is dynamic.
+ Nimble ([Haichen Shen et al. MLSys
+ 2021](https://proceedings.mlsys.org/paper/2021/hash/4e732ced3463d06de0ca9a15b6153677-Abstract.html))
+ and DISC ([Kai Zhu et al. EuroMLSys
+ 2021](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3437984.3458838)) both design a compiler
+ to represent and execute dynamic neural networks.
+ Cortex ([Pratik Fegade et al. MLSys
+ 2021](https://proceedings.mlsys.org/paper/2021/hash/182be0c5cdcd5072bb1864cdee4d3d6e-Abstract.html))
+ is a compiler-based framework on recursive neural networks.
+ Those works focus on the graph-level optimizations and therefore are
+ orthogonal to DietCode, which operates on each individual layer. In fact,
+ those graph-level solutions can also leverage DietCode for efficient operator
+ code generation.
+# Unresolved Questions
+[unresolved-questions]: #unresolved-questions
+- The current design does not support arbitrary shape dimensions. For better
+ auto-scheduling outcomes, we expect that shape dimensions have to be specified
+ beforehand.
+- The proposed approach mostly works on NVIDIA GPUs and has not been tested on
+ other hardware platforms.
+# Future Possibilities
+[future-possibilities]: #future-possibilities
+- Evaluate more operator use cases.
+- CPU Support
+# Upstream Milestones
+[upstream-milestones]: #upstream-milestones
+We propose the following milestones for upstreaming, where each bullet point
+corresponds to a PR with unit tests of roughly several hundred lines.
+- [ ] Code Generation Support
+ - Local Padding
+ - Loop Partitioning
+- [ ] Meta-Scheduler
+ - Frontend Interface
+ - Sketch Generation
+ - Random Annotations
+ - Program Measurer
+ - Micro-Kernel Cost Model
+ - Evolutionary Search
+- [ ] Decision-Tree Dispatching
+When testing, we will be following the same testing procedure with the
+meta-scheduler. We do not require any extra hardware platforms. Our plan is to
+use a dynamic-shape workload (i.e., dense from BERT and conv2d from ResNet-50)
+and compare its performance numbers with those delivered by the meta-scheduler
+on static-shape workloads. The performance difference is expected to be smaller
+than 5%.