diff --git a/tutorials/frontend/build_gcn.py b/tutorials/frontend/build_gcn.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..acbd27f9c849
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+++ b/tutorials/frontend/build_gcn.py
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+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+Building a Graph Convolutional Network
+**Author**: `Yulun Yao `_
+This article is an introductory tutorial to build a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) with Relay.
+In this tutorial, we will run our GCN on Cora dataset to demonstrate.
+Cora dataset is a common benchmark for Graph Neural Networks (GNN) and frameworks that support GNN training and inference.
+We directly load the dataset from DGL library to do the apples to apples comparison against DGL.
+Please refer to DGL tutorial on installation at
+GPU support and more sparse operators will soon follow.
+# Define Graph Convolution Layer
+# ----------------------------
+# To run GCN on TVM, we first need to implement Graph Convolution Layer.
+# You may refer to https://github.com/dmlc/dgl/blob/master/python/dgl/nn/mxnet/conv.py for a GraphConv Layer implemented in DGL with MXNet Backend
+# The layer is defined with below operations, note that we apply two transposes to keep adjacency matrix on right hand side of sparse_dense operator,
+# this method is temporary and will be updated in next few weeks when we have sparse matrix transpose and support for left sparse operator.
+# .. math::
+# \mbox{GraphConv}(A, H, W) = A * H * W
+# = ((H * W)^t * A^t)^t
+# = ((W^t * H^t) * A^t)^t
+from tvm import relay
+def GraphConv(
+ layer_name,
+ input_dim,
+ output_dim,
+ adj,
+ input,
+ activation=None,
+ norm=None,
+ ):
+ r"""
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ layer_name: str
+ Name of layer
+ input_dim: int
+ Input dimension per node feature
+ output_dim: int,
+ Output dimension per node feature
+ adj: namedtuple,
+ Graph representation (Adjacency Matrix) in Sparse Format (`data`, `indices`, `indptr`),
+ where `data` has shape [num_nonzeros], indices` has shape [num_nonzeros], `indptr` has shape [num_nodes + 1]
+ input: relay.Expr,
+ Input feature to current layer with shape [num_nodes, input_dim]
+ norm: relay.Expr,
+ Norm passed to this layer to normalize features before and after Convolution.
+ activation: ,
+ Activation function applies to the output. e.g. relay.nn.{relu, sigmoid, log_softmax, softmax, leaky_relu}
+ Returns
+ ----------
+ output: tvm.relay.Expr
+ The Output Tensor for this layer [num_nodes, output_dim]
+ """
+ if norm is not None:
+ input = relay.multiply(input, norm)
+ weight = relay.var(layer_name + "_weight", shape=(input_dim, output_dim))
+ weight_transposed = relay.transpose(weight)
+ dense = relay.nn.dense(weight_transposed, input)
+ output = relay.nn.sparse_dense(dense, adj)
+ output_transposed = relay.transpose(output)
+ if norm is not None:
+ output_transposed = relay.multiply(output_transposed, norm)
+ if activation is not None:
+ output_transposed = activation(output_transposed)
+ return output_transposed
+# Load the dataset
+# ------------------
+# You may substitute this part with your own dataset, here we load data from DGL to benchmark
+import tvm, dgl, scipy
+import numpy as np
+import networkx as nx
+from collections import namedtuple
+from dgl.data import load_data
+def load_dataset(dataset="cora"):
+ args = namedtuple("args", ["dataset"])
+ dataset = load_data(args(dataset))
+ params = {}
+ params['infeats'] = dataset.features.astype('float32') # Only support float32 as feature for now
+ # Remove self-loops to avoid duplicate passing of a node's feature to itself
+ g = dataset.graph
+ g.remove_edges_from(g.selfloop_edges())
+ g.add_edges_from(zip(g.nodes, g.nodes))
+ # Generate adjacency matrix
+ adjacency = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(g)
+ params['data'] = adjacency.data.astype('float32')
+ params['indices'] = adjacency.indices.astype('int32')
+ params['indptr'] = adjacency.indptr.astype('int32')
+ # Normalization w.r.t. node degrees
+ degs = [g.in_degree[i] for i in range(g.number_of_nodes())]
+ params['norm'] = np.power(degs, -0.5).astype('float32')
+ params['norm'] = params['norm'].reshape((params['norm'].shape[0], 1))
+ return params
+# Set up model Parameters
+# ------------------
+num_hidden: int
+ number of hidden layers
+hidden_dim: int
+ input dimension of hidden layers
+num_classes: int
+ dimension of model output (Number of classes)
+target: str
+ currently only support llvm, GPU support will be added in next few weeks
+activation: ,
+ Activation function applied to the output. e.g. relay.nn.{relu, sigmoid, log_softmax, softmax, leaky_relu}
+dataset: str
+ Name of dataset. You can pick from ['cora', 'citeseer', 'pubmed'] or you can use your own.
+num_hidden = 1
+hidden_dim = 16
+num_classes = 7
+target = 'llvm'
+activation = relay.nn.relu
+dataset = "cora"
+params = load_dataset(dataset)
+# Check shape of features
+assert len(params['infeats'].shape) == 2
+nnodes, input_dim = params['infeats'].shape
+# Check validity of adjacency matrix
+assert params['data'] is not None and params['indices'] is not None and params['indptr'] is not None
+assert nnodes == params['indptr'].shape[0] - 1
+# Put layers together
+# ------------------
+layers = []
+# Define input features, norms, adjacency matrix
+infeats = relay.var("infeats", shape=(nnodes, input_dim))
+norm = relay.Constant(tvm.nd.array(params['norm']))
+data = relay.Constant(tvm.nd.array(params['data']))
+indices = relay.Constant(tvm.nd.array(params['indices']))
+indptr = relay.Constant(tvm.nd.array(params['indptr']))
+Adjacency = namedtuple('Adjacency', ['data', 'indices', 'indptr'])
+adj = Adjacency(data, indices, indptr)
+# Generate Input Layer
+ layer_name= 'in',
+ input_dim= input_dim,
+ output_dim= hidden_dim,
+ adj = adj,
+ input= infeats,
+ activation= activation,
+ norm= norm,
+# Generate Hidden Layers
+for i in range(num_hidden):
+ layers.append(GraphConv(
+ layer_name= str(i),
+ input_dim= hidden_dim,
+ output_dim= hidden_dim,
+ adj = adj,
+ input= layers[-1],
+ activation= activation,
+ norm= norm,
+ ))
+# Generate Output Layer
+ layer_name= 'out',
+ input_dim= hidden_dim,
+ output_dim= num_classes,
+ adj = adj,
+ input= layers[-1],
+ activation= activation,
+ norm= norm,
+output = layers[-1]
+# Analyze free variables and generate function
+func = relay.Function(relay.analysis.free_vars(output), output)
+# Compile and run
+# ------------------
+# We achieved 6.5x speedup for this dataset against dgl given the same model parameters.
+# Output numerical difference < 10e-4 %.
+# DGL version: https://github.com/dmlc/dgl/blob/master/examples/mxnet/gcn/gcn.py
+from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime
+import time
+# Set up weights. You can modify this part and use your own trained weights.
+params['in_weight'] = np.ones((input_dim, hidden_dim), dtype='float32')
+params['out_weight'] = np.ones((hidden_dim, num_classes), dtype='float32')
+for i in range(num_hidden):
+ params["%s_weight"%(str(i))] = np.ones((hidden_dim, hidden_dim), dtype='float32')
+# Generate graph and library
+with relay.build_config(opt_level=0): # Currently only support opt_level=0
+ graph, lib, params = relay.build(func, target, params=params)
+ lib.save("lib.o")
+# Generate module for llvm
+ctx = tvm.context(target, 0)
+m = graph_runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx)
+print("finished compiling, testing inference time cost")
+totaltime = 0
+for i in range(30):
+ st = time.time()
+ # One forward pass on the entire network
+ m.run()
+ end = time.time()
+ # Retrieve output Tensor as numpy array
+ outval = m.get_output(0).asnumpy()
+ totaltime += (end-st)
+ if i == 0:
+ print("features of first five nodes \n %s" % outval[:5])
+ if i == 4:
+ print("5 Cycle Average Forward Pass Time ", totaltime/5)
+print("30 Cycle Average Forward Pass Time ", totaltime/30)