From d7253fbc7ebdfe9ab349eb85a7db3d68260ec059 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tian Xia <>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2023 09:51:59 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] [TIR] Add cp.async support for tir.if_then_else (#13966)

This PR supports CUDA's cp.async ptx for un-vectorized BufferStore from a `tir.if_then_else` call and thus enables padded async copy.

Co-authored-by: Junru Shao <>
 src/target/source/             |   8 +-
 src/target/source/                      |  31 +++
 src/target/source/ptx.h                       |  16 ++
 src/tir/transforms/   | 156 +++++++-----
 .../unittest/ | 238 ++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 386 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/python/unittest/

diff --git a/src/target/source/ b/src/target/source/
index c891ec5a28cf..9bf0109cace1 100644
--- a/src/target/source/
+++ b/src/target/source/
@@ -914,7 +914,13 @@ void CodeGenCUDA::VisitExpr_(const CallNode* op, std::ostream& os) {
     std::string src = this->PrintExpr(op->args[2]);
     std::string src_offset = this->PrintExpr(op->args[3]);
     std::string size = this->PrintExpr(op->args[4]);
-    this->stream << PrintCpAsyncAssembly(dst, dst_offset, src, src_offset, size);
+    // use size of argument list to indicate whether or not to use predicated cp.async
+    if (op->args.size() == 5) {
+      this->stream << PrintCpAsyncAssembly(dst, dst_offset, src, src_offset, size);
+    } else {
+      this->stream << PrintPredicatedCpAsyncAssembly(dst, dst_offset, src, src_offset, size,
+                                                     this->PrintExpr(op->args[5]));
+    }
   } else if (op->op.same_as(builtin::ptx_commit_group())) {
     this->stream << "__asm__ __volatile__(\"cp.async.commit_group;\");\n\n";
   } else if (op->op.same_as(builtin::ptx_wait_group())) {
diff --git a/src/target/source/ b/src/target/source/
index 886242efe08c..b5299b4e4b2a 100644
--- a/src/target/source/
+++ b/src/target/source/
@@ -659,5 +659,36 @@ std::string PrintCpAsyncAssembly(const std::string& shared_ptr,
   return asm_code;
+std::string PrintPredicatedCpAsyncAssembly(const std::string& shared_ptr,
+                                           const std::string& shared_elem_offset,
+                                           const std::string& global_ptr,
+                                           const std::string& global_elem_offset,
+                                           const std::string& bytes,
+                                           const std::string& predicate_value) {
+  std::string predicated_asm_code = R"(
+  {
+    unsigned int addr;
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      "{ .reg .u64 addr; addr, %1; cvt.u32.u64 %0, addr; }\n"
+      : "=r"(addr)
+      : "l"((void *)({smem_addr}))
+    );
+    int src_bytes = {pred_guard} ? {bytes} : 0;
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      "cp.async.{cg_or_ca} [%0], [%1], %2, %3;"
+       :: "r"(addr), "l"((void*)({global_ptr})), "n"({bytes}), "r"(src_bytes)
+    );
+  }
+  Replacer replacer;
+  replacer.register_rule("{smem_addr}", shared_ptr + " + " + shared_elem_offset);
+  replacer.register_rule("{global_ptr}", global_ptr + " + " + global_elem_offset);
+  replacer.register_rule("{bytes}", bytes);
+  replacer.register_rule("{cg_or_ca}", bytes == "16" ? "cg" : "ca");
+  replacer.register_rule("{pred_guard}", predicate_value);
+  predicated_asm_code = replacer.rewrite(predicated_asm_code);
+  return predicated_asm_code;
 }  // namespace codegen
 }  // namespace tvm
diff --git a/src/target/source/ptx.h b/src/target/source/ptx.h
index c811a1b9c1d6..1e49b57c1790 100644
--- a/src/target/source/ptx.h
+++ b/src/target/source/ptx.h
@@ -92,6 +92,22 @@ std::string PrintCpAsyncAssembly(const std::string& shared_ptr,
                                  const std::string& global_ptr,
                                  const std::string& global_elem_offset, const std::string& bytes);
+ * \brief Print predicated ptx cp.async assembly string given parameters.
+ * \param shared_ptr: The pointer to the destination shared memory.
+ * \param shared_elem_offset: The offset into the shared memory.
+ * \param global_ptr: The pointer to the global memory.
+ * \param global_elem_offset: The offset into the global memory.
+ * \param bytes: The number of bytes to copy, valid values are 4, 8, and 16.
+ * \param predicate_value: The value of predicate `@p`.
+ */
+std::string PrintPredicatedCpAsyncAssembly(const std::string& shared_ptr,
+                                           const std::string& shared_elem_offset,
+                                           const std::string& global_ptr,
+                                           const std::string& global_elem_offset,
+                                           const std::string& bytes,
+                                           const std::string& predicate_value);
 }  // namespace codegen
 }  // namespace tvm
diff --git a/src/tir/transforms/ b/src/tir/transforms/
index 8ee0d054e56d..2e3c906e89c1 100644
--- a/src/tir/transforms/
+++ b/src/tir/transforms/
@@ -47,73 +47,105 @@ class PTXAsyncCopyInjector : public StmtMutator {
     return StmtMutator::VisitStmt_(attr);
+  Stmt InjectPTX(const BufferLoadNode* load, const BufferStoreNode* store, bool predicated = false,
+                 PrimExpr predicate_value = PrimExpr()) {
+    if (load->buffer.scope() == "global") {
+      ICHECK(load->indices.size() == 1 && store->indices.size() == 1);
+      ICHECK(load->indices[0]->dtype.lanes() == store->indices[0]->dtype.lanes());
+      const int indices_lanes = load->indices[0]->dtype.lanes();
+      const int bytes = indices_lanes * load->buffer->dtype.bytes();
+      if (bytes == 4 || bytes == 8 || bytes == 16) {
+        auto dst_elem_type = GetPointerType(store->buffer->data->type_annotation);
+        auto src_elem_type = GetPointerType(load->buffer->data->type_annotation);
+        ICHECK(dst_elem_type.has_value() && src_elem_type.has_value())
+            << "Both store and load buffer should have a pointer type annotation.";
+        int index_factor = 1;
+        if (dst_elem_type.value() != src_elem_type.value()) {
+          // The only case where src and dst have different dtypes is when the dst shared memory
+          // is a byte buffer generated by merging dynamic shared memory.
+          ICHECK(store->buffer.scope() == "shared.dyn");
+          ICHECK(dst_elem_type.value() == DataType::UInt(8));
+          // BufferStore/Load have the "pointer reinterpret" semantics according to their
+          // "value" dtype. Their "indices" are supposed to be applied after such pointer cast,
+          // for example: ((*float16)(byte_buffer))[buffer->indices] = fp16_value;
+          // To replace BufferStore/Load with cp.async, we need to multiply the store index by
+          // the byte size of the "value" dtype, to get the correct offset into the byte buffer.
+          index_factor = src_elem_type->bytes();
+        }
+        if (indices_lanes == 1) {
+          auto src_offset = load->indices[0];
+          auto dst_offset = store->indices[0];
+          Array<PrimExpr> args = {store->buffer->data, tir::Mul(dst_offset, PrimExpr(index_factor)),
+                                  load->buffer->data, src_offset, PrimExpr(bytes)};
+          // use arguments size to indicate whether or not to use predicated cp.async
+          if (predicated) {
+            args.push_back(predicate_value);
+          }
+          return Evaluate(Call(store->buffer->dtype, tvm::tir::builtin::ptx_cp_async(), args));
+        }
+        // Predicated load don't support vectorized indexing.
+        if (!predicated) {
+          // Only some vectorized indexing patterns are supported for now.
+          auto src_offset = [=]() -> PrimExpr {
+            if (load->indices[0]->IsInstance<RampNode>()) {
+              return load->indices[0].as<RampNode>()->base;
+            }
+            return PrimExpr();
+          }();
+          auto dst_offset = [=]() -> PrimExpr {
+            if (store->indices[0].as<RampNode>()) {
+              return store->indices[0].as<RampNode>()->base;
+            } else if (store->indices[0].as<AddNode>()) {
+              // The case where the dst buffer is a byte buffer generated by merging dynamic
+              // shared memory.
+              // A_shared.dyn[(ramp(...), 1, 8) + x8(17408))] = A_global[ramp(...),1, 8)]
+              auto* add = store->indices[0].as<AddNode>();
+              if (!add->a->IsInstance<RampNode>()) return PrimExpr();
+              if (!add->b->IsInstance<BroadcastNode>()) return PrimExpr();
+              return tir::Add(add-><RampNode>()->base, add-><BroadcastNode>()->value);
+            }
+            return PrimExpr();
+          }();
+          if (src_offset.defined() && dst_offset.defined()) {
+            return Evaluate(Call(store->buffer->dtype, tvm::tir::builtin::ptx_cp_async(),
+                                 {store->buffer->data, tir::Mul(dst_offset, PrimExpr(index_factor)),
+                                  load->buffer->data, src_offset, PrimExpr(bytes)}));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return StmtMutator::VisitStmt_(store);
+  }
   Stmt VisitStmt_(const BufferStoreNode* store) {
     if (in_async && (store->buffer.scope() == "shared" || store->buffer.scope() == "shared.dyn")) {
       if (auto* load = store-><BufferLoadNode>()) {
-        if (load->buffer.scope() == "global") {
-          ICHECK(load->indices.size() == 1 && store->indices.size() == 1);
-          ICHECK(load->indices[0]->dtype.lanes() == store->indices[0]->dtype.lanes());
-          const int indices_lanes = load->indices[0]->dtype.lanes();
-          const int bytes = indices_lanes * load->buffer->dtype.bytes();
-          if (bytes == 4 || bytes == 8 || bytes == 16) {
-            auto dst_elem_type = GetPointerType(store->buffer->data->type_annotation);
-            auto src_elem_type = GetPointerType(load->buffer->data->type_annotation);
-            ICHECK(dst_elem_type.has_value() && src_elem_type.has_value())
-                << "Both store and load buffer should have a pointer type annotation.";
-            int index_factor = 1;
-            if (dst_elem_type.value() != src_elem_type.value()) {
-              // The only case where src and dst have different dtypes is when the dst shared memory
-              // is a byte buffer generated by merging dynamic shared memory.
-              ICHECK(store->buffer.scope() == "shared.dyn");
-              ICHECK(dst_elem_type.value() == DataType::UInt(8));
-              // BufferStore/Load have the "pointer reinterpret" semantics according to their
-              // "value" dtype. Their "indices" are supposed to be applied after such pointer cast,
-              // for example: ((*float16)(byte_buffer))[buffer->indices] = fp16_value;
-              // To replace BufferStore/Load with cp.async, we need to multiply the store index by
-              // the byte size of the "value" dtype, to get the correct offset into the byte buffer.
-              index_factor = src_elem_type->bytes();
+        return InjectPTX(load, store);
+      } else if (auto* call = store-><CallNode>()) {
+        // tir.if_then_else is a call to tir::builtin::if_then_else()
+        if (call->op.same_as(builtin::if_then_else()) && call->args.size() == 3) {
+          if (auto* load = call->args[1].as<BufferLoadNode>()) {
+            // Only default value of 0 is supported since 0 is the default value used by cp.async
+            // ptx. @see section of
+            //
+            bool else_value_is_zero = false;
+            if (auto* b = call->args[2].as<BroadcastNode>()) {
+              if (auto* f = b-><FloatImmNode>()) {
+                else_value_is_zero = f->value == 0.0f;
+              }
-            if (indices_lanes == 1) {
-              auto src_offset = load->indices[0];
-              auto dst_offset = store->indices[0];
-              return Evaluate(
-                  Call(store->buffer->dtype, tvm::tir::builtin::ptx_cp_async(),
-                       {store->buffer->data, tir::Mul(dst_offset, PrimExpr(index_factor)),
-                        load->buffer->data, src_offset, PrimExpr(bytes)}));
+            if (auto* f = call->args[2].as<FloatImmNode>()) {
+              else_value_is_zero = f->value == 0.0f;
-            // Only some vectorized indexing patterns are supported for now.
-            auto src_offset = [=]() -> PrimExpr {
-              if (load->indices[0]->IsInstance<RampNode>()) {
-                return load->indices[0].as<RampNode>()->base;
-              }
-              return PrimExpr();
-            }();
-            auto dst_offset = [=]() -> PrimExpr {
-              if (store->indices[0].as<RampNode>()) {
-                return store->indices[0].as<RampNode>()->base;
-              } else if (store->indices[0].as<AddNode>()) {
-                // The case where the dst buffer is a byte buffer generated by merging dynamic
-                // shared memory.
-                // A_shared.dyn[(ramp(...), 1, 8) + x8(17408))] = A_global[ramp(...),1, 8)]
-                auto* add = store->indices[0].as<AddNode>();
-                if (!add->a->IsInstance<RampNode>()) return PrimExpr();
-                if (!add->b->IsInstance<BroadcastNode>()) return PrimExpr();
-                return tir::Add(add-><RampNode>()->base, add-><BroadcastNode>()->value);
-              }
-              return PrimExpr();
-            }();
-            if (src_offset.defined() && dst_offset.defined()) {
-              return Evaluate(
-                  Call(store->buffer->dtype, tvm::tir::builtin::ptx_cp_async(),
-                       {store->buffer->data, tir::Mul(dst_offset, PrimExpr(index_factor)),
-                        load->buffer->data, src_offset, PrimExpr(bytes)}));
+            if (else_value_is_zero) {
+              return InjectPTX(load, store, true, call->args[0]);
diff --git a/tests/python/unittest/ b/tests/python/unittest/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..08de5ba34da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/python/unittest/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""test the correctness of inject async memory copy from an if_then_else load"""
+import tvm
+import numpy as np
+from tvm.script import tir as T
+import tvm.testing
+expected_cuda_script = r"""
+#ifdef _WIN32
+  using uint = unsigned int;
+  using uchar = unsigned char;
+  using ushort = unsigned short;
+  using int64_t = long long;
+  using uint64_t = unsigned long long;
+  #define uint unsigned int
+  #define uchar unsigned char
+  #define ushort unsigned short
+  #define int64_t long long
+  #define uint64_t unsigned long long
+extern "C" __global__ void __launch_bounds__(16) main_kernel0(float* __restrict__ A, float* __restrict__ B, float* __restrict__ C) {
+  __shared__ float A_shared[64];
+  __shared__ float B_shared[64];
+  A_shared[((int)threadIdx.x)] = 0.000000e+00f;
+  B_shared[((int)threadIdx.x)] = 0.000000e+00f;
+__asm__ __volatile__("cp.async.commit_group;");
+  {
+    unsigned int addr;
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      "{ .reg .u64 addr; addr, %1; cvt.u32.u64 %0, addr; }\n"
+      : "=r"(addr)
+      : "l"((void *)(A_shared + (((int)threadIdx.x) + 16)))
+    );
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      " [%0], [%1], %2;"
+       :: "r"(addr), "l"((void*)(A + (((int)threadIdx.x) * 14))), "n"(4)
+    );
+  }
+  {
+    unsigned int addr;
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      "{ .reg .u64 addr; addr, %1; cvt.u32.u64 %0, addr; }\n"
+      : "=r"(addr)
+      : "l"((void *)(B_shared + (((int)threadIdx.x) + 16)))
+    );
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      " [%0], [%1], %2;"
+       :: "r"(addr), "l"((void*)(B + (((int)threadIdx.x) * 14))), "n"(4)
+    );
+  }
+__asm__ __volatile__("cp.async.commit_group;");
+  {
+    unsigned int addr;
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      "{ .reg .u64 addr; addr, %1; cvt.u32.u64 %0, addr; }\n"
+      : "=r"(addr)
+      : "l"((void *)(A_shared + (((int)threadIdx.x) + 32)))
+    );
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      " [%0], [%1], %2;"
+       :: "r"(addr), "l"((void*)(A + ((((int)threadIdx.x) * 14) + 1))), "n"(4)
+    );
+  }
+  {
+    unsigned int addr;
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      "{ .reg .u64 addr; addr, %1; cvt.u32.u64 %0, addr; }\n"
+      : "=r"(addr)
+      : "l"((void *)(B_shared + (((int)threadIdx.x) + 32)))
+    );
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      " [%0], [%1], %2;"
+       :: "r"(addr), "l"((void*)(B + ((((int)threadIdx.x) * 14) + 1))), "n"(4)
+    );
+  }
+__asm__ __volatile__("cp.async.commit_group;");
+  for (int i = 0; i < 13; ++i) {
+    bool cse_var_1 = (i < 12);
+  {
+    unsigned int addr;
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      "{ .reg .u64 addr; addr, %1; cvt.u32.u64 %0, addr; }\n"
+      : "=r"(addr)
+      : "l"((void *)(A_shared + ((((i + 3) & 3) * 16) + ((int)threadIdx.x))))
+    );
+    int src_bytes = cse_var_1 ? 4 : 0;
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      " [%0], [%1], %2, %3;"
+       :: "r"(addr), "l"((void*)(A + (((((int)threadIdx.x) * 14) + i) + 2))), "n"(4), "r"(src_bytes)
+    );
+  }
+__asm__ __volatile__("cp.async.commit_group;");
+__asm__ __volatile__("cp.async.wait_group 5;");
+    __syncthreads();
+    C[((((int)threadIdx.x) * 16) + i)] = (A_shared[(((i & 3) * 16) + ((int)threadIdx.x))] + B_shared[(((i & 3) * 16) + ((int)threadIdx.x))]);
+    __syncthreads();
+  {
+    unsigned int addr;
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      "{ .reg .u64 addr; addr, %1; cvt.u32.u64 %0, addr; }\n"
+      : "=r"(addr)
+      : "l"((void *)(B_shared + ((((i + 3) & 3) * 16) + ((int)threadIdx.x))))
+    );
+    int src_bytes = cse_var_1 ? 4 : 0;
+    __asm__ __volatile__(
+      " [%0], [%1], %2, %3;"
+       :: "r"(addr), "l"((void*)(B + (((((int)threadIdx.x) * 14) + i) + 2))), "n"(4), "r"(src_bytes)
+    );
+  }
+__asm__ __volatile__("cp.async.commit_group;");
+  }
+__asm__ __volatile__("cp.async.wait_group 2;");
+  __syncthreads();
+  C[((((int)threadIdx.x) * 16) + 13)] = (A_shared[(((int)threadIdx.x) + 16)] + B_shared[(((int)threadIdx.x) + 16)]);
+__asm__ __volatile__("cp.async.wait_group 1;");
+  __syncthreads();
+  C[((((int)threadIdx.x) * 16) + 14)] = (A_shared[(((int)threadIdx.x) + 32)] + B_shared[(((int)threadIdx.x) + 32)]);
+__asm__ __volatile__("cp.async.wait_group 0;");
+  __syncthreads();
+  C[((((int)threadIdx.x) * 16) + 15)] = (A_shared[(((int)threadIdx.x) + 48)] + B_shared[(((int)threadIdx.x) + 48)]);
+generated_code = ""
+support_async = True
+def tvm_callback_cuda_postproc(code):
+    global generated_code
+    global support_async
+    generated_code = code
+    # return a dummy code so that device < sm80 could build correctly
+    if not support_async:
+        ret = ""
+        for line in code.split("\n"):
+            ret += line + "\n"
+            if line.startswith('extern "C" __global__'):
+                break
+        ret += "}"
+        return ret
+    return code
+def test_cp_async_in_if_then_else():
+    global support_async
+    arch = tvm.contrib.nvcc.get_target_compute_version()
+    major, _ = tvm.contrib.nvcc.parse_compute_version(arch)
+    if major < 8:
+        # At least sm80 is required
+        support_async = False
+    @T.prim_func
+    def simple_compute(
+        A: T.Buffer((16, 14), "float32"),
+        B: T.Buffer((16, 14), "float32"),
+        C: T.Buffer((16, 16), "float32"),
+    ):
+        T.func_attr({"global_symbol": "main", "tir.noalias": True})
+        for tx in T.thread_binding(0, 16, thread="threadIdx.x"):
+            for i in T.serial(
+                16,
+                annotations={
+                    "software_pipeline_stage": [0, 0, 3],
+                    "software_pipeline_order": [0, 2, 1],
+                    "software_pipeline_async_stages": [0],
+                },
+            ):
+                with T.block("compute"):
+                    T.reads(A[tx, i])
+                    T.writes(C[tx, i])
+                    A_shared = T.alloc_buffer((16, 1), dtype="float32", scope="shared")
+                    B_shared = T.alloc_buffer((16, 1), dtype="float32", scope="shared")
+                    with T.block():
+                        T.reads(A[tx, i])
+                        T.writes(A_shared[tx, 0])
+                        A_shared[tx, 0] = T.if_then_else(
+                            1 <= i and i < 15, A[tx, i - 1], T.float32(0), dtype="float32"
+                        )
+                    with T.block():
+                        T.reads(B[tx, i])
+                        T.writes(B_shared[tx, 0])
+                        B_shared[tx, 0] = T.if_then_else(
+                            1 <= i and i < 15, B[tx, i - 1], T.float32(0), dtype="float32"
+                        )
+                    with T.block():
+                        T.reads(A_shared[tx, 0], B_shared[tx, 0])
+                        T.writes(C[tx, i])
+                        C[tx, i] = A_shared[tx, 0] + B_shared[tx, 0]
+    mod = tvm.IRModule.from_expr(simple_compute)
+    with tvm.transform.PassContext(config={"tir.use_async_copy": 1}):
+, target="cuda")
+    assert generated_code == expected_cuda_script
+    if not support_async:
+        # avoid return dummy code to other tests
+        support_async = True
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_cp_async_in_if_then_else()