Trireme 0.8.1
- Issue 66 Use NIO to implement the datagram (aka UDP)
module for better performance. - Issue 81 Remove Trireme's Java implementation of
"iconv-lite," which was not compatible with the version on NPM. The standard "iconv-lite" module now
works, although it is very slow for unusual character sets like "big5" because those are now implemented
in JavaScript rather than using native Java character sets. (ASCII, UTF8, and other standards still
use the Java platform and are as fast or faster than native Node.) This also fixes a bug with
recent versions of the Express / connect "body parser" middleware. - Issue 82 Add fields to the HTTP adapter to prevent a race
condition when recent versions of Connect "send-static" middleware try to use undocumented internal
fields. (This only affects the "HTTP adapter" which is not used by all users of Trireme.)
Other issues:
- Upgrade to version 1.50 of Bouncy Castle.
- Fix path translation for filesystems mounted outside root (t-beckmann)
- Fix SSL support to always emit Error objects on error (t-beckmann)
- Fix /?/ UNC path prefix (t-beckmann)
- Unwrap Rhino "Wrapper" objects (t-beckmann)
- Fix "binary" character set to handle unsigned values properly (t-beckmann)
- A number of other small but important fixes from Thomas Beckmann. Thanks!