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Releases: arjenhiemstra/ithowifi

Version 2.4.4-beta4

05 Jan 21:35
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Version 2.4.4-beta4 Pre-release

Version 2.4.4-beta4
For testing purposes only!

Changes since 2.4.4-beta3:

  • feat: add ability to enable/disable various i2c commands
  • fix: check if i2c returned buffer is reply of requested command
  • fix: mqtt web interface issues
  • fix: change syslog queue from FreeRTOS queue to stl deque
  • fix: Merge pull request #130 from tomkooij/fix_signed_floats
  • fix: missing settings link for WPU version 9 and make code in these cases more resilient
  • fix: update arduino build info
  • fix: buffer size mismatch
  • fix: stop i2c bus only if i2c debug function is active
  • Update supporting libs

Firmware binary (CVE HW rev.2 and NON-CVE):

Version 2.4.4-beta3

07 Dec 18:07
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Version 2.4.4-beta3 Pre-release

Version 2.4.4-beta3
For testing purposes only!

Changes since 2.4.4-beta2:

fix: improve system stability (still a workaround)

Firmware binary (CVE HW rev.2 and NON-CVE):

Version 2.4.4-beta2

02 Dec 23:52
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Version 2.4.4-beta2 Pre-release

Version 2.4.4-beta2

For testing purposes only!

Changes since 2.4.4-beta1:

Feat: Implemented I2C safe guard option (use sniffer to prevent i2c collisions)
Feat: Implemented I2C sniffer option (only for sniffer capable devices, autodetected and logged at boot)
Feat: Unified firmware, firmware now autodetects device type
Feat: syslog option
Feat: Make log level configurable
Feat: i2c commands queued
Feat: log now queue based
Feat: Error checking on received JSON to prevent websocket crashes
Feat: I2C2PWM command can now correctly handle 255 as max setting
Bugfix: Made debug page dynamic to prevent big load and issues with memory allocation leading to crashes

Firmware binary (CVE HW rev.2 and NON-CVE):

Version 2.4.4-beta1

11 Nov 12:39
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Version 2.4.4-beta1 Pre-release

Version 2.4.4-beta1

For testing purposes only!

Changes since 2.4.3:

Fix: add I2C debug option to config, enabling logging of last i2c commands to help solve I2C issues on newer CVE devices
Feat: On NON-CVE devices to buttons on the index page now reflect the first virtual remote

CVE add-on HW rev 2 firmware binary:

non-CVE add-on firmware binary:

Version 2.4.3

27 Oct 08:11
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Version 2.4.3

Known issues:
Itho CVE devices with built-in humidity sensor (light grey lid) are more prone to lockups. A fix is in the making.
For now the advice is the stay on firmware version 2.3.5 for those devices.

Changes since 2.4.2:

Fix: improve I2C stability and multi-master checking before every I2C master call
Feat: add (hidden) setting to prevent PWM2I2C init

CVE add-on HW rev 2 firmware binary:

non-CVE add-on firmware binary:

Version 2.4.3-beta2

21 Oct 08:27
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Version 2.4.3-beta2 Pre-release

Version 2.4.3-beta2

This version is for testing I2C lockup issues (issues: #111, #102, #61) on certain CVE versions

Fix: improve I2C bus busy check to also include SDA line check.

Version 2.2.4

15 Oct 17:52
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Version 2.2.4

(CVE HW rev.1 only)

fix: safari websocket issues

CVE add-on HW rev 1 firmware binary:

Version 2.4.3-beta1

12 Oct 16:05
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Version 2.4.3-beta1 Pre-release

Version 2.4.3-beta1

For testing purposes only!

Changes since 2.4.2:

Fix: lastCmd.source points sometimes to bogus mem location
Fix: Added I2C unblock function, tries to reset I2C bus and logs result (for issues: #111, #102, #61)

CVE add-on HW rev 2 firmware binary:

non-CVE add-on firmware binary:

Version 2.4.2

05 Oct 16:42
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Version 2.4.2

Warning: the remotes config file will be reset if you upgrade from version 2.3.5. Be sure to backup valuable information before the upgrade.

Changes since 2.4.1:

Fix: connection issues were multiple APs have same SSID name and add-on connects to first AP to react and not AP with best signal #108
Fix: disable storage and usage of wifi parameters on ESP32 NVS partition
Fix: Replace strcpy by strlcpy for buffer overflow protection
Feat: added extra wifi logging; which BSSID is connected and what is the signal strength
Feat: update to latest ESP32 arduino core (5.2.0) for PIO

CVE add-on HW rev 2 firmware binary:

non-CVE add-on firmware binary:

Version 2.2.3

05 Oct 12:33
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Version 2.2.3

(CVE HW rev.1 only)

fix: connection issues were multiple APs have same SSID name and add-on connects to first AP to react and not AP with best signal

CVE add-on HW rev 1 firmware binary: