module Misc (queens, knightsTour, knightsTo, closedKnights) where import qualified Control.Monad as M import qualified Data.Ix as Ix import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Maybe as Mb import qualified Data.Set as Set {- Problem 90: (**) Eight queens problem. The objective is to place eight queens on a chessboard so that no two queens are attacking each other; i.e., no two queens are in the same row, the same column, or on the same diagonal. ANSWER: We start from the nth column and move left. Since calculating the we length of a list is a linear time opertation in Haskell, also keep track of the number of queens placed so far. The rows are index by the columns, so [1, 3] means two queens placed at (r: 1, c: 7) and (r: 3: c: 8). At the ith iteration, where 0 <= i < n, we are trying to find a row for the column n-i. The columns n-i+1 through n have been filled, and the corresponding rows are available in the list 'rows'. We observe that a (row, col) is under attack from one of the queens if a queen is present in the same row (in the list rows), or if (row, col) is on the same diagonal or anti-diagonal. If row - queen_row is equal to col - queen_col, then (row, col) is under attack diagonally. -} queens :: Int -> [[Int]] queens n = go 0 [] where go :: Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]] go numPlaced rows | numPlaced == n = return rows | otherwise = do row <- [1 .. n] _ <- M.guard (canPlace numPlaced rows row) go (numPlaced + 1) (row : rows) canPlace numPlaced rows row | row `elem` rows = False | otherwise = all (\(r, c) -> abs (row - r) /= abs (col - c)) $ zip rows cols where col = n - numPlaced cols = [col + 1 .. n] -- knightsTour :: Int -> ((Int, Int) -> Int -> Bool) -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)] knightsTour n isDone = go Set.empty where go visited pos | isDone pos (Set.size visited) = [pos] | otherwise = Mb.maybe [] (pos :) ys where xs = filter (`Set.notMember` visited) $ moves pos -- Warnsdorff's rule - choose the next position -- with the fewest onward moves. nexts = L.sortOn (length . moves) xs ys = L.find (not . null) $ map (go (Set.insert pos visited)) nexts moves (i, j) = [ (i', j') | (dx, dy) <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)], i' <- [i + dx, i - dx], j' <- [j + dy, j - dy], Ix.inRange ((1, 1), (n, n)) (i', j') ] {- Problem 91: (**) Knight's tour. How can a knight jump on an NxN chessboard in such a way that it visits every square exactly once? There are two variants of this problem: 1. find a tour ending at a particular square 2. find a circular tour, ending a knight's jump from the start (clearly it doesn't matter where you start, so choose (1,1)) -} knightsTo :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)] -- const :: a -> b -> a -- When const f, where f is a boolean function a -> Bool ==> b -> a -> Bool -- which means the boolean function will operate on the 2nd argument. knightsTo n = reverse . knightsTour n (const (n * n - 1 ==)) closedKnights :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] closedKnights n = knightsTour n isDone (1, 1) where isDone pos k = pos `elem` [(2, 3), (3, 2)] && k == n * n - 1 {- Problem 92: (***) Von Koch's conjecture. It has been conjectured that if graph G is a tree with n vertices, and thus n-1 edges, then there is a graceful labeling of the tree. This means that there is a way to label each vertex with an integer from 1 to n such that there is an edge whose difference in vertex labels is between 1 and n-1. There is no known counterexample, but neither is it proven that this is true for all trees. Example: n=7 ┌──┐ 6 2 ┌──┐ 1 ┌──┐ │1 ├────────┐ ┌────────┤5 ├──────┤4 │ └──┘ │ │ └──┘ └──┘ ┌─┴┐ 4 ┌┴─┐ │ 7├─────┤3 │ └─┬┘ └┬─┘ ┌──┐ 5 │ │ 3 ┌──┐ │2 ├────────┘ └────────┤6 │ └──┘ └──┘ ANSWER: TODO. -} {- Problem 93: (***) An arithmetic puzzle. Given a list of positive integer numbers, find a correct way of inserting the arithmetic signs such that the result is a correct equation. For example, with the list of numbers [2,3,5,7,11], we can form the equations 2-3+5+7=11 or 2=(3*5+7)/11. The arithmetic signs to insert are: + : addition - : subtraction \* : multiplication / : division = : equality (, ) : parentheses Arithmetic operations are only binary, e.g., -4 should not be included. Division should be interpreted as operating on rationals, e.g., 3/5=6/10 but 3/5≠0, and division by zero should be avoided. Parentheses should be inserted only when the default precedence rules need to be overridden. Equality should be inserted exactly once. ANSWER: TODO. -} {- Problem 94: (***) Generate K-regular simple graphs with N nodes. In a k-regular graph, all vertexes have a degree of k, i.e., the number of edges incident in each vertex is k. How many non-isomorphic 3-regular graphs with 6 vertexes are there? ANSWER: TODO. -}