= Preview Table Scroll Example Scrolling the preview doesn't match up with an AsciiDoc table. [cols="2,4,1,2,2,4"] |=== | Product | Description | | Owner | Status | Notes .3+| Apple .3+| Red. | *Data* | Owen Agerwaal | | | *Logic* | Owen Agerwaal | | | *UI/UX* | Luigi Badescu | | .3+| Banana .3+| Yellow. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Carrot .3+| Orange. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Durian .3+| Spiky. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Eggplant .3+| Purple. | *Data* | John Jacobs | Working, under review. | *Path:* projects > math > complex > conjugate Needs optimization. | *Logic* | Lina Johnson | Working | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Fava bean .3+| Greeny beany. | *Data* | Mr. Bob | Pretty far along | Goes great with salt. | *Logic* | Fred | | | *UI/UX* | Irving | | .2+| Grape .2+| Sweet. Green or red/purple. Sometimes tastes like cotton candy. | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Hazelnut .3+| Nutritious. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Iboga .3+| Psychedelic. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Jackfruit .3+| Like a fig. | *Data* | Marvin | Blasting into outer space. | | *Logic* | Minerva | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Key lime .3+| Great for pie. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Lemon .3+| Pretty tree, sweet flower, inedible fruit. | *Data* | Peter | | | *Logic* | Paul | | | *UI/UX* | Mary | | .3+| Mango .3+| Gets stuck between your teeth. Other than that, it's the best. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Naranja .3+| Orange. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Orange .3+| Anaranjado. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Papaya .3+| Tastes great when dried. | *Data* | Mamaya | | | *Logic* | Sonja | | | *UI/UX* | Daughterja | | .3+| Quince .3+| Quince-idence? I think not. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Raspberry .3+| | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Strawberry .3+| Why's it called that? Do they surround the plant with straw in the field? But what if it's growing in the mountains? | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Tangerine .3+| Orange. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Urava .3+| Very sour. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Vanilla .3+| Yum! | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Watermelon .3+| Arguably the best artificial flavor. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Xiangjiao .3+| Basically a banana. | *Data* | | | *Path:* a > b > c This is so much fun. | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Yumberry .3+| Grows in China. | *Data* | | | *Path:* x > y > z | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | .3+| Zwetschge .3+| Hard to spell. | *Data* | | | | *Logic* | | | | *UI/UX* | | | |===