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Magento2 Module for Reevoo Reviews by OrviSoft Inc.


Main Functionalities

This module serves the easy to use integration for Reevoo in Magento 2. Though this is not an official integration provided by Reevoo, but you can get its fully integration based on this module on fly.


* = in production please use the --keep-generated option

Type 1: Zip file

  • Unzip the zip file in app/code/OrviSoft/Reevoo
  • Enable the module by running php bin/magento module:enable OrviSoft_Reevoo
  • Apply database updates by running php bin/magento setup:upgrade*
  • Flush the cache by running php bin/magento cache:flush

Type 2: Composer (Temporarily not available)

  • Make the module available in a composer repository for example:
    • private repository
    • public repository
    • public github repository as vcs
  • Add the composer repository to the configuration by running composer config composer
  • Install the module composer by running composer require orvisoft/module-reevoo
  • enable the module by running php bin/magento module:enable OrviSoft_Reevoo
  • apply database updates by running php bin/magento setup:upgrade*
  • Flush the cache by running php bin/magento cache:flush


  • Enable (revoo/option/enable)

  • Select Attribute (revoo/option/attribute)

  • Page Page Reviews (revoo/option/per_page)

  • Partner ID (revoo/option/partner_id)

  • Enable Product Feed (revoo/option/enable_product_feed)

  • Enable Purchaser Feed (revoo/option/enable_purchaser_feed)

  • Enable Feeds (revoo/feed_settings/enable)

  • Feed Path (revoo/feed_settings/feed_path)

  • sFTP Host (revoo/feed_settings/ftp_host)

  • sFTP User (revoo/feed_settings/ftp_user)

  • sFTP Password (revoo/feed_settings/ftp_pass)

  • Cronjob Freequency (revoo/cronjob/frequency)

  • Start Time (revoo/cronjob/time)


  • Cronjob

    • revoo-feed-job
  • Helper

    • OrviSoft\Reevoo\Helper\Productreviews
    • OrviSoft\Reevoo\Helper\Feed
  • Block

    • Product\View\Reviews > product/view/reviews.phtml
  • Block

    • Product\Productlist\Reviews > product/list/reviews.phtml
  • Block

    • Js > javascript.phtml

Adjustment in theme

This module generally comes up with little or no configuration requirements, however this module is very flexible to made necessory changes per your theme.

  • For product view page, you can modify the file layout/catalog_product_view.xml

  • For product list view page, you need to modify your app/design/frontend/{YOUR-PACKAGE}/{YOUR_THEME}/Magento_Catalog/templates/product/list.phtml and made necessory changes as below.

// add helper somewhere on top of the file.
<?php $_reevoo_helper = $this->helper('OrviSoft\Reevoo\Helper\Productreviews'); ?>

// This will help you call the reviews within your product list loop.
<?php echo $_reevoo_helper->getReviewPerProduct($_product); ?>