diff --git a/guides/common/modules/proc_troubleshooting-remote-jobs-timing-out-after-yggdrasil-update.adoc b/guides/common/modules/proc_troubleshooting-remote-jobs-timing-out-after-yggdrasil-update.adoc new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c0406f81802 --- /dev/null +++ b/guides/common/modules/proc_troubleshooting-remote-jobs-timing-out-after-yggdrasil-update.adoc @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +[id="troubleshooting-remote-jobs-timing-out-after-yggdrails-update"] += Troubleshooting: Remote jobs timing out after `yggdrasil` update + +On hosts that have weak dependencies disabled and are configured to use the `yggdrasil` pull client, remote jobs can start failing due to timeouts after the `yggdrasil` package has been updated to version 0.4.z or later. + +The pull-based transport configuration relies on the Yggdrasil service and differs based on the version of the `yggdrasil` package that is installed on the host. +For pull-based remote execution mode to work correctly after `yggdrasil` version 0.4.z is installed on the host, the Yggdrasil client configuration must be updated. +Installing the `foreman_ygg_migration` package on the host ensures that {Project} applies the required changes to Yggdrasil configuration. + +On hosts with weak dependencies enabled, {Project} automatically installs the `foreman_ygg_migration` package. +No further steps are required. + +On hosts with weak dependencies disabled, you must install the `foreman_ygg_migration` package manually. + +.Procedure +. Determine which version of the `yggdrasil` package is installed on the host: ++ +[options="nowrap", subs="+quotes,verbatim,attributes"] +---- +$ rpm --query yggdrasil +---- +. If your host has `yggdrasil` version 0.4.z or later installed, the `yggdrasil` and `com.redhat.Yggdrasil1.Worker1.foreman` services are expected to be running. +Check the status of these services: ++ +[options="nowrap", subs="+quotes,verbatim,attributes"] +---- +# systemctl status yggdrasil com.redhat.Yggdrasil1.Worker1.foreman +---- ++ +If the above services are not running, it means that Yggdrasil might not be configured correctly. +. Install the `foreman_ygg_migration` package manually: ++ +[options="nowrap", subs="+quotes,verbatim,attributes"] +---- +# dnf install foreman_ygg_migration +---- ++ +Installing `foreman_ygg_migration` ensures that {Project} applies the required Yggdrasil configuration changes and enables remote execution in pull mode to work as expected. + +.Verification +. Check the status of the Yggdrasil services again: ++ +[options="nowrap", subs="+quotes,verbatim,attributes"] +---- +# systemctl status yggdrasil com.redhat.Yggdrasil1.Worker1.foreman +---- ++ +These services should now be running. diff --git a/guides/doc-Managing_Hosts/master.adoc b/guides/doc-Managing_Hosts/master.adoc index 4efcd198edc..e38f08f60d4 100644 --- a/guides/doc-Managing_Hosts/master.adoc +++ b/guides/doc-Managing_Hosts/master.adoc @@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ include::common/assembly_managing-packages.adoc[leveloffset=+1] :numbered!: +[appendix] +include::common/modules/proc_troubleshooting-remote-jobs-timing-out-after-yggdrasil-update.adoc[leveloffset=+1] + [appendix] include::common/assembly_template-writing-reference.adoc[leveloffset=+1]