__author__ = 'David Herrera <david.herrera@noirlab.edu>, Robert Nikutta <robert.nikutta@noirlab.edu> and the Astro Data Lab Team <datalab@noirlab.edu>'
+__version__ = '20250109' # yyyymmdd
+__datasets__ = ['ls_dr6','ls_dr7','ls_dr8','ls_dr9','allwise']
+__keywords__ = ['extragalactic','galaxies','joint query','legacy survey','desi']
+__nbid__ = 'nb0068'
This notebook reproduces several figures from the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys (LS) overview paper (Dey et al., 2019). It uses catalogs from LS Data Releases 6, 7 (both showcased in the paper), and the newer DR 8 and 9, as well as from the AllWISE survey. All tables are hosted at Astro Data Lab and are queried using the Data Lab TAP service.
The DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys are a set of photometric surveys conducted for target identification for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey, currently underway on the NOIRLab/Kitt Peak Mayall 4m telescope. Once finished, the DESI Survey will feature up to 40 million individual galaxy spectra, and help answer questions about the nature of Dark Energy in the universe.
+The Legacy Imaging Surveys comprise three individual surveys:
- Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey (DECaLS) +
- Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS) +
- Mayall z-band Legacy Survey (MzLS) +
of the Northern sky, collected on the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) and the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO). Jointly these surveys have imaged over 14,000 square degrees in the g, r, and z bands.
+In this notebook we will reproduce several figures from the overview paper:
- Fig 2: Query the catalogs for LS healpixel positions and construct an all-sky map (from LS DR8) +
- Fig 8: Comparing the distributions of WISE W1 magnitudes extracted from the AllWISE survey, and forced photometry using the LS pipeline (from LS DR7, AllWISE) +
- Fig 15: Compare the distribution of PSF depth for point sources (from LS DR6, 7, 9) +
- Fig 16: Query and plot the color-color distribution of sources using the g, r, and z magnitudes (from LS DR7) +
We used catalogs from the DESI Legacy Imaging Survey DR6, DR7 (both now retired from Data Lab), DR8 & DR9 (the latest more complete and stable DR), and AllWISE.
+Disclaimer & attribution¶
Please note that using the Astro Data Lab and its resources is covered by some minimal Disclaimers.
If you use Astro Data Lab in your published research, please include the text in your paper's Acknowledgments section:
+This research uses services or data provided by the Astro Data Lab, which is part of the Community Science and Data Center (CSDC) Program of NSF NOIRLab. NOIRLab is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc. under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. National Science Foundation.
+If you use SPARCL jointly with the Astro Data Lab platform (via JupyterLab, command-line, or web interface) in your published research, please include this text below in your paper's Acknowledgments section:
+This research uses services or data provided by the SPectra Analysis and Retrievable Catalog Lab (SPARCL) and the Astro Data Lab, which are both part of the Community Science and Data Center (CSDC) Program of NSF NOIRLab. NOIRLab is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc. under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. National Science Foundation.
+In either case please cite the following papers:
Data Lab concept paper: Fitzpatrick et al., "The NOAO Data Laboratory: a conceptual overview", SPIE, 9149, 2014, https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2057445
+Astro Data Lab overview: Nikutta et al., "Data Lab - A Community Science Platform", Astronomy and Computing, 33, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ascom.2020.100411
If you are referring to the Data Lab JupyterLab / Jupyter Notebooks, cite:
- Juneau et al., "Jupyter-Enabled Astrophysical Analysis Using Data-Proximate Computing Platforms", CiSE, 23, 15, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1109/MCSE.2021.3057097 +
If publishing in a AAS journal, also add the keyword: \facility{Astro Data Lab}
And if you are using SPARCL, please also add \software{SPARCL}
and cite:
- Juneau et al., "SPARCL: SPectra Analysis and Retrievable Catalog Lab", Conference Proceedings for ADASS XXXIII, 2024 +https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.05576 +
The NOIRLab Library maintains lists of proper acknowledgments to use when publishing papers using the Lab's facilities, data, or services.
+Imports and setup¶
We first import several standard Python packages used in this notebook, and the Data Lab query client and authentication client.
+# std lib
+from getpass import getpass
+# 3rd party
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib import colors
+%matplotlib inline
+import healpy as hp
+from astropy.table import Table
+from astropy import units as u
+# Data Lab
+from dl import queryClient as qc, authClient as ac
Some of Data Lab's services require that the user be logged in. We obtain a valid login token:
Much of the functionality of Data Lab can be accessed without explicitly logging in (the service then uses an anonymous login). But some capacities, for instance saving the results of your queries to your virtual storage space, require a login (i.e. you will need a registered user account).
+If you need to log in to Data Lab, un-comment the cell below and execute it:
+#token = ac.login(input("Enter user name: (+ENTER) "),getpass("Enter password: (+ENTER) "))
Fig. 2 - Sky coverage of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys¶
An all-sky map showing the survey coverage can be constructed by querying the survey object table for the complete list of healpixels (which are uniquely numbered) that contain sources. A source density map can be easily constructed if we also count the number of sources per healpixel.
+In contrast to the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys overview paper we will use LS DR8 here (up from DR7) because it contains more data in the Northern hemisphere (from the MLzS and BASS surveys).
+# This will run for about 3-4 minutes
+query_fig2 = "SELECT nest4096, COUNT(nest4096) AS n FROM ls_dr8.tractor GROUP BY nest4096"
+dfm = qc.query(query_fig2,timeout=600,fmt='pandas')
Next let's define a few helper functions for computing the survey area, and the sky map:
+def compute_survey_area(df,res=12):
+ """Determine the size of a healpixel in DataFrame `df`,
+ and the total area covered by all healpixels.
+ Params:
+ -------
+ df : DataFrame
+ DataFrame containing the healpixels of the survey.
+ res : int
+ Healpixel resolution (as level; nside = 2**res)
+ Returns:
+ --------
+ areapix : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
+ Size of one healpixel area in `df`, in square degrees.
+ areasurvey : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
+ The sum of all unique healpixels in `df` (the survey area), in square degrees.
+ """
+ areasky = ((360*u.deg)**2)/np.pi
+ nside = 2**res
+ npix = 12*nside**2
+ areapix = areasky / npix
+ areasurvey = df.shape[0]*areapix
+ return areapix, areasurvey
+def compute_healpix_map(df,areapix,newnside=None):
+ """Compute a healpix map from a two columns in a DataFrame.
+ Params:
+ -------
+ df : DataFrame
+ Must contain a nest4096 column (the nest4096 healpixel number, and n, the source count in that healpixel.
+ areapix : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
+ Size of one healpixel area in `df`. `areapix` is one of the return values of `func:compute_survey_area`.
+ newnsize : int
+ If `newnside` is not None, the healpix map will be resampled. Values for `newnside` are powers of 2,
+ and typically are, e.g., 512,1024,2048, etc.
+ Returns:
+ --------
+ tmap : np.array
+ The healpixel map as a 2D numpy array.
+ """
+ tmap = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(4096))
+ tmap[df['nest4096']] = df['n']/areapix
+ if newnside is not None:
+ tmap = hp.ud_grade(tmap,newnside,order_in='NESTED',order_out='NESTED')
+ return tmap
Given the DataFrame dfm with our healpixels and their counts, let's compute the survey area, healpixel area, and the sky map:
+areapix, areasurvey = compute_survey_area(dfm)
+m = compute_healpix_map(dfm,areapix)
Now, we finally plot our map
+# Here we plot the map
+fig2 = hp.projview(
+ m,
+ norm='hist',
+ projection_type='mollweide',
+ rot=(-90,0,0),
+ coord='C',
+ nest=True,
+ cmap='Blues',
+ graticule=True,
+ graticule_labels=True,
+ custom_xtick_labels=["30","330","270","210","150"],
+ unit=r'Object Density per square degree'
Fig. 8 - LS and WISE mid-infrared (W1) photometry comparisons¶
The Legacy Survey produced forced photometry measurements with The Tractor code. In the following plot, we compare it to the 'native' WISE photometry from the AllWISE survey.
+First, we obtain the positions and W1 magnitudes of all sources in the same 5x5 square degree patch of the sky, both from the LS DR7 object table named 'tractor', and the AllWISE object table named 'source'.
+A few note of interest:
LS data releases 7 and lower have been retired from Data Lab, since they have been superseded by later DRs. For the purpose of this notebook, and to reproduce figures from the DESI Imaging Legacy Survey overview paper, Data Lab does maintain a few earlier LS tables in a database schema called 'nbdata'.
+In our queries we will also reject rows where the W1 magnitudes are 'nan' -- undefined.
+We will save the results of the two first queries as tables in MyDB, our remote database system for your own tables.
+Finally, note that because AllWISE reports magnitudes in the Vega system, and LS in the AB system, we apply a zero-point shift of 2.699 mags for W1 in the LS query to bring its W1 magnitudes to the Vega system.
Define the min and max RA and Dec value for the sky patch
+ramin, ramax = 150, 155
+decmin, decmax = 10, 15
Define the LS query as an SQL string
+qls = """SELECT ra,dec,mag_w1 - 2.699 AS mag_w1
+FROM nbdata.nb0068_lsdr7_tractor
+AND dec BETWEEN %d AND %d
+AND mag_w1 != 'nan'""" % (ramin,ramax,decmin,decmax)
SELECT ra,dec,mag_w1 - 2.699 AS mag_w1 +FROM nbdata.nb0068_lsdr7_tractor +WHERE ra BETWEEN 150 AND 155 +AND dec BETWEEN 10 AND 15 +AND mag_w1 != 'nan' ++
Let's execute this query. With a 5x5 square degree patch it should run just about 10-15 seconds:
+# Save to mydb the table with all LS W1 measurements in our sky patch.
+# drop=True will first delete a table in MyDB, should one with the same name already exist.
Soon we will JOIN (on a positional index) this table and the one resulting from the AllWISE query. It's a good idea to compute the index now. Data Lab uses Q3C for spatial indexing:
+# Args are: name of table in MyDB, coordinate column names that contain RA and Dec,
+# and whether to cluster the table on the new Q3C index
Let's now load this table into memory as a Pandas DataFrame
+dfls = qc.query("select * from mydb://lstab",fmt='pandas')
How many rows and columns does this table contain?
(1332446, 3)+
Let's take a look at the first five rows
+ | ra | +dec | +mag_w1 | +
0 | +150.249112 | +10.001329 | +15.096534 | +
1 | +150.253003 | +10.000394 | +16.175163 | +
2 | +150.258017 | +10.000163 | +19.206575 | +
3 | +150.261400 | +10.000670 | +20.411222 | +
4 | +150.272552 | +10.000478 | +16.072210 | +
We now define, run, save to MyDB, index, and load into memory a similar query on the AllWISE object table (called 'source')
+qaw = """SELECT ra,dec,w1mpro
+FROM allwise.source
+AND dec BETWEEN %d AND %d
+AND w1mpro != 'nan'
+""" % (ramin,ramax,decmin,decmax)
SELECT ra,dec,w1mpro +FROM allwise.source +WHERE ra BETWEEN 150 AND 155 +AND dec BETWEEN 10 AND 15 +AND w1mpro != 'nan' + ++
dfaw = qc.query("select * from mydb://allwisetab",fmt='pandas')
(335060, 3)+
We can already see that LS DR8 contains over 4x as many sources with valid W1 magnitudes as AllWISE (in this particular sky patch).
+Let's now define and run a query that positinally joins the two tables we just saved to MyDB. This uses the Q3C index (which is very fast), and the resulting table contains the W1 magnitudes from both tables, but only for (RA,Dec) positions that are less than one arcsecond apart from each other in both tables.
+qx = """SELECT l.mag_w1, a.w1mpro
+FROM mydb://lstab AS l, mydb://allwisetab AS a
+WHERE Q3C_JOIN(a.ra,a.dec,l.ra,l.dec,1/3600.)
SELECT l.mag_w1, a.w1mpro +FROM mydb://lstab AS l, mydb://allwisetab AS a +WHERE Q3C_JOIN(a.ra,a.dec,l.ra,l.dec,1/3600.) + ++
dfx = qc.query(qx,timeout=600,fmt='pandas')
(239310, 2)+
There are over 239k rows in our crossmatched / joined table. The first few rows:
+ | mag_w1 | +w1mpro | +
0 | +16.175163 | +16.090 | +
1 | +16.072210 | +15.919 | +
2 | +17.539886 | +17.422 | +
3 | +16.663936 | +16.649 | +
4 | +16.899995 | +16.997 | +
This table may contain a few invalid entries (NaNs, Infs). Let's remove them:
+dfx.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan, inplace=True)
+dfx.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
(239302, 2)+
We can now plot both panels of Fig. 8 in the overview paper.
+The left panel plots the W1 magnitudes of the same objects from AllWISE on the x-axis and from LS on the y-axis. This is why we needed these W1 measurements to be cross-matched positionally on the sky.
+The right panel shows the histograms of all sources found in the same sky patch in both surveys. LS extracted forced photometry measurements, hence detecting more sources, and specifically those fainter than the native detection limit of WISE.
+plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
+fig, (ax0,ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (14, 6))
+# LEFT panel: W1 mags from LS vs AllWISE
+nbins = 100
+ax0.axline([0,0], c='black', slope=1, linewidth=0.2)
+ax0.set(xlabel='AllWISE W1 mag', ylabel='Legacy Survey Forced-Photometry W1 mag');
+# RIGHT panel: W1 distribitions for all sources in the same skypatch in either survey
+bins = np.arange(10.,23.0001,0.1)
+ax1.hist(dfaw['w1mpro'],bins=bins,histtype='step',color='blue',lw=2,label='AllWISE Catalog',zorder=1)
+ax1.hist(dfls['mag_w1'],bins=bins,histtype='step',color='blue',lw=5,alpha=0.3,label='Legacy Survey Forced',zorder=0)
+ax1.set(xlabel='W1 Magnitude', ylabel='Number of sources')
+ax1.legend(loc='lower left',frameon=False);
Note that in both panels we are plotting only the objects from a 5x5 area of the sky, while Fig. 8 in the overview paper shows the entire survey areas. Thus our absolute numbers are smaller, but the overall trends are very similar.
+Fig. 15 - Survey depth for point sources¶
Now, we will calculate the depth for point sources in DRs 6, 7, and 9 for each band g, r, z following the prescription in the original paper. Our queries will be against the 'bricks' tables -- survey summary tables which contain information, for instance, on the number of sources detected in each "brick".
+We first define some minimum requirements for each query:
+nmin = 1000 # Required minimum number of objects in a brick
+npix = 0.9*900.*900. # Requires that 90% of the image are to contain >= 3 exposures:
Two helper functions will help us run the queries efficiently
+def get_colnames(band,cols=(1,2,3,4,5,6)):
+ """Constructs the approproate column names in the bricks table, for all bands."""
+ pattern = 'nexphist_%s_%d'
+ colnames = [pattern % (band,col) for col in cols]
+ return colnames
def run_query(table,band='g'):
+ """Construct and run query for single DR and single band. Return psfdepth."""
+ print("Running query for table '%s' and band '%s'" % (table,band))
+ colsall = '+'.join(get_colnames(band,(1,2,3,4,5,6)))
+ colsgt3 = '+'.join(get_colnames(band,(4,5,6)))
+ q = """SELECT psfdepth_%s AS psfdepth FROM
+ (SELECT *, t1.sumgt3 / NULLIF(t1.sumall,0.) AS frac FROM
+ (SELECT nexp_%s, psfdepth_%s, nobjs, %s AS sumall, %s AS sumgt3 FROM %s) AS t1
+ WHERE nexp_%s >= 3
+ AND nobjs >= %d
+ AND sumall > %d) AS t2
+ WHERE frac > 0.9
+ """ % (band,band,band,colsall,colsgt3,table,band,nmin,npix)
+ df = qc.query(q,fmt='pandas')
+ return df
We execute the query for each combination of band (g,r,z) and data release (6,7,9), and collect the resulting psfdepth tables (single column each) in a list:
+bands = ('g','r','z')
+tables = ('nbdata.nb0068_lsdr6_bricks_dr6','nbdata.nb0068_lsdr7_bricks_dr7','ls_dr9.bricks_s')
+drs = ('DR6','DR7','DR9')
+psfdepths = [] # to gather bands, drs, and results
+for b in bands:
+ for jt,t in enumerate(tables):
+ df = run_query(table=t,band=b)
+ psfdepths.append((b,t,drs[jt],df))
Running query for table 'nbdata.nb0068_lsdr6_bricks_dr6' and band 'g' +Running query for table 'nbdata.nb0068_lsdr7_bricks_dr7' and band 'g' +Running query for table 'ls_dr9.bricks_s' and band 'g' +Running query for table 'nbdata.nb0068_lsdr6_bricks_dr6' and band 'r' +Running query for table 'nbdata.nb0068_lsdr7_bricks_dr7' and band 'r' +Running query for table 'ls_dr9.bricks_s' and band 'r' +Running query for table 'nbdata.nb0068_lsdr6_bricks_dr6' and band 'z' +Running query for table 'nbdata.nb0068_lsdr7_bricks_dr7' and band 'z' +Running query for table 'ls_dr9.bricks_s' and band 'z' ++
And finally we can plot the point source 5-sigma depth curve for each band and survey:
+fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
+for (b,t,dr,df) in psfdepths:
+ linecolors = {'g':'blue','r':'red','z':'orange'}
+ linestyles = {'DR6':'--','DR7':'-','DR9':':'}
+ n = df.size
+ x = np.sort(df['psfdepth'])
+ y = np.array(range(n))/float(n)
+ label = "%s %s" % (dr,b)
+ plt.plot(x,y,color=linecolors[b],ls=linestyles[dr],lw=1,drawstyle='steps-pre',label=label)
+plt.legend(loc='lower right',frameon=False)
+plt.xlabel('AB magnitude')
+plt.ylabel('Cumulative fraction')
Compare this to Fig. 15 in the overview paper. Note how the point-source depths for DR9 (not available at the time of publication of the overview paper) go deeper than DR7 by about 0.5-1 magnitudes in all bands.
+Fig. 16 - Color-color distributions by object type¶
In this section, we want to plot color-color distributions of sources in LS DR7 classified by the pipeline as either PSF (point-like sources), EXP (exponential disk; spiral galaxies), or DEV (de Vaucouleurs profile; elliptical galaxies).
+We construct a query string that will return a set number of rows with three colors and the source type as columns. We also exclude NaN and Inf-valued entries. Finally to ensure a randomly selected sample on the sky, we request (using random_id) that the sample members are randomly selected on the sky.
+query_fig16a = """SELECT r_z, g_r, z_w1, type
+FROM nbdata.nb0068_lsdr7_tractor
+WHERE (type = 'EXP' OR type = 'DEV' OR type = 'PSF')
+AND (r_z != 'inf' AND r_z != 'nan')
+AND (g_r != 'inf' AND g_r != 'nan')
+AND (z_w1 != 'inf' AND z_w1 != 'nan')
+AND random_id BETWEEN 11. AND 12.
+LIMIT 300000
SELECT r_z, g_r, z_w1, type +FROM nbdata.nb0068_lsdr7_tractor +WHERE (type = 'EXP' OR type = 'DEV' OR type = 'PSF') +AND (r_z != 'inf' AND r_z != 'nan') +AND (g_r != 'inf' AND g_r != 'nan') +AND (z_w1 != 'inf' AND z_w1 != 'nan') +AND random_id BETWEEN 11. AND 12. +LIMIT 300000 + ++
Run the query:
+df = qc.query(sql=query_fig16a, fmt='pandas')
+ | r_z | +g_r | +z_w1 | +type | +
0 | +0.079756 | +0.353277 | +-1.703598 | +PSF | +
1 | +0.949818 | +1.429455 | +0.788786 | +EXP | +
2 | +1.057819 | +0.778284 | +1.160572 | +EXP | +
3 | +0.315361 | +0.660346 | +-1.128406 | +PSF | +
4 | +0.961868 | +1.750929 | +0.748854 | +DEV | +
We can now plot our the color-color distribution, separated by object classification, as 2D histograms with overlaid contours:
+# Helper function to plot a single panel
+def plot_panel(ax,df,typ,xcolor,ycolor,xlims,ylims,xlabel=None,ylabel=None):
+ # Boolean selection by galaxy type
+ cond = (df['type'] == typ)
+ x = df[xcolor][cond]
+ y = df[ycolor][cond]
+ h, x_edges, y_edges, im = ax.hist2d(x,y,bins=400,norm=colors.Normalize(),cmap='Greys')
+ x_centers = 0.5*(x_edges[1:] + x_edges[:-1])
+ y_centers = 0.5*(y_edges[1:] + y_edges[:-1])
+ levels = h.max()*np.array((0.03,0.07,0.2)) # contours at 3,7,20 percent of the peak
+ ax.contour(x_centers,y_centers,h.T,origin='lower',levels=levels,colors='k',linewidths=0.9)
+ ax.text(0.98,0.93,typ,transform=ax.transAxes,ha='right')
+ xlabel = xcolor.replace('_',' - ') if xlabel is None else xlabel
+ ax.set_xlabel(xlabel)
+ ylabel = ycolor.replace('_',' - ') if ylabel is None else ylabel
+ ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)
+ ax.set_xlim(xlims)
+ ax.set_ylim(ylims)
+# create figure
+fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize = (14, 10))
+plt.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.25, hspace = 0.25)
+# plot individual panels
Resources and references¶
Dey, A. et al. (2019, AJ, 157, 168), "Overview of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys" https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019AJ....157..168D/abstract