objc[726]: Class _TtC6SQLite6Backup is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LinkServices.framework/LinkServices (0x7690920c) and /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4830A802-34C7-4585-8095-451F21F14760/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App.app/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App (0x4d4f514). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[726]: Class _TtC6SQLite10Connection is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LinkServices.framework/LinkServices (0x795d5b88) and /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4830A802-34C7-4585-8095-451F21F14760/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App.app/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App (0x4d4f6a8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[726]: Class _TtC6SQLite9Statement is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LinkServices.framework/LinkServices (0x795d5a20) and /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4830A802-34C7-4585-8095-451F21F14760/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App.app/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App (0x4d4f7a8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[726]: Class _TtC6SQLite13DateFunctions is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LinkServices.framework/LinkServices (0x769091b0) and /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4830A802-34C7-4585-8095-451F21F14760/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App.app/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App (0x4d4ff60). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[726]: Class _TtC6SQLite12TableBuilder is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LinkServices.framework/LinkServices (0x76908f68) and /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4830A802-34C7-4585-8095-451F21F14760/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App.app/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App (0x4d50190). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. applicationDidFinishLaunching Adding plugin: AWSDataStorePlugin.AWSDataStorePlugin) Adding plugin: ) Configuring Configuration: nil No plugin found for configuration key `awsCognitoAuthPlugin`. Add a plugin for that key. Configure finished Initializing database connection: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/94B5BC1A-81AE-4B14-A2D8-6C04EF460307/Documents/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App.db Setting up 3 models Setting up 3 models Checking MutationSyncMetadata records, SQL: select (select count(1) as count from MutationSyncMetadata) as allRecords, (select count(1) as count from MutationSyncMetadata where id like '%|%') as newKeys No MutationSyncMetadata migration needed. Initializing database connection: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/94B5BC1A-81AE-4B14-A2D8-6C04EF460307/Documents/TestAmplifyGBIWatch Watch App.db Setting up 3 models Setting up 3 models Checking MutationSyncMetadata records, SQL: select (select count(1) as count from MutationSyncMetadata) as allRecords, (select count(1) as count from MutationSyncMetadata where id like '%|%') as newKeys No MutationSyncMetadata migration needed. event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.networkStatus" - context: nil ▿ data: Optional(AWSDataStorePlugin.NetworkStatusEvent(active: false)) ▿ some: AWSDataStorePlugin.NetworkStatusEvent - active: false event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.networkStatus" - context: nil ▿ data: Optional(AWSDataStorePlugin.NetworkStatusEvent(active: false)) ▿ some: AWSDataStorePlugin.NetworkStatusEvent - active: false pauseSubscriptions() pauseMutations() clearStateOutgoingMutations(storageAdapter:) [InitializeSubscription] initializeSubscriptions(api:storageAdapter:) Amplify started Received subscription: PassthroughSubject [8EE91AB6-95B0-44B8-AEAA-573D169FE297] - Try [1/1] [3371789C-B4BB-4F11-8E45-85EEFC115BBC] - Try [1/1] [D79BFD36-715F-4E2A-BDF2-36DA567A146F] - Try [1/1] Received subscription: PassthroughSubject Received subscription: PassthroughSubject [F41DC640-EF04-4B00-A2E5-381299B6B37F] - Try [1/1] [7402EB88-7310-40EA-9D54-459D102C0CB7] - Try [1/1] [D0A5AD79-C3F6-4701-A3BB-23B6154BD14A] - Try [1/1] [46FB6800-5ABA-4B92-853C-B81FBC51308D] - Try [1/1] [FAAD7879-C58A-49BA-AAF9-60CE9A3730D9] - Try [1/1] [945E6F36-EC45-4111-A219-41CAF12B8C34] - Try [1/1] [StarscreamAdapter] Starting connectivity timer for watchOS for 3s. [StarscreamAdapter] watchOS connectivity timer is up. [StarscreamAdapter] watchOS subscriptions not connected after 3s. [StarscreamAdapter] Manually send disconnect. [RealtimeConnectionProvider] on watchOS, received disconnect. ConnectionProviderError.connection ConnectionProviderError.connection ConnectionProviderError.connection ConnectionProviderError.connection ConnectionProviderError.connection ConnectionProviderError.connection ConnectionProviderError.connection ConnectionProviderError.connection ConnectionProviderError.connection [RealtimeConnectionProvider] all subscriptions removed, disconnecting websocket connection. APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil) APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil) [D79BFD36-715F-4E2A-BDF2-36DA567A146F] - Failed [F41DC640-EF04-4B00-A2E5-381299B6B37F] - Failed event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.subscriptionEstablished" - context: nil - data: nil Received completion: failure(DataStoreError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil)) Received completion: failure(DataStoreError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil)) event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.syncQueriesStarted" - context: nil ▿ data: Optional(AWSDataStorePlugin.SyncQueriesStartedEvent(models: ["Blog", "Comment", "Post"])) ▿ some: AWSDataStorePlugin.SyncQueriesStartedEvent ▿ models: 3 elements - "Blog" - "Comment" - "Post" APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil) [8EE91AB6-95B0-44B8-AEAA-573D169FE297] - Failed APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil) APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil) [7402EB88-7310-40EA-9D54-459D102C0CB7] - Failed [FAAD7879-C58A-49BA-AAF9-60CE9A3730D9] - Failed Received completion: failure(DataStoreError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil)) APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil) [945E6F36-EC45-4111-A219-41CAF12B8C34] - Failed APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil) [46FB6800-5ABA-4B92-853C-B81FBC51308D] - Failed APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil) [D0A5AD79-C3F6-4701-A3BB-23B6154BD14A] - Failed [InitializeSubscription.6] performInitialSync() APIError: Subscription item event failed with error: connection : This API uses low-level networking (websockets). Running on watchOS only works for specific circumstances. Caused by: connection(Optional("WatchOS Error"), nil) [3371789C-B4BB-4F11-8E45-85EEFC115BBC] - Failed Beginning initial sync Beginning sync for Blog [4EA5F6B6-DE24-4F3A-B052-A5B6013D03E2] - Try [1/1] Starting query EC5AFE08-07D4-480E-A7CA-A0027BA56D4A Starting network task for query EC5AFE08-07D4-480E-A7CA-A0027BA56D4A [Operation 4EA5F6B6-DE24-4F3A-B052-A5B6013D03E2] - Success Beginning sync for Post [0DA27BD0-AA70-4254-A0AA-03EF2DB27785] - Try [1/1] Starting query AF408475-393F-4A71-9831-16CEE3592DD5 Starting network task for query AF408475-393F-4A71-9831-16CEE3592DD5 event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.modelSynced" - context: nil ▿ data: Optional(AWSDataStorePlugin.ModelSyncedEvent(modelName: "Blog", isFullSync: true, isDeltaSync: false, added: 0, updated: 0, deleted: 0)) ▿ some: AWSDataStorePlugin.ModelSyncedEvent - modelName: "Blog" - isFullSync: true - isDeltaSync: false - added: 0 - updated: 0 - deleted: 0 total time: 0.05277775s [Operation 0DA27BD0-AA70-4254-A0AA-03EF2DB27785] - Success Beginning sync for Comment [8129565E-0DBC-4879-BFCA-BBDC7F7D9B99] - Try [1/1] Starting query ED5C42AA-9577-4930-916F-55952FABC073 Starting network task for query ED5C42AA-9577-4930-916F-55952FABC073 event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.modelSynced" - context: nil ▿ data: Optional(AWSDataStorePlugin.ModelSyncedEvent(modelName: "Post", isFullSync: true, isDeltaSync: false, added: 0, updated: 0, deleted: 0)) ▿ some: AWSDataStorePlugin.ModelSyncedEvent - modelName: "Post" - isFullSync: true - isDeltaSync: false - added: 0 - updated: 0 - deleted: 0 total time: 0.066291125s [Operation 8129565E-0DBC-4879-BFCA-BBDC7F7D9B99] - Success event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.syncStarted" - context: nil - data: nil Successfully finished sync activateCloudSubscriptions() event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.outboxStatus" - context: nil ▿ data: Optional(AWSDataStorePlugin.OutboxStatusEvent(isEmpty: true)) ▿ some: AWSDataStorePlugin.OutboxStatusEvent - isEmpty: true startMutationQueue(api:mutationEventPublisher:reconciliationQueue:) RemoteSyncEngine SyncEngineActive event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.modelSynced" - context: nil ▿ data: Optional(AWSDataStorePlugin.ModelSyncedEvent(modelName: "Comment", isFullSync: true, isDeltaSync: false, added: 0, updated: 0, deleted: 0)) ▿ some: AWSDataStorePlugin.ModelSyncedEvent - modelName: "Comment" - isFullSync: true - isDeltaSync: false - added: 0 - updated: 0 - deleted: 0 event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.syncQueriesReady" - context: nil - data: nil event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.ready" - context: nil - data: nil total time: 0.070376125s sendMutationToCloud(withAuthType:) Starting mutation 150C1509-75A2-462C-B8DC-1BB049D2B8A0 event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.outboxMutationEnqueued" - context: nil ▿ data: Optional(AWSDataStorePlugin.OutboxMutationEvent(modelName: "Comment", element: AWSDataStorePlugin.OutboxMutationEvent.OutboxMutationEventElement(model: TestAmplifyGBIWatch_Watch_App.Comment(id: "FCFA2BCE-7AF8-4254-ABDF-FF817FBF1375", _post: Amplify.LazyReference, content: "Content2 2023-11-06 16:05:52 +0000 up", createdAt: Optional(Amplify.Temporal.DateTime(foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000)), updatedAt: Optional(Amplify.Temporal.DateTime(foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000))), version: nil, lastChangedAt: nil, deleted: nil))) ▿ some: AWSDataStorePlugin.OutboxMutationEvent - modelName: "Comment" ▿ element: AWSDataStorePlugin.OutboxMutationEvent.OutboxMutationEventElement ▿ model: TestAmplifyGBIWatch_Watch_App.Comment - id: "FCFA2BCE-7AF8-4254-ABDF-FF817FBF1375" Starting network task for mutation 150C1509-75A2-462C-B8DC-1BB049D2B8A0 ▿ _post: Amplify.LazyReference #0 ▿ loadedState: Amplify.LazyReference.LoadedState.notLoaded ▿ notLoaded: (1 element) ▿ identifiers: Optional([Amplify.LazyReferenceIdentifier(name: "id", value: "54F8182B-A3B7-419C-AF32-0FADE1175E21")]) ▿ some: 1 element ▿ Amplify.LazyReferenceIdentifier - name: "id" - value: "54F8182B-A3B7-419C-AF32-0FADE1175E21" ▿ modelProvider: Amplify.AnyModelProvider - loadAsync: (Function) - getStateClosure: (Function) - encodeClosure: (Function) - content: "Content2 2023-11-06 16:05:52 +0000 up" ▿ createdAt: Optional(Amplify.Temporal.DateTime(foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000)) ▿ some: Amplify.Temporal.DateTime ▿ foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000 - timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 720979556.1340001 ▿ updatedAt: Optional(Amplify.Temporal.DateTime(foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000)) ▿ some: Amplify.Temporal.DateTime ▿ foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000 - timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 720979556.1340001 - version: nil - lastChangedAt: nil - deleted: nil total time: 0.0253375s [CascadeDelete.1] Deleting MutationEvent with identifiers: ["F3030F1C-BA41-4AA7-B9F3-24A2AB235B6A"] [CascadeDelete.3] Local cascade delete of MutationEvent successful! [CascadeDelete.4] sending a total of 1 delete mutations event ▿ Amplify.HubPayload - eventName: "DataStore.outboxMutationProcessed" - context: nil ▿ data: Optional(AWSDataStorePlugin.OutboxMutationEvent(modelName: "Comment", element: AWSDataStorePlugin.OutboxMutationEvent.OutboxMutationEventElement(model: TestAmplifyGBIWatch_Watch_App.Comment(id: "FCFA2BCE-7AF8-4254-ABDF-FF817FBF1375", _post: Amplify.LazyReference, content: "Content2 2023-11-06 16:05:52 +0000 up", createdAt: Optional(Amplify.Temporal.DateTime(foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000)), updatedAt: Optional(Amplify.Temporal.DateTime(foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000))), version: Optional(2), lastChangedAt: Optional(1700042239429), deleted: Optional(false)))) ▿ some: AWSDataStorePlugin.OutboxMutationEvent - modelName: "Comment" ▿ element: AWSDataStorePlugin.OutboxMutationEvent.OutboxMutationEventElement ▿ model: TestAmplifyGBIWatch_Watch_App.Comment - id: "FCFA2BCE-7AF8-4254-ABDF-FF817FBF1375" ▿ _post: Amplify.LazyReference #0 ▿ loadedState: Amplify.LazyReference.LoadedState.notLoaded ▿ notLoaded: (1 element) ▿ identifiers: Optional([Amplify.LazyReferenceIdentifier(name: "id", value: "54F8182B-A3B7-419C-AF32-0FADE1175E21")]) ▿ some: 1 element ▿ Amplify.LazyReferenceIdentifier - name: "id" - value: "54F8182B-A3B7-419C-AF32-0FADE1175E21" ▿ modelProvider: Amplify.AnyModelProvider - loadAsync: (Function) - getStateClosure: (Function) - encodeClosure: (Function) - content: "Content2 2023-11-06 16:05:52 +0000 up" ▿ createdAt: Optional(Amplify.Temporal.DateTime(foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000)) ▿ some: Amplify.Temporal.DateTime ▿ foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000 - timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 720979556.1340001 ▿ updatedAt: Optional(Amplify.Temporal.DateTime(foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000)) ▿ some: Amplify.Temporal.DateTime ▿ foundationDate: 2023-11-06 16:05:56 +0000 - timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 720979556.1340001 ▿ version: Optional(2) - some: 2 ▿ lastChangedAt: Optional(1700042239429) - some: 1700042239429 ▿ deleted: Optional(false) - some: false