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+# The `jsii` compiler (and `jsii-rosetta`) to follow TypeScript versioning
+* **Original Author(s)**: @RomainMuller
+* **Tracking Issue**: #374
+This RFC proposes to change the versioning scheme of the `jsii` compiler and
+`jsii-rosetta` to stop conforming to [semantic versioning][semver], and instead
+use the `major.minor` version of the [TypeScript] compiler it is built on.
+Other packages (such as `jsii-pacmak`, `@jsii/spec`, ...) are not affected by
+this proposal and will continue to conform to [semantic versioning][semver]. In
+particular, code generated by `jsii-pamcak` will continue to use the `1.x`
+release line of `@jsii/kernel`, `@jsii/runtime`, and the languages' runtime
+libraries, so as to remain completely backwards compatible.
+## Working Backwards
+### Release Notes entry
+Starting with this release, all packages in the *jsii* toolchain that internally
+use the [TypeScript] compiler (i.e: `jsii` and `jsii-rosetta`) will be released
+on a new release line that uses the same `major.minor` number as the
+[TypeScript] compiler they are built against. All other packages (such as
+`@jsii/spec`, `jsii-pacmak`, etc...) will continue to be released against the
+same `1.x` release line they are currently released in.
+The [TypeScript] compiler does not conform to [semantic versioning][semver]),
+and instead guarantees the absence of breaking changes within a given
+`major.minor` release line. We recommend developers model their dependencies on
+`jsii` and `jsii-rosetta` using a minor-pinned version range (e.g: `~4.9.0`) in
+order to avoid new [TypeScript] language versions breaking their codebases at
+undesirable times.
+New features will be introduced only in the *latest* `major.minor` release line
+of `jsii` and `jsii-rosetta` (typically corresponding to the current stable
+release of the [TypeScript] compiler). Breaking changes may be introduced with
+every new `major.minor` release line and will continue to be documented in the
+Users may need to modify their code when upgrading from one `major.minor` release
+line to another (addressing [TypeScript] language evolutions and `jsii` feature
+evolutions). While upgrading to the latest release line of `jsii` helps minimize
+the effort required for these updates, the release strategy allows developers to
+do so on their own schedule.
+This change is made to allow developers to benefit from the latest and greatest
+features of the [TypeScript] language without requiring the entire ecosystem to
+make the switch at the same time.
+BREAKING CHANGE: In order to allow developers to use the latest & greatest
+features of TypeScript, the `jsii` compiler and `jsii-rosetta` are now made
+in-line with those of the `typescript` compiler (e.g: `jsii@4.9.x` is built on
+TypeScript 4.9.x). Since the TypeScript compiler does not follow semantic
+versioning, we strongly recommend you upgrade your `devDependency` on `jsii` and
+`jsii-rosetta` to use a tilde range (e.g: `~4.9.0`) to be able to control when
+you migrate to future [TypeScript] language versions. New `jsii` and
+`jsii-rosetta` features will only be introduced in the _latest_ release line,
+while older release lines only receive bug fixes until they are declared
+### `README.md` for the `jsii` compiler
+In order to allow developers to access and leverage the latest and greatest of
+*TypeScript* language features, `jsii` compiler releases follow the `typescript`
+package releases. For example, `jsii` version `4.3.x` is built on top of version
+`4.3.x` of the `typescript` compiler.
+Going forward, new `jsii` compiler features will only be introduced in the
+_latest_ available release line (corresponding to the latest TypeScript
+version), while older release lines will only receive bug fixes until they reach
+> IMPORTANT: The `typescript` package does not follow semantic versioning.
+> Minor releases of the `typescript` compiler almost always include syntax
+> breaking changes together with new language features. Since `jsii` releases in
+> line with `typescript` minor lines, `jsii` does not adhere to semantic
+> versioning either.
+The `jsii` release notes for the initial release on each new *major.minor* line
+will include a link to the corresponding TypeScript release notes entry, and a
+description of any `jsii` breaking changes that may have been introduced with
+the release.
+When setting up a `jsii` project, we recommend pinning the dependency on the
+`jsii` compiler to the desired minor version line (which corresponds to the
+`typescript` release line), using a `~` SemVer range:
+ // ...
+ "devDependencies": {
+ // ...
+ "jsii": "~4.9.0",
+ // ...
+ },
+ // ...
+### `README.md` for the `jsii-rosetta` package
+In order to allow developers to access and leverage the latest and greatest of
+*TypeScript* language features, `jsii-rosetta` releases follow the `typescript`
+package releases. For example, `jsii-rosetta` version `4.9.x` is built on top of
+version `4.9.x` of the `typescript` compiler.
+Going forward, new `jsii-rosetta` features will only be introduced in the
+_latest_ available release line (corresponding to the latest TypeScript
+version), while older release lines will only receive bug fixes until they reach
+> IMPORTANT: The `typescript` package does not follow semantic versioning.
+> Minor releases of the `typescript` compiler almost always include syntax
+> breaking changes together with new language features. Since `jsii-rosetta`
+> releases in line with `typescript` minor lines, `jsii-rosetta` does not adhere
+> to semantic versioning either.
+The `jsii-rosetta` release notes for the initial release on each new
+*major.minor* line will include a link to the corresponding TypeScript release
+notes entry, and a description of any `jsii` breaking changes that may have been
+introduced with the release.
+When using `jsii-rosetta` in a project, we recommend pinning the dependency on
+`jsii-rosetta` to the desired minor version line (which corresponds to the
+`typescript` release line), using a `~` SemVer range:
+ // ...
+ "devDependencies": {
+ // ...
+ "jsii-rosetta": "~4.9.0",
+ // ...
+ },
+ // ...
+## Public FAQ
+> This section should include answers to questions readers will likely ask about
+> this release. Similar to the "working backwards", this section should be
+> written in a language as if the feature is now released.
+> The template includes a some common questions, feel free to add any questions
+> that might be relevant to this feature or omit questions that you feel are not
+> applicable.
+### What are we launching today?
+We are announcing a change in versioning strategy for the `jsii` compiler and
+`jsii-rosetta`. Starting today, new releases of the `jsii` and `jsii-rosetta`
+packages will use the same `major.minor` version as the [TypeScript] compiler
+they are built on. Other packages in the jsii toolchain (`jsii-pacmak`,
+`@jsii/spec`, ...) are unaffected by this change.
+Since the [TypeScript] compiler does not conform to [SemVer], future releases of
+the `jsii` compiler will not conform to [SemVer] either. In line with the
+[TypeScript] compiler versioning scheme, breaking changes may be introduced in
+any new release that updates the `major` or `minor` version, but **not** when
+only the `patch` level changed.
+This change enables `jsii` users to benefit from the latest and greatest
+features introduced in the [TypeScript] language as well as from performance
+improvements and bug fixes introduced in recent versions of [TypeScript],
+without requiring the entire ecosystem to update compiler versions at the same
+### Why should I use this feature?
+The new `jsii` versioning strategy gives developers more control over the
+[TypeScript] language version they are developing, without forcing an update
+schedule on them.
+Developers are free to decide when it is appropriate for them to upgrade their
+`jsii` dependency to a new `major.minor` version line, bringing in new
+[TypeScript] language features as well as performance improvements and bug
+### Do I need to use the same `jsii` version as my dependencies?
+The `jsii` compiler makes the due dilligence to ensure the artifacts produced
+(in particular, the `.d.ts` declarations files and the `.jsii` assemblies)
+remain compatible with previous versions, so that consumers of libraries need
+not update at the same time as their dependencies.
+### What happens to `jsii` v1?
+Version `1.0.0` of the `jsii` compiler was released over two years ago (in
+February 2020), and will transition to the *Maintenance* tier of the
+[AWS SDKs and Tools maintenance policy][aws-policy] 6 months after this release.
+During this initial 6 months period, `jsii` will continue to receive full
+support, including bug fixes and feature support, as it has in the past two
+Once it enters the *Maintenance* tier, it will only receive fixes for critical
+bugs and security issues. The `v1` release line will remain in *Maintenace* for
+12 months, after which it will transition into the *End-of-Life* tier.
+### What is the support policy for these new releases?
+Starting with release `4.9.0`, new features will only be added to the *current*
+release line (the *latest* `major.minor` stream), which corresponds to the
+currently active [TypeScript] release line.
+Critical bug fixes and security patches will be provided for previous release
+lines for 12 months, which covers 3 or 4 previous lines. Features will not be
+back-ported to non-current release lines.
+Previous release lines will be considered *end-of-life* 12 months after they
+were superceded by a new *current* line.
+Below is a chart of what this would have looked like if this proposal was
+enacted ahead of TypeScript 4.0 being released, and new `jsii` release lines
+were perfectly synchronized with TypeScript releases:
+ title Support Policy Example (assuming 1 year maintenance)
+ axisFormat %Y-%m
+ todayMarker off
+ section 1.x
+ Current :crit, 2020-01-01,2020-08-20
+ Active (6 months) :2020-08-20,2021-02-20
+ Maintenance (1 year) :2021-02-20,2022-02-20
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.0.x
+ Current :crit, 2020-08-20, 2020-11-19
+ Maintenance (1 year) :2021-11-19
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.1.x
+ Current :crit, 2020-11-19, 2021-02-23
+ Maintenance (1 year) :2022-02-23
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.2.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-02-23, 2021-05-26
+ Maintenance (1 year) :2022-05-26
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.3.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-05-26, 2021-08-26
+ Maintenance (1 year) :2022-08-26
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.4.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-08-26, 2021-11-17
+ Maintenance (1 year) :2022-11-17
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.5.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-11-17, 2022-02-28
+ Maintenance (1 year) :2023-02-28
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.6.x
+ Current :crit, 2022-02-28, 2022-05-24
+ Maintenance (1 year) :2023-05-24
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.7.x
+ Current :crit, 2022-05-24, 2022-08-25
+ Maintenance (1 year) :2023-08-25
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.8.x
+ Current :crit, 2022-08-25, 12w
+ %% 4.8 is the current TypeScript release at time of writing...
+Alternate Scenario (6 months maintenance)
+Shortening the maintenance window to 6 months instead of 12 allows reducing the
+amount of previous lines that are maintained at any given time to 2 to 3, at the
+expense of increased pressure on customers to migrate to newer versions.
+ title Support Policy Example (assuming 6 months maintenance)
+ axisFormat %Y-%m
+ todayMarker off
+ section 1.x
+ Current :crit, 2020-01-01,2020-08-20
+ Active (6 months) :2020-08-20,2021-02-20
+ Maintenance (6 months) :2021-02-20,2021-08-20
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.0.x
+ Current :crit, 2020-08-20, 2020-11-19
+ Maintenance (6 months) :2021-05-19
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.1.x
+ Current :crit, 2020-11-19, 2021-02-23
+ Maintenance (6 months) :2021-08-23
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.2.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-02-23, 2021-05-26
+ Maintenance (6 months) :2021-11-26
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.3.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-05-26, 2021-08-26
+ Maintenance (6 months) :2022-02-26
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.4.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-08-26, 2021-11-17
+ Maintenance (6 months) :2022-05-17
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.5.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-11-17, 2022-02-28
+ Maintenance (6 months) :2022-08-28
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.6.x
+ Current :crit, 2022-02-28, 2022-05-24
+ Maintenance (6 months) :2022-11-24
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.7.x
+ Current :crit, 2022-05-24, 2022-08-25
+ Maintenance (6 months) :2023-02-25
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.8.x
+ Current :crit, 2022-08-25, 12w
+ %% 4.8 is the current TypeScript release at time of writing...
+Alternate Scenario (current + previous)
+Adopting a maintenace policy similar to that of the Go compiler toolchain
+guarantees only one previous release line needs maintenance at any given time,
+as this is the gist of the maintenance policy:
+> We support the past two *TypeScript* releases. For example, 4.7 a,d 4.8 when
+> 4.8 is the latest active release.
+ title Support Policy Example (current + previous)
+ axisFormat %Y-%m
+ todayMarker off
+ section 1.x
+ Current :crit, 2020-01-01,2020-08-20
+ Active (6 months) :2020-08-20,2021-02-20
+ Maintenance (1 year) :2021-02-20,2022-02-20
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.0.x
+ Current :crit, 2020-08-20, 2020-11-19
+ Maintenance :2021-02-23
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.1.x
+ Current :crit, 2020-11-19, 2021-02-23
+ Maintenance :2021-05-26
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.2.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-02-23, 2021-05-26
+ Maintenance :2021-08-26
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.3.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-05-26, 2021-08-26
+ Maintenance :2021-11-17
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.4.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-08-26, 2021-11-17
+ Maintenance :2022-02-28
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.5.x
+ Current :crit, 2021-11-17, 2022-02-28
+ Maintenance :2022-05-24
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.6.x
+ Current :crit, 2022-02-28, 2022-05-24
+ Maintenance :2022-08-25
+ End-of-Life :milestone, 0d
+ section 4.7.x
+ Current :crit, 2022-05-24, 2022-08-25
+ Maintenance :2022-08-25, 12w
+ section 4.8.x
+ Current :crit, 2022-08-25, 12w
+ %% 4.8 is the current TypeScript release at time of writing...
+## Internal FAQ
+### How will we maintain backwards compatibility?
+The change only affects the [TypeScript] compiler version used internally by the
+`jsii` compiler and the versioning scheme for the `jsii` package itself.
+The compiler will continue to emit `.jsii` assemblies that conform to the schema
+defined in the `@jsii/spec` package, which will hence continue to be compatible
+with all other tools part of the jsii toolchain (including `jsii-pacmak`, ...).
+In order to maximize compatibility between [TypeScript] compiler versions, and
+since [TypeScript] occasionally introduces backwards-incompatible syntax changes
+(additions, modifications) to the declarations files (`.d.ts`), the `jsii`
+compiler will proactively produce down-leveled declarations files targeting
+[TypeScript] compiler versions used by previous (not yet *end-of-life*) releases
+of `jsii`. This can be achieved using the [`downlevel-dts`][downlevel-dts]
+utility. Failure to do so may make it impossible to use a library compiled with
+a given release of `jsii` in a project that is still using an older release,
+which would be akin to forcing dependents to upgrade at the same pace as their
+dependencies (which is undesirable).
+### Why are we doing this?
+Before this change, `jsii` users had been stuck with [TypeScript] `3.9` for a
+very long time, due to the introduction of several breaking changes in the
+language specification: upgrading the [TypeScript] compiler that `jsii` builds
+on would cause existing code to break.
+In order to allow each package author to decide for themselves without hinging
+on their dependencies' choices, or influencing their dependents, we are making
+it possible for every developer to decide when they want to migrate to a new
+version of the [TypeScript] language, by following [TypeScript]'s versioning for
+the compiler, and continuing to perform coordinated releases of every other
+package in the toolchain (those are unaffected by this change).
+The `jsii-rosetta` package also internally uses the [TypeScript] compiler that
+needs to be compatible with the [TypeScript] language level used by the project.
+Developers hence need to also be able to control which [TypeScript] version is
+being used by `jsii-rosetta` if they want to use this.
+Using the same `major.minor` version as the [TypeScript] compiler makes it easy
+for developers to identify which [TypeScript] language features are available to
+them or not. As the [TypeScript] compiler does not conform to [semantic
+versioning][semver], this implies `jsii` and `jsii-rosetta` also need to stop
+conforming to it.
+### Why should we _not_ do this?
+[Semantic versioning][semver] is the dominant versioning scheme in the
+JavaScript world, and diverging from it might break assumptions customers make
+when consuming packages from [npm](npmjs.com).
+Following [TypeScript] versions means releasing new `major.minor` releases (that
+may include breaking changes) more often than is currently done (the
+[TypeScript] maintainers typically declare a new `major.minor` line four
+times per year: in February, May, August and November respectively). This is a
+lot more release lines than other AWS products offer, and it would not be
+reasonable to uphold the [AWS SDKs and Tools maintenance policy][aws-policy],
+as it requires offering full support (features and bug fixes) for "Generally
+Available" releases for a minimum of 24 months (this would require providing
+full support for 8 different releases, and back-porting automation is likely to
+be difficult due to the amount of breaking changes in the [TypeScript] compiler
+API between releases). Diverging from this [policy][aws-policy] is a significant
+change that customers may not expect.
+Additionally, since we cannot afford to back-port new features (especially if
+significant) on older releases, this means users may need to update their code
+in order to gain access to new features introduced in the compiler. While this
+may be a desirable forcing function on developers to upgrade to the latest
+release line, it may impose challenges when such features cannot be implemented
+in a way that is compatible with previous versions of the compiler (e.g: it may
+be difficult or impossible to implement [RFC 193][RFC193] in a backwards
+compatible manner, as it likely requires the introduction of a new type kind,
+which previous release lines would not recognize).
+[RFC193]: https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk-rfcs/pull/194
+### What is the technical solution (design) of this feature?
+The proposed delivery plan for this feature is as follows:
+* Communicate about the upcoming change in new releases on the `v1` release
+ line, including a planned timeline for the initial release of the `v4.9` line,
+ and language about the departure from [SemVer].
+* **Optional:** Separate the `jsii` compiler from the rest of packages in the
+ jsii toolchain into separate repositories. This would make it easier to
+ release the `jsii` compiler separately from other parts of the toolchain that
+ follow a different versioning scheme.
+ - Move other packages to a new mono-repository (or to several new individual
+ package repositories), e.g: `github.com/aws/jsii-toolchain`.
+ - Make the `github.com/aws/jsii` repository by a single-package repository.
+* Update the *release* automation to use the [TypeScript] compiler version's
+ `major.minor` level, and only update the `patch` level on new releases.
+* Upgrade the [TypeScript] compiler internally used by `jsii` to the current
+ `latest` release of the `typescript` package.
+* Make the `jsii` compiler transparently prepare down-leveled declarations files
+ to ensure backwards-compatibility of compiler outputs with previous releases
+ of `jsii`. This can be done using the [`downlevel-dts`][downlevel-dts] package
+ to produce declarations files compatible with [TypeScript] `3.9`, and adding
+ a `typesVersions` key to the `package.json` file of packages.
+ - See proof-of-concept: [`aws/jsii#3501`][aws/jsii-3501]
+* Release the initial `jsii` release on the `4.9` line (for practical reasons,
+ we will disregard [TypeScript] releases between `3.9` and the _current_
+ version when this proposal is implemented, which at time of writing is `4.8`).
+* Formally announce that the `v1` release line of `jsii` will move into the
+ *Maintenance* tier of the [AWS SDKs and Tools maintenance policy][aws-policy]
+ in 6 months, and explain the policy that is applicable to newer releases.
+* **6 months later:** Formally announce that the `v1` release line of `jsii` is
+ entering the *Maintenance* tier of the [AWS SDKs and Tools maintenance
+ policy][aws-policy], and will continue to receive critical bug and security
+ fixes for 12 months before transitioning to *end-of-life*, and repeat the
+ maintenance policy that new releases will benefit from.
+* **12 months later:** Formally announce that the `v1` release line of `jsii` is
+ transitioning to *end-of-life* and will no longer receive any updates. Repeat
+ the maintenance policy that is applicable to newer releases.
+### Is this a breaking change?
+This is not a breaking change in the traditional sense, however this is a
+significant change in versioning schemes used for the `jsii` compiler, and a
+departure from the [AWS SDKs and Tools maintenance policy][aws-policy].
+As such, this warrants ample communication with our customer base to avoid they
+are caught by surprise, or have broken expectations.
+### What alternative solutions did you consider?
+#### Bring-your-own TypeScript version
+One of the main rationales for this change is to enable the use of new
+TypeScript releases without forcing the entire package ecosystem to make the
+change at the same time (due to language-breaking changes).
+An option to address this would be to allow customers to "bring their own"
+TypeScript compiler, by making it a `peerDependency`. This however comes with
+a significant challenge: the TypeScript compiler API is not stable between
+TypeScript releases. Addressing this would require maintaining an adapter layer
+for each supported version of the TypeScript compiler, and this would require
+tremendous efforts, in particular as there appears to be no way in TypeScript
+to re-export a `namespace` including all the type declarations it contains, as
+`typeof ts` (assuming `ts` is the TypeScript compiler namespace) only represents
+entities with a run-time value, and none of the interfaces it contains. The
+consequence of this is that writing an adapter for a particular [TypeScript]
+version requires wrapping all useful functions of the compiler API and
+re-declaring the types they use, which represents hundreds if not thousands of
+lines of code for each supported version.
+#### Only de-couple the `jsii` package version, but stick with [SemVer]
+It would technically be possible to de-couple the `jsii` package from the rest
+of the toolchain's versioning, and to issue a new `jsii` major version each time
+we update the [TypeScript] compiler it internally uses. This would however make
+it difficult for customers to understand the relationship between `jsii` major
+releases and the [TypeScript] language level they support.
+Using the same version number prefix (`major.minor`) as the [TypeScript]
+compiler makes the relationship clear and removes the need to maintain separate
+documentation for customers to understand what they are upgrading to.
+#### Release a different package for each supported [TypeScript] version
+The release model used by `cdk8s-plus` involves releasing a different package
+for each version of the underlying resources (e.g: `cdk8s-plus-22` targets
+version 22 of the resources). A similar model could be used for `jsii`, where a
+package named `jsii-4.9` could be released for the compiler that builds on
+[TypeScript] `4.9.x`.
+This release pattern however creates an opportunity for supply-chain attacks as
+a malicious party could release `jsii-4.10` ahead of us and possibly exploit
+unsuspecting users.
+The attack vector can be mitigated by scoping the packages since npm scopes
+provide ownership guarantees, which would require releasing
+`@jsii/typescript-4.9`. However this approach makes it more difficult for
+customers to know when a new release of the compiler is available, since
+dependency maintenance automation will only look for new versions of the same
+### What are the drawbacks of this solution?
+This solution is a stark departure from versioning schemes and maintenance
+policies used by AWS on open-source products. It implies offering critical bug
+fixes and security updates for up to 5 different release lines (1 current, and
+3 to 4 previous), which might require significant effort.
+Following the [TypeScript] `major.minor` reduces our ability to introduce
+breaking changes to the `jsii` compiler, as these must be timed together with
+[TypeScript] `major.minor` release timelines. However, since [TypeScript]
+releases a new `major.minor` line 4 times a year, this is not a blocker, but
+will require careful planning.
+Breaking changes that could be tempting to introduce in new `major.minor`
+release lines include:
+- Upgrading default severity of some diagnostic messages to `ERROR`
+- Adding new compile-time validations
+- Dropping support for a recently end-of-life `node` version (this happens once
+ or twice a year)
+- Dropping support for a particular TypeScript language version (for example,
+ [DefinitelyTyped] packages only support TypeScript compilers that are less
+ than 2 years old)
+- Changing configuration file syntax, format, default values or required entries
+- Addressing a security issue that requires breaking existing code
+[DefinitelyTyped]: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped#support-window
+### What is the high-level project plan?
+Item | Estimation | Notes
+Initial communication | 1 day |
+**Optional:** Break mono-repository out | 5 days |
+Have `jsii` down-level `.d.ts` | 5 days | [`aws/jsii#3501`][aws/jsii-3501]
+Update release automation | 2 days |
+Update contributor guide | 1 day |
+Update jsii documentation | 2 days |
+Update [TypeScript] dependency | 15 days |
+Initial Release | 1 day |
+Update `projen`'s `JsiiProject` defaults | 1 day |
+Migrate `aws-cdk` to new `jsii` release | 10 days | Via a pre-release
+Validate ConstructHub support | 3 days |
+Maintenance Announcement | 1 day |
+Move to Maintenance | 1 day |
+Move to end-of-life | 1 day |
+### Are there any open issues that need to be addressed later?
+[semver]: https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html
+[TypeScript]: https://www.typescriptlang.org
+[aws-policy]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/maint-policy.html
+[downlevel-dts]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/downlevel-dts
+[aws/jsii-3501]: https://github.com/aws/jsii/pull/3501