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feat(aws-codepipeline, aws-cloudformation): support for the cross-reg…
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…ion CodePipeline feature in CloudFormation Pipeline Actions.
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skinny85 committed Nov 13, 2018
1 parent 15b255c commit 13f2326
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Showing 11 changed files with 707 additions and 34 deletions.
75 changes: 44 additions & 31 deletions packages/@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation/lib/pipeline-actions.ts
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Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,17 @@ export interface PipelineCloudFormationActionProps extends codepipeline.CommonAc
* @default Automatically generated artifact name.
outputArtifactName?: string;

* The AWS region the given Action resides in.
* Note that a cross-region Pipeline requires replication buckets to function correctly.
* You can provide their names with the {@link PipelineProps#crossRegionReplicationBuckets} property.
* If you don't, the CodePipeline Construct will create new Stacks in your CDK app containing those buckets,
* that you will need to `cdk deploy` before deploying the main, Pipeline-containing Stack.
* @default the Action resides in the same region as the Pipeline
region?: string;

Expand All @@ -50,6 +61,7 @@ export abstract class PipelineCloudFormationAction extends codepipeline.Action {
super(parent, id, {
stage: props.stage,
runOrder: props.runOrder,
region: props.region,
artifactBounds: {
minInputs: 0,
maxInputs: 10,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,14 +370,6 @@ export enum CloudFormationCapabilities {

function stackArnFromName(stackName: string): string {
return cdk.ArnUtils.fromComponents({
service: 'cloudformation',
resource: 'stack',
resourceName: `${stackName}/*`

* Manages a bunch of singleton-y statements on the policy of an IAM Role.
* Dedicated methods can be used to add specific permissions to the role policy
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,23 +398,14 @@ class SingletonPolicy extends cdk.Construct {
super(role, SingletonPolicy.UUID);

public grantCreateUpdateStack(props: { stackName: string, replaceOnFailure?: boolean }): void {
const actions = [
if (props.replaceOnFailure) {
this.statementFor({ actions }).addResource(stackArnFromName(props.stackName));
public grantExecuteChangeSet(props: { stackName: string, changeSetName: string, region?: string }): void {
actions: ['cloudformation:ExecuteChangeSet'],
conditions: { StringEquals: { 'cloudformation:ChangeSetName': props.changeSetName } },

public grantCreateReplaceChangeSet(props: { stackName: string, changeSetName: string }): void {
public grantCreateReplaceChangeSet(props: { stackName: string, changeSetName: string, region?: string }): void {
actions: [
Expand All @@ -419,23 +414,32 @@ class SingletonPolicy extends cdk.Construct {
conditions: { StringEqualsIfExists: { 'cloudformation:ChangeSetName': props.changeSetName } },

public grantExecuteChangeSet(props: { stackName: string, changeSetName: string }): void {
actions: ['cloudformation:ExecuteChangeSet'],
conditions: { StringEquals: { 'cloudformation:ChangeSetName': props.changeSetName } },
public grantCreateUpdateStack(props: { stackName: string, replaceOnFailure?: boolean, region?: string }): void {
const actions = [
if (props.replaceOnFailure) {
this.statementFor({ actions }).addResource(stackArnFromProps(props));

public grantDeleteStack(props: { stackName: string }): void {
public grantDeleteStack(props: { stackName: string, region?: string }): void {
actions: [

public grantPassRole(role: iam.Role): void {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,3 +485,12 @@ interface StatementTemplate {

type StatementCondition = { [op: string]: { [attribute: string]: string } };

function stackArnFromProps(props: { stackName: string, region?: string }): string {
return cdk.ArnUtils.fromComponents({
region: props.region,
service: 'cloudformation',
resource: 'stack',
resourceName: `${props.stackName}/*`
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions packages/@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-api/lib/action.ts
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Expand Up @@ -153,6 +153,14 @@ export interface CommonActionConstructProps {
export interface ActionProps extends CommonActionProps, CommonActionConstructProps {
category: ActionCategory;
provider: string;

* The region this Action resides in.
* @default the Action resides in the same region as the Pipeline
region?: string;

artifactBounds: ActionArtifactBounds;
configuration?: any;
version?: string;
Expand All @@ -177,6 +185,17 @@ export abstract class Action extends cdk.Construct {
public readonly provider: string;

* The AWS region the given Action resides in.
* Note that a cross-region Pipeline requires replication buckets to function correctly.
* You can provide their names with the {@link PipelineProps#crossRegionReplicationBuckets} property.
* If you don't, the CodePipeline Construct will create new Stacks in your CDK app containing those buckets,
* that you will need to `cdk deploy` before deploying the main, Pipeline-containing Stack.
* @default the Action resides in the same region as the Pipeline
public readonly region?: string;

* The action's configuration. These are key-value pairs that specify input values for an action.
* For more information, see the AWS CodePipeline User Guide.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,6 +229,7 @@ export abstract class Action extends cdk.Construct {
this.version = props.version || '1';
this.category = props.category;
this.provider = props.provider;
this.region = props.region;
this.configuration = props.configuration;
this.artifactBounds = props.artifactBounds;
this.runOrder = props.runOrder === undefined ? 1 : props.runOrder;
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47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions packages/@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline/
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Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,53 @@ new codepipeline.JenkinsBuildAction(this, 'Jenkins_Build', {

### Cross-region CodePipelines

You can also use the cross-region feature to deploy resources
(currently, only CloudFormation Stacks are supported)
into a different region than your Pipeline is in.

It works like this:

const pipeline = new codepipeline.Pipeline(this, 'MyFirstPipeline', {
// ...
crossRegionReplicationBuckets: {
'us-west-1': 'my-us-west-1-replication-bucket',

// later in the code...
new cloudformation.PipelineCreateUpdateStackAction(this, 'CFN_US_West_1', {
// ...
region: 'us-west-1',

This way, the `CFN_US_West_1` Action will operate in the `us-west-1` region,
regardless of which region your Pipeline is in.

If you don't provide a bucket name for a region (other than the Pipeline's region)
that you're using for an Action with the `crossRegionReplicationBuckets` property,
there will be a new Stack, named `aws-cdk-codepipeline-cross-region-scaffolding-<region>`,
defined for you, containing a replication Bucket.
Note that you have to make sure to `cdk deploy` all of these automatically created Stacks
before you can deploy your main Stack (the one containing your Pipeline).
Use the `cdk ls` command to see all of the Stacks comprising your CDK application.

$ cdk ls
$ cdk deploy aws-cdk-codepipeline-cross-region-scaffolding-us-west-1
# output of cdk deploy here...
$ cdk deploy MyMainStack

See [the AWS docs here](
for more information on cross-region CodePipelines.

### Events

#### Using a pipeline as an event target
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');
import cdk = require('@aws-cdk/cdk');
import crypto = require('crypto');

* Construction properties for {@link CrossRegionScaffoldStack}.
export interface CrossRegionScaffoldStackProps {
* The AWS region this Stack resides in.
region: string;

* The AWS account ID this Stack belongs to.
* @example '012345678901'
account: string;

* A Stack containing resources required for the cross-region CodePipeline functionality to work.
export class CrossRegionScaffoldStack extends cdk.Stack {
* The name of the S3 Bucket used for replicating the Pipeline's artifacts into the region.
public readonly replicationBucketName: string;

constructor(parent?: cdk.App, props: CrossRegionScaffoldStackProps = defaultCrossRegionScaffoldStackProps()) {
super(parent, generateStackName(props), {
env: {
region: props.region,
account: props.account,

const replicationBucketName = generateUniqueName('cdk-cross-region-codepipeline-replication-bucket-',
props.region, props.account, false, 12);

new s3.Bucket(this, 'CrossRegionCodePipelineReplicationBucket', {
bucketName: replicationBucketName,
this.replicationBucketName = replicationBucketName;

function generateStackName(props: CrossRegionScaffoldStackProps): string {
return `aws-cdk-codepipeline-cross-region-scaffolding-${props.region}`;

function generateUniqueName(baseName: string, region: string, account: string,
toUpperCase: boolean, hashPartLen: number = 8): string {
const sha256 = crypto.createHash('sha256')

const hash = sha256.digest('hex').slice(0, hashPartLen);

return baseName + (toUpperCase ? hash.toUpperCase() : hash.toLowerCase());

// purely to defeat the limitation that a required argument cannot follow an optional one
function defaultCrossRegionScaffoldStackProps(): CrossRegionScaffoldStackProps {
throw new Error('The props argument when creating a CrossRegionScaffoldStack is required');
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions packages/@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline/lib/index.ts
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
export * from './cross-region-scaffold-stack';
export * from './github-source-action';
export * from './manual-approval-action';
export * from './pipeline';
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