- real time room booking tool
- real time restaurant rating tool
see some other sample images here
- yarn install
- for the backend you will need a mysql database (docker setup)
on the frontend you need to create a .env
you can copy and use the default .env.example
on the backend you need to create a .env
you can copy and modify .env.example
the part you will need to adapt is the database connection settings
if you have docker/docker-compose installed, you can run
docker-compose up
it will launch a mysql server on the port 3310 you can edit this in docker-compose.yml
cd libs/shared
yarn build
cd ./apps/backend
node ace migration:run
node ace db:seed
yarn dev
go to http://localhost:3000
login with the login / password of any of the users defined in this seeder file
on the backend you have access to a node script file ace
cd ./apps/backend
node ace --help
you can read documentation about it here
some commands that you could need
# display all API routes with controller method used
node ace list:routes
# start a read-eval-print-loop with your project loaded
node ace repl
When you write complex logic, try to write tests
to test all, you can run
yarn test
or to test only one project, you can do
yarn test:backend
yarn test:frontend
yarn build:shared
yarn build:backend
yarn build:frontend
- fork the repo
- create a branch:
git checkout -b feat/awesomeNewFeature
- commit and push your changes
- make sure project can be built without errors, and tests still pass
- create pull request