diff --git a/distribution/zip/jballerina-tools/LICENSE b/distribution/zip/jballerina-tools/LICENSE index 7d2726067fc7..80d89de147c2 100644 --- a/distribution/zip/jballerina-tools/LICENSE +++ b/distribution/zip/jballerina-tools/LICENSE @@ -1,258 +1,268 @@ - -This product is licensed by WSO2 Inc. under Apache License 2.0. The license -can be downloaded from the following locations: - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt - -This product also contains software under different licenses. This table below -all the contained libraries (jar files) and the license under which they are -provided to you. - -At the bottom of this file is a table that shows what each license indicated -below is and where the actual text of the license can be found. - -Name Type License ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -annotations-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4254 -array-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4315 -asm-7.1.jar bundle bsd 4118 -asm-analysis-7.1.jar bundle bsd 4092 -asm-tree-7.1.jar bundle bsd 4099 -asm-util-7.1.jar bundle bsd 4149 -auth.jar jar apache2 4382 -awslambda-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4355 -ballerina-auth-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4264 -ballerina-backend-jvm-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4326 -ballerina-bir-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4269 -ballerina-cli-utils-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4338 -ballerina-client-generator-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4295 -ballerina-config-api-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4313 -ballerina-core-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4274 -ballerina-crypto-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4316 -ballerina-docker-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4365 -ballerina-encoding-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4284 -ballerina-file-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4378 -ballerina-filepath-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4259 -ballerina-formatter-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4379 -ballerina-grpc-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4253 -ballerina-http-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4270 -ballerina-io-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4314 -ballerina-istio-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4267 -ballerina-jaeger-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4307 -ballerina-java-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4250 -ballerina-java-arrays-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4279 -ballerina-jdbc-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4368 -ballerina-jsonutils-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4261 -ballerina-jvm-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4244 -ballerina-jwt-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4361 -ballerina-kafka-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4380 -ballerina-kubernetes-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4273 -ballerina-lang-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4366 -ballerina-log-api-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4386 -ballerina-logging-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4233 -ballerina-math-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4347 -ballerina-metrics-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4286 -ballerina-mime-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4228 -ballerina-nats-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4354 -ballerina-oauth2-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4362 -ballerina-observability-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4371 -ballerina-openapi-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4226 -ballerina-openshift-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4293 -ballerina-packerina-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4374 -ballerina-prometheus-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4243 -ballerina-reflect-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4281 -ballerina-rt-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4288 -ballerina-runtime-api-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4346 -ballerina-socket-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4302 -ballerina-streams-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4373 -ballerina-stringutils-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4364 -ballerina-system-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4311 -ballerina-task-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4263 -ballerina-time-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4257 -ballerina-to-openapi-generator-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4291 -ballerina-tool-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4312 -ballerina-transactions-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4299 -ballerina-utils-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4277 -ballerina-xmlutils-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4297 -ballerina-xslt-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4282 -ballerinax-awslambda-0.0.0.jar jar apache2 4356 -bcpkix-jdk15on-1.61.jar bundle bouncy 4073 -bcprov-jdk15on-1.61.jar bundle bouncy 4090 -bir.jar jar apache2 4333 -broker-auth-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 2993 -broker-common-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 2990 -broker-coordination-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 2989 -broker-core-0.970.5.jar bundle apache2 3861 -broker-rest-runner-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 2985 -cache.jar jar apache2 4322 -commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar bundle apache2 4079 -commons-collections-3.2.2.jar bundle apache2 2042 -commons-io-2.6.jar bundle apache2 3508 -commons-pool-1.5.6.wso2v1.jar bundle apache2 5589 -compiler_backend_jvm.jar jar apache2 4289 -config.jar jar apache2 4328 -crypto.jar jar apache2 4345 -debug-adapter-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4388 -decimal-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4283 -docerina-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4363 -docker-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4278 -docker.jar jar apache2 4383 -encoding.jar jar apache2 4340 -error-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4276 -file.jar jar apache2 4317 -filepath.jar jar apache2 4304 -floatingpoint-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4308 -future-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4300 -geronimo-activation_1.1_spec-1.1.jar bundle apache2 2103 -geronimo-json_1.0_spec-1.0-alpha-1.jar bundle apache2 4135 -geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar bundle apache2 635 -grpc.jar jar apache2 4323 -gson-2.7.jar bundle apache2 2102 -guava-19.0.jar bundle apache2 3032 -h2-1.4.199.jar bundle apache2 4078 -handlebars-4.0.6.jar bundle apache2 3030 -HikariCP-3.3.1.jar bundle apache2 4160 -http.jar jar apache2 4337 -integer-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4320 -internal-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4252 -io.jar jar apache2 4319 -istio.jar jar apache2 4318 -jackson-annotations-2.8.0.jar bundle apache2 2100 -jackson-core-2.8.6.jar bundle apache2 2099 -jackson-databind-2.8.6.jar bundle apache2 2098 -jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.8.8.jar bundle apache2 2203 -jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.9.5.jar bundle apache2 4343 -jaeger-core-0.24.0.jar jar apache2 3024 -jaeger-thrift-0.24.0.jar jar apache2 3023 -java-nats-streaming-2.2.1.jar bundle apache2 4238 -java.arrays.jar jar apache2 4349 -java.jar jar apache2 4309 -java.jdbc.jar jar apache2 4294 -javacpp-1.4.2.jar jar apache2 3445 -javax.transaction-api-1.2.jar bundle cddl+gpl 2200 -jaxen-1.1.6.jar bundle apache2 2095 -jboss-logging-3.3.1.Final.jar bundle apache2 4127 -jnats-2.6.0.jar bundle apache2 4260 -jsonutils.jar jar apache2 4247 -jvm.jar jar apache2 4375 -jwt.jar jar apache2 4245 -jzlib-1.1.3.jar jar bsd 3873 -kafka-clients-2.0.1.jar jar apache2 4248 -kafka.jar jar apache2 4235 -kafka_2.11-2.0.1.jar jar apache2 4332 -kotlin-stdlib-1.3.31.jar jar apache2 4134 -kotlin-stdlib-common-1.3.31.jar jar apache2 4147 -kraal-0.0.16.jar jar mit 4100 -kubernetes-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4242 -kubernetes.jar jar apache2 4387 -lang.annotations.jar jar apache2 4369 -lang.array.jar jar apache2 4342 -lang.decimal.jar jar apache2 4237 -lang.error.jar jar apache2 4231 -lang.float.jar jar apache2 4353 -lang.future.jar jar apache2 4280 -lang.int.jar jar apache2 4357 -lang.map.jar jar apache2 4258 -lang.object.jar jar apache2 4376 -lang.stream.jar jar apache2 4225 -lang.string.jar jar apache2 4350 -lang.table.jar jar apache2 4301 -lang.typedesc.jar jar apache2 4275 -lang.value.jar jar apache2 4367 -lang.xml.jar jar apache2 4234 -lang.__internal.jar jar apache2 4372 -language-server-compiler-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4227 -language-server-core-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4389 -language-server-stdio-launcher-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4390 -libthrift-0.10.0.jar bundle apache2 3020 -log.jar jar apache2 4239 -map-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4377 -math.jar jar apache2 4268 -metrics-core-3.1.0.jar bundle apache2 3019 -mime.jar jar apache2 4296 -mimepull-1.9.7.jar bundle cddl1 3016 -module_cli_token_updater.jar jar apache2 4246 -module_pull.jar jar apache2 4255 -module_push.jar jar apache2 4266 -module_search.jar jar apache2 4287 -nats.jar jar apache2 4236 -netty-buffer-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4256 -netty-codec-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4351 -netty-codec-http-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4324 -netty-codec-http2-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4381 -netty-common-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4331 -netty-handler-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4290 -netty-handler-proxy-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4370 -netty-resolver-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4305 -netty-tcnative-boringssl-static-2.0.25.Final.jar bundle apache2 4352 -netty-transport-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4339 -netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4298 -netty-transport-native-kqueue-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4310 -oauth2.jar jar apache2 4265 -object-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4230 -observe.jar jar apache2 4336 -okhttp-3.9.1.jar jar apache2 3014 -okio-1.13.0.jar jar apache2 3013 -openapi-to-ballerina-generator-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4240 -openapi-validator-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4321 -openapi.jar jar apache2 4232 -openshift.jar jar apache2 4251 -org.eclipse.lsp4j-0.6.0.jar bundle epl1 3901 -org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc-0.6.0.jar bundle apache2 3899 -org.wso2.carbon.core-5.1.0.jar bundle apache2 11763 -org.wso2.carbon.messaging-2.3.7.jar bundle apache2 12373 -org.wso2.carbon.metrics.core-2.3.7.jar bundle apache2 16765 -org.wso2.securevault-1.0.0-wso2v2.jar bundle apache2 3537 -org.wso2.transport.http.netty-6.2.25.jar bundle apache2 21891 -org.wso2.transport.local-file-system-6.0.55.jar bundle apache2 21400 -picocli-4.0.1.jar bundle apache2 4330 -prometheus.jar jar apache2 4385 -protobuf-ballerina-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4334 -protobuf-java-3.9.1.jar bundle bsd3 4285 -quartz-2.3.0.jar bundle apache2 2337 -quartz-jobs-2.3.0.jar jar apache2 2338 -reflect.jar jar apache2 4229 -runtime.jar jar apache2 4360 -snakeyaml-1.16.0.wso2v1.jar bundle apache2 11755 -socket.jar jar apache2 4262 -stax2-api-3.1.1.jar bundle bsd 545 -staxon-core-1.2.0.wso2v2.jar bundle apache2 11754 -stream-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4359 -streams.jar jar apache2 4341 -string-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4358 -stringutils.jar jar apache2 4292 -system.jar jar apache2 4327 -table-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4249 -task.jar jar apache2 4329 -test.jar jar apache2 4271 -testerina-core-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4344 -time.jar jar apache2 4384 -transactions.jar jar apache2 4348 -typedesc-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4303 -utils.jar jar apache2 4241 -value-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4306 -woodstox-core-asl-4.2.0.jar bundle apache2 537 -xml-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4325 -xmlutils.jar jar apache2 4272 -xslt.jar jar apache2 4335 - - - -The license types used by the above libraries and their information is given below: - -bouncy Bouncy Castle License - http://www.bouncycastle.org/licence.html -bsd Berkeley License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php -apache2 Apache License Version 2.0 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html -mit MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php -cddl1 Common Development and Distribution License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php -cddl+gpl CDDL + GPLv2 - https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html -bsd3 BSD-3 - http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause -epl1 Eclipse Public License + +This product is licensed by WSO2 Inc. under Apache License 2.0. The license +can be downloaded from the following locations: + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt + +This product also contains software under different licenses. This table below +all the contained libraries (jar files) and the license under which they are +provided to you. + +At the bottom of this file is a table that shows what each license indicated +below is and where the actual text of the license can be found. + + +Name Version License +_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ +lang.stream.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-core-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-http-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +metrics-core-3.1.0.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-kubernetes-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-bir-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +bcpkix-jdk15on-1.61.jar bundle bouncy +decimal-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-encoding-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +reflect.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-metrics-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-reflect-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.error.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-xslt-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +org.wso2.carbon.metrics.core-2.3.7.jar bundle apache2 +error-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-java-arrays-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +docker-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +openapi.jar jar apache2 +lang.xml.jar jar apache2 +okio-1.13.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-task-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +kafka.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-auth-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar bundle apache2 +nats.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-jsonutils-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.decimal.jar jar apache2 +broker-auth-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 +staxon-core-1.2.0.wso2v2.jar bundle apache2 +java-nats-streaming-2.2.1.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-istio-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +log.jar jar apache2 +geronimo-activation_1.1_spec-1.1.jar bundle apache2 +libthrift-0.10.0.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-rabbitmq-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-socket-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +typedesc-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jwt.jar jar apache2 +woodstox-core-asl-4.2.0.jar bundle apache2 +bcprov-jdk15on-1.61.jar bundle bouncy +broker-rest-runner-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-jaeger-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +value-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +module_cli_token_updater.jar jar apache2 +jsonutils.jar jar apache2 +asm-analysis-7.1.jar bundle bsd +ballerina-openshift-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +kafka-clients-2.0.1.jar jar apache2 +openshift.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-to-openapi-generator-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-rt-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +rabbitmq.jar jar apache2 +gson-2.7.jar bundle apache2 +module_pull.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-transactions-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +future-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +netty-buffer-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +lang.map.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-xmlutils-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +amqp-client-5.7.3.jar bundle apache2 + mpl11 +ballerina-client-generator-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jnats-2.6.0.jar bundle apache2 +jackson-core-2.8.6.jar bundle apache2 +socket.jar jar apache2 +stax2-api-3.1.1.jar bundle bsd +jackson-databind-2.8.6.jar bundle apache2 +oauth2.jar jar apache2 +module_push.jar jar apache2 +openapi-to-ballerina-generator-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +kubernetes-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jaxen-1.1.6.jar bundle apache2 +math.jar jar apache2 +asm-tree-7.1.jar bundle bsd +test.jar jar apache2 +xmlutils.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-openapi-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ldap.jar jar apache2 +language-server-compiler-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +commons-collections-3.2.2.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-mime-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.typedesc.jar jar apache2 +kraal-0.0.16.jar jar mit +ballerina-ldap-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-logging-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.future.jar jar apache2 +object-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +protobuf-java-3.9.1.jar bundle apache2 +module_search.jar jar apache2 +broker-core-0.970.5.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-grpc-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +mimepull-1.9.7.jar bundle cddl1 +annotations-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +compiler_backend_jvm.jar jar apache2 +netty-handler-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +stringutils.jar jar apache2 +internal-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +table-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-java-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +java.jdbc.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-filepath-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-time-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +mime.jar jar apache2 +netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +lang.table.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-prometheus-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-jvm-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +filepath.jar jar apache2 +asm-7.1.jar bundle bsd +netty-resolver-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +llvm.jar jar apache2 +java.jar jar apache2 +awslambda-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jaeger-thrift-0.31.0.jar jar apache2 +netty-transport-native-kqueue-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-nats-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jboss-logging-3.3.1.Final.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-jwt-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-oauth2-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +stream-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +string-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +file.jar jar apache2 +jaeger-core-0.31.0.jar jar apache2 +istio.jar jar apache2 +io.jar jar apache2 +testerina-core-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar bundle apache2 +cache.jar jar apache2 +grpc.jar jar apache2 +jzlib-1.1.3.jar jar bsd +netty-codec-http-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +kotlin-stdlib-1.3.31.jar jar apache2 +okhttp-3.9.1.jar jar apache2 +geronimo-json_1.0_spec-1.0-alpha-1.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-math-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-runtime-api-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-file-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +system.jar jar apache2 +map-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +websub.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-streams-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-packerina-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.8.8.jar bundle apache2 +config.jar jar apache2 +task.jar jar apache2 +picocli-4.0.1.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-log-api-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +netty-common-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-formatter-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +quartz-jobs-2.3.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-kafka-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +kafka_2.11-2.0.1.jar jar apache2 +broker-coordination-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 +org.wso2.carbon.messaging-2.3.7.jar bundle apache2 +bir.jar jar apache2 +xslt.jar jar apache2 +observe.jar jar apache2 +axiom-api-1.2.22.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-lang-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +javax.transaction-api-1.2.jar bundle cddl1 +ballerina-docker-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +snakeyaml-1.16.0.wso2v1.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-stringutils-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +docerina-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-observability-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +http.jar jar apache2 +kotlin-stdlib-common-1.3.31.jar jar apache2 +netty-transport-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +encoding.jar jar apache2 +axiom-impl-1.2.22.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-jdbc-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +asm-util-7.1.jar bundle bsd +streams.jar jar apache2 +broker-common-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 +integer-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +openapi-validator-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.array.jar jar apache2 +jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.9.5.jar bundle apache2 +array-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +crypto.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-crypto-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jackson-annotations-2.8.0.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-backend-jvm-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +org.wso2.carbon.core-5.1.0.jar bundle apache2 +transactions.jar jar apache2 +java.arrays.jar jar apache2 +xml-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.string.jar jar apache2 +netty-codec-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +netty-tcnative-boringssl-static-2.0.25.Final.jar bundle apache2 +axiom-dom-1.2.22.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-system-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.float.jar jar apache2 +commons-pool-1.5.6.wso2v1.jar bundle apache2 +javacpp-1.4.2.jar jar apache2 +floatingpoint-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +handlebars-4.0.6.jar bundle apache2 +ballerinax-awslambda-0.0.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.int.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-io-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-tool-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +axiom-c14n-1.2.22.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-config-api-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +HikariCP-3.3.1.jar bundle apache2 +runtime.jar jar apache2 +org.wso2.transport.local-file-system-6.0.55.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-websub-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +protobuf-ballerina-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.value.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-cli-utils-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.annotations.jar jar apache2 +netty-handler-proxy-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +guava-19.0.jar bundle apache2 +lang.__internal.jar jar apache2 +jvm.jar jar apache2 +org.wso2.transport.http.netty-6.2.34.jar bundle apache2 +lang.object.jar jar apache2 +netty-codec-http2-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +auth.jar jar apache2 +quartz-2.3.0.jar bundle apache2 +docker.jar jar apache2 +time.jar jar apache2 +prometheus.jar jar apache2 +org.wso2.securevault-1.0.0-wso2v2.jar bundle apache2 +kubernetes.jar jar apache2 +debug-adapter-core-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +debug-adapter-cli-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +h2-1.4.199.jar bundle apache2 +org.eclipse.lsp4j-0.8.1.jar bundle epl1 +commons-io-2.6.jar bundle apache2 +language-server-stdio-launcher-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +language-server-cli-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc-0.8.1.jar bundle epl1 +language-server-core-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 + + +The license types used by the above libraries and their information is given below: + +apache2 Apache License Version 2.0 + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html +bouncy Bouncy Castle License + http://www.bouncycastle.org/licence.html +bsd Berkeley License + http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php +mpl11 Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 + http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html +mit MIT License + http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +cddl1 Common Development and Distribution License + http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php +epl1 Eclipse Public License http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/distribution/zip/jballerina/LICENSE b/distribution/zip/jballerina/LICENSE index 7d2726067fc7..9af7f45f1e78 100644 --- a/distribution/zip/jballerina/LICENSE +++ b/distribution/zip/jballerina/LICENSE @@ -1,258 +1,268 @@ - -This product is licensed by WSO2 Inc. under Apache License 2.0. The license -can be downloaded from the following locations: - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt - -This product also contains software under different licenses. This table below -all the contained libraries (jar files) and the license under which they are -provided to you. - -At the bottom of this file is a table that shows what each license indicated -below is and where the actual text of the license can be found. - -Name Type License ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -annotations-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4254 -array-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4315 -asm-7.1.jar bundle bsd 4118 -asm-analysis-7.1.jar bundle bsd 4092 -asm-tree-7.1.jar bundle bsd 4099 -asm-util-7.1.jar bundle bsd 4149 -auth.jar jar apache2 4382 -awslambda-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4355 -ballerina-auth-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4264 -ballerina-backend-jvm-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4326 -ballerina-bir-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4269 -ballerina-cli-utils-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4338 -ballerina-client-generator-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4295 -ballerina-config-api-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4313 -ballerina-core-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4274 -ballerina-crypto-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4316 -ballerina-docker-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4365 -ballerina-encoding-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4284 -ballerina-file-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4378 -ballerina-filepath-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4259 -ballerina-formatter-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4379 -ballerina-grpc-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4253 -ballerina-http-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4270 -ballerina-io-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4314 -ballerina-istio-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4267 -ballerina-jaeger-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4307 -ballerina-java-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4250 -ballerina-java-arrays-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4279 -ballerina-jdbc-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4368 -ballerina-jsonutils-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4261 -ballerina-jvm-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4244 -ballerina-jwt-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4361 -ballerina-kafka-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4380 -ballerina-kubernetes-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4273 -ballerina-lang-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4366 -ballerina-log-api-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4386 -ballerina-logging-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4233 -ballerina-math-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4347 -ballerina-metrics-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4286 -ballerina-mime-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4228 -ballerina-nats-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4354 -ballerina-oauth2-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4362 -ballerina-observability-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4371 -ballerina-openapi-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4226 -ballerina-openshift-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4293 -ballerina-packerina-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4374 -ballerina-prometheus-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4243 -ballerina-reflect-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4281 -ballerina-rt-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4288 -ballerina-runtime-api-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4346 -ballerina-socket-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4302 -ballerina-streams-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4373 -ballerina-stringutils-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4364 -ballerina-system-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4311 -ballerina-task-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4263 -ballerina-time-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4257 -ballerina-to-openapi-generator-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4291 -ballerina-tool-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4312 -ballerina-transactions-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4299 -ballerina-utils-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4277 -ballerina-xmlutils-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4297 -ballerina-xslt-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4282 -ballerinax-awslambda-0.0.0.jar jar apache2 4356 -bcpkix-jdk15on-1.61.jar bundle bouncy 4073 -bcprov-jdk15on-1.61.jar bundle bouncy 4090 -bir.jar jar apache2 4333 -broker-auth-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 2993 -broker-common-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 2990 -broker-coordination-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 2989 -broker-core-0.970.5.jar bundle apache2 3861 -broker-rest-runner-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 2985 -cache.jar jar apache2 4322 -commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar bundle apache2 4079 -commons-collections-3.2.2.jar bundle apache2 2042 -commons-io-2.6.jar bundle apache2 3508 -commons-pool-1.5.6.wso2v1.jar bundle apache2 5589 -compiler_backend_jvm.jar jar apache2 4289 -config.jar jar apache2 4328 -crypto.jar jar apache2 4345 -debug-adapter-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4388 -decimal-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4283 -docerina-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4363 -docker-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4278 -docker.jar jar apache2 4383 -encoding.jar jar apache2 4340 -error-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4276 -file.jar jar apache2 4317 -filepath.jar jar apache2 4304 -floatingpoint-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4308 -future-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4300 -geronimo-activation_1.1_spec-1.1.jar bundle apache2 2103 -geronimo-json_1.0_spec-1.0-alpha-1.jar bundle apache2 4135 -geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar bundle apache2 635 -grpc.jar jar apache2 4323 -gson-2.7.jar bundle apache2 2102 -guava-19.0.jar bundle apache2 3032 -h2-1.4.199.jar bundle apache2 4078 -handlebars-4.0.6.jar bundle apache2 3030 -HikariCP-3.3.1.jar bundle apache2 4160 -http.jar jar apache2 4337 -integer-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4320 -internal-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4252 -io.jar jar apache2 4319 -istio.jar jar apache2 4318 -jackson-annotations-2.8.0.jar bundle apache2 2100 -jackson-core-2.8.6.jar bundle apache2 2099 -jackson-databind-2.8.6.jar bundle apache2 2098 -jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.8.8.jar bundle apache2 2203 -jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.9.5.jar bundle apache2 4343 -jaeger-core-0.24.0.jar jar apache2 3024 -jaeger-thrift-0.24.0.jar jar apache2 3023 -java-nats-streaming-2.2.1.jar bundle apache2 4238 -java.arrays.jar jar apache2 4349 -java.jar jar apache2 4309 -java.jdbc.jar jar apache2 4294 -javacpp-1.4.2.jar jar apache2 3445 -javax.transaction-api-1.2.jar bundle cddl+gpl 2200 -jaxen-1.1.6.jar bundle apache2 2095 -jboss-logging-3.3.1.Final.jar bundle apache2 4127 -jnats-2.6.0.jar bundle apache2 4260 -jsonutils.jar jar apache2 4247 -jvm.jar jar apache2 4375 -jwt.jar jar apache2 4245 -jzlib-1.1.3.jar jar bsd 3873 -kafka-clients-2.0.1.jar jar apache2 4248 -kafka.jar jar apache2 4235 -kafka_2.11-2.0.1.jar jar apache2 4332 -kotlin-stdlib-1.3.31.jar jar apache2 4134 -kotlin-stdlib-common-1.3.31.jar jar apache2 4147 -kraal-0.0.16.jar jar mit 4100 -kubernetes-extension-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4242 -kubernetes.jar jar apache2 4387 -lang.annotations.jar jar apache2 4369 -lang.array.jar jar apache2 4342 -lang.decimal.jar jar apache2 4237 -lang.error.jar jar apache2 4231 -lang.float.jar jar apache2 4353 -lang.future.jar jar apache2 4280 -lang.int.jar jar apache2 4357 -lang.map.jar jar apache2 4258 -lang.object.jar jar apache2 4376 -lang.stream.jar jar apache2 4225 -lang.string.jar jar apache2 4350 -lang.table.jar jar apache2 4301 -lang.typedesc.jar jar apache2 4275 -lang.value.jar jar apache2 4367 -lang.xml.jar jar apache2 4234 -lang.__internal.jar jar apache2 4372 -language-server-compiler-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4227 -language-server-core-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4389 -language-server-stdio-launcher-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4390 -libthrift-0.10.0.jar bundle apache2 3020 -log.jar jar apache2 4239 -map-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4377 -math.jar jar apache2 4268 -metrics-core-3.1.0.jar bundle apache2 3019 -mime.jar jar apache2 4296 -mimepull-1.9.7.jar bundle cddl1 3016 -module_cli_token_updater.jar jar apache2 4246 -module_pull.jar jar apache2 4255 -module_push.jar jar apache2 4266 -module_search.jar jar apache2 4287 -nats.jar jar apache2 4236 -netty-buffer-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4256 -netty-codec-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4351 -netty-codec-http-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4324 -netty-codec-http2-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4381 -netty-common-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4331 -netty-handler-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4290 -netty-handler-proxy-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4370 -netty-resolver-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4305 -netty-tcnative-boringssl-static-2.0.25.Final.jar bundle apache2 4352 -netty-transport-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4339 -netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4298 -netty-transport-native-kqueue-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 4310 -oauth2.jar jar apache2 4265 -object-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4230 -observe.jar jar apache2 4336 -okhttp-3.9.1.jar jar apache2 3014 -okio-1.13.0.jar jar apache2 3013 -openapi-to-ballerina-generator-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4240 -openapi-validator-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4321 -openapi.jar jar apache2 4232 -openshift.jar jar apache2 4251 -org.eclipse.lsp4j-0.6.0.jar bundle epl1 3901 -org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc-0.6.0.jar bundle apache2 3899 -org.wso2.carbon.core-5.1.0.jar bundle apache2 11763 -org.wso2.carbon.messaging-2.3.7.jar bundle apache2 12373 -org.wso2.carbon.metrics.core-2.3.7.jar bundle apache2 16765 -org.wso2.securevault-1.0.0-wso2v2.jar bundle apache2 3537 -org.wso2.transport.http.netty-6.2.25.jar bundle apache2 21891 -org.wso2.transport.local-file-system-6.0.55.jar bundle apache2 21400 -picocli-4.0.1.jar bundle apache2 4330 -prometheus.jar jar apache2 4385 -protobuf-ballerina-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4334 -protobuf-java-3.9.1.jar bundle bsd3 4285 -quartz-2.3.0.jar bundle apache2 2337 -quartz-jobs-2.3.0.jar jar apache2 2338 -reflect.jar jar apache2 4229 -runtime.jar jar apache2 4360 -snakeyaml-1.16.0.wso2v1.jar bundle apache2 11755 -socket.jar jar apache2 4262 -stax2-api-3.1.1.jar bundle bsd 545 -staxon-core-1.2.0.wso2v2.jar bundle apache2 11754 -stream-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4359 -streams.jar jar apache2 4341 -string-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4358 -stringutils.jar jar apache2 4292 -system.jar jar apache2 4327 -table-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4249 -task.jar jar apache2 4329 -test.jar jar apache2 4271 -testerina-core-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4344 -time.jar jar apache2 4384 -transactions.jar jar apache2 4348 -typedesc-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4303 -utils.jar jar apache2 4241 -value-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4306 -woodstox-core-asl-4.2.0.jar bundle apache2 537 -xml-1.0.0.jar jar apache2 4325 -xmlutils.jar jar apache2 4272 -xslt.jar jar apache2 4335 - - - -The license types used by the above libraries and their information is given below: - -bouncy Bouncy Castle License - http://www.bouncycastle.org/licence.html -bsd Berkeley License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php -apache2 Apache License Version 2.0 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html -mit MIT License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php -cddl1 Common Development and Distribution License - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php -cddl+gpl CDDL + GPLv2 - https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html -bsd3 BSD-3 - http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause -epl1 Eclipse Public License + +This product is licensed by WSO2 Inc. under Apache License 2.0. The license +can be downloaded from the following locations: + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt + +This product also contains software under different licenses. This table below +all the contained libraries (jar files) and the license under which they are +provided to you. + +At the bottom of this file is a table that shows what each license indicated +below is and where the actual text of the license can be found. + + +Name Version License +_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ +lang.stream.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-core-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-http-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +metrics-core-3.1.0.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-kubernetes-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-bir-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +bcpkix-jdk15on-1.61.jar bundle bouncy +decimal-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-encoding-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +reflect.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-metrics-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-reflect-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.error.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-xslt-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +org.wso2.carbon.metrics.core-2.3.7.jar bundle apache2 +error-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-java-arrays-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +docker-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +openapi.jar jar apache2 +lang.xml.jar jar apache2 +okio-1.13.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-task-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +kafka.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-auth-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar bundle apache2 +nats.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-jsonutils-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.decimal.jar jar apache2 +broker-auth-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 +staxon-core-1.2.0.wso2v2.jar bundle apache2 +java-nats-streaming-2.2.1.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-istio-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +log.jar jar apache2 +geronimo-activation_1.1_spec-1.1.jar bundle apache2 +libthrift-0.10.0.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-rabbitmq-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-socket-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +typedesc-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jwt.jar jar apache2 +woodstox-core-asl-4.2.0.jar bundle apache2 +bcprov-jdk15on-1.61.jar bundle bouncy +broker-rest-runner-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-jaeger-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +value-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +module_cli_token_updater.jar jar apache2 +jsonutils.jar jar apache2 +asm-analysis-7.1.jar bundle bsd +ballerina-openshift-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +kafka-clients-2.0.1.jar jar apache2 +openshift.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-to-openapi-generator-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-rt-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +rabbitmq.jar jar apache2 +gson-2.7.jar bundle apache2 +module_pull.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-transactions-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +future-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +netty-buffer-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +lang.map.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-xmlutils-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +amqp-client-5.7.3.jar bundle apache2 + mpl11 +ballerina-client-generator-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jnats-2.6.0.jar bundle apache2 +jackson-core-2.8.6.jar bundle apache2 +socket.jar jar apache2 +stax2-api-3.1.1.jar bundle bsd +jackson-databind-2.8.6.jar bundle apache2 +oauth2.jar jar apache2 +module_push.jar jar apache2 +openapi-to-ballerina-generator-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +kubernetes-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jaxen-1.1.6.jar bundle apache2 +math.jar jar apache2 +asm-tree-7.1.jar bundle bsd +test.jar jar apache2 +xmlutils.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-openapi-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ldap.jar jar apache2 +language-server-compiler-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +commons-collections-3.2.2.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-mime-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.typedesc.jar jar apache2 +kraal-0.0.16.jar jar mit +ballerina-ldap-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-logging-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.future.jar jar apache2 +object-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +protobuf-java-3.9.1.jar bundle apache2 +module_search.jar jar apache2 +broker-core-0.970.5.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-grpc-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +mimepull-1.9.7.jar bundle cddl1 +annotations-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +compiler_backend_jvm.jar jar apache2 +netty-handler-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +stringutils.jar jar apache2 +internal-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +table-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-java-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +java.jdbc.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-filepath-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-time-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +mime.jar jar apache2 +netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +lang.table.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-prometheus-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-jvm-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +filepath.jar jar apache2 +asm-7.1.jar bundle bsd +netty-resolver-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +llvm.jar jar apache2 +java.jar jar apache2 +awslambda-extension-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jaeger-thrift-0.31.0.jar jar apache2 +netty-transport-native-kqueue-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-nats-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jboss-logging-3.3.1.Final.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-jwt-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-oauth2-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +stream-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +string-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +file.jar jar apache2 +jaeger-core-0.31.0.jar jar apache2 +istio.jar jar apache2 +io.jar jar apache2 +testerina-core-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar bundle apache2 +cache.jar jar apache2 +grpc.jar jar apache2 +jzlib-1.1.3.jar jar bsd +netty-codec-http-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +kotlin-stdlib-1.3.31.jar jar apache2 +okhttp-3.9.1.jar jar apache2 +geronimo-json_1.0_spec-1.0-alpha-1.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-math-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-runtime-api-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-file-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +system.jar jar apache2 +map-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +websub.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-streams-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-packerina-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.8.8.jar bundle apache2 +config.jar jar apache2 +task.jar jar apache2 +picocli-4.0.1.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-log-api-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +netty-common-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-formatter-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +quartz-jobs-2.3.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-kafka-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +kafka_2.11-2.0.1.jar jar apache2 +broker-coordination-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 +org.wso2.carbon.messaging-2.3.7.jar bundle apache2 +bir.jar jar apache2 +xslt.jar jar apache2 +observe.jar jar apache2 +axiom-api-1.2.22.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-lang-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +javax.transaction-api-1.2.jar bundle cddl1 +ballerina-docker-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +snakeyaml-1.16.0.wso2v1.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-stringutils-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +docerina-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-observability-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +http.jar jar apache2 +kotlin-stdlib-common-1.3.31.jar jar apache2 +netty-transport-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +encoding.jar jar apache2 +axiom-impl-1.2.22.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-jdbc-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +asm-util-7.1.jar bundle bsd +streams.jar jar apache2 +broker-common-0.970.0.jar bundle apache2 +integer-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +openapi-validator-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.array.jar jar apache2 +jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.9.5.jar bundle apache2 +array-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +crypto.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-crypto-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +jackson-annotations-2.8.0.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-backend-jvm-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +org.wso2.carbon.core-5.1.0.jar bundle apache2 +transactions.jar jar apache2 +java.arrays.jar jar apache2 +xml-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.string.jar jar apache2 +netty-codec-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +netty-tcnative-boringssl-static-2.0.25.Final.jar bundle apache2 +axiom-dom-1.2.22.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-system-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.float.jar jar apache2 +commons-pool-1.5.6.wso2v1.jar bundle apache2 +javacpp-1.4.2.jar jar apache2 +floatingpoint-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +handlebars-4.0.6.jar bundle apache2 +ballerinax-awslambda-0.0.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.int.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-io-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-tool-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +axiom-c14n-1.2.22.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-config-api-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +HikariCP-3.3.1.jar bundle apache2 +runtime.jar jar apache2 +org.wso2.transport.local-file-system-6.0.55.jar bundle apache2 +ballerina-websub-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +protobuf-ballerina-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.value.jar jar apache2 +ballerina-cli-utils-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +lang.annotations.jar jar apache2 +netty-handler-proxy-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +guava-19.0.jar bundle apache2 +lang.__internal.jar jar apache2 +jvm.jar jar apache2 +org.wso2.transport.http.netty-6.2.34.jar bundle apache2 +lang.object.jar jar apache2 +netty-codec-http2-4.1.39.Final.jar bundle apache2 +auth.jar jar apache2 +quartz-2.3.0.jar bundle apache2 +docker.jar jar apache2 +time.jar jar apache2 +prometheus.jar jar apache2 +org.wso2.securevault-1.0.0-wso2v2.jar bundle apache2 +kubernetes.jar jar apache2 +debug-adapter-core-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +debug-adapter-cli-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +h2-1.4.199.jar bundle apache2 +org.eclipse.lsp4j-0.8.1.jar bundle epl1 +commons-io-2.6.jar bundle apache2 +language-server-stdio-launcher-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +language-server-cli-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 +org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc-0.8.1.jar bundle epl1 +language-server-core-1.1.0.jar jar apache2 + + +The license types used by the above libraries and their information is given below: + +apache2 Apache License Version 2.0 + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html +bouncy Bouncy Castle License + http://www.bouncycastle.org/licence.html +bsd Berkeley License + http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php +mpl11 Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 + http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html +mit MIT License + http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php +cddl1 Common Development and Distribution License + http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php +epl1 Eclipse Public License http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html \ No newline at end of file