diff --git a/include/yokozuna.hrl b/include/yokozuna.hrl
index c6ed269f..e876cfae 100644
--- a/include/yokozuna.hrl
+++ b/include/yokozuna.hrl
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
%% Short representation of a preflist, partition + n_val
-type short_preflist() :: {p(), n()}.
%% Riak bucket
--type bucket() :: binary().
+-type bucket() :: Name :: binary() | {Type :: binary(), Name :: binary()}.
%% Riak key
-type key() :: binary().
%% Bucket/Key pair
@@ -341,6 +341,13 @@
-define(YZ_RK_FIELD_XPATH, "/schema/fields/field[@name=\"_yz_rk\" and @type=\"_yz_str\" and @indexed=\"true\" and @stored=\"true\"]").
+%% Riak bucket type
+-define(YZ_RT_FIELD, '_yz_rt').
+-define(YZ_RT_FIELD_S, "_yz_rt").
+-define(YZ_RT_FIELD_B, <<"_yz_rt">>).
+-define(YZ_RT_FIELD_XPATH, "/schema/fields/field[@name=\"_yz_rt\" and @type=\"_yz_str\" and @indexed=\"true\" and @stored=\"true\"]").
%% Riak bucket
-define(YZ_RB_FIELD, '_yz_rb').
-define(YZ_RB_FIELD_S, "_yz_rb").
diff --git a/java_src/com/basho/yokozuna/handler/EntropyData.java b/java_src/com/basho/yokozuna/handler/EntropyData.java
index 30853c1d..157611b5 100644
--- a/java_src/com/basho/yokozuna/handler/EntropyData.java
+++ b/java_src/com/basho/yokozuna/handler/EntropyData.java
@@ -120,7 +120,9 @@ public void handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp)
String text = null;
String[] vals = null;
String docPartition = null;
- String riakBucket = null;
+ String vsn = null;
+ String riakBType = null;
+ String riakBName = null;
String riakKey = null;
String hash = null;
int count = 0;
@@ -135,13 +137,18 @@ public void handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp)
log.debug("text: " + text);
vals = text.split(" ");
- docPartition = vals[0];
- riakBucket = vals[1];
- riakKey = vals[2];
- hash = vals[3];
+ vsn = vals[0];
+ docPartition = vals[1];
+ riakBType = vals[2];
+ riakBName = vals[3];
+ riakKey = vals[4];
+ hash = vals[5];
if (partition.equals(docPartition)) {
SolrDocument tmpDoc = new SolrDocument();
- tmpDoc.addField("riak_bucket", riakBucket);
+ tmpDoc.addField("vsn", vsn);
+ tmpDoc.addField("riak_bucket_type", riakBType);
+ tmpDoc.addField("riak_bucket_name", riakBName);
tmpDoc.addField("riak_key", riakKey);
tmpDoc.addField("base64_hash", hash);
diff --git a/misc/bench/schemas/fruit_schema.xml b/misc/bench/schemas/fruit_schema.xml
index 95160a7c..aaf64cb5 100644
--- a/misc/bench/schemas/fruit_schema.xml
+++ b/misc/bench/schemas/fruit_schema.xml
@@ -10,20 +10,22 @@ rue"/>
diff --git a/misc/bench/src/yz_driver.erl b/misc/bench/src/yz_driver.erl
index 354b89be..5bf13310 100644
--- a/misc/bench/src/yz_driver.erl
+++ b/misc/bench/src/yz_driver.erl
@@ -28,6 +28,26 @@
%% API
%% ====================================================================
+-type bucket() :: bucket() | {bucket(), bucket()}.
+-spec bucket_path(bucket()) -> binary().
+bucket_path({Type, Name}) ->
+ <<"/types/",Type/binary,"/buckets/",Name/binary,"/keys">>;
+bucket_path(Name) ->
+ <<"/buckets/",Name/binary,"/keys">>.
+-spec search_path(bucket()) -> binary().
+search_path({BucketType, _}) ->
+ <<"/solr/",BucketType/binary,"/select">>;
+search_path(BucketName) ->
+ <<"/solr/",BucketName/binary,"/select">>.
+-spec bucket_type(bucket()) -> binary().
+bucket_type({Type, _}) ->
+ Type;
+bucket_type(Name) ->
+ Name.
start_apps(Apps) ->
[application:start(App) || App <- Apps].
@@ -43,19 +63,20 @@ new(_Id) ->
false ->
- Index = basho_bench_config:get(index, "test"),
+ Bucket = basho_bench_config:get(bucket, {<<"test">>, <<"test">>}),
+ Index = basho_bench_config:get(index, bucket_type(Bucket)),
HTTP = basho_bench_config:get(http_conns, [{"", 8098}]),
PB = basho_bench_config:get(pb_conns, [{"", 8087}]),
- IPath = basho_bench_config:get(index_path, "/riak/test"),
- SPath = basho_bench_config:get(search_path, "/search/test"),
- IURLs = array:from_list(lists:map(make_url(IPath), HTTP)),
+ BPath = basho_bench_config:get(bucket_path, bucket_path(Bucket)),
+ SPath = basho_bench_config:get(search_path, search_path(Index)),
+ IURLs = array:from_list(lists:map(make_url(BPath), HTTP)),
SURLs = array:from_list(lists:map(make_url(SPath), HTTP)),
Conns = array:from_list(lists:map(make_conn(Secure, User, Password, Cert), PB)),
N = length(HTTP),
M = length(PB),
{ok, #state{pb_conns={Conns, {0,M}},
- index=list_to_binary(Index),
+ index=Index,
iurls={IURLs, {0,N}},
surls={SURLs, {0,N}}}}.
diff --git a/priv/default_schema.xml b/priv/default_schema.xml
index 8e871e46..1e4d8ef2 100644
--- a/priv/default_schema.xml
+++ b/priv/default_schema.xml
@@ -130,6 +130,9 @@
diff --git a/riak_test/aae_test.erl b/riak_test/aae_test.erl
index 0d44fea6..59e5df72 100644
--- a/riak_test/aae_test.erl
+++ b/riak_test/aae_test.erl
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
-define(NUM_KEYS, 10000).
+-define(BUCKET, {<<"fruit_aae">>, <<"fruit">>}).
-define(INDEX, <<"fruit_aae">>).
-define(REPAIR_MFA, {yz_exchange_fsm, repair, 2}).
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ confirm() ->
PBConns = yz_rt:open_pb_conns(Cluster),
PBConn = yz_rt:select_random(PBConns),
setup_index(Cluster, PBConn, YZBenchDir),
- yz_rt:load_data(Cluster, ?INDEX, YZBenchDir, ?NUM_KEYS),
+ {0, _} = yz_rt:load_data(Cluster, ?BUCKET, YZBenchDir, ?NUM_KEYS),
lager:info("Verify data was indexed"),
verify_num_match(Cluster, ?NUM_KEYS),
%% Wait for a full round of exchange and then get total repair
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ setup_index(Cluster, PBConn, YZBenchDir) ->
RawSchema = read_schema(YZBenchDir),
yz_rt:store_schema(PBConn, ?INDEX, RawSchema),
ok = yz_rt:create_index(Node, ?INDEX, ?INDEX),
- ok = yz_rt:set_index(Node, ?INDEX),
+ ok = yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(Node, ?INDEX),
yz_rt:wait_for_index(Cluster, ?INDEX).
%% @doc Verify that no repair has happened since `TS'.
diff --git a/riak_test/yokozuna_essential.erl b/riak_test/yokozuna_essential.erl
index 3740a4cc..20504790 100644
--- a/riak_test/yokozuna_essential.erl
+++ b/riak_test/yokozuna_essential.erl
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
search_expect/5, search_expect/6,
- set_index/2,
wait_for_joins/1, write_terms/2]).
@@ -23,6 +22,7 @@
%% cluster and you will see zero repairs occur.
-define(FRUIT_SCHEMA_NAME, <<"fruit">>).
+-define(BUCKET, {<<"fruit">>,<<"b1">>}).
-define(INDEX, <<"fruit">>).
-define(NUM_KEYS, 10000).
-define(SUCCESS, 0).
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ confirm() ->
rt:wait_for_cluster_service(Cluster, yokozuna),
setup_indexing(Cluster, PBConns, YZBenchDir),
- {0, _} = yz_rt:load_data(Cluster, ?INDEX, YZBenchDir, ?NUM_KEYS),
+ {0, _} = yz_rt:load_data(Cluster, ?BUCKET, YZBenchDir, ?NUM_KEYS),
%% wait for soft-commit
Ref = async_query(Cluster, YZBenchDir),
@@ -63,19 +63,21 @@ confirm() ->
+%% @doc Verify that the delete call made my `yz_kv:cleanup' can deal
+%% with a key which contains characters like '/', ':' and '-'.
test_escaped_key(Cluster) ->
lager:info("Test key escape"),
{H, P} = hd(host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster))),
Value = <<"Never gonna give you up">>,
- Bucket = "escaped",
+ Bucket = {<<"escaped">>,<<"b1">>},
Key = edoc_lib:escape_uri("rick/astley-rolled:derp"),
ok = yz_rt:http_put({H, P}, Bucket, Key, Value),
ok = http_get({H, P}, Bucket, Key),
-http_get({Host, Port}, Bucket, Key) ->
- URL = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("http://~s:~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s",
- [Host, integer_to_list(Port), Bucket, Key])),
+http_get({Host, Port}, {BType, BName}, Key) ->
+ URL = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("http://~s:~s/types/~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s",
+ [Host, integer_to_list(Port), BType, BName, Key])),
Headers = [{"accept", "text/plain"}],
{ok, "200", _, _} = ibrowse:send_req(URL, Headers, get, [], []),
@@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ test_tagging(Cluster) ->
write_with_tag({Host, Port}) ->
lager:info("Tag the object tagging/test"),
- URL = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("http://~s:~s/buckets/tagging/keys/test",
+ URL = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("http://~s:~s/types/tagging/buckets/b1/keys/test",
[Host, integer_to_list(Port)])),
Opts = [],
Body = <<"testing tagging">>,
@@ -116,10 +118,9 @@ async_query(Cluster, YZBenchDir) ->
{operations, [{Apple,1}]},
{http_conns, Hosts},
{pb_conns, []},
- {search_path, "/search/" ++ binary_to_list(?INDEX)},
+ {bucket, ?BUCKET},
{shutdown_on_error, true}],
- File = "bb-query-fruit-" ++ binary_to_list(?INDEX),
+ File = "bb-query-fruit",
write_terms(File, Cfg),
run_bb(async, File).
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ delete_key(Cluster, Key) ->
Node = yz_rt:select_random(Cluster),
lager:info("Deleting key ~s", [Key]),
{ok, C} = riak:client_connect(Node),
- C:delete(?INDEX, list_to_binary(Key)).
+ C:delete(?BUCKET, list_to_binary(Key)).
delete_some_data(Cluster, ReapSleep) ->
Keys = yz_rt:random_keys(?NUM_KEYS),
@@ -168,13 +169,15 @@ setup_indexing(Cluster, PBConns, YZBenchDir) ->
yz_rt:store_schema(PBConn, ?FRUIT_SCHEMA_NAME, RawSchema),
yz_rt:wait_for_schema(Cluster, ?FRUIT_SCHEMA_NAME, RawSchema),
ok = create_index(Node, ?INDEX, ?FRUIT_SCHEMA_NAME),
- ok = set_index(Node, ?INDEX),
+ ok = yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(Node, ?INDEX),
ok = create_index(Node, <<"tagging">>),
- ok = set_index(Node, <<"tagging">>),
+ ok = yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(Node, <<"tagging">>),
ok = create_index(Node, <<"siblings">>),
- ok = set_index(Node, <<"siblings">>),
+ ok = yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(Node, <<"siblings">>),
+ ok = create_index(Node, <<"escaped">>),
+ ok = yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(Node, <<"escaped">>),
[yz_rt:wait_for_index(Cluster, I)
- || I <- [<<"fruit">>, <<"tagging">>, <<"siblings">>]].
+ || I <- [<<"fruit">>, <<"tagging">>, <<"siblings">>, <<"escaped">>]].
verify_deletes(Cluster, KeysDeleted, YZBenchDir) ->
NumDeleted = length(KeysDeleted),
@@ -191,10 +194,9 @@ verify_deletes(Cluster, KeysDeleted, YZBenchDir) ->
{operations, [{Apple,1}]},
{http_conns, Hosts},
{pb_conns, []},
- {search_path, "/search/" ++ binary_to_list(?INDEX)},
+ {bucket, ?BUCKET},
{shutdown_on_error, true}],
- File = "bb-verify-deletes-" ++ binary_to_list(?INDEX),
+ File = "bb-verify-deletes",
write_terms(File, Cfg),
check_status(run_bb(sync, File)).
diff --git a/riak_test/yz_errors.erl b/riak_test/yz_errors.erl
index 9caec91a..b5423764 100644
--- a/riak_test/yz_errors.erl
+++ b/riak_test/yz_errors.erl
@@ -39,10 +39,11 @@ test_errors(Cluster) ->
expect_bad_json(Cluster) ->
Index = <<"bad_json">>,
+ Bucket = {<<"bad_json">>,<<"bucket">>},
HP = yz_rt:select_random(host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster))),
- ok = create_index(Cluster, HP, Index),
- lager:info("Write bad json"),
- URL = bucket_url(HP, Index, "test"),
+ ok = create_index(Cluster, Index),
+ lager:info("Write bad json [~p]", [HP]),
+ URL = bucket_url(HP, Bucket, "test"),
Opts = [],
CT = "application/json",
Headers = [{"content-type", CT}],
@@ -59,10 +60,11 @@ expect_bad_json(Cluster) ->
expect_bad_xml(Cluster) ->
Index = <<"bad_xml">>,
+ Bucket = {Index,<<"bucket">>},
HP = yz_rt:select_random(host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster))),
- ok = create_index(Cluster, HP, Index),
- lager:info("Write bad xml"),
- URL = bucket_url(HP, Index, "test"),
+ ok = create_index(Cluster, Index),
+ lager:info("Write bad xml [~p]", [HP]),
+ URL = bucket_url(HP, Bucket, "test"),
Opts = [],
CT = "application/xml",
Headers = [{"content-type", CT}],
@@ -79,10 +81,11 @@ expect_bad_xml(Cluster) ->
expect_bad_query(Cluster) ->
Index = <<"bad_query">>,
+ Bucket = {Index, <<"bucket">>},
HP = yz_rt:select_random(host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster))),
- ok = create_index(Cluster, HP, Index),
- lager:info("Write bad query"),
- URL = bucket_url(HP, Index, "test"),
+ ok = create_index(Cluster, Index),
+ lager:info("Write bad query [~p]", [HP]),
+ URL = bucket_url(HP, Bucket, "test"),
Opts = [],
CT = "text/plain",
Headers = [{"content-type", CT}],
@@ -100,22 +103,24 @@ expect_bad_query(Cluster) ->
index_url({Host,Port}, Index) ->
?FMT("http://~s:~B/yz/index/~s", [Host, Port, Index]).
-bucket_url({Host,Port}, Bucket, Key) ->
- ?FMT("http://~s:~B/buckets/~s/keys/~s", [Host, Port, Bucket, Key]).
+bucket_url({Host,Port}, {BType, BName}, Key) ->
+ ?FMT("http://~s:~B/types/~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s", [Host, Port, BType, BName, Key]).
-search_url({Host,Port}, Bucket) ->
- ?FMT("http://~s:~B/search/~s", [Host, Port, Bucket]).
+search_url({Host,Port}, Index) ->
+ ?FMT("http://~s:~B/solr/~s/select", [Host, Port, Index]).
http(Method, URL, Headers, Body) ->
Opts = [],
ibrowse:send_req(URL, Headers, Method, Body, Opts).
-create_index(Cluster, HP, Index) ->
+create_index(Cluster, Index) ->
Node = yz_rt:select_random(Cluster),
- lager:info("create_index ~s [~p]", [Index, HP]),
+ HP = hd(host_entries(rt:connection_info([Node]))),
+ lager:info("create_index ~s [~p]", [Index, Node]),
URL = index_url(HP, Index),
Headers = [{"content-type", "application/json"}],
{ok, Status, _, _} = http(put, URL, Headers, ?NO_BODY),
- yz_rt:set_index(Node, Index),
+ yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(Node, Index),
+ yz_rt:wait_for_bucket_type(Cluster, Index),
yz_rt:wait_for_index(Cluster, Index),
?assertEqual("204", Status).
diff --git a/riak_test/yz_fallback.erl b/riak_test/yz_fallback.erl
index 85d80d65..741f095f 100644
--- a/riak_test/yz_fallback.erl
+++ b/riak_test/yz_fallback.erl
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
-define(NUM_KEYS, 1000).
-define(INDEX, <<"fallback">>).
+-define(BUCKET, {?INDEX, <<"bucket">>}).
+-define(KEY, <<"key">>).
-define(FMT(S, Args), lists:flatten(io_lib:format(S, Args))).
@@ -21,27 +23,27 @@ confirm() ->
rt:wait_for_cluster_service(Cluster, yokozuna),
create_index(Cluster, ?INDEX),
Cluster2 = take_node_down(Cluster),
- write_obj(Cluster2),
- check_fallbacks(Cluster2),
+ write_obj(Cluster2, ?BUCKET, ?KEY),
+ check_fallbacks(Cluster2, ?INDEX, ?BUCKET, ?KEY),
HP = riak_hp(yz_rt:select_random(Cluster2), Cluster2),
?assert(yz_rt:search_expect(yokozuna, HP, ?INDEX, "*", "*", 1)),
-check_fallbacks(Cluster) ->
+check_fallbacks(Cluster, Index, Bucket, Key) ->
Node = yz_rt:select_random(Cluster),
- KVPreflist = kv_preflist(Node, ?INDEX, ?INDEX),
+ KVPreflist = kv_preflist(Node, Bucket, Key),
FallbackPreflist = filter_fallbacks(KVPreflist),
LogicalFallbackPL = make_logical(Node, FallbackPreflist),
{H, P} = solr_hp(FNode, Cluster),
- ?assert(yz_rt:search_expect(solr, {H, P}, ?INDEX, "_yz_pn", integer_to_list(LPN), 0))
+ ?assert(yz_rt:search_expect(solr, {H, P}, Index, "_yz_pn", integer_to_list(LPN), 0))
|| {LPN, FNode} <- LogicalFallbackPL].
create_index(Cluster, Index) ->
Node = yz_rt:select_random(Cluster),
yz_rt:create_index(Node, Index),
- ok = yz_rt:set_index(Node, Index),
+ ok = yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(Node, Index),
make_logical(Node, Preflist) ->
@@ -68,12 +70,12 @@ take_node_down(Cluster) ->
Cluster -- [DownNode].
-write_obj(Cluster) ->
+write_obj(Cluster, {BType, BName}, Key) ->
Node = yz_rt:select_random(Cluster),
{Host, Port} = riak_hp(Node, Cluster),
lager:info("write obj to node ~p", [Node]),
- URL = ?FMT("http://~s:~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s",
- [Host, integer_to_list(Port), ?INDEX, ?INDEX]),
+ URL = ?FMT("http://~s:~s/types/~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s",
+ [Host, integer_to_list(Port), BType, BName, Key]),
Headers = [{"content-type", "text/plain"}],
Body = <<"yokozuna">>,
{ok, "204", _, _} = ibrowse:send_req(URL, Headers, put, Body, []),
diff --git a/riak_test/yz_flag_transitions.erl b/riak_test/yz_flag_transitions.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cc27503..00000000
--- a/riak_test/yz_flag_transitions.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-%% @doc Test the addition or removal of the index entry from a bucket
-%% that has data. If a bucket already has data then associating
-%% it with an index should cause re-indexing under the newly
-%% associated index. Conversely, if an index is dissociated from
-%% the bucket then that bucket's data should be deleted from the
-%% index.
-%% NOTE: This is called "flag transition" because originally Yokozuna
-%% had an implicit one-to-one mapping between bucket and index
-%% name. That is, the names were the same and a given index was
-%% responsible for only one bucket.
--define(NUM_KEYS, 1000).
- [{riak_core,
- [
- {ring_creation_size, 32}
- ]},
- {riak_kv,
- [
- %% build often
- {anti_entropy_build_limit, {100, 1000}},
- {anti_entropy_concurrency, 12}
- ]},
- {yokozuna,
- [
- {enabled, true},
- {entropy_tick, 1000}
- ]},
- {lager,
- [{handlers,
- [{lager_file_backend,
- [{"./log/error.log",error,10485760,"$D0",5},
- {"./log/console.log",info,104857600,"$D0",10}]}]}]}
- ]).
-confirm() ->
- YZBenchDir = rt_config:get(yz_dir) ++ "/misc/bench",
- random:seed(now()),
- Cluster = rt:build_cluster(4, ?CFG),
- rt:wait_for_cluster_service(Cluster, yokozuna),
- verify_index_add(Cluster, YZBenchDir),
- verify_index_remove(Cluster),
- verify_many_to_one_index_remove(Cluster),
- pass.
-%% @doc When an index is associated with a bucket the Yokozuna AAE
-%% trees should be cleared. Thus on next exchange missing indexes
-%% will be discovered and repaired.
-verify_index_add(Cluster, YZBenchDir) ->
- lager:info("Verify adding index"),
- yz_rt:load_data(Cluster, <<"fruit">>, YZBenchDir, ?NUM_KEYS),
- %% Let 1s soft-commit catch up
- timer:sleep(1000),
- Hosts = yz_rt:host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster)),
- HP = yz_rt:select_random(Hosts),
- lager:info("Verify fruit index doesn't exist"),
- {ok, "404", _, _} = yz_rt:search(yokozuna, HP, <<"fruit">>, "*", "*"),
- lager:info("Create fruit index + set flag"),
- yz_rt:create_index(yz_rt:select_random(Cluster), <<"fruit">>),
- yz_rt:set_index(yz_rt:select_random(Cluster), <<"fruit">>),
- yz_rt:wait_for_index(Cluster, <<"fruit">>),
- %% TODO: use YZ/KV AAE stats to determine when AAE has covered ring once.
- F = fun(Node) ->
- lager:info("Verify that AAE re-indexes objects under fruit index [~p]", [Node]),
- HP2 = hd(yz_rt:host_entries(rt:connection_info([Node]))),
- yz_rt:search_expect(HP2, <<"fruit">>, "*", "*", ?NUM_KEYS)
- end,
- yz_rt:wait_until(Cluster, F).
-%% @doc When an index is dissociated the indexes for that bucket's
-%% index should be deleted.
-verify_index_remove(Cluster) ->
- lager:info("Verify removing index"),
- Node = yz_rt:select_random(Cluster),
- yz_rt:remove_index(Node, <<"fruit">>),
- F = fun(Node2) ->
- lager:info("Verify fruit indexes are deleted [~p]", [Node2]),
- HP = hd(yz_rt:host_entries(rt:connection_info([Node2]))),
- yz_rt:search_expect(HP, <<"fruit">>, "*", "*", 0)
- end,
- yz_rt:wait_until(Cluster, F).
-%% @doc Verify that removing the index entry for a bucket deletes only
-%% that bucket's data in the associated index.
-verify_many_to_one_index_remove(Cluster) ->
- Index = <<"many">>,
- lager:info("Verify removing index on a many-to-one index"),
- Node = yz_rt:select_random(Cluster),
- HP = hd(yz_rt:host_entries(rt:connection_info([Node]))),
- yz_rt:create_index(Node, Index),
- yz_rt:set_index(Node, <<"b1">>, Index),
- yz_rt:set_index(Node, <<"b2">>, Index),
- yz_rt:wait_for_index(Cluster, Index),
- yz_rt:http_put(HP, <<"b1">>, <<"key">>, <<"somedata">>),
- yz_rt:http_put(HP, <<"b2">>, <<"key">>, <<"somedata">>),
- %% Wait for soft-commit
- timer:sleep(1100),
- ?assert(yz_rt:search_expect(HP, Index, "_yz_rb", "b1", 1)),
- ?assert(yz_rt:search_expect(HP, Index, "_yz_rb", "b2", 1)),
- yz_rt:remove_index(Node, <<"b1">>),
- F = fun(Node2) ->
- lager:info("Verify only 'b1' data is removed from ~s index [~p]", [Index, Node2]),
- HP2 = hd(yz_rt:host_entries(rt:connection_info([Node2]))),
- R1 = yz_rt:search_expect(HP2, Index, "_yz_rb", "b1", 0),
- R2 = yz_rt:search_expect(HP2, Index, "_yz_rb", "b2", 1),
- R1 and R2
- end,
- yz_rt:wait_until(Cluster, F).
diff --git a/riak_test/yz_languages.erl b/riak_test/yz_languages.erl
index 1d79755d..35ec20f3 100644
--- a/riak_test/yz_languages.erl
+++ b/riak_test/yz_languages.erl
@@ -35,17 +35,12 @@ select_random(List) ->
host_entries(ClusterConnInfo) ->
[proplists:get_value(http, I) || {_,I} <- ClusterConnInfo].
-schema_url({Host,Port}, Name) ->
- ?FMT("http://~s:~B/yz/schema/~s", [Host, Port, Name]).
index_url({Host,Port}, Index) ->
?FMT("http://~s:~B/yz/index/~s", [Host, Port, Index]).
-search_url({Host,Port}, Bucket, Term) ->
- ?FMT("http://~s:~B/search/~s?wt=json&omitHeader=true&q=~s", [Host, Port, Bucket, Term]).
-bucket_url({Host,Port}, Bucket, Key) ->
- ?FMT("http://~s:~B/buckets/~s/keys/~s", [Host, Port, Bucket, Key]).
+bucket_url({Host,Port}, {BType, BName}, Key) ->
+ ?FMT("http://~s:~B/types/~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s",
+ [Host, Port, BType, BName, Key]).
http(Method, URL, Headers, Body) ->
Opts = [],
@@ -56,34 +51,17 @@ create_index(Cluster, HP, Index) ->
URL = index_url(HP, Index),
Headers = [{"content-type", "application/json"}],
{ok, Status, _, _} = http(put, URL, Headers, ?NO_BODY),
- ok = yz_rt:set_index(hd(Cluster), Index),
+ ok = yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(hd(Cluster), Index),
yz_rt:wait_for_index(Cluster, Index),
?assertEqual("204", Status).
-search(HP, Index, Term) ->
- URL = search_url(HP, Index, Term),
- lager:info("Run search ~s", [URL]),
- Opts = [{response_format, binary}],
- case ibrowse:send_req(URL, [], get, [], Opts) of
- {ok, "200", _, Resp} ->
- lager:info("Search resp ~p", [Resp]),
- Resp;
- Other ->
- {bad_response, Other}
- end.
-verify_count(Expected, Resp) ->
- Struct = mochijson2:decode(Resp),
- NumFound = kvc:path([<<"response">>, <<"numFound">>], Struct),
- Expected == NumFound.
-store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, CT, Body, Search) ->
+store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Index, CT, Body, Field, Term) ->
Headers = [{"Content-Type", CT}],
- store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Headers, CT, Body, Search).
+ store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Index, Headers, CT, Body, Field, Term).
-store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Headers, CT, Body, Search) ->
+store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Index, Headers, CT, Body, Field, Term) ->
HP = select_random(host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster))),
- create_index(Cluster, HP, Bucket),
+ create_index(Cluster, HP, Index),
URL = bucket_url(HP, Bucket, "test"),
lager:info("Storing to bucket ~s", [URL]),
{ok, "204", _, _} = ibrowse:send_req(URL, Headers, put, Body),
@@ -91,27 +69,29 @@ store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Headers, CT, Body, Search) ->
{ok, "200", _, Body} = ibrowse:send_req(URL, [{"accept", CT}], get, []),
lager:info("Verify values are indexed"),
- R1 = search(HP, Bucket, Search),
- verify_count(1, R1),
+ ?assert(yz_rt:search_expect(HP, Index, Field, Term, 1)),
confirm_body_search_encoding(Cluster) ->
- Bucket = <<"test_iso_8859_8">>,
- lager:info("confirm_iso_8859_8 ~s", [Bucket]),
+ Index = <<"test_iso_8859_8">>,
+ Bucket = {Index, <<"b">>},
+ lager:info("confirm_iso_8859_8 ~s", [Index]),
Body = "א בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ",
- store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, "text/plain", Body, "text:בָּרָא").
+ store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Index, "text/plain", Body, "text", "בָּרָא").
confirm_language_field_type(Cluster) ->
- Bucket = <<"test_shift_jis">>,
- lager:info("confirm_shift_jis ~s", [Bucket]),
+ Index = <<"test_shift_jis">>,
+ Bucket = {Index, <<"b">>},
+ lager:info("confirm_shift_jis ~s", [Index]),
Body = "{\"text_ja\" : \"私はハイビスカスを食べるのが 大好き\"}",
- store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, "application/json", Body, "text_ja:大好き").
+ store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Index, "application/json", Body, "text_ja", "大好き").
confirm_tag_encoding(Cluster) ->
- Bucket = <<"test_iso_8859_6">>,
- lager:info("confirm_iso_8859_6 ~s", [Bucket]),
+ Index = <<"test_iso_8859_6">>,
+ Bucket = {Index, <<"b">>},
+ lager:info("confirm_iso_8859_6 ~s", [Index]),
Body = "أردت أن أقرأ كتابا عن تاريخ المرأة في فرنسا",
Headers = [{"Content-Type", "text/plain"},
{"x-riak-meta-yz-tags", "x-riak-meta-arabic_s"},
{"x-riak-meta-arabic_s", "أقرأ"}],
- store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Headers, "text/plain", Body, "arabic_s:أقرأ").
+ store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Index, Headers, "text/plain", Body, "arabic_s", "أقرأ").
diff --git a/riak_test/yz_mapreduce.erl b/riak_test/yz_mapreduce.erl
index 7cd4e556..987d169a 100644
--- a/riak_test/yz_mapreduce.erl
+++ b/riak_test/yz_mapreduce.erl
@@ -34,13 +34,15 @@
-spec confirm() -> pass.
confirm() ->
Index = <<"mr_index">>,
+ Bucket = {Index, <<"b1">>},
Cluster = rt:build_cluster(4, ?CFG),
rt:wait_for_cluster_service(Cluster, yokozuna),
yz_rt:create_index(yz_rt:select_random(Cluster), Index),
- yz_rt:set_index(yz_rt:select_random(Cluster), Index),
+ yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(yz_rt:select_random(Cluster), Index),
+ timer:sleep(500),
yz_rt:wait_for_index(Cluster, Index),
- write_100_objs(Cluster, Index),
+ write_100_objs(Cluster, Bucket),
verify_100_objs_mr(Cluster, Index),
@@ -58,31 +60,32 @@ verify_100_objs_mr(Cluster, Index) ->
{'query', [MakeTick, ReduceSum]}],
F = fun(Node) ->
HP = hd(yz_rt:host_entries(rt:connection_info([Node]))),
- R = http_mr(HP, MR),
- 100 == hd(mochijson2:decode(R))
+ A = hd(mochijson2:decode(http_mr(HP, MR))),
+ lager:info("Running map-reduce job on ~p", [Node]),
+ lager:info("E: 100, A: ~p", [A]),
+ 100 == A
yz_rt:wait_until(Cluster, F).
-spec write_100_objs([node()], index_name()) -> ok.
-write_100_objs(Cluster, Index) ->
+write_100_objs(Cluster, Bucket) ->
lager:info("Writing 100 objects"),
- lists:foreach(write_obj(Cluster, Index), lists:seq(1,100)).
+ lists:foreach(write_obj(Cluster, Bucket), lists:seq(1,100)).
--spec write_obj([node()], index_name()) -> fun().
-write_obj(Cluster, Index) ->
+-spec write_obj([node()], bucket()) -> fun().
+write_obj(Cluster, Bucket) ->
fun(N) ->
PL = [{name_s,<<"yokozuna">>}, {num_i,N}],
Key = list_to_binary(io_lib:format("key_~B", [N])),
Body = mochijson2:encode(PL),
HP = yz_rt:select_random(yz_rt:host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster))),
CT = "application/json",
- lager:info("Writing object with bkey ~p [~p]", [{Index,Key}, HP]),
- yz_rt:http_put(HP, Index, Key, CT, Body)
+ lager:info("Writing object with bkey ~p [~p]", [{Bucket, Key}, HP]),
+ yz_rt:http_put(HP, Bucket, Key, CT, Body)
-spec http_mr({host(), portnum()}, term()) -> binary().
http_mr({Host,Port}, MR) ->
- lager:info("Running map-reduce job [~p]", [{Host,Port}]),
URL = ?FMT("http://~s:~s/mapred", [Host, integer_to_list(Port)]),
Opts = [],
Headers = [{"content-type", "application/json"}],
diff --git a/riak_test/yz_pb.erl b/riak_test/yz_pb.erl
index 47ae4f34..921a21bc 100644
--- a/riak_test/yz_pb.erl
+++ b/riak_test/yz_pb.erl
@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
@@ -56,22 +57,24 @@ schema_url({Host,Port}, Name) ->
index_url({Host,Port}, Index) ->
?FMT("http://~s:~B/yz/index/~s", [Host, Port, Index]).
-bucket_url({Host,Port}, Bucket, Key) ->
- ?FMT("http://~s:~B/buckets/~s/keys/~s", [Host, Port, Bucket, Key]).
+bucket_url({Host,Port}, {BType, BName}, Key) ->
+ ?FMT("http://~s:~B/types/~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s",
+ [Host, Port, BType, BName, Key]).
http(Method, URL, Headers, Body) ->
Opts = [],
ibrowse:send_req(URL, Headers, Method, Body, Opts).
-create_index(Cluster, Index, Bucket) ->
+create_index(Cluster, BucketType, Index) ->
Node = select_random(Cluster),
[{Host, Port}] = host_entries(rt:connection_info([Node])),
- lager:info("create_index ~s for bucket ~s [~p]", [Index, Bucket, {Host, Port}]),
+ lager:info("create_index ~s for bucket type ~s [~p]", [Index, BucketType, {Host, Port}]),
{ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link(Host, (Port-1)),
%% set index in props with the same name as the bucket
?assertEqual(ok, riakc_pb_socket:create_search_index(Pid, Index)),
% Add the index to the bucket props
- yz_rt:set_index(Node, Index, Bucket),
+ yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(Node, BucketType, Index),
+ yz_rt:wait_for_bucket_type(Cluster, BucketType),
yz_rt:wait_for_index(Cluster, Index),
%% Check that the index exists
{ok, IndexData} = riakc_pb_socket:get_search_index(Pid, Index),
@@ -83,6 +86,7 @@ store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Key, Body, Search, Params) ->
store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Key, Body, "text/plain", Search, Params).
store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Key, Body, CT, Search, Params) ->
+ {BType, _} = Bucket,
{Host, Port} = select_random(host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster))),
URL = bucket_url({Host, Port}, Bucket, Key),
lager:info("Storing to bucket ~s", [URL]),
@@ -92,10 +96,10 @@ store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, Key, Body, CT, Search, Params) ->
F = fun(_) ->
lager:info("Search for ~s [~p:~p]", [Search, Host, Port]),
{ok,{search_results,R,Score,Found}} =
- riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, Bucket, Search, Params),
+ riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, BType, Search, Params),
case Found of
1 ->
- [{Bucket,Results}] = R,
+ [{BType,Results}] = R,
KeyCheck = (Key == binary_to_list(proplists:get_value(<<"_yz_rk">>, Results))),
ScoreCheck = (Score =/= 0.0),
KeyCheck and ScoreCheck;
@@ -127,38 +131,40 @@ confirm_admin_index(Cluster) ->
[{Host, Port}] = host_entries(rt:connection_info([Node])),
{ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link(Host, (Port-1)),
F = fun(_) ->
- %% Remove index from bucket props and delete it
- yz_rt:set_index(Node, Index, <<>>),
- DelResp = riakc_pb_socket:delete_search_index(Pid, Index),
- case DelResp of
- ok -> true;
- {error,<<"notfound">>} -> true
- end
+ %% Remove index from bucket props and delete it
+ yz_rt:remove_index(Node, Index),
+ DelResp = riakc_pb_socket:delete_search_index(Pid, Index),
+ case DelResp of
+ ok -> true;
+ {error,<<"notfound">>} -> true
+ end
yz_rt:wait_until(Cluster, F),
confirm_basic_search(Cluster) ->
- Bucket = <<"basic">>,
- create_index(Cluster, Bucket, Bucket),
+ Index = <<"basic">>,
+ Bucket = {Index, <<"b1">>},
+ create_index(Cluster, Index, Index),
lager:info("confirm_basic_search ~s", [Bucket]),
Body = "herp derp",
Params = [{sort, <<"score desc">>}, {fl, ["*","score"]}],
store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, "test", Body, <<"text:herp">>, Params).
confirm_encoded_search(Cluster) ->
- Bucket = <<"encoded">>,
- create_index(Cluster, Bucket, Bucket),
+ Index = <<"encoded">>,
+ Bucket = {Index, <<"b1">>},
+ create_index(Cluster, Index, Index),
lager:info("confirm_encoded_search ~s", [Bucket]),
Body = "א בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ",
Params = [{sort, <<"score desc">>}, {fl, ["_yz_rk"]}],
store_and_search(Cluster, Bucket, "וְאֵת", Body, <<"text:בָּרָא">>, Params).
confirm_multivalued_field(Cluster) ->
- Bucket = <<"basic">>,
+ Index = <<"basic">>,
+ Bucket = {Index, <<"b1">>},
lager:info("cofirm multiValued=true fields decode properly"),
- create_index(Cluster, Bucket, Bucket),
Body = <<"{\"name_ss\":\"turner\", \"name_ss\":\"hooch\"}">>,
Params = [],
HP = select_random(host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster))),
@@ -171,16 +177,17 @@ confirm_multivalued_field(Cluster) ->
Search = <<"name_ss:turner">>,
{ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link(Host, (Port-1)),
- {ok,{search_results,[{Bucket,Fields}],_Score,_Found}} =
- riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, Bucket, Search, Params),
+ {ok,{search_results,[{Index,Fields}],_Score,_Found}} =
+ riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, Index, Search, Params),
?assert(lists:member({<<"name_ss">>,<<"turner">>}, Fields)),
?assert(lists:member({<<"name_ss">>,<<"hooch">>}, Fields)),
confirm_stored_fields(Cluster) ->
- Bucket = <<"stored_fields">>,
+ Index = <<"stored_fields">>,
+ Bucket = {Index, <<"b1">>},
lager:info("Confrim stored fields"),
- create_index(Cluster, Bucket, Bucket),
+ create_index(Cluster, Index, Index),
Body = <<"{\"bool_b\":true, \"float_tf\":3.14}">>,
Params = [],
HP = select_random(host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster))),
@@ -191,10 +198,11 @@ confirm_stored_fields(Cluster) ->
Search = <<"float_tf:3.14">>,
{ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link(Host, (Port-1)),
- {ok,{search_results,[{Bucket,Fields}],_Score,_Found}} =
- riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, Bucket, Search, Params),
+ {ok,{search_results,[{Index,Fields}],_Score,_Found}} =
+ riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, Index, Search, Params),
?assertEqual(<<"true">>, proplists:get_value(<<"bool_b">>, Fields)),
?BIN_TO_FLOAT(proplists:get_value(<<"float_tf">>, Fields))),
- ?assertEqual(Bucket, proplists:get_value(<<"_yz_rb">>, Fields)),
+ ?assertEqual(Index, proplists:get_value(<<"_yz_rt">>, Fields)),
+ ?assertEqual(<<"b1">>, proplists:get_value(<<"_yz_rb">>, Fields)),
diff --git a/riak_test/yz_rt.erl b/riak_test/yz_rt.erl
index fc4068e1..0411f87c 100644
--- a/riak_test/yz_rt.erl
+++ b/riak_test/yz_rt.erl
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ get_yz_conn_info(Node) ->
host_entries(ClusterConnInfo) ->
[riak_http(I) || {_,I} <- ClusterConnInfo].
--spec http_put({string(), portnum()}, binary(), binary(), binary()) -> ok.
+-spec http_put({string(), portnum()}, bucket(), binary(), binary()) -> ok.
http_put(HP, Bucket, Key, Value) ->
http_put(HP, Bucket, Key, "text/plain", Value).
--spec http_put({string(), portnum()}, binary(), binary(), string(), binary()) -> ok.
-http_put({Host, Port}, Bucket, Key, CT, Value) ->
- URL = ?FMT("http://~s:~s/riak/~s/~s",
- [Host, integer_to_list(Port), Bucket, Key]),
+-spec http_put({string(), portnum()}, bucket(), binary(), string(), binary()) -> ok.
+http_put({Host, Port}, {BType, BName}, Key, CT, Value) ->
+ URL = ?FMT("http://~s:~s/types/~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s",
+ [Host, integer_to_list(Port), BType, BName, Key]),
Opts = [],
Headers = [{"content-type", CT}],
{ok, "204", _, _} = ibrowse:send_req(URL, Headers, put, Value, Opts),
@@ -127,13 +127,13 @@ load_data(Cluster, Bucket, YZBenchDir, NumKeys) ->
{concurrent, 3},
{code_paths, [YZBenchDir]},
{driver, yz_driver},
- {index_path, "/riak/" ++ binary_to_list(Bucket)},
+ {bucket, Bucket},
{http_conns, Hosts},
{pb_conns, []},
{key_generator, KeyGen},
{operations, [{load_fruit, 1}]},
{shutdown_on_error, true}],
- File = "bb-load-" ++ binary_to_list(Bucket),
+ File = "load-data",
write_terms(File, Cfg),
run_bb(sync, File).
@@ -207,17 +207,18 @@ select_random(List) ->
Idx = random:uniform(Length),
lists:nth(Idx, List).
-remove_index(Node, Bucket) ->
- lager:info("Remove index from bucket ~s [~p]", [Bucket, Node]),
- ok = rpc:call(Node, yz_kv, remove_index, [Bucket]).
+-spec remove_index(node(), bucket()) -> ok.
+remove_index(Node, BucketType) ->
+ lager:info("Remove index from bucket type ~s [~p]", [BucketType, Node]),
+ ok = rpc:call(Node, riak_core_bucket_type, update, [BucketType, [{?YZ_INDEX, ?YZ_INDEX_TOMBSTONE}]]).
-set_index(Node, Bucket) ->
- set_index(Node, Bucket, Bucket).
+set_bucket_type_index(Node, BucketType) ->
+ set_bucket_type_index(Node, BucketType, BucketType).
-%% TODO: this should use PB interface like clients
-set_index(Node, Bucket, Index) ->
- lager:info("Set bucket ~s index to ~s [~p]", [Bucket, Index, Node]),
- ok = rpc:call(Node, yz_kv, set_index, [Bucket, Index]).
+set_bucket_type_index(Node, BucketType, Index) ->
+ lager:info("Set bucket type ~s index to ~s [~p]", [BucketType, Index, Node]),
+ rt:create_and_activate_bucket_type(Node, BucketType, [{?YZ_INDEX, Index}]),
+ rt:wait_until_bucket_type_status(BucketType, active, Node).
solr_http(ConnInfo) ->
proplists:get_value(solr_http, ConnInfo).
@@ -230,6 +231,19 @@ store_schema(PBConn, Name, Raw) ->
?assertEqual(ok, riakc_pb_socket:create_search_schema(PBConn, Name, Raw)),
+wait_for_bucket_type(Cluster, BucketType) ->
+ F = fun(Node) ->
+ {Host, Port} = riak_pb(hd(rt:connection_info([Node]))),
+ {ok, PBConn} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link(Host, Port),
+ R = riakc_pb_socket:get_bucket_type(PBConn, BucketType),
+ case R of
+ {ok,_} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end,
+ wait_until(Cluster, F),
+ ok.
%% @see wait_for_schema/3
wait_for_schema(Cluster, Name) ->
wait_for_schema(Cluster, Name, ignore).
diff --git a/riak_test/yz_schema_admin.erl b/riak_test/yz_schema_admin.erl
index 7a992b79..bf6e4c93 100644
--- a/riak_test/yz_schema_admin.erl
+++ b/riak_test/yz_schema_admin.erl
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
@@ -158,6 +159,7 @@
diff --git a/riak_test/yz_security.erl b/riak_test/yz_security.erl
index dd205a4a..fcfefff2 100644
--- a/riak_test/yz_security.erl
+++ b/riak_test/yz_security.erl
@@ -39,12 +39,13 @@
@@ -54,13 +55,9 @@
-define(USER, "user").
-define(PASSWORD, "password").
--define(INDEX, "myindex").
--define(INDEX_B, <<"myindex">>).
--define(INDEX2, "myindex2").
--define(INDEX2_B, <<"myindex2">>).
--define(SCHEMA, "myschema").
--define(SCHEMA_B, <<"myschema">>).
--define(BUCKET, "mybucket").
+-define(INDEX, <<"myindex">>).
+-define(INDEX2, <<"myindex2">>).
+-define(SCHEMA, <<"myschema">>).
-define(HUSER, "h_user").
-define(HINDEX, "h_myindex").
-define(ADD_USER(N,D), rpc:call(N, riak_core_console, add_user, D)).
@@ -130,7 +127,7 @@ confirm_index_pb(Node) ->
Pid0 = get_secure_pid(Host, Port),
lager:info("verifying user cannot create index without grants"),
?assertMatch({error, <<"Permission", _/binary>>},
- riakc_pb_socket:create_search_index(Pid0, ?INDEX_B)),
+ riakc_pb_socket:create_search_index(Pid0, ?INDEX)),
lager:info("verifying user cannot list indexes without grants"),
?assertMatch({error, <<"Permission", _/binary>>},
@@ -143,19 +140,17 @@ confirm_index_pb(Node) ->
Pid1 = get_secure_pid(Host, Port),
lager:info("verifying user can create an index"),
- ?assertEqual(ok,
- riakc_pb_socket:create_search_index(Pid1, ?INDEX_B)),
- yz_rt:set_index(Node, ?INDEX, ?BUCKET),
+ ?assertEqual(ok, riakc_pb_socket:create_search_index(Pid1, ?INDEX)),
yz_rt:wait_for_index([Node], ?INDEX),
%% create another index, never give permission to use it
- riakc_pb_socket:create_search_index(Pid1, ?INDEX2_B)),
+ riakc_pb_socket:create_search_index(Pid1, ?INDEX2)),
yz_rt:wait_for_index([Node], ?INDEX2),
riakc_pb_socket:create_search_index(Pid1, <<"_gonna_be_dead_">>)),
- yz_rt:wait_for_index([Node], "_gonna_be_dead_"),
+ yz_rt:wait_for_index([Node], <<"_gonna_be_dead_">>),
lager:info("verifying user can delete an index"),
@@ -163,7 +158,7 @@ confirm_index_pb(Node) ->
lager:info("verifying user can get an index"),
- riakc_pb_socket:get_search_index(Pid1, ?INDEX_B)),
+ riakc_pb_socket:get_search_index(Pid1, ?INDEX)),
lager:info("verifying user can get all indexes"),
@@ -177,11 +172,11 @@ confirm_schema_permission_pb(Node) ->
Pid0 = get_secure_pid(Host, Port),
lager:info("verifying user cannot create schema without grants"),
?assertMatch({error, <<"Permission", _/binary>>},
- riakc_pb_socket:create_search_schema(Pid0, ?SCHEMA_B, ?SCHEMA_CONTENT)),
+ riakc_pb_socket:create_search_schema(Pid0, ?SCHEMA, ?SCHEMA_CONTENT)),
lager:info("verifying user cannot get schemas without grants"),
?assertMatch({error, <<"Permission", _/binary>>},
- riakc_pb_socket:get_search_schema(Pid0, ?SCHEMA_B)),
+ riakc_pb_socket:get_search_schema(Pid0, ?SCHEMA)),
lager:info("Grant schema permission to user"),
@@ -190,7 +185,7 @@ confirm_schema_permission_pb(Node) ->
Pid1 = get_secure_pid(Host, Port),
lager:info("verifying user can create schema"),
- riakc_pb_socket:create_search_schema(Pid1, ?SCHEMA_B, ?SCHEMA_CONTENT)),
+ riakc_pb_socket:create_search_schema(Pid1, ?SCHEMA, ?SCHEMA_CONTENT)),
@@ -200,20 +195,21 @@ confirm_search_pb(Node) ->
Pid0 = get_secure_pid(Host, Port),
lager:info("verifying user cannot search an index without grants"),
?assertMatch({error, <<"Permission", _/binary>>},
- riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid0, ?INDEX_B, <<"*:*">>)),
+ riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid0, ?INDEX, <<"*:*">>)),
- lager:info("Grant search permission to user on "++?INDEX),
- ok = ?GRANT(Node, [["yokozuna.search","ON","index",?INDEX,"TO",?USER]]),
+ lager:info("Grant search permission to user on ~s", [?INDEX]),
+ IndexS = binary_to_list(?INDEX),
+ ok = ?GRANT(Node, [["yokozuna.search","ON","index",IndexS,"TO",?USER]]),
Pid1 = get_secure_pid(Host, Port),
- lager:info("verifying user can search granted on "++?INDEX),
+ lager:info("verifying user can search granted on ~s", [?INDEX]),
?assertMatch({ok, _Result},
- riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid1, ?INDEX_B, <<"*:*">>)),
+ riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid1, ?INDEX, <<"*:*">>)),
lager:info("verifying user cannot search a different index"),
?assertMatch({error, <<"Permission", _/binary>>},
- riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid1, ?INDEX2_B, <<"*:*">>)),
+ riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid1, ?INDEX2, <<"*:*">>)),
diff --git a/riak_test/yz_siblings.erl b/riak_test/yz_siblings.erl
index bb72dd12..5dcd0caa 100644
--- a/riak_test/yz_siblings.erl
+++ b/riak_test/yz_siblings.erl
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
-import(yz_rt, [host_entries/1,
run_bb/2, search_expect/5,
- set_index/2,
select_random/1, verify_count/2,
@@ -21,19 +20,21 @@ confirm() ->
test_siblings(Cluster) ->
+ Index = <<"siblings">>,
+ Bucket = {Index, <<"b1">>},
HP = hd(host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster))),
- create_index(Cluster, HP, <<"siblings">>),
- ok = allow_mult(Cluster, <<"siblings">>),
- ok = write_sibs(HP),
+ create_index(Cluster, HP, Index),
+ ok = allow_mult(Cluster, Index),
+ ok = write_sibs(HP, Bucket),
%% Verify 10 times because of non-determinism in coverage
- [ok = verify_sibs(HP) || _ <- lists:seq(1,10)],
- ok = reconcile_sibs(HP),
- [ok = verify_reconcile(HP) || _ <- lists:seq(1,10)],
+ [ok = verify_sibs(HP, Index) || _ <- lists:seq(1,10)],
+ ok = reconcile_sibs(HP, Bucket),
+ [ok = verify_reconcile(HP, Index) || _ <- lists:seq(1,10)],
-write_sibs({Host, Port}) ->
+write_sibs({Host, Port}, Bucket) ->
lager:info("Write siblings"),
- URL = bucket_url({Host, Port}, "siblings", "test"),
+ URL = bucket_url({Host, Port}, Bucket, "test"),
Opts = [],
Headers = [{"content-type", "text/plain"}],
Body1 = <<"This is value alpha">>,
@@ -46,47 +47,46 @@ write_sibs({Host, Port}) ->
-verify_sibs(HP) ->
+verify_sibs(HP, Index) ->
lager:info("Verify siblings are indexed"),
- true = yz_rt:search_expect(HP, <<"siblings">>, "_yz_rk", "test", 4),
+ true = yz_rt:search_expect(HP, Index, "_yz_rk", "test", 4),
Values = ["alpha", "beta", "charlie", "delta"],
- [true = yz_rt:search_expect(HP, <<"siblings">>, "text", S, 1) || S <- Values],
+ [true = yz_rt:search_expect(HP, Index, "text", S, 1) || S <- Values],
-reconcile_sibs(HP) ->
+reconcile_sibs(HP, Bucket) ->
lager:info("Reconcile the siblings"),
- {VClock, _} = http_get(HP, "siblings", "test"),
+ {VClock, _} = http_get(HP, Bucket, "test"),
NewValue = <<"This is value alpha, beta, charlie, and delta">>,
- ok = http_put(HP, "siblings", "test", VClock, NewValue),
+ ok = http_put(HP, Bucket, "test", VClock, NewValue),
-verify_reconcile(HP) ->
+verify_reconcile(HP, Index) ->
lager:info("Verify sibling indexes were deleted after reconcile"),
- true = yz_rt:search_expect(HP, <<"siblings">>, "_yz_rk", "test", 1),
+ true = yz_rt:search_expect(HP, Index, "_yz_rk", "test", 1),
-http_put({Host, Port}, Bucket, Key, VClock, Value) ->
- URL = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("http://~s:~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s",
- [Host, integer_to_list(Port), Bucket, Key])),
+http_put({Host, Port}, {BType, BName}, Key, VClock, Value) ->
+ URL = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("http://~s:~s/types/~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s",
+ [Host, integer_to_list(Port), BType, BName, Key])),
Opts = [],
Headers = [{"content-type", "text/plain"},
{"x-riak-vclock", VClock}],
{ok, "204", _, _} = ibrowse:send_req(URL, Headers, put, Value, Opts),
-http_get({Host, Port}, Bucket, Key) ->
- URL = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("http://~s:~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s",
- [Host, integer_to_list(Port), Bucket, Key])),
+http_get({Host, Port}, {BType, BName}, Key) ->
+ URL = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("http://~s:~s/types/~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s",
+ [Host, integer_to_list(Port), BType, BName, Key])),
Opts = [],
Headers = [{"accept", "multipart/mixed"}],
{ok, "300", RHeaders, Body} = ibrowse:send_req(URL, Headers, get, [], Opts),
VC = proplists:get_value("X-Riak-Vclock", RHeaders),
{VC, Body}.
-allow_mult(Cluster, Bucket) ->
- Args = [Bucket, [{allow_mult, true}]],
- ok = rpc:call(hd(Cluster), riak_core_bucket, set_bucket, Args),
+allow_mult(Cluster, BType) ->
+ ok = rpc:call(hd(Cluster), riak_core_bucket_type, update, [BType, [{allow_mult, true}]]),
%% TODO: wait for allow_mult to gossip instead of sleep
%% [begin
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ allow_mult(Cluster, Bucket) ->
index_url({Host,Port}, Index) ->
?FMT("http://~s:~B/yz/index/~s", [Host, Port, Index]).
-bucket_url({Host,Port}, Bucket, Key) ->
- ?FMT("http://~s:~B/buckets/~s/keys/~s", [Host, Port, Bucket, Key]).
+bucket_url({Host,Port}, {BType, BName}, Key) ->
+ ?FMT("http://~s:~B/types/~s/buckets/~s/keys/~s", [Host, Port, BType, BName, Key]).
http(Method, URL, Headers, Body) ->
Opts = [],
@@ -110,5 +110,5 @@ create_index(Cluster, HP, Index) ->
URL = index_url(HP, Index),
Headers = [{"content-type", "application/json"}],
{ok, "204", _, _} = http(put, URL, Headers, ?NO_BODY),
- ok = set_index(hd(Cluster), Index),
+ ok = yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(hd(Cluster), Index),
yz_rt:wait_for_index(Cluster, Index).
diff --git a/riak_test/yz_stat_test.erl b/riak_test/yz_stat_test.erl
index b836a930..5e2f683f 100644
--- a/riak_test/yz_stat_test.erl
+++ b/riak_test/yz_stat_test.erl
@@ -28,39 +28,36 @@ prepare_cluster(NumNodes) ->
rt:wait_for_cluster_service(Cluster, yokozuna),
-create_indexed_bucket(Pid, Cluster, IndexBucket) ->
- create_indexed_bucket(Pid, Cluster, IndexBucket, IndexBucket).
-create_indexed_bucket(Pid, Cluster, Index, Bucket) ->
+create_indexed_bucket(Pid, Cluster, Index) ->
?assertEqual(ok, riakc_pb_socket:create_search_index(Pid, Index)),
- ?assertEqual(ok, riakc_pb_socket:set_bucket(Pid, Bucket, [{yz_index, Index}])),
- yz_rt:wait_for_index(Cluster, binary_to_list(Index)),
+ yz_rt:set_bucket_type_index(hd(Cluster), Index),
+ yz_rt:wait_for_index(Cluster, Index),
%% populate random plain text values
populate_data(_, _, 0, Acc) -> Acc;
-populate_data(Pid, IB, Count, Acc)->
+populate_data(Pid, Bucket, Count, Acc)->
KV = gen_random_name(16),
- PO = riakc_obj:new(IB, KV, KV, "text/plain"),
+ PO = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, KV, KV, "text/plain"),
{ok, _Obj} = riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid, PO, [return_head]),
- populate_data(Pid, IB, Count - 1, [KV|Acc]).
+ populate_data(Pid, Bucket, Count - 1, [KV|Acc]).
-populate_data_and_wait(Pid, Cluster, IndexBucket, Count) ->
- Values = populate_data(Pid, IndexBucket, Count, []),
+populate_data_and_wait(Pid, Cluster, Bucket, Index, Count) ->
+ Values = populate_data(Pid, Bucket, Count, []),
Search = <<"text:*">>,
F = fun(_) ->
{ok,{search_results,_R,Score,Found}} =
- riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, IndexBucket, Search, []),
+ riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, Index, Search, []),
(Count == Found) and (Score =/= 0.0)
yz_rt:wait_until(Cluster, F),
%% search for a list of values assumign plain text
-search_values(_Pid, _IndexBucket, []) -> ok;
-search_values(Pid, IndexBucket, [Value|Rest]) ->
- riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, IndexBucket, <<"text:", Value/binary>>, []),
- search_values(Pid, IndexBucket, Rest).
+search_values(_Pid, _Index, []) -> ok;
+search_values(Pid, Index, [Value|Rest]) ->
+ riakc_pb_socket:search(Pid, Index, <<"text:", Value/binary>>, []),
+ search_values(Pid, Index, Rest).
gen_random_name(Length) ->
Chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890",
@@ -71,21 +68,22 @@ gen_random_name(Length) ->
write_bad_json(_, _, 0) ->
-write_bad_json(Pid, IB, Num) ->
+write_bad_json(Pid, Bucket, Num) ->
Key = list_to_binary("bad_json_" ++ integer_to_list(Num)),
Value = <<"{\"bad\": \"unclosed\"">>,
- PO = riakc_obj:new(IB, Key, Value, "application/json"),
+ PO = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, Key, Value, "application/json"),
{ok, _Obj} = riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid, PO, [return_head]).
confirm_stats(Cluster) ->
{Host, Port} = select_random(host_entries(rt:connection_info(Cluster))),
- IndexBucket = gen_random_name(16),
+ Index = gen_random_name(16),
+ Bucket = {Index, <<"b1">>},
{ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link(Host, (Port-1)),
- create_indexed_bucket(Pid, Cluster, IndexBucket),
- Values = populate_data_and_wait(Pid, Cluster, IndexBucket, 10),
- search_values(Pid, IndexBucket, Values),
- write_bad_json(Pid, IndexBucket, 10),
+ create_indexed_bucket(Pid, Cluster, Index),
+ Values = populate_data_and_wait(Pid, Cluster, Bucket, Index, 10),
+ search_values(Pid, Index, Values),
+ write_bad_json(Pid, Bucket, 10),
yz_rt:wait_until(Cluster, fun check_stat_values/1).
diff --git a/src/yokozuna.erl b/src/yokozuna.erl
index a6007018..a421b671 100644
--- a/src/yokozuna.erl
+++ b/src/yokozuna.erl
@@ -132,12 +132,18 @@ search_fold(Index, Query, Filter, F, Acc) ->
{fq, Filter},
{start, Start},
{rows, 10},
- {fl, <>},
+ {fl, <>},
{omitHeader, <<"true">>},
{wt, <<"json">>}],
{_, Body} = yz_solr:dist_search(Index, Params),
- E = extract_results(Body),
- search_fold(E, Start, Params, Index, Query, Filter, F, Acc).
+ case extract_docs(Body) of
+ [] ->
+ Acc;
+ Docs ->
+ Positions = positions(hd(Docs)),
+ E = extract_results(Docs, Positions),
+ search_fold(E, Start, Params, Positions, Index, Query, Filter, F, Acc)
+ end.
search(Index, Query) ->
yz_solr:dist_search(Index, [{q, Query}]).
@@ -164,39 +170,59 @@ switch_to_yokozuna() ->
%%% Private
+%% @private
+%% @doc Decode the `Body' and extract the doc list.
+-spec extract_docs(binary()) -> Docs :: term().
+extract_docs(Body) ->
+ Obj = mochijson2:decode(Body),
+ kvc:path([<<"response">>, <<"docs">>], Obj).
%% @private
%% @doc Extract the bucket/key results from the `Body' of a search
%% result.
--spec extract_results(binary()) -> [{binary(),binary(),[term()]}].
-extract_results(Body) ->
- Obj = mochijson2:decode(Body),
- Docs = kvc:path([<<"response">>, <<"docs">>], Obj),
- %% N.B. This ugly hack is required because as far as I can tell
- %% there is not defined order of the fields inside the results
- %% returned by Solr.
+-type positions() :: {integer(), integer(), integer()}.
+-spec extract_results(term(), positions()) -> [{bucket(),binary(),[term()]}].
+extract_results(Docs, {TP, BP, KP}) ->
- case {X,Y} of
- {{?YZ_RB_FIELD_B,B}, {?YZ_RK_FIELD_B,K}} ->
- {B,K,[]};
- {{_,K},{_,B}} ->
- {B,K,[]}
- end
- end|| {struct,[X,Y]} <- Docs].
+ {_, BType} = lists:nth(TP, Fields),
+ {_, BName} = lists:nth(BP, Fields),
+ {_, Key} = lists:nth(KP, Fields),
+ {{BType, BName}, Key, []}
+ end|| {struct, Fields} <- Docs].
+%% @private
+%% @doc Determine the positions of the bucket-type, bucket-name and
+%% key in the doc list.
+%% N.B. This ugly hack is required because as far as I can tell
+%% there is not defined order of the fields inside the results
+%% returned by Solr.
+-spec positions({struct, [tuple()]}) ->
+ {integer(), integer(), integer()}.
+positions({struct,[X, Y, Z]}) ->
+ L1 = [{element(1, X), 1}, {element(1, Y), 2}, {element(1, Z), 3}],
+ {value, {_,BTypePos}, L2} = lists:keytake(?YZ_RT_FIELD_B, 1, L1),
+ {value, {_,BNamePos}, L3} = lists:keytake(?YZ_RB_FIELD_B, 1, L2),
+ {value, {_,KeyPos}, _} = lists:keytake(?YZ_RK_FIELD_B, 1, L3),
+ {BTypePos, BNamePos, KeyPos}.
%% @private
%% @doc This is the interal part of `search_fold' where the actual
%% iteration happens.
--spec search_fold(list(), non_neg_integer(), list(), index_name(),
+-spec search_fold(list(), non_neg_integer(), list(), positions(), index_name(),
binary(), binary(), fold_fun(), Acc::term()) ->
-search_fold([], _, _, _, _, _, _, Acc) ->
+search_fold([], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, Acc) ->
-search_fold(Results, Start, Params, Index, Query, Filter, F, Acc) ->
+search_fold(Results, Start, Params, Positions, Index, Query, Filter, F, Acc) ->
F(Results, Acc),
Start2 = Start + 10,
Params2 = lists:keystore(start, 1, Params, {start, Start2}),
{_, Body} = yz_solr:dist_search(Index, Params2),
- E = extract_results(Body),
- search_fold(E, Start2, Params, Index, Query, Filter, F, Acc).
+ Docs = extract_docs(Body),
+ E = extract_results(Docs, Positions),
+ search_fold(E, Start2, Params, Positions, Index, Query, Filter, F, Acc).
diff --git a/src/yz_doc.erl b/src/yz_doc.erl
index c228a6c1..1b83cb5b 100644
--- a/src/yz_doc.erl
+++ b/src/yz_doc.erl
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ make_fields({DocId, {Bucket, Key}, FPN, Partition, none, EntropyData}) ->
{?YZ_PN_FIELD, Partition},
{?YZ_RK_FIELD, Key},
- {?YZ_RB_FIELD, Bucket}];
+ {?YZ_RT_FIELD, yz_kv:bucket_type(Bucket)},
+ {?YZ_RB_FIELD, yz_kv:bucket_name(Bucket)}];
make_fields({DocId, BKey, FPN, Partition, Vtag, EntropyData}) ->
make_fields({DocId, BKey, FPN, Partition, none, EntropyData}) ++
@@ -197,10 +198,14 @@ doc_ts(MD) ->
%% iterate. Otherwise the doc would have to be fetched for each
%% entry.
gen_ed(O, Hash, Partition) ->
+ %% Store `Vsn' to allow future changes to this format.
+ Vsn = <<"1">>,
RiakBucket = yz_kv:get_obj_bucket(O),
+ RiakBType = yz_kv:bucket_type(RiakBucket),
+ RiakBName = yz_kv:bucket_name(RiakBucket),
RiakKey = yz_kv:get_obj_key(O),
Hash64 = base64:encode(Hash),
- <>.
+ <>.
%% Meta keys and values can be strings or binaries
format_meta(key, Value) when is_binary(Value) ->
diff --git a/src/yz_events.erl b/src/yz_events.erl
index 4f2089f4..293557c3 100644
--- a/src/yz_events.erl
+++ b/src/yz_events.erl
@@ -65,14 +65,7 @@ handle_cast({ring_event, Ring}, S) ->
Current = names(yz_index:get_indexes_from_ring(Ring)),
{Removed, Added, Same} = yz_misc:delta(Previous, Current),
- PreviousFlags = flagged_buckets(PrevRing),
- CurrentFlags = flagged_buckets(Ring),
- {FlagsRemoved, FlagsAdded, _} = yz_misc:delta(PreviousFlags, CurrentFlags),
ok = sync_indexes(Ring, Removed, Added, Same),
- %% Pass `PrevRing' because need access to index name associated
- %% with bucket.
- ok = sync_data(PrevRing, FlagsRemoved, FlagsAdded),
{noreply, S2}.
@@ -80,10 +73,7 @@ handle_info(tick, S) ->
%% TODO: tick and ring_event should be merged, actions taken in
%% ring_event could fail and should be retried during tick, may
%% need to rely on something other than ring to determine when to
- %% retry certain actions, e.g. if the `sync_data' call fails then
- %% AAE trees will be incorrect until the next ring_event or until
- %% tree rebuild
- ok = remove_non_owned_data(),
+ %% retry certain actions. Make all actions in here idempotent.
%% Index creation may have failed during ring event.
PrevRing = ?PREV_RING(S),
@@ -136,13 +126,6 @@ destroy_events_table() ->
true = ets:delete(?YZ_EVENTS_TAB),
--spec flagged_buckets(ring()) -> ordset(bucket()).
-flagged_buckets(Ring) ->
- Buckets = riak_core_bucket:get_buckets(Ring),
- ordsets:from_list(
- [proplists:get_value(name, BProps)
- || BProps <- Buckets, yz_kv:should_index(yz_kv:get_index(BProps))]).
get_tick_interval() ->
app_helper:get_env(?YZ_APP_NAME, tick_interval, ?YZ_DEFAULT_TICK_INTERVAL).
@@ -194,29 +177,6 @@ set_tick() ->
erlang:send_after(Interval, ?MODULE, tick),
--spec sync_data(ring(), list(), list()) -> ok.
-sync_data(PrevRing, Removed, Added) ->
- %% TODO: check for case where index isn't added or removed, but changed
- [sync_added(Bucket) || Bucket <- Added],
- [sync_removed(PrevRing, Bucket) || Bucket <- Removed],
- ok.
--spec sync_added(bucket()) -> ok.
-sync_added(Bucket) ->
- lager:info("indexing enabled for bucket ~s -- clearing AAE trees", [Bucket]),
- %% TODO: add hashtree.erl function to clear hashes for Bucket
- yz_entropy_mgr:clear_trees(),
- ok.
--spec sync_removed(ring(), bucket()) -> ok.
-sync_removed(PrevRing, Bucket) ->
- lager:info("indexing disabled for bucket ~s", [Bucket]),
- Index = yz_kv:get_index(riak_core_bucket:get_bucket(Bucket, PrevRing)),
- ok = yz_solr:delete(Index, [{'query', <>}]),
- yz_solr:commit(Index),
- yz_entropy_mgr:clear_trees(),
- ok.
sync_indexes(Ring, Removed, Added, Same) ->
ok = remove_indexes(Removed),
ok = add_indexes(Ring, Added ++ Same).
diff --git a/src/yz_index.erl b/src/yz_index.erl
index 89138a9c..85d2e722 100644
--- a/src/yz_index.erl
+++ b/src/yz_index.erl
@@ -34,9 +34,14 @@
%% @doc Get the list of buckets associated with `Index'.
-spec associated_buckets(index_name(), ring()) -> [bucket()].
associated_buckets(Index, Ring) ->
- AllBucketProps = riak_core_bucket:get_buckets(Ring),
- Assoc = lists:filter(fun(BProps) -> yz_kv:get_index(BProps) == Index end, AllBucketProps),
- lists:map(fun riak_core_bucket:name/1, Assoc).
+ AllProps = riak_core_bucket:get_buckets(Ring),
+ Assoc = [riak_core_bucket:name(BProps)
+ || BProps <- AllProps,
+ proplists:get_value(?YZ_INDEX, BProps, ?YZ_INDEX_TOMBSTONE) == Index],
+ case is_default_type_indexed(Index, Ring) of
+ true -> [Index|Assoc];
+ false -> Assoc
+ end.
-spec create(index_name()) -> ok.
create(Name) ->
@@ -231,6 +236,19 @@ index_dir(Name) ->
YZDir = app_helper:get_env(?YZ_APP_NAME, yz_dir, ?YZ_DEFAULT_DIR),
filename:absname(filename:join([YZDir, Name])).
+%% @private
+%% @doc Determine if the bucket named `Index' under the default
+%% bucket-type has `search' property set to `true'. If so41 this is a
+%% legacy Riak Search bucket/index which is associated with a Yokozuna
+%% index of the same name.
+-spec is_default_type_indexed(index_name(), ring()) -> boolean().
+is_default_type_indexed(Index, Ring) ->
+ Props = riak_core_bucket:get_bucket(Index, Ring),
+ %% Check against `true' atom in case the value is <<"true">> or
+ %% "true" which, hopefully, it should not be.
+ true == proplists:get_value(search, Props, false).
make_info(IndexName, SchemaName) ->
diff --git a/src/yz_kv.erl b/src/yz_kv.erl
index e1f0b333..ee4c801c 100644
--- a/src/yz_kv.erl
+++ b/src/yz_kv.erl
@@ -34,6 +34,28 @@
-type write_reason() :: delete | handoff | put | anti_entropy.
+%%% TODO: move to riak_core
+bucket_name({_,Name}) ->
+ Name;
+bucket_name(Name) ->
+ Name.
+bucket_type({Type,_}) ->
+ Type;
+bucket_type(_) ->
+ <<"default">>.
+is_default_type({<<"default">>,_}) ->
+ true;
+is_default_type({_,_}) ->
+ false;
+is_default_type(_) ->
+ true.
%%% API
@@ -109,18 +131,22 @@ is_tombstone(MD) ->
get_md_entry(MD, Key) ->
yz_misc:dict_get(Key, MD, none).
-%% @doc Extract the index name from `BProps' or return the tombstone
-%% name if there is no associated index.
--spec get_index(term()) -> index_name().
-get_index(BProps) ->
- proplists:get_value(?YZ_INDEX, BProps, ?YZ_INDEX_TOMBSTONE).
-%% @doc Extract the index name.
-%% @see get_index/1
+%% @doc Extract the index name from the `Bucket'. Return the tombstone
+%% value if there is none.
-spec get_index(bkey(), ring()) -> index_name().
-get_index({Bucket,_} = _BKey, Ring) ->
+get_index({Bucket, _}, Ring) ->
BProps = riak_core_bucket:get_bucket(Bucket, Ring),
- get_index(BProps).
+ case is_default_type(Bucket) of
+ false ->
+ proplists:get_value(?YZ_INDEX, BProps, ?YZ_INDEX_TOMBSTONE);
+ true ->
+ case proplists:get_value(search, BProps, false) of
+ false ->
+ true ->
+ bucket_name(Bucket)
+ end
+ end.
%% @doc Determine the "short" preference list given the `BKey' and
%% `Ring'. A short preflist is one that defines the preflist by
@@ -132,6 +158,34 @@ get_short_preflist({Bucket, _} = BKey, Ring) ->
PrimaryPL = yz_misc:primary_preflist(BKey, Ring, NVal),
{first_partition(PrimaryPL), NVal}.
+%% @doc Called by KV vnode to determine if handoff should start or
+%% not. Yokozuna needs to make sure that the bucket types have been
+%% transfered first. Otherwise the bucket-to-index associations may
+%% be missing causing missing index entries.
+%% TODO: Currently this call will block vnode and also vnode mgr. If
+%% I want to get really fancy the first time this function is called I
+%% could return false but then send off async job to wait for bucket
+%% types to transfer. Once types have transfered some global flag
+%% which is cheap to check would be set and this call would simply
+%% check that.
+-spec should_handoff({p(), node()}) -> boolean().
+should_handoff({_Reason, {_Partition, TargetNode}}) ->
+ BucketTypesPrefix = {core, bucket_types},
+ Server = {riak_core_metadata_hashtree, TargetNode},
+ RemoteHash = gen_server:call(Server, {prefix_hash, BucketTypesPrefix}, 1000),
+ %% TODO Even though next call is local should also add 1s timeout
+ %% since this call blocks vnode. Or see above.
+ LocalHash = riak_core_metadata_hashtree:prefix_hash(BucketTypesPrefix),
+ case LocalHash == RemoteHash of
+ true ->
+ true;
+ false ->
+ ?INFO("waiting for bucket types prefix to agree between ~p and ~p",
+ [node(), TargetNode]),
+ false
+ end.
index(Obj, Reason, P) ->
case yokozuna:is_enabled(index) andalso ?YZ_ENABLED of
true ->
@@ -310,18 +364,6 @@ put(Client, Bucket, Key, Value, ContentType) ->
N = proplists:get_value(n_val, BucketProps),
Client:put(O, [{pw,N},{w,N},{dw,N}]).
-%% @doc Remove the `Index' property from `Bucket'. Data stored under
-%% `Bucket' will no longer be indexed.
--spec remove_index(bucket()) -> ok.
-remove_index(Bucket) ->
- set_index(Bucket, ?YZ_INDEX_TOMBSTONE).
-%% @doc Set the `Index' for which data stored in `Bucket' should be
-%% indexed under.
--spec set_index(bucket(), index_name()) -> ok.
-set_index(Bucket, Index) ->
- ok = riak_core_bucket:set_bucket(Bucket, [{?YZ_INDEX, Index}]).
%%% Private
diff --git a/src/yz_schema.erl b/src/yz_schema.erl
index b8551e90..cf6bb518 100644
--- a/src/yz_schema.erl
+++ b/src/yz_schema.erl
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ verify_fields({ok, Schema}) ->
Checks = [verify_field(F, Schema) || F <- Fields],
IsError = fun(X) -> X /= ok end,
diff --git a/src/yz_solr.erl b/src/yz_solr.erl
index e3dd8102..4297fbdf 100644
--- a/src/yz_solr.erl
+++ b/src/yz_solr.erl
@@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ get_pairs(R) ->
Docs = kvc:path([<<"response">>, <<"docs">>], R),
[to_pair(DocStruct) || DocStruct <- Docs].
-to_pair({struct, [{_,Bucket},{_,Key},{_,Base64Hash}]}) ->
- {{Bucket,Key}, base64:decode(Base64Hash)}.
+to_pair({struct, [{_,_Vsn},{_,BType},{_,BName},{_,Key},{_,Base64Hash}]}) ->
+ {{{BType, BName},Key}, base64:decode(Base64Hash)}.
get_doc_pairs(Resp) ->
Docs = kvc:path([<<"docs">>], Resp),
diff --git a/test/yz_kv_tests.erl b/test/yz_kv_tests.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2067d4b2..00000000
--- a/test/yz_kv_tests.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- meck:new(riak_core_bucket),
- meck:expect(riak_core_bucket, set_bucket,
- fun(Bucket, Props) when Bucket =:= <<"a">> ->
- case Props of
- [{?YZ_INDEX, "index"}] -> ok;
- _ -> error
- end
- end),
- ?assertEqual(yz_kv:set_index(<<"a">>, "index"), ok),
- ?assert(meck:validate(riak_core_bucket)),
- meck:unload(riak_core_bucket).
diff --git a/tools/build-jar.sh b/tools/build-jar.sh
index 53d07f2c..b7b2e38d 100755
--- a/tools/build-jar.sh
+++ b/tools/build-jar.sh
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# Temporary script to build JAR file containing customer Solr request
# handlers.
+set -e
if [ -z "$SKIP_JAVA" ]; then
if [ ! -x "`which javac`" ] || [ ! -x "`which jar`" ]; then