Noyes on trying to get NanoSim installed. NanoSim is available through Github I am using anaconda3. I report here on trying to follow the 4-step procedure outlined for installation (previous attempts with the single step conda install -c bioconda nanosim have also failed.) (nanosim) vc7-shared 644 % conda install --file requirements.txt -c conda-forge -c bioconda Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve. Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve. PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: - scikit-learn==0.22.1=pypi_0 - numpy==1.21.5=pypi_0 Current channels: - - - - - - - - To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're looking for, navigate to and use the search bar at the top of the page. Because scikit-learn and numpy versions were not found I modified the requirement.txt file to call numpy=1.21.2=py310h20f2e39_0 numpy-base=1.21.2=py37h79a1101_0 scikit-learn=0.22.1=py37hd81dba3_0 The numpy and numpy-base were listed on the database and created on the same day, so I thought they might be compatible. No luck. I have tried various other changes but run into a problem where an unpickling process fails because of a reported incompatibility between versions of scikit-learn and numpy. The following is one of the modified requirements.txt files I have tried. (nanosim) vc7-shared 648 % less requirements_modified_cjw_090422.txt # This file may be used to create an environment using: # $ conda create --name --file # platform: linux-64 _anaconda_depends=2019.03=py37_0 _ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf=0.1.0=py37_0 _libgcc_mutex=0.1=main genometools-genometools htseq=0.11.3=py37hb3f55d8_0 joblib=1.1.0=pyhd3eb1b0_0 last=874=h8b12597_3 minimap2=2.17=h8b12597_1 numpy=1.21.2=py310h20f2e39_0 numpy-base=1.21.2=py37h79a1101_0 pybedtools=0.8.1=py37he513fc3_0 pysam=0.15.3=py37hda2845c_1 samtools scikit-learn=0.22.1=py37hd81dba3_0 scipy=1.7.3=py37hc147768_0 six=1.16.0=pyhd3eb1b0_1 Chris Woodruff