import numpy as np import prospect from prospect.sources import CSPSpecBasis from prospect.models import priors, sedmodel, SpecModel, PolySpecModel from import fits from astropy.table import Table import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from prospect.models.templates import TemplateLibrary import os ### READ IN SPECTRAL DATA def read(filename): hdu_list =, memmap = True) data = Table(hdu_list[1].data) return data spec = read('fits_files/NSC_VCC1261_R27_smooth.fits') ### BUILD OBS def build_obs(snr=10, ldist=10.0, **extras): from prospect.utils.obsutils import fix_obs # The obs dictionary, empty for now obs = {} obs["filters"] = None #sedpy.observate.load_filters(filternames) obs["wavelength"] = spec['WAVELENGTH'] obs["spectrum"] = spec['FLUX'] obs['unc'] = spec['ERR'] obs['mask'] = spec['MASK'] obs = fix_obs(obs) return obs run_params = {} run_params["snr"] = 10.0 run_params["ldist"] = 10.0 ### BUILD SPS def build_sps(zcontinuous=1, **extras): """ :param zcontinuous: A vlue of 1 insures that we use interpolation between SSPs to have a continuous metallicity parameter (`logzsol`) See python-FSPS documentation for details """ from prospect.sources import CSPSpecBasis sps = CSPSpecBasis(zcontinuous=zcontinuous) return sps run_params["zcontinuous"] = 1 ### BUILD MODEL def build_model(object_redshift=None, ldist=10.0, fixed_metallicity=None, add_duste=False, **extras): model_params = TemplateLibrary['ssp'] model_params.update(TemplateLibrary['optimize_speccal']) # model_params["lumdist"] = {"N": 1, "isfree": False, "init": ldist, "units":"Mpc"} model_params['zred']['isfree'] = True model_params['dust2']['isfree'] = False #optimize_speccal mods model_params['spec_norm']['isfree'] = False #inits for fixed parameters model_params["dust2"]["init"] = 0.0 model_params["zred"]["init"] = 0.00625 #inits for free parameters model_params["mass"]["init"] = 1e5 model_params["logzsol"]["init"] = -0.5 model_params["tage"]["init"] = 5.0 #priors model_params["mass"]["prior"] = priors.LogUniform(mini=1e0, maxi=1e10) model_params["logzsol"]["prior"] = priors.TopHat(mini=-1.0, maxi=1.0) model_params["tage"]["prior"] = priors.TopHat(mini=1.0, maxi=13.8) #minimum vals for free parameters model_params["mass"]["disp_floor"] = 1e0 model_params["tage"]["disp_floor"] = 1.0 model = sedmodel.PolySpecModel(model_params) # print(model.theta) print(model_params.keys()) return model ### BUILD EVERYTHING def build_all(**run_params): return (build_obs(**run_params), build_sps(**run_params), build_model(**run_params)) obs, sps, model = build_all(**run_params) ### GENERATE INITIAL MODEL theta = model.theta.copy() initial_spec, initial_phot, initial_mfrac = model.predict(theta, obs=obs, sps=sps) theta ### LIKELIHOOD FUNCTION FOR MODEL FITTING from prospect.likelihood import lnlike_spec, lnlike_phot, write_log verbose = False def lnprobfn(theta, model=None, obs=None, sps=None, nested=False, verbose=verbose): """ Given a parameter vector, a model, a dictionary of observational data, and an sps object, return the ln of the posterior. """ # Calculate prior probability and exit if not within prior # Also if doing nested sampling, do not include the basic priors, # since the drawing method includes the prior probability lnp_prior = model.prior_product(theta, nested=nested) if not np.isfinite(lnp_prior): return -np.infty # Generate "mean" model spec, phot, mfrac = model.mean_model(theta, obs, sps=sps) # Calculate likelihoods lnp_spec = lnlike_spec(spec, obs=obs) lnp_phot = lnlike_phot(phot, obs=obs) return lnp_prior + lnp_phot + lnp_spec run_params["verbose"] = verbose from prospect.likelihood import chi_spec, chi_phot def chivecfn(theta): """A version of lnprobfn that returns the simple uncertainty normalized residual instead of the log-posterior, for use with least-squares optimization methods like Levenburg-Marquardt. It's important to note that the returned chi vector does not include the prior probability. """ lnp_prior = model.prior_product(theta) if not np.isfinite(lnp_prior): return np.zeros(model.ndim) - np.infty # Generate mean model try: spec, phot, x = model.mean_model(theta, obs, sps=sps) except(ValueError): return np.zeros(model.ndim) - np.infty chispec = chi_spec(spec, obs) chiphot = chi_phot(phot, obs) return np.concatenate([chispec, chiphot]) from prospect.fitting import lnprobfn from prospect.fitting import fit_model ### MINIMIZATION # --- start minimization ---- run_params["dynesty"] = False run_params["emcee"] = False run_params["optimize"] = True run_params["min_method"] = 'lm' # We'll start minimization from "nmin" separate places, # the first based on the current values of each parameter and the # rest drawn from the prior. Starting from these extra draws # can guard against local minima, or problems caused by # starting at the edge of a prior (e.g. dust2=0.0) run_params["nmin"] = 2 output = fit_model(obs, model, sps, lnprobfn=lnprobfn, **run_params) print("Done optmization in {}s".format(output["optimization"][1])) (results, topt) = output["optimization"] # Find which of the minimizations gave the best result, # and use the parameter vector for that minimization ind_best = np.argmin([r.cost for r in results]) print(ind_best) theta_best = results[ind_best].x.copy() print(theta_best) ### EMCEE SAMPLING # Set this to False if you don't want to do another optimization # before emcee sampling (but note that the "optimization" entry # in the output dictionary will be (None, 0.) in this case) # If set to true then another round of optmization will be performed # before sampling begins and the "optmization" entry of the output # will be populated. run_params["optimize"] = False run_params["emcee"] = True run_params["dynesty"] = False # Number of emcee walkers run_params["nwalkers"] = 128 # Number of iterations of the MCMC sampling run_params["niter"] = 512 # Number of iterations in each round of burn-in # After each round, the walkers are reinitialized based on the # locations of the highest probablity half of the walkers. run_params["nburn"] = [32, 64, 128, 256] output = fit_model(obs, model, sps, lnprobfn=lnprobfn, **run_params) print('done emcee in {0}s'.format(output["sampling"][1])) ### SAVE RESULTS OF EMCEE TO H5 FILE from import write_results as writer hfile = "Emcee_h5_files/demo_emcee_mcmc.h5" writer.write_hdf5(hfile, run_params, model, obs, output["sampling"][0], output["optimization"][0], tsample=output["sampling"][1], toptimize=output["optimization"][1]) print('Finished') from prospect import prospect_args # - Parser with default arguments - parser = prospect_args.get_parser() # - Add custom arguments - parser.add_argument('--add_duste', action="store_true", help="If set, add dust emission to the model.") parser.add_argument('--ldist', type=float, default=10, help=("Luminosity distance in Mpc. Defaults to 10" "(for case of absolute mags)")) args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() cli_run_params = vars(args) print(cli_run_params) ### DISPLAY EMCEE RESULTS import as reader results_type = "emcee" # grab results (dictionary), the obs dictionary, and our corresponding models # When using parameter files set `dangerous=True` result, obs, _ = reader.results_from("Emcee_h5_files/demo_emcee_mcmc.h5".format(results_type), dangerous=True) #The following commented lines reconstruct the model and sps object, # if a parameter file continaing the `build_*` methods was saved along with the results #model = reader.get_model(result) #sps = reader.get_sps(result) # let's look at what's stored in the `result` dictionary print(result.keys()) ### WALKER CHAINS if results_type == "emcee": chosen = np.random.choice(result["run_params"]["nwalkers"], size=10, replace=False) # tracefig = reader.traceplot(result, figsize=(20,10), chains=chosen) tracefig = reader.traceplot(result, figsize=(20,10), chains=np.arange(0, result["run_params"]["nwalkers"]), c = 'k') else: tracefig = reader.traceplot(result, figsize=(20,10), c = 'k') ### CORNER PLOT # maximum a posteriori (of the locations visited by the MCMC sampler) imax = np.argmax(result['lnprobability']) if results_type == "emcee": i, j = np.unravel_index(imax, result['lnprobability'].shape) theta_max = result['chain'][i, j, :].copy() thin = 5 else: theta_max = result["chain"][imax, :] thin = 1 # print('Optimization value: {}'.format(theta_best)) print('MAP value: {}'.format(theta_max)) print(result['chain'].shape) cornerfig = reader.subcorner(result, start=0, thin=thin, truths=theta_max, fig=plt.subplots(4,4,figsize=(8,8))[0])