diff --git a/OpenAI.SDK/Betalgo.Ranul.OpenAI.csproj b/OpenAI.SDK/Betalgo.Ranul.OpenAI.csproj
index 57d627f8..d4c37800 100644
--- a/OpenAI.SDK/Betalgo.Ranul.OpenAI.csproj
+++ b/OpenAI.SDK/Betalgo.Ranul.OpenAI.csproj
@@ -74,4 +74,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpenAI.SDK/Managers/OpenAIChatClient.cs b/OpenAI.SDK/Managers/OpenAIChatClient.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57ba3117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenAI.SDK/Managers/OpenAIChatClient.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Text.Json;
+using Betalgo.Ranul.OpenAI.ObjectModels;
+using Betalgo.Ranul.OpenAI.ObjectModels.RequestModels;
+using Betalgo.Ranul.OpenAI.ObjectModels.ResponseModels;
+using Betalgo.Ranul.OpenAI.ObjectModels.SharedModels;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
+using ChatMessage = Microsoft.Extensions.AI.ChatMessage;
+namespace Betalgo.Ranul.OpenAI.Managers;
+public partial class OpenAIService : IChatClient
+ private ChatClientMetadata? _chatMetadata;
+ ///
+ ChatClientMetadata IChatClient.Metadata => _chatMetadata ??= new(nameof(OpenAIService), _httpClient.BaseAddress, _defaultModelId);
+ ///
+ TService? IChatClient.GetService(object? key) where TService : class
+ {
+ return this as TService;
+ }
+ ///
+ void IDisposable.Dispose()
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ async Task IChatClient.CompleteAsync(IList chatMessages, ChatOptions? options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ var request = CreateRequest(chatMessages, options);
+ var response = await ChatCompletion.CreateCompletion(request, options?.ModelId, cancellationToken);
+ ThrowIfNotSuccessful(response);
+ string? finishReason = null;
+ List responseMessages = [];
+ foreach (var choice in response.Choices)
+ {
+ finishReason ??= choice.FinishReason;
+ ChatMessage m = new()
+ {
+ Role = new(choice.Message.Role),
+ AuthorName = choice.Message.Name,
+ RawRepresentation = choice
+ };
+ PopulateContents(choice.Message, m.Contents);
+ if (response.ServiceTier is string serviceTier)
+ {
+ (m.AdditionalProperties ??= [])[nameof(response.ServiceTier)] = serviceTier;
+ }
+ if (response.SystemFingerPrint is string fingerprint)
+ {
+ (m.AdditionalProperties ??= [])[nameof(response.SystemFingerPrint)] = fingerprint;
+ }
+ responseMessages.Add(m);
+ }
+ return new(responseMessages)
+ {
+ CreatedAt = response.CreatedAt,
+ CompletionId = response.Id,
+ FinishReason = finishReason is not null ? new(finishReason) : null,
+ ModelId = response.Model,
+ RawRepresentation = response,
+ Usage = response.Usage is { } usage ? GetUsageDetails(usage) : null
+ };
+ }
+ ///
+ async IAsyncEnumerable IChatClient.CompleteStreamingAsync(IList chatMessages, ChatOptions? options, [EnumeratorCancellation] CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ var request = CreateRequest(chatMessages, options);
+ await foreach (var response in ChatCompletion.CreateCompletionAsStream(request, options?.ModelId, cancellationToken: cancellationToken))
+ {
+ ThrowIfNotSuccessful(response);
+ foreach (var choice in response.Choices)
+ {
+ StreamingChatCompletionUpdate update = new()
+ {
+ AuthorName = choice.Delta.Name,
+ CompletionId = response.Id,
+ CreatedAt = response.CreatedAt,
+ FinishReason = choice.FinishReason is not null ? new(choice.FinishReason) : null,
+ ModelId = response.Model,
+ RawRepresentation = response,
+ Role = choice.Delta.Role is not null ? new(choice.Delta.Role) : null
+ };
+ if (choice.Index is not null)
+ {
+ update.ChoiceIndex = choice.Index.Value;
+ }
+ if (response.ServiceTier is string serviceTier)
+ {
+ (update.AdditionalProperties ??= [])[nameof(response.ServiceTier)] = serviceTier;
+ }
+ if (response.SystemFingerPrint is string fingerprint)
+ {
+ (update.AdditionalProperties ??= [])[nameof(response.SystemFingerPrint)] = fingerprint;
+ }
+ PopulateContents(choice.Delta, update.Contents);
+ yield return update;
+ if (response.Usage is { } usage)
+ {
+ yield return new()
+ {
+ AuthorName = choice.Delta.Name,
+ CompletionId = response.Id,
+ Contents = [new UsageContent(GetUsageDetails(usage))],
+ CreatedAt = response.CreatedAt,
+ FinishReason = choice.FinishReason is not null ? new(choice.FinishReason) : null,
+ ModelId = response.Model,
+ Role = choice.Delta.Role is not null ? new(choice.Delta.Role) : null
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void ThrowIfNotSuccessful(ChatCompletionCreateResponse response)
+ {
+ if (!response.Successful)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException(response.Error is { } error ? $"{response.Error.Code}: {response.Error.Message}" : "Betalgo.Ranul Unknown error");
+ }
+ }
+ private ChatCompletionCreateRequest CreateRequest(IList chatMessages, ChatOptions? options)
+ {
+ ChatCompletionCreateRequest request = new()
+ {
+ Model = options?.ModelId ?? _defaultModelId
+ };
+ if (options is not null)
+ {
+ // Strongly-typed properties from options
+ request.MaxCompletionTokens = options.MaxOutputTokens;
+ request.Temperature = options.Temperature;
+ request.TopP = options.TopP;
+ request.FrequencyPenalty = options.FrequencyPenalty;
+ request.PresencePenalty = options.PresencePenalty;
+ request.StopAsList = options.StopSequences;
+ // Non-strongly-typed properties from additional properties
+ request.LogitBias = options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(request.LogitBias), out var logitBias) is true ? logitBias : null;
+ request.LogProbs = options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(request.LogProbs), out bool logProbs) is true ? logProbs : null;
+ request.N = options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(request.N), out int n) is true ? n : null;
+ request.ParallelToolCalls = options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(request.ParallelToolCalls), out bool parallelToolCalls) is true ? parallelToolCalls : null;
+ request.Seed = options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(request.Seed), out int seed) is true ? seed : null;
+ request.ServiceTier = options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(request.ServiceTier), out string? serviceTier) is true ? serviceTier : null!;
+ request.User = options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(request.User), out string? user) is true ? user : null!;
+ request.TopLogprobs = options.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(request.TopLogprobs), out int topLogprobs) is true ? topLogprobs : null;
+ // Response format
+ switch (options.ResponseFormat)
+ {
+ case ChatResponseFormatText:
+ request.ResponseFormat = new() { Type = StaticValues.CompletionStatics.ResponseFormat.Text };
+ break;
+ case ChatResponseFormatJson { Schema: not null } json:
+ request.ResponseFormat = new()
+ {
+ Type = StaticValues.CompletionStatics.ResponseFormat.JsonSchema,
+ JsonSchema = new()
+ {
+ Name = json.SchemaName ?? "JsonSchema",
+ Schema = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(json.Schema),
+ Description = json.SchemaDescription
+ }
+ };
+ break;
+ case ChatResponseFormatJson:
+ request.ResponseFormat = new() { Type = StaticValues.CompletionStatics.ResponseFormat.Json };
+ break;
+ }
+ // Tools
+ request.Tools = options.Tools
+ ?.OfType()
+ .Select(f =>
+ {
+ return ToolDefinition.DefineFunction(new()
+ {
+ Name = f.Metadata.Name,
+ Description = f.Metadata.Description,
+ Parameters = CreateParameters(f)
+ });
+ })
+ .ToList() is { Count: > 0 } tools
+ ? tools
+ : null;
+ if (request.Tools is not null)
+ {
+ request.ToolChoice = options.ToolMode is RequiredChatToolMode r ? new()
+ {
+ Type = StaticValues.CompletionStatics.ToolChoiceType.Required,
+ Function = r.RequiredFunctionName is null ? null : new ToolChoice.FunctionTool() { Name = r.RequiredFunctionName }
+ } :
+ options.ToolMode is AutoChatToolMode ? new() { Type = StaticValues.CompletionStatics.ToolChoiceType.Auto } : new ToolChoice() { Type = StaticValues.CompletionStatics.ToolChoiceType.None };
+ }
+ }
+ // Messages
+ request.Messages = [];
+ foreach (var message in chatMessages)
+ {
+ foreach (var content in message.Contents)
+ {
+ switch (content)
+ {
+ case TextContent tc:
+ request.Messages.Add(new()
+ {
+ Content = tc.Text,
+ Name = message.AuthorName,
+ Role = message.Role.ToString()
+ });
+ break;
+ case ImageContent ic:
+ request.Messages.Add(new()
+ {
+ Contents =
+ [
+ new()
+ {
+ Type = "image_url",
+ ImageUrl = new()
+ {
+ Url = ic.Uri,
+ Detail = ic.AdditionalProperties?.TryGetValue(nameof(MessageImageUrl.Detail), out string? detail) is true ? detail : null
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ Name = message.AuthorName,
+ Role = message.Role.ToString()
+ });
+ break;
+ case FunctionResultContent frc:
+ request.Messages.Add(new()
+ {
+ ToolCallId = frc.CallId,
+ Content = frc.Result?.ToString(),
+ Name = message.AuthorName,
+ Role = message.Role.ToString()
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var functionCallContents = message.Contents.OfType().ToArray();
+ if (functionCallContents.Length > 0)
+ {
+ request.Messages.Add(new()
+ {
+ Name = message.AuthorName,
+ Role = message.Role.ToString(),
+ ToolCalls = functionCallContents.Select(fcc => new ToolCall()
+ {
+ Type = "function",
+ Id = fcc.CallId,
+ FunctionCall = new()
+ {
+ Name = fcc.Name,
+ Arguments = JsonSerializer.Serialize(fcc.Arguments)
+ }
+ })
+ .ToList()
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return request;
+ }
+ private static PropertyDefinition CreateParameters(AIFunction f)
+ {
+ List required = [];
+ Dictionary properties = [];
+ var parameters = f.Metadata.Parameters;
+ foreach (var parameter in parameters)
+ {
+ properties.Add(parameter.Name, parameter.Schema is JsonElement e ? e.Deserialize()! : PropertyDefinition.DefineObject(null, null, null, null, null));
+ if (parameter.IsRequired)
+ {
+ required.Add(parameter.Name);
+ }
+ }
+ return PropertyDefinition.DefineObject(properties, required, null, null, null);
+ }
+ private static void PopulateContents(ObjectModels.RequestModels.ChatMessage source, IList destination)
+ {
+ if (source.Content is not null)
+ {
+ destination.Add(new TextContent(source.Content));
+ }
+ if (source.Contents is { } contents)
+ {
+ foreach (var content in contents)
+ {
+ if (content.Text is string text)
+ {
+ destination.Add(new TextContent(text));
+ }
+ if (content.ImageUrl is { } url)
+ {
+ destination.Add(new ImageContent(url.Url));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (source.ToolCalls is { } toolCalls)
+ {
+ foreach (var tc in toolCalls)
+ {
+ destination.Add(new FunctionCallContent(tc.Id ?? string.Empty, tc.FunctionCall?.Name ?? string.Empty, tc.FunctionCall?.Arguments is string a ? JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(a) : null));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static UsageDetails GetUsageDetails(UsageResponse usage)
+ {
+ var details = new UsageDetails()
+ {
+ InputTokenCount = usage.PromptTokens,
+ OutputTokenCount = usage.CompletionTokens,
+ TotalTokenCount = usage.TotalTokens
+ };
+ if (usage.PromptTokensDetails is { } promptDetails)
+ {
+ Dictionary d = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
+ (details.AdditionalProperties ??= [])[nameof(usage.PromptTokensDetails)] = d;
+ if (promptDetails.CachedTokens is int cachedTokens)
+ {
+ d[nameof(promptDetails.CachedTokens)] = cachedTokens;
+ }
+ if (promptDetails.AudioTokens is int audioTokens)
+ {
+ d[nameof(promptDetails.AudioTokens)] = audioTokens;
+ }
+ }
+ if (usage.CompletionTokensDetails is { } completionDetails)
+ {
+ Dictionary d = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
+ (details.AdditionalProperties ??= [])[nameof(usage.CompletionTokensDetails)] = d;
+ if (completionDetails.ReasoningTokens is int reasoningTokens)
+ {
+ d[nameof(completionDetails.ReasoningTokens)] = reasoningTokens;
+ }
+ if (completionDetails.AudioTokens is int audioTokens)
+ {
+ d[nameof(promptDetails.AudioTokens)] = audioTokens;
+ }
+ }
+ return details;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpenAI.SDK/Managers/OpenAIEmbeddingGenerator.cs b/OpenAI.SDK/Managers/OpenAIEmbeddingGenerator.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42b65899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenAI.SDK/Managers/OpenAIEmbeddingGenerator.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+using Microsoft.Extensions.AI;
+namespace Betalgo.Ranul.OpenAI.Managers;
+public partial class OpenAIService : IEmbeddingGenerator>
+ private EmbeddingGeneratorMetadata? _embeddingMetadata;
+ EmbeddingGeneratorMetadata IEmbeddingGenerator>.Metadata =>
+ _embeddingMetadata ??= new(nameof(OpenAIService), _httpClient.BaseAddress, _defaultModelId);
+ TService? IEmbeddingGenerator>.GetService(object? key) where TService : class =>
+ this as TService;
+ async Task>> IEmbeddingGenerator>.GenerateAsync(IEnumerable values, EmbeddingGenerationOptions? options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ var response = await this.Embeddings.CreateEmbedding(new()
+ {
+ Model = options?.ModelId ?? _defaultModelId,
+ Dimensions = options?.Dimensions,
+ InputAsList = values.ToList(),
+ }, cancellationToken);
+ if (!response.Successful)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException(response.Error is { } error ?
+ $"{response.Error.Code}: {response.Error.Message}" :
+ "Unknown error");
+ }
+ return new(response.Data.Select(e => new Embedding(e.Embedding.Select(d => (float)d).ToArray()) { ModelId = response.Model }))
+ {
+ Usage = response.Usage is { } usage ? new()
+ {
+ InputTokenCount = usage.PromptTokens,
+ OutputTokenCount = usage.CompletionTokens,
+ TotalTokenCount = usage.TotalTokens,
+ } : null,
+ };
+ }
\ No newline at end of file