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Questions for IWCE

bettermorn edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 11 revisions

1 Adrienne Decker: ACM SIGCSE Chair, University of Buffalo, US

Improving Performance in Introductory Programming Courses


  • What are the difficulties in implementation? How to overcome these difficulties?

2 Leo Porter ACM SIGCSE Secretary, University of California, San Diego, US

How We Teach Impacts Who Gets To Succeed in Computing

My question to the audience

As I planned my talk to be 25 minutes, I'll likely have some extra time at the end, so I'm likely going to ask everyone this question and ask folks to share:

  1. When thinking about adopting Active Learning (e.g., Peer Instruction) in your classes, what is the biggest barrier you face in making that change? Do you think that question will work well? How could some folks share their responses? (Is there a side-channel chat that you monitor or will it be in the Q&A on zoom?)

Possible questions for me (obviously, questions from the audience are preferred, but these might help if folks are shy about asking):

  1. Some of these findings were multi-institutional. How many people have adopted Peer Instruction at your school and in the US?
  2. Why do you feel Peer Instruction works so well for students?
  3. You said getting faculty to change how they teach is hard. Can you say more about this or talk about the challenges you've faced when trying to get faculty to adopt new teaching practices?
  4. You've made a pretty strong claim that how we teach impacts who gets to succeed. That seems to put the responsibility on the faculty, not the students, but they clearly have a role in whether they succeed or not. Can you clarify what you mean?
  5. I've looked at some of your other research, and it seems you've found that clicker data tells you a lot about students in your class. Can you say more?
  6. Has this work led to any follow-on research projects?
  7. PI方法在实施过程中会不会遇到困难,比如一些学生不善交流不能有效展开讨论,一些老师的课堂掌控能力不强不能有效组织等,对具体实施有什么建议,如何保证能达到您这样的提升效果?
  • Will the PI method encounter difficulties in the implementation process, for example, some students are not good at communicating and cannot effectively start discussions, and some teachers have weak classroom control ability and cannot organize effectively, etc. Do you have any suggestions for specific implementation, and how to ensure that you can achieve your improvement effect?
  1. 我们学校的大学计算机基础课程面向所有学生,主要内容包括计算机领域知识和Python编程,大部分学生之前仅简单使用过计算机,没有编程经验,对于该课,在教学方法等方面您有什么建议吗?
  • Our school’s university computer basic courses are open to all students. The main content includes computer domain knowledge and Python programming. Most students have only used computers briefly before and have no programming experience. Do you have any suggestions on teaching methods for this course?
  1. 看您的一些对比实验持续了十多年,非常有说服力。这是先定计划再针对性地进行实验,还是仅仅是从过去十余年的数据中发现一些规律?对开展教学实验有什么建议?
  • Some of your comparative experiments have lasted for more than ten years and are very convincing. Is this a plan first and then a targeted experiment, or is it just to discover some patterns from the data of the past ten years? Any suggestions for conducting teaching experiments?

3 Steven I. Gordon:ACM SIGHPC Education Chair, Ohio State University, US

Challenges Facing Education in Computer


4 Jenny:ACM SIGCSE China Secretary, National University of Defense Technology, China

Practice on Competency-based HPC Education


  • What are the specific changes compared to before?What are the specific results?
  • How to train skills? What is the teaching activity? What is the learning activity?
  • How to train disposition? is there any detailed examples?
  • HPC courses are usually offered for senior undergraduates and postgraduates, and there are certain requirements for students. Similarly, the requirements for teachers are high, and teachers with HPC development and research experience are usually required. Your report also mentioned that there is training for HPC teachers. What are the main problems that trainers encounter in the training of teachers? What are the main problems encountered by teachers participating in the training?
  • I think The HPC education involves the training of two types of engineers, engineers who manufacture HPC systems and engineers who use HPC systems. Unlike other universities, I think these two types of engineers are both very important to our university. So, do you think of the training of these two types of engineers should have some differences? Where are their respective focuses? Do you have some suggestions to improve the training quality?
  • In my opinion, experiments or practical courses are very important to the computer programming courses. What suggestions do you have for the selection of experiment topics and difficulty arrangement for the beginners' programming course? In the group experiments, how to ensure that each member can devote himself and everyone will gain the fair evaluation score?

5 Daoxu Chen

From Knowledge to Competency – Bringing Changes into Computer Education in Chin


  • How can we turn knowledge-based teaching to competency-oriented teaching so as to meet the requirement of IT personnel?

  • What is challenge for teachers when implementing competency-oriented teaching?
  • China has been using AI greatly to solve problems. Has competency based teaching had a big role in this? Also are a few excellent problem solvers sufficient and should much teaching effort be expended on teaching these problem solvers with excellent potential?

6 Alison Clear

Educating Tomorrows Computing Professionals: Know What, Know How, and Know Why


  • is cc2020 the successor of cc2005?
  • CC2020 project team members come from different country .how the team collaborate different ideas from different country?
  • In CC2020 project,How to distinguish between different students who want to engage in academic research and develop in industry in the future?

In the CC2020 project we are loking to Bachelor level computing. If students stay on and go for a Masters, your question will become very relevant.,. My practicve in many cultures teaches me that successful professionals often move from academis to industry and VV

  • how to quantify the level of competency? Is it a single-value metric or a vector of numerical metrics?

7 Ming Zhang

Practical Ability Cultivation from the Perspective of Global Computing Education


  • Competitiveness of Peking and Tsinghua universities for entry as a student is very high. Competency requirements for IT graduates will vary widely. Should there be suggested competencies that can be obtained in shorter studies, for example for 2 year colleges or vocational schools to help fill some of the new jobs?

8 John Impagliazzo (IEEE Fellow and Life Member, ACM Distinguished Educator, Hofstra University, US)

Competency and Program Accreditation


  • what is difference between competency and accreditation?
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