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Automated Functional Testing (AFT) packages supporting nodejs based Functional Testing


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Automated Functional Testing (AFT)

library providing a framework for creating Functional Test Automation supporting integration with external systems via a simple plugin mechanism, which can be used for post-deployment verification testing, end-user acceptance testing, end-to-end testing as well as high-level integration testing scenarios. AFT enables test execution flow control and reporting as well as streamlined test development in JavaScript and TypeScript by integrating with common test framworks as well as external test and defect tracking systems (like TestRail and AWS Kinesis Firehose).


Example Jasmine Test:

describe('Sample Test', () => {
    it('[C1234] can perform a demonstration of AFT', async function() {
        const feature: FeatureObj = new FeatureObj();
         * - for Jest use: `await aftJestTest(expect, () => doStuff());`
         * - for Mocha use: `await aftMochaTest(this, () => doStuff());`
         * - for Jasmine use: `await aftJasmineTest(() => doStuff());`
         * - for ViTest use: `await aftVitestTest(ctx, () => doStuff());`
        const aftJasmineTest(async (t: AftJasmineTest) => {
            const result: string = await feature.performActionAsync();
             * the `verify(actual, expected)` async function
             * compares the values using a `VerifyMatcher`
             * which defaults to `equaling` if none specified
            await t.verify(result, 'result of action');

the above results in the following console output if the expectation does not return false or throw an exception:

5:29:55 PM - [Sample Test [C1234] can perform a demonstration of AFT] - PASS  - C1234

in more complex scenarios you can perform multiple actions inside the expectation like in the following example:

describe('Sample Test', () => {
    it('[C2345][C3344] can perform a more complex demonstration of AFT', async function() {
         * - for Jest use: `await aftJestTest(expect, () => doStuff());`
         * - for Mocha use: `await aftMochaTest(this, () => doStuff());`
         * - for Jasmine use: `await aftJasmineTest(() => doStuff());`
         * - for ViTest use: `await aftVitestTest(ctx, () => doStuff());`
        await aftJasmineTest(async (v: AftJasmineTest) => {
            await v.reporter.step('creating instance of FeatureObj');
            const feature: FeatureObj = new FeatureObj();
            await v.verify(feature.isGood, true, '[C2345] isGood returned not true'); // reports failure result immediately
            await v.reporter.step('about to call performAction');
            const result: string = await feature.performAction();
            await`result of performAction was '${result}'`);
            await v.reporter.trace('successfully executed expectation');
            await v.verify(result, containing('result of action'), '[C3344] performAction result mismatch'); // reports failure result immediately
        }, {
            aftCfg: new AftConfig({logLevel: 'trace'}), // overrides `logLevel` used by other tests
            haltOnVerifyFailure: false, // continue if `verify` check fails
            onEventsMap: new Map<AftTestEvent, Array<AftTestFunction>>([
                ['done', [() => performCleanup()]] // function run on completion

which would output the following logs:

5:29:54 PM - [Sample Test [C2345][C3344] can perform a more complex demonstration of AFT] - STEP  - 1: creating instance of FeatureObj
5:29:55 PM - [Sample Test [C2345][C3344] can perform a more complex demonstration of AFT] - PASS  - C2345
5:29:55 PM - [Sample Test [C2345][C3344] can perform a more complex demonstration of AFT] - STEP  - 2: about to call performAction
5:29:55 PM - [Sample Test [C2345][C3344] can perform a more complex demonstration of AFT] - INFO  - result of performAction was 'result of action'
5:29:56 PM - [Sample Test [C2345][C3344] can perform a more complex demonstration of AFT] - TRACE - successfully executed expectation
5:29:56 PM - [Sample Test [C2345][C3344] can perform a more complex demonstration of AFT] - PASS  - C3344


Jasmine's expect calls do not return a boolean as their type definitions would make you think and failed expect calls will only throw exceptions if the stop on failure option is enabled:

await aftTest(description, (t: AftTest) => {
    expect('foo').toBe('bar'); // fails but doesn't throw
}); // AFT will report as 'passed'

await aftTest(description, (t: AftTest) => {
    await t.verify('foo', 'bar'); // fails and throws
}); // AFT will report as 'failed'

await aftTest(description, (t: AftTest) => {
    await t.verify('foo', 'bar'); // fails but doesn't throw
}, { haltOnVerifyFailure = false }); // AFT will report as 'failed'

Packages (click on name for more info)

  • aft-core - base library containing helpers and configuration and plugin managers
  • aft-jasmine-reporter - a Jasmine Reporter Plugin that integrates with AFT to simplify logging and test execution via AFT
  • aft-jest-reporter - a Jest Reporter Plugin that integrates with AFT to simplify logging and test execution via AFT
  • aft-jira - reporting and test execution policy plugins supporting opening and closing Jira tickets and filtering test execution based on status of Jira tickets (opened vs. closed)
  • aft-mocha-reporter - provides Mocha Reporter Plugin that integrates with AFT to simplify logging and test execution via AFT
  • aft-reporting-aws-kinesis-firehose - reporting plugin supporting logging to AWS Kinesis Firehose
  • aft-reporting-filesystem - reporting plugin supporting logging to .log files for all log output
  • aft-reporting-html - reporting plugin supporting logging to a HTML results file
  • aft-testrail - reporting and test execution policy plugins supporting logging test results and filtering test execution based on TestRail Projects, Suites and Plans
  • aft-ui - base library supporting development of UI testing packages
  • aft-ui-selenium - adds support for Selenium-based UI testing
  • aft-ui-webdriverio - adds support for WebdriverIO-based UI testing
  • aft-vittest-reporter - provides Vitest Reporter plugin that integrates with AFT to simplify logging and test execution via AFT
  • aft-web-services - adds support for testing REST-based services


the primary benefit of using AFT comes from the plugins and the AftTest. Because logging using AFT's ReportingManager will also send to any registered logging plugins, it is easy to create logging plugins that send to any external system such as TestRail or to log results to Elasticsearch. Additionally, before running any assertion passed to a aftTest(description, testFunction) function, AFT will confirm if the testFunction should actually be run based on the results of queries to any supplied PolicyPlugin implementations.


aft-core provides a ReportingPlugin class which can be extended from to create custom loggers which are then loaded by adding their filenames to the plugins array under in your aftconfig.json

// aftconfig.json
    "plugins": [
        {"name": "html-reporting-plugin", "searchDir": "../node_modules"}
    "TestRailConfig": {
        "url": "",
        "user": "you@your.domain",
        "accessKey": "yourTestRailApiKey",
        "projectId": 123,
        "suiteIds": [1234, 5678],
        "planId": 123456,
        "policyEngineEnabled": true,
        "logLevel": "error"
    "HtmlReportingPluginConfig": {
        "outputDir": "../Results",
        "logLevel": "debug"


the purpose of a PolicyPlugin implementation is to provide execution control over any expectations by way of supplied Test IDs. to specify an implementation of the plugin to load you can add the following to your aftconfig.json (where plugin testrail-policy-plugin.js is contained within the test execution directory or a subdirectory of it):

// aftconfig.json
    "plugins": ["testrail-policy-plugin"]


if no plugin is specified then external Policy Engine integration will be disabled and assertions will be executed without first checking that they should be run based on associated Test IDs

Example Test Projects

  • cypress-mocha - demonstrates how to use the AftMochaReporter, with Cypress e2e tests (NOTE: Cypress tests run in a browser context so the AftMochaTest cannot be used as it relies on having a nodejs context)
  • selenium-jest - demonstrates how to use the AFT SeleniumSession, SeleniumComponent, AftJestTest and AftJestReporter within Jest tests to verify Browser applications
  • selenium-mocha - demonstrates how to use the SeleniumSession, SeleniumComponent, AftMochaTest and AftMochaReporter within Mocha tests to verify Browser applications
  • web-services-jasmine - demonstrates how to use the AFT HttpService, AftJasmineTest and AftJasmineReporter within Jasmine tests to test API endpoints
  • webdriverio-mocha - demonstrates how to use the WebdriverIoSession, WebdriverIoComponent, AftMochaTest and AftMochaReporter within Mocha tests to verify Browser and Mobile applications

Contributing to AFT

  • create a Fork of the repo in GitHub
  • clone the code using git clone<your-project-area>/automated-functional-testing automated-functional-testing where <your-project-area> is replaced with the location of your Fork
  • run npm install to install all dependencies
  • run a build to ensure npm workspaces understands and caches the project layout using npm run build
    • NOTE: you can build each project individually using npm run build --workspace=<project-name> where <project-name> is a value like aft-core or aft-ui
  • run the tests using npm run test or individually using npm run test --workspace=<project-name>
  • when you are happy with your changes, submit a Pull Request back to the main branch at


all changes require unit tests and these tests are expected to pass when run via npm run test

check for any circular dependencies using npm run circular

use npx lerna version to automatically update the version of all projects at once (all changes must be committed first)

generate documentation npm run docs


Automated Functional Testing (AFT) packages supporting nodejs based Functional Testing





