bigplayer-ai contribution:
you need to create a folder called themes in the PowerShell scripts WDD folder: "~\AppData\Local\WinDynamicDesktop\script\qbittorrenttheme" and copy these two files( to the "qbittorrenttheme" folder in the WDD PowerShell scripts folder.
a) fluent-light.qbtheme
b) fluent-dark.qbtheme
Also, you need to change the qBitTorrent theme in settings to this:
Change the mouse scheme depending on the system OS theme. I used these mouse schemes:
- you need to switch to the desired mouse scheme.
- export all registry keys from regedit.exe "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Cursors"
- convert .reg to PowerShell using this website.
- replace the lines mentioned below in the MouseCursorSwitch.ps1 file with the output PowerShell script from the website.
For light mode desired mouse scheme, replace these lines with website output: from line 10 ($RegConnect = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]”CurrentUser”,”$env:COMPUTERNAME”)) to line 32 ($RegConnect.Close()).
For dark mode desired mouse scheme, replace these lines with website output: from line 47($RegConnect = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]”CurrentUser”,”$env:COMPUTERNAME”)) to line 80 ($CursorRefresh::SystemParametersInfo(0x0057,0,$null,0)). 5)Place the edited MouseCursorSwitch.ps1 file in your WDD scripts folder: "~\AppData\Local\WinDynamicDesktop\script".
restart explorer while saving windows positions and paths if dark/light mode switches (to reload all tweaked registry values).
You need to download restore windows powershell module from here:!AqkRvcFO6LtjwEZGWm6KN6hBAKXJ?e=d1Sxi6
create in the WDD scripts folder a folder like this: "~\AppData\Local\WinDynamicDesktop\scripts\globalScripts"
put all the files mentioned below in it. (I added the .xml files so the transition would be more seamless (no errors on the first run)):
a) NightValue.xml
b) StartValue.xml
c) UpdateNightValueAtStartup.ps1
put the ZRestartExplroer.ps1 in the WDD native scripts' folder: "~\AppData\Local\WinDynamicDesktop\scripts"
delay WDD log on task scheduler for 1 second.
add another start-up task that runs UpdateNightValueAtStartup.ps1.
enjoy restarting explorer only when needed to reload all the tweaked registry values.
PowerShell scripts that add features to WinDynamicDesktop
Note: Scripts are a new feature in WinDynamicDesktop 4.0. Click here for instructions on how to install them.
Select a category of scripts to browse:
PowerShell scripts are run by WinDynamicDesktop when the wallpaper image is updated. They are invoked with the following parameters:
<scriptName> [-daySegment2] <int> [-daySegment4] <int> [-nightMode] <bool> [-imagePath <string>]
To read the values of these parameters, add the following lines at the top of your script:
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][int]$daySegment2, # 0 = Day, 1 = Night
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][int]$daySegment4, # -1 = N/A, 0 = Sunrise, 1 = Day, 2 = Sunset, 3 = Night
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][bool]$nightMode, # True if night mode is enabled
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$imagePath # Path to current wallpaper image
A sample script that makes use of these variables can be found here. When the sample script is installed and gets run by WinDynamicDesktop, it will display the values of all the parameters.
If you create a script and would like to share it with other users of the app, pull requests in this repository are welcome.