English | 中文
EasyCsv is a tool that can read and write a CSV file simplify.
maven address
You can only use a table index to read a CSV when the table does not have a table head. For example :
Define the class:
public class TestOutputBean {
@CsvProperty(index = 0)
private String caseId;
@CsvProperty(index = 1)
private Integer dataType;
@CsvProperty(index = 2)
private String beanId;
@CsvProperty(index = 3, size = 3, clazz = BigDecimal.class)
private List<BigDecimal> list;
You must use the @CsvProperty annotation of the EasyCsv provided on the field if you want the field to be identified.
The index()
method of the @CsvProperty provided can set a mapping that records the relationship on a field and a
table. EasyCsv provides the function that can merge cell as same as Excel. So if you want to use the function, you
should set the size()
and class()
and non-parameter constructor.
Create a parser:
public class DemoCsvParser extends AbstractCsvFileParser<TestOutputBean> {
* Save every 3000 data.
public static final int BATCH_COUNT = 3000;
* The data of the cache.
private List<TestOutputBean> cachedData = new ArrayList<>(BATCH_COUNT);
private TestOutputDAO testOutputDAO;
public DemoCsvParser() {
// This is for test.
testOutputDAO = new DemoDAO();
public DemoCsvParser(TestOutputDAO testOutputDAO) {
this.testOutputDAO = testOutputDAO;
* This method will invoke when any data is parsed.
protected void invoke(T data) {
if (cachedData.size() >= BATCH_COUNT) {
cachedData = new ArrayList<>(BATCH_COUNT);
protected void doAfterAllAnalysed() {
private void saveData() {
Invoke EasyCsv#read method
class EasyCsvTest {
void read() {
String file = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("").getFile();
String path = new File(file, "/file/TEST_out.csv").getCanonicalPath();
EasyCsv.read(path, TestOutputBean.class, new DemoCsvParser())
You can use the built-in parser PageCsvParser
to simplify the job.For example :
class EasyCsvTest {
void read() {
// This is for test.
TestOutputDAO dao = new TestOutputDAO();
String file = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("").getFile();
String path = new File(file, "/file/TEST_out.csv").getCanonicalPath();
EasyCsv.read(path, TestOutputBean.class, new PageCsvParser<TestOutputBean>(list -> dao.save(list)))
You can invoke the skip()
method of the EasyCsv.class
provides to skip a specific number of rows. For example:
class EasyCsvTest {
void read() {
TestOutputDAO dao = new TestOutputDAO();
String file = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("").getFile();
String path = new File(file, "/file/TEST_out.csv").getCanonicalPath();
EasyCsv.read(path, TestOutputBean.class, new PageCsvParser<TestOutputBean>(list -> dao.save(list)))
//Skip a specific number of rows.
For example:
Define a Class
public class WriteTestBean {
@CsvProperty(name = "标识")
private Integer id;
@CsvProperty(name = "名字")
private String name;
@CsvProperty(name = "年龄")
private Integer age;
public WriteTestBean() {
public WriteTestBean(Integer id, String name, Integer age) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
Invoke EasyCsv#read method
class EasyCsvTest {
void read() {
String file = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("").getFile();
String path = new File(file, "/file/WRITE.csv").getCanonicalPath();
List<WriteTestBean> list = new ArrayList<>();
EasyCsv.read(path, WriteTestBean.class, new PageCsvParser<WriteTestBean>(list::addAll))
Define a Class
public class WriteTestBean {
@CsvProperty(name = "标识")
private Integer id;
@CsvProperty(name = "名字")
private String name;
@CsvProperty(name = "年龄")
private Integer age;
public WriteTestBean() {
public WriteTestBean(Integer id, String name, Integer age) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
Invoke EasyCsv#write method
class EasyCsvTest {
void read() {
String file = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("").getFile();
String path = new File(file, "/file/WRITE.csv").getCanonicalPath();
List<WriteTestBean> writeTestBeans = Collections.singletonList(new WriteTestBean(1, "小明", 18));
EasyCsv.write(path, WriteTestBean.class)
Merge cell
A CSV file does not have the merge cell function, but we can simulate it by ourselves. For example :
Define a Class
public class WriteListTestBean {
@CsvProperty(name = "标识")
private Integer id;
@CsvProperty(name = "名字")
private String name;
@CsvProperty(name = "朋友们")
private List<String> friends;
The field that name "friends", can simulate a merge cell function. After writing the CSV file, you can read the data which name "friends" in a list by using this tool. For example :
Define a Class
public class WriteListTestBean {
@CsvProperty(name = "标识")
private Integer id;
@CsvProperty(name = "名字")
private String name;
@CsvProperty(name = "朋友们")
private List<String> friends;
class EasyCsvTest {
void read() {
String file = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("").getFile();
String path = new File(file, "/file/WRITE_LIST.csv").getCanonicalPath();
WriteListTestBean writeListTestBean = new WriteListTestBean();
writeListTestBean.setFriends(Arrays.asList("小明", "胖虎", "小丽"));
WriteListTestBean writeListTestBeanTwo = new WriteListTestBean();
writeListTestBeanTwo.setFriends(Arrays.asList("小黑", "胖虎", "小丽"));
List<WriteListTestBean> writeListTestBeans = Arrays.asList(writeListTestBean, writeListTestBeanTwo);
EasyCsv.write(path, WriteListTestBean.class).doWrite(writeListTestBeans);
List<ReadListTestBean> list = new ArrayList<>();
EasyCsv.read(path, ReadListTestBean.class, new PageCsvParser<ReadListTestBean>(list::addAll))
assertEquals(2, list.size());
assertEquals(3, list.get(0).getFriends().size());