function init() { // Grab a reference to the dropdown select element var selector ="#selDataset"); // Use the list of sample names to populate the select options d3.json("samples.json").then((data) => { var sampleNames = data.names; sampleNames.forEach((sample) => { selector .append("option") .text(sample) .property("value", sample); }); // Use the first sample from the list to build the initial plots var firstSample = sampleNames[0]; buildCharts(firstSample); buildMetadata(firstSample); }); } // Initialize the dashboard init(); function optionChanged(newSample) { // Fetch new data each time a new sample is selected buildMetadata(newSample); buildCharts(newSample); } // Demographics Panel function buildMetadata(sample) { d3.json("samples.json").then((data) => { var metadata = data.metadata; // Filter the data for the object with the desired sample number var resultArray = metadata.filter(sampleObj => == sample); var result = resultArray[0]; // Use d3 to select the panel with id of `#sample-metadata` var PANEL ="#sample-metadata"); // Use `.html("") to clear any existing metadata PANEL.html(""); // Use `Object.entries` to add each key and value pair to the panel // Hint: Inside the loop, you will need to use d3 to append new // tags for each key-value in the metadata. Object.entries(result).forEach(([key, value]) => { PANEL.append("h6").text(`${key.toUpperCase()}: ${value}`); }); }); } // Create the buildChart function. function buildCharts(sample) { // Use d3.json to load the samples.json file d3.json("samples.json").then((data) => { console.log(data); // Create a variable that holds the samples array. // Create a variable that filters the samples for the object with the desired sample number. // 1. Create a variable that filters the metadata array for the object with the desired sample number. // Create a variable that holds the first sample in the array. // 2. Create a variable that holds the first sample in the metadata array. // Create variables that hold the otu_ids, otu_labels, and sample_values. // 3. Create a variable that holds the washing frequency. // Create the yticks for the bar chart. // Hint: Get the the top 10 otu_ids and map them in descending order // so the otu_ids with the most bacteria are last. var yticks = // Create the trace for the bar chart. var barData = [ ]; // Create the layout for the bar chart. var barLayout = { }; // Use Plotly to plot the data with the layout. // Create the trace for the bubble chart. var bubbleData = [ ]; // Create the layout for the bubble chart. var bubbleLayout = { }; // D2: 3. Use Plotly to plot the data with the layout. // 4. Create the trace for the gauge chart. var gaugeData = [ ]; // 5. Create the layout for the gauge chart. var gaugeLayout = { }; // 6. Use Plotly to plot the gauge data and layout. }); }