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208 lines (162 loc) · 6.39 KB

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Module Decompose Loader


npm install --save-dev module-decompose-loader


The module-decompose-loader reduces bundle size by decomposing import statements to more specific module imports.

When we have import statement like below:

import { Button, IputItem } from 'antd-mobile';
import { debounce } from 'lodash';

It will convert to below lines:

import Button from 'antd/lib/button';
import 'antd/lib/button/style/css';
import InputItem from 'antd/lib/input-item';
import 'antd/lib/input-item/style/css';
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'

decomposing es6/typescript module import


import { Button, IputItem } from 'antd-mobile';
console.log(Button, InputItem );


import { debounce } from 'lodash';


module.exports = {
  module: {
    // ...
    rules: [
        enforce: "pre",
        test: /\.(js|ts)$/,
        use: {
          loader: 'module-decompose-loader',
          options: {
            modules: {
              'antd-mobile': {
                components: 'lib',
                style: 'css',
                camel2Dash: true
              lodash: {
                // nothing, but need this empty object literal
    // ...

build result:

> webpack

Hash: 417e4a14fffa92b4e502
Version: webpack 3.8.1
Time: 1435ms
          Asset     Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
 antd-mobile.js   168 kB       0  [emitted]  antd-mobile
      lodash.js  17.8 kB       1  [emitted]  lodash
antd-mobile.css  51.1 kB       0  [emitted]  antd-mobile
  [62] ./antd-mobile-test.js 220 bytes {0} [built]
 [139] ./lodash-test.js 63 bytes {1} [built]
 [143] (webpack)/buildin/global.js 488 bytes {1} [built]
    + 156 hidden modules

compared to(without loader):

> webpack

Hash: c903537458fe95455342
Version: webpack 3.8.1
Time: 2121ms
         Asset     Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names
antd-mobile.js  1.35 MB       0  [emitted]  [big]  antd-mobile
     lodash.js   544 kB       1  [emitted]  [big]  lodash
  [66] (webpack)/buildin/global.js 488 bytes {0} {1} [built]
 [118] ./antd-mobile-test.js 81 bytes {0} [built]
 [349] ./lodash-test.js 57 bytes {1} [built]
 [351] (webpack)/buildin/module.js 495 bytes {1} [built]
    + 348 hidden modules


Name Type Default Description
modules {Object} undefined The root configuration object
modules[moduleName] {Object} undefined Tell which module to enable decomposing
modules[moduleName].components `{String} undefined` undefined
modules[moduleName].style `{String Boolean}` false
modules[moduleName].camel2Dash {Boolean} false Configure whether the path is camel case or dash


Contains node modules to decompose, if it's not set, warning will be shown and the loader will not take effect.


Every node module to be decomposed should be configured. The object contains configurations for each module, if not set, the module won't get decomposed.


For import { debounce } from 'lodash', if components set to undefined, the output is import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'; while components set to lv1/lv2, the output is import debounce from 'lodash/lv1/lv2/debounce

The from part generation rule is:

  1. when components is undefined, the result is ${moduleName}/${componentPath}
  2. otherwise the result is ${moduleName}/${componentsDirectory}/${componentPath}


This option tells whether to generate style import statement and how to. When style is falsy, no style import will be generated, usefull for libraries without UI. When style is String, the value is used to generate the from path. Given import { Button } from 'antd', when style is css/default, generated style statement will be import 'antd/button/style/css/default'.


If the option is true, import { Button } from 'antd' will generate import Button from 'antd/button'; If not, the result will be import Button from 'antd/Button'

Nodejs Usage

import moduleDecomopse from 'module-decompose-loader/lib/module-decompose';

const input = `import { Button } from 'antd'`;

const output = moduleDecompose(input, {
  modules: {
    antd: {
      components: 'es',
      style: 'css',
      camel2Dash: true

> node index.js

import Button from 'antd/es/button';
import 'antd/es/button/style/css';


Why the bundle is still big

Probable causes:

  1. The options is incorrect, which will be reported on console.
  2. The module isn't included in modules configuration. Please add it to loader options.
  3. Used import default. Say import _, { debounce } from 'lodash', in this way, lodash will be fully loaded.