This is a python implementation of the Bookie api and a command line client to interact with our Bookie installation.
The initial commands are admin related I need to help run and operate the installation.
You need to create a .bookierc in your home directory with your username, api key, and api url for the site.
[main] username=admin api_key=12345678 api_url=
# check out the help for each command level $ bookie --help $ bookie invite --help $ bookie invite set --help # check your configuration by making a ping request $ bookie ping # Invite commands $ bookie invite list # set 'someuser' to have 10 invites $ bookie invite set -u someuser -i 10 # Import commands $ bookie import list # User Commands $ bookie user list $ bookie user add -u testing -e $ bookie user delete -u testing