This package is an exception from the others, you should clone this repo into /etc/nixos/
instead of ~/
to use it.
After cloning the directory run git stow nixos
from within the directory. Create a configuration.nix based on the configuration.nix.skel file then run `nixos-rebuild switch)
NOTE: When installing from a liveusb/livecd to avoid running out of space you can copy tmp.nix to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, build that and then build the full thing after rebooting.
Copy/pastable commands:
git clone --recurse-submodules /etc/nixos/dotfiles # or using https git clone --recurse-submodules /etc/nixos/dotfiles
cd /etc/nixos/dotfiles
stow nixos
cp nixos/configuration.nix.skel /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
vim /etc/nixos/configuration.nix #choose what you want, and update the state version to a newer one if avilable
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
It is advisable to add an nixpkgs-channels as an additional remote to the submodule and base updates on branches there.
cd nixpkgs
git remote add channels git://
git fetch channels nixos-unstable
git checkout channels/nixos-unstable
To update first update the nixpkgs submodule then run nixos-rebuild switch
- Use home-manager to replace some other packages here
- Better file splitting to better accomadate non desktop usecases (servers/RPIs)