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Meeting 10 (17.04.2019)

abdullah-oncu-2015400237 edited this page Apr 17, 2019 · 1 revision

1. Details

  • This is the meeting of 'Revision of Project Planning'.
  • Location: Cmpe Building B5
  • Date: 10 April 2019
  • Time: 18:00 - 19:00


1. Abdullah Enes Öncü 2. Yusuf Mert Bila 3. Furkan Kadıoğlu 4. Selamettin Dirik 5. Mahmut Uzunpostalcı
6. Abdullah Yıldız 7. Veli Can Ünal 8. Hasan Öztürk 9. Meltem Suiçmez

2. Agenda

  • 2.1. Project plan revision.
  • 2.2. Determining the technologies we will be using at assignment 7.
  • 2.3. Discussing which APIs would be useful to our project: Language Learning Platform.
  • 2.4. Making a plan about how we will finish this assignment. Determining week by week goals.

3. Discussion

  • 3.1. VSCode is selected for working environment.
  • 3.2. We searched on net to find which API's can be used in our project. We haven't determined.
  • 3.3. MySql is selected for database.
  • 3.4. Node.js vs Python is argued, we decided on Node.js.
  • 3.5. We plan to find API for our project in two days and we will start to implement our API's.
  • 3.6. When endpoints are completed, we'll deploy our project and document it.
ID Who What Deadline
1. Meltem Revise Project Planning 21.04.19, Midnight
2. Yusuf Mert Bila Starting Practice-App 19.04.2019, Midnight
3. Everyone Meet After Break 01.05.2019(!!Should be talked!!)
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